Read Colliding Worlds Trilogy 01 - Collision Online

Authors: Berinn Rae

Tags: #romance, #paranormal

Colliding Worlds Trilogy 01 - Collision (20 page)

BOOK: Colliding Worlds Trilogy 01 - Collision
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“How will we know who had his leash?” Sienna asked in a quiet voice.

“That was the one thing he could never tell us. He didn’t know. He was simply a pawn. There was nothing else we could have learned from him.” The look on Apolo’s pained face betrayed his strong voice. “We now know one important fact. The traitor is getting desperate.”

“How so?” she asked.

“He ran a high risk sending someone here. He must be getting careless, knowing that we would capture his pawn and question him,” Nalea replied.

Sienna stepped forward. “Maybe this is exactly what he planned. Apolo said it himself that Pilin knew nothing. Maybe the traitor’s plan was successful. Maybe Pilin was set up to fail.”

Nalea turned to her. “But why? That makes no sense.”

“It makes perfect sense,” Apolo cut in. “Pilin must have known who the traitor is. Even if he wasn’t aware that he knew. He’d likely been used by the traitor before but wasn’t smart enough to know he was being used.”

Apolo paused to speak to the com-tech. “Pull everything you have on Pilin in the week before and after the base attack and today’s attack. Search everything. Make a list of every single Sephian he came into contact with and every single activity he did, no matter how small. When he defecated I want to know it. Do you understand?”

A low voice came through the Apolo’s com, but Sienna couldn’t make out the words. He turned back to look down at the dead man. “Sending the drunk here would be an easy way for cleaning up loose ends. The traitor would know there is no leeway in dealing with treason. We’re too low in numbers. The disappearance of any Sephian would be noticed quickly.”

Sienna leaned into Legian, and he wrapped his arms around her before she spoke again. “If the traitor is cleaning house, it could mean he thinks he’s gotten something all ready to go.”

Apolo nodded tightly. “Or, he’s found a new pawn to use. I believe it’s time for us to make the next move.”

A shiver ran through her.
Oh shit, things are getting real.

Chapter Seventeen

“I refuse to play that fucking game again.” Jax shoved the Xbox controller off his lap and leaned back against Risa, who sat behind him with her arms and legs wrapped around him. The two may not be
, but that didn’t stop them from enjoying each other’s company.

Sienna flipped her hair back. “You’re giving up because I kick your ass every time.” She turned to her
. “Ready to give it another shot, Legian?”

He barked out a hearty laugh. “No, thanks. My ego is bruised enough for one night.”

Her shoulders slumped. Then she held up a controller toward the med-tec massaging Jax’s shoulders. “Risa?”

She giggled. “No, thank you. I’ve got all the action I need right here.” She rubbed her cheek against Jax’s back.

Sienna rolled her eyes. “Oh, get a room already.”

Risa gave her a great fake pout before Jax leaned back so she could kiss his cheek. She turned and gave her a smart-ass grin. “But we’re already in

Sienna’s eyes widened. “Your room?” Her eyes flew from one to the other and back again. “You’re moving in with Jax?” She reached over and punched his arm. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

Legian glanced up from one of Jax’s magazines, seeming rather blasé about the current topic. “Have you checked with Apolo? He must personally approve all changes in the officers’ hall. He maintains strict security in this sector.”

Jax nodded. “Yeah, he’s cool with it. Risa moves in tomorrow as soon as her security access is updated.”

Sienna turned to Risa, who was practically glowing. “Let us know if you need help moving your stuff. Legian and I are happy to help.”

Legian leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Speak for yourself.”

Sienna smiled. “I meant to say that Legian and I are happy to help if beer and pizza will be provided.”

Jax smirked. “I think that can be arranged.”

“Grab us whenever you need the help. We need to leave. Sienna has training scheduled in a few minutes.” Legian came to his feet.

“I do?”

“Yes. You do,” he replied, sounding much more certain than she was.

“Shoot. If you say so.” Legian held out a hand, she grabbed it, and he pulled her to her feet. She leaned on her cane as she looped an arm around Legian’s muscled bicep. “Catch you two later.”

Sienna carried her cane, choosing instead to use Legian for support. They walked to their room a couple doors down from Jax and Risa’s. Once inside, she headed straight to the bathroom, peeling off her shirt on the way.

“I forgot all about having training today. I’ll hurry.”

“No need to hurry.”

She turned to face him. “What are you — oh. Ohh.” He watched her with feral eyes, pulled off his shirt, and slid down his pants, revealing his true intentions.

She walked her fingers up his chest. “I don’t have any training scheduled today, do I?”

He smiled that decadent, melt-in-your mouth golden smile as his head lowered to hers. His tongue brushed her lips, and she opened obligingly to accept him, his kiss becoming fierce. It was so delicious she could drown in it. It was just so —

“You are such a liar,” she murmured.

Shameless, he shrugged. “I wanted you.”

“You could’ve just said so,” Sienna whispered before nipping the tip of his ear.

He sucked in a breath. “But sometimes the surprise is so much more fun.”

Her hands clutched his back, stroking taut muscles. His heart pounded under her palm, radiating heat into her, filling her with warmth. Her fingers traced the outlines of hard muscles, and she craved to bury her face into his chest, to taste that skin.

He started to say something more and stopped, inhaling sharply when she bit down on his chest and lapped up the salty bubbles of sweat forming.

He was wild as he licked his way down her neck. He pushed her against the sink, his hands gripping her hips. Her mind faintly noticed the cold metal of the sink against her back. He shifted a leg between her thighs, and she felt his arousal, long and hard, against her. She moved her thighs unbidden to rub against him, and she felt a shudder surge through him, rippling down his body into hers.

The rich, musky scent of him drifted through her brain, intoxicating her. At that moment the rest of the world no longer existed. It was only Legian and Sienna. “More,” she commanded against his skin as she moved her hand to grip his cock.

With a sharp intake of air, he arched his back in response, his cock colliding against her opening, nearly sending her over the edge before even penetrating her. His hand slid down between her legs, moving up to cup her core. Large fingers slid between her folds, and she cried out in ecstasy. She entwined her legs around his waist as he slid a finger inside her and pumped slowly. She moved her hips against him to get him deeper. Instead, he stopped, pulled out his finger, and clamped his hands tight on her hips.

. Gods,” he whispered, sounding like he was about to lose all restraint. He stared at her, the wild need on his face making her even wetter. She moaned, moving against him. Two fingers thrust inside her. She gasped, coming all too quickly. He growled as his fingers began to move in and nearly all the way out before pushing back in again. There was no gentleness. It was intense, rough, and exactly what she wanted.

She wanted to feel him — all of him. Crazy with need, she tried to grind against him, but his hands held her firm. She cried out and grasped his head, pulling at his hair. His tongue drove into her mouth as she rode his hand until she shattered apart, and she tightened around the fingers deep inside her. He teased her orgasm, keeping it going as if he were desperate not to have it fade.

Unable to stand it anymore, Sienna grabbed onto him as hard as she could, and brought her thighs up, trying to force him into her. She felt the tip of him brush against her. A growl escaped his lips as he slid in the large tip. It was hot against her skin, and she moaned in pleasure. For one long second, he didn’t move. Then he grabbed her by the shoulders and drove himself deep inside, filling all of her, and instantly bringing on another orgasm.

In perfect rhythm, he kissed her, devouring, violently satisfying kisses as he drove himself deeper. He was passionate and needful as if he hadn’t touched a woman in years, even though he had her last night. He held on tightly like he was afraid if he let go she would disappear. She felt him inside her in her heart and soul, and all she knew was that she wanted more. And when she thought she couldn’t take any more, his thrusts deepened. He became feral — faster and faster, harder and harder. As she screamed out his name, their orgasms exploded in a burst of release.

Utterly sated, her legs became jelly and gave out under her. In a
, strong arms lifted her and carried her like a precious china doll to the bed. She nestled her head onto his chest with a sigh of pleasure, listening to his beating heart while her fingers traced his
, bringing forth a rumble from his chest. His gentle hands stroked her hair, and as her eyes slipped closed, she could only think of how this was so much better than any fantasy she ever had.

Several hours later she awoke with the feel of light kisses on her closed eyes, and she found herself still wrapped in Legian’s arms.

“Mmm. Now that’s the way to wake up a girl,” Sienna mumbled against his chest. “Ready for round two, sweet cheeks?”

He ran a finger down her naked curves. “Yes, but no. I mean, I don’t have time to take you how I want to take you right now. Apolo has called the trinity to his room.”

She rolled onto her side and yawned. “Oh. Hurry back. I’ll be right here. In bed. Naked. Waiting.”

“No. You’re coming, too.”

Sienna jerked forward into a seating position, instantly wide awake. Legian’s lips curved into a naughty smile as he reached toward her breasts, and she slapped his hand away.


“Yes. But on second thought, we have time to fit in a fastee.”

“It’s ‘quickie,’ and that’s not what I meant. Apolo invited me to join a meeting with his trinity again?”

He lay back and raised an arm nonchalantly on the pillow over his head. The guy was too yummy for his own good, but she was not about to be swayed.

“I didn’t piss him off, did I?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why would you think that?”

“Why else would he invite me?” She’d figured the last time was a fluke. With all the chaos and political mess with the U.S. military, she’d thought he brought Jax and her in for a second opinion. A human opinion, that was. Now that all that was behind them, she’d figured things would snap right back to status quo.

“Don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?”

She rubbed her hands together and jumped out of bed, ruffling through drawers for clothes.

A hot, hard body came up behind her and grabbed her hips.

“You’re hopeless.” She gave a mock push against his chest.

He shrugged. “Hopeless in love.”

She rolled her eyes. “The things guys say to get laid.”

“Does it work,
?” he asked in that innocent schoolboy voice of his as he pulled her closer.

She dropped the tank in her hand as she succumbed to his kisses.

“It always works. I’m addicted to your brand of golden love. And never forget it.”

Then he went to his knees and began to show her how much he wanted her.

And Legian was right.

There’s always time for a quickie.

Chapter Eighteen

“Check this out.” Nalea motioned Legian and Sienna into the room. Nalea, Bente, Jax, and Apolo were already there, sitting around the black table and looking down at a screen that covered nearly the entire flat surface.

Sienna pushed the drades up her nose before she hobbled fashionably late into the room, using her cane for support. Legian closed and locked the door behind them. No one else looked up when they entered. They were too absorbed with whatever was displayed on the screen.

Their voices mumbled as the four of them hunched over the table. With Jax here as well, it seemed like Apolo had finally decided to pull humans into his meetings with his sacred trinity for good. If that was what he was doing, it was brilliant. What better way to show the humans that you’re on their side than to pull them into your inner circle? Although, the word
may no longer work, and
didn’t have the same ring.

With Jax, it was a no-brainer. Especially from a political perspective. First, he was an Army Ranger of the Blacks Ops variety. But even more impressive, his dad happened to be a three-star general and head of the infamous 51st Army Division, aka Area 51. Even if the two men weren’t currently on the best of terms. That relationship still made Jax one hell of an “in” with both the military and the highest ranking government leaders. Sienna? Not so much.

Sienna didn’t even know where her mother was right now. Still Argentina? Zimbabwe? Heck, she couldn’t even nail which continent her mother was on. With Kat basically severing ties with the civilized world, Sienna had been left with just enough clout that with some name-dropping at the right coffee shop, she could maybe get a café mocha upgraded to a café mocha grande.

Of course, pulling Jax and Sienna into his meetings didn’t mean Apolo trusted them. She seriously doubted Apolo trusted anyone — Krysea and his trinity the only possible exceptions. And even then she got the feeling he always held something back. His blatant inability to trust others had rubbed Sienna the wrong way. After all, she was Legian’s
, which meant Apolo had a fail-safe lie detector always available when it came to her. As long as Apolo trusted Legian, he could trust her.

Legian pulled a chair out for Sienna, and she sat down, hanging the cane by its handle off the back of the chair. Legian took the seat next to her. Her eyes were drawn by the image on the screen. It was a detailed 3-D floor plan of what looked to be a large office building or warehouse. It was colored differently than any floor plan she’d seen, but the outline was the same. Sections were filled in with bright colors. Chartreuse for hallways, fuchsia for the wide open area. It was like seeing a rainbow for the first time. Beautiful, yet every color had its place.

BOOK: Colliding Worlds Trilogy 01 - Collision
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