Come Back To Me (18 page)

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Authors: C.D. Taylor

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #suspense, #passion

BOOK: Come Back To Me
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Jake crossed the room, and
sauntered toward me, he looked like a lion going after its prey,
and my belly began to flutter. When he reached me, I tilted my head
up to look at him, he gave no warning. Instead he crashed his mouth
over mine, taking me on a dizzying tango of tongues. It was superb.
I felt his hand cup the back of my head and the other was grasping
my hip. I could feel his fingers dig into my flesh through my
pants, and I hoped that he would leave a mark to remind me of his
grasp later. His kiss was desperate and searching. I wanted him to
throw me on the bed and take me hard, but he pulled back and
pressed his forehead to mine.

"You are really hard to
resist." He breathed.

"Then don't resist me

"I would love nothing more
than to christen this bed, but my mom is downstairs."

"I can be quiet."

"Liar." He tugged me toward
the door and into the hallway. "Come on, I'll show you

Jake led me outside and
headed for the horse barn. "Here is where all the horses are kept.
Ever ride?"

"Yes, but probably not in
the way you're used to." he waited for me to continue. "I was
taught to ride in shows; it's more formal than riding for

"So you never got to ride
for fun?"

I laughed. "Not really, I
had a horse in the family stables, but I wasn't allowed to ride her
for pure enjoyment."

"Wow that's sad." He looked
at me with a frown. "How about we ride for pure fun today? It will
be easier than showing you everything on foot."

"Let's do it!"

We went into the stable barn
and I was in awe at the variety of steeds that waited in there.
They were all ready and waiting to take a ride. Jake opened a stall
door and led out a stunning horse. She was chocolate brown, and had
a heart on her forehead. Jake saddled her up, and helped me climb

"This is Berkley; she's a
good ole girl." He patted her flank.

"She's perfect Jake." I

"Go ahead and take her out,
and I'll be out there in a few."


I led Berkley out the stable
door, and into the gated area ahead of me. I rode her around for a
bit while I waited on Jake. When I turned her around to face the
barn, Jake rode out on his horse.

"You have got to be kidding
me!" My mouth fell open.

"What?" He asked.

What indeed. The man was
riding on a solid white horse! All that was missing was a sword and
some shiny armor. Even though there was so much irony in his
actions, I couldn't help but feel giddy when seeing him up

"Oh...nothing. I'm

I saw a sly grin cross his
mouth. "Giddy up cowgirl."

He took off ahead of me, and
I shook my head as I followed close behind. What were the


Emily looked amazing sitting
on top of Jake's horse Berkley. Jake thought she would suited to
the even tempered equine, which he grew up riding. He thought it
slightly comical that he took out his brothers’ white horse,
“Snow”. The irony of it was not lost on him at all, and judging by
her reaction, Emily picked up on the joke as well. He would love to
be a prince on a white horse for her, but he figured there would be
no way she would agree. He wasn't what she wanted, was he? Nah, she
needed some celebrity to parade her around. Jake felt like she was
lying when she told him her "picket fence" dream. No way in hell
she wanted a simple life. People just didn't change.

They rode along the property
line and stopped for a rest beside a babbling creek.

"Let's give these guys a
break." Jake dismounted and patted the horses head.

He watched Emily slide
gracefully from the saddle, and plant her feet on the

"Jake this place is truly

"I used to come down here as
a teenager. It's a great place to think."

"I can see why." She looked
toward the water."

"Yeah, I can remember
sitting on the bank, and watching the water drift by. It was

He watched her walk down the
bank and stand next to the moving water. She leaned down and began
to slip her shoes off.

"Um, what are you doing

"It's just so inviting, I
have to stick my feet in." She smiled.

"Well then, by all means."
He motioned to the water.

She tested the water by
sticking her toes in first. For some reason that simple action sent
a jolt of electricity straight to his cock. Once she decided it was
safe, she waded out until the water was half was up her sexy
calves. She turned around to look at him.

"You coming in?" She

Jake didn't hesitate; he
shrugged his shoes off, rolled up his jeans and waded out to where
she was. He stood beside her, and wrapped an arm around her

"You look beautiful today

She looked up at him. "Thank
you, and thank you for bringing me here. It's great."

"It's nice to have you here.
I think my mom likes you too."


"Yeah, why wouldn't

"I don't know, but I like
her too. When do I get to meet your dad?"

"He should be in by dinner
time. I imagine he was taking cattle to the sale barn. Winter is
coming up fast, and we always got rid of some to cut feed cost
during the cold months."

"Makes sense." She

"We should probably head
back; see if mom needs any help with dinner."


He helped her back onto the
horse and settled himself in on top of Snow. She really did look at
home riding. And to watch her throw off her shoes and wade into the
creek was mind blowing to him. Pure perfection.

Once they made it back to
the stable barn, Jake took both horses and put them in their stalls
for the night. He took Emily's hand and led her to the front of the
barn. Then he pushed her against the door frame.

"One day I'm gonna make love
to you in the loft up there." He pointed to the above

Her eyes went starry. "I
would like that."

Jake took her hand and let
her feel the hardness in the front of his jeans. "God you make me
so fucking hard."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be; trust me it's a
good thing. But you go ahead of me while I get rid of this um
issue. Tell mom I'll be there in a few okay?"

"Okay, Jake, I uh, lo-loved
the ride today. Thanks."

He nodded to her, and she
took off toward the house. Was she really getting ready to say what
he thought she might? Those words would have made him jump for joy
but they didn't come out of her delicious lips.

Once his raging
hard on vanished
, Jake found his
way back inside the house. He discovered Emily in the kitchen with
his mom, and the sight made his heart sing. They were chatting and
laughing, and he couldn't help but smile. No longer able to keep
from interrupting the girl talk he cut in.

"Hey, there are my two
favorite women in the world."

Emily gave a shy smile and
his mom put her arms around him and gave him a bear hug.

"I sure did raise a sweet
boy didn't I?" His mom looked toward Emily.

"Yes you did, Mrs.

"Well now, none of that
formal name calling her my dear, please call me June."

"Okay then, June." Emily
laughed that special laugh that always went straight to his

"What's for dinner

"Barbeque ribs, cole slaw,
cornbread, and I made an apple crumble for dessert. Do you cook

"Uh, not really. Jake was
gonna teach me how though."

"Well then, maybe he can
pass on what I've taught him. He was always eager to learn the
ropes in the kitchen. From the time he was five, he would pull up a
chair and stick his fingers into whatever batter I had going at the
time. They say that raw batter is bad for you, but I call horse
malarkey on that never did a thing to hurt Jake. Ain't
that right son."

"Still standing aren't

"I'm going
go get cleaned up for dinner."
Emily said.

"Okay Hun, Walter should be
in soon, but take your time." June said kindly.

Jake gave her a nod, and she
trotted through the house. He wanted to have a moment with his mom.
Once Emily was out of ear shot he let out a sigh.

"It's funny to see you tied
up in knots over a woman Jake." June pointed out.

"Jeez, mom, I'm not tied up
over anything or anyone."

"Keep telling yourself that,
but I've never seen you look at someone the way you look at her.
And the crazy thing is, she looks at you the exact same

"I don't know mom, it's just

"Who said love wasn't
complicated." She laughed.

"Who said anything about
love?" Jake bit out.

"Nobody. Nobody at all. Get
the plates down and set the table. Your dad will be home

"Why do you do that

"Do what honey?"

"Change the damn subject
like that."

"Didn't sound like you
wanted to talk about it anymore Jake."

He did and he didn't. His
mom would understand his feelings, but maybe it was too soon to
bring them in the open. He had no indication that Emily felt the
way he did, and if he put it all on the line and she laughed at
him...he didn't know if he could survive. She had the power to tear
him apart and she didn't even know it.


Excusing myself from the
kitchen with Jake and his mom was a much needed break for me. The
close family unit they shared frightened me in a way. It wasn't
bad; I just wasn't used to it all. They shared so much love, and
here I was an outsider. The story of my life. Never fitting in
anywhere, and always wishing my life was somehow more

While washing up I heard a
light knock on the bathroom door.


"You okay in there Em?" Jake

Was I okay? Probably not.
Overwhelmed. Yes. On the verge of a mental breakdown. For

"I'm fine Jake."

"Can I come in?"

I opened the door, and Jake
stood against the doorjamb, looking sexy as usual. I could feel
tears prick the back of my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He laid
both hands on the sides of my head.

"Really I'm okay." I said

Jake let out a breath.
"Liar. You look like you're gonna start crying."

That did it. The tears came
like someone opened up the Hoover Dam.

"Shit Emily. What's going
on? And don't lie please."

"It's and your
family are so close, I never really had that. Seeing it all makes
me want that."

He moved closer, took me
into his arms and pulled me into his rock hard chest. "Please don't
cry it kills me when you do."

"I'm sorry."

He tilted my head back so he
could look in my eyes. "You. Are. So. Beautiful." He

There was something in his
eyes, something beyond lust. I froze with the realization that he
might have feelings for me. Why did that scare the shit out of me
though? I loved him, but knowing now that he might feel the same,
made me want to run for the hills.

"Jake. I-I

He backed up and slowly left
the bathroom. Running his hands through his hair he sat on the end
of the bed. "Why not?" His eyes blazed through me.

"Jake, please don't do

"Hey guys, dinner is ready."
June called from the bottom of the stairs.

Jake stood and gave me an
irritated look. "We'll talk about this later." He turned and walked
from the room.

I must have been holding my
breath, when I let it out, air rushed back into my lungs, with

I went downstairs, and found
Jake, his mom and his dad at the table waiting for me. His dad
looked up when I sat down.

"Well hello. Aren't you a
pretty little thing?" His dad commented.

"Dad this is Emily, Emily my
dad, Walter."

"Nice to meet you." I shook
his hand.

"Hope everyone is hungry."
June broke the awkward silence.

The spread of food was
great, but my appetite was just not there. I picked through my
food, and could see Jake giving me angry looks from the corner of
my eye. What was his problem?

"Um excuse me, I'm not
feeling very well." I stood up and left the kitchen.

I didn't want to be trapped
in our room, so I went out the front door hoping fresh air would
make my headache subside. As soon as I reached the porch I felt
better. I needed to get away from everyone, but maybe it was myself
that I was running from again. Always running. That was

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