Commanding Her Trust (4 page)

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Authors: Lili Valente

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

BOOK: Commanding Her Trust
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. She was going to have to be careful or she was going to get in way over her head.

She parted the bra, baring her breasts to Blake’s hungry gaze. “I like to be forcibly restrained, for example.”

“Erin,” he said, her name a warning. “Stop.”

“I like to be forced over a man’s knee and spanked.” Her hands shook as she worked the button and zipper on her skirt, fresh heat rushing onto her panties as she moved. Just thinking about being turned over Blake’s knee, feeling his strong hands reddening her ass, his fingers slipping between her legs to see how wet his punishment had made her, made her entire body ache.

“I’ll tell you one more time,” he rumbled. “Stop. Or there will be consequences for disobeying me.”

Wow. He’d whipped out the silky Dom voice, so deep and commanding, promising retribution. It was nearly enough to make her come without him laying a finger on her.

“I like to feel a hand fisting in my hair,” she continued in a breathy voice, not bothering to hide her arousal, “forcing my head back as I get fucked from—”

He moved so quickly that, afterward, Erin didn’t remember seeing him close the distance between them. He was simply across the room one minute and slamming her into the wall the next, every inch of his hard body pressed tightly against hers, his lips claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss that made her bones melt.

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

Looked like they wouldn’t be making it to the bed after all, but Erin wasn’t going to complain.
was exactly the way she wanted the night to end. In Blake’s arms, getting ready for a second helping of the kind of pleasure she knew she’d never get enough of.

But you will get enough.

And then you’ll get the hell away from him and get your life back on track.

The voice of reason. What a pale, sad little thing it was when a man like Blake was slipping his hand between her legs, shoving his fingers up and inside where she was already desperate for him to be.


Blake’s tongue pushed inside Erin’s mouth, demanding entrance, claiming her with firm strokes of his tongue against hers while his fingers teased in and out of her pussy. She tasted as amazing as she always had, like summer wind and the ocean they’d dreamed of seeing together and something all Erin that made him feel the kiss with his entire self—body and soul.

Kissing Erin was nearly as intimate as fucking her. She communicated things with those lips, teeth, and tongue that were beyond words. Mating his mouth with hers had always felt like they were rubbing souls, sharing dreams, devouring a little piece of each other with every press of their lips. In the old days, all the things they were too young or afraid to tell each other aloud had been said in those hours spent making out in the backseat of his Impala.

Just kissing, not taking things much further, neither of them willing to risk that the perfection of those stolen moments would be destroyed by going too far too fast.

“Blake.” She moaned his name into his mouth, her desire clear. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, silently imploring him to get closer and shove something more serious than his fingers between her legs.

“Do you want me to fuck you again, Erin?” he asked, moving his thumb to her clit as his fingers continued to drive inside her molten heat with slow, even strokes.

“Do you have to ask?” She hooked one leg around his hips, granting him better access to her pussy.

“No.” He slipped a third finger inside her, drawing another moan from the woman in his arms. The sound vibrated against his lips, making his head spin. “But I’d still like an answer.”

“Yes. God, yes. Please.” She bucked into his hand, sheathing his digits inside her again and again. “I want you.”

“How much?” he asked, feeling how close she was to the edge by the way her cunt gripped his fingers. She was nearly irresistible when she was like this, so abandoned, so desperate for her pleasure.

But he was going to have to resist. If he couldn’t stay the hell away from Erin, he’d have to do the next best thing—show her who was in control. It was what she secretly craved, any Dom with the sense God gave a donut could see that. More important, it was what he had to do. He
to show her he meant business, in the bedroom and out, and that this weekend would be proceeding as he had planned. He had to ensure she would do what he told her and stop fighting him at every turn.

What happened to being Mr. Nice Guy?

Fuck Mr. Nice Guy.

He’d be Mr. Nice Dom, it was a role that suited him better.

“Tell me, Erin. How much do you want me to fuck you?” he asked again, finally getting an answer when he withdrew his hand from between her legs.

“More than anything,” she said, with a sob, making it clear how much she lamented the loss of his touch.

“Show me.” Blake pulled away from her addictive lips, ignoring the tremor that rocked through both of them at the loss of contact. Breaking off a kiss with Erin already felt like breaking off a piece of himself.

All the more reason to get them back on the right track—the track to mutual pleasure, not the one feeding his foolish infatuation.

With his hands firmly on her shoulders, Blake urged Erin to the ground in front him. There was a question in her eyes, but she held her tongue as she sank to her knees at his feet.

“I want you to take care of something for me before I take care of you.” He opened the button of his fly and drew down the zipper, tugging his jeans and boxer briefs lower on his hips, freeing his turgid length.

His cock was already as hard as if they’d been at their make-out session for a few hours, not a few minutes. All nine inches were thick and aching, the head nearly purple from the amount of blood rushing to his groin. It was amazing he still had enough blood flowing to his brain to form words, let alone exercise the restraint it took to wait as Erin devoured him with her eyes.

The lust on her face made him crazy, and the tip of her pink tongue sweeping over her top lip made him even crazier. She looked like she couldn’t wait to get his cock in her mouth, to suck him between those full lips and show him what he’d been missing in the eight years away from her.

But she didn’t reach out to capture his length in her hands, or lean forward to take him into her mouth. She simply knelt at his feet, waiting for him to tell her what to do, showing she wasn’t nearly as inexperienced as he’d suspected. In fact, submissive behavior seemed to come naturally to her. It was the other stuff that was forced—the defiance, the testing the limits of the man who would dominate her.

A bad habit learned from living with a man who couldn’t handle her, no doubt. Good thing Blake was certain he was twice the Dom her ex-husband had been, or he might have been nervous himself. Erin wasn’t an easy woman to top. He was going to have to earn every last ounce of submission he coaxed from the woman at his feet.

It was an intoxicating experience. One he feared might ruin him for other women and the scenes he’d enjoyed up until now.

How could he go back to those silly girls who hit the BDSM clubs once a week to play when he’d had a chance to test the boundaries of a woman like Erin?

“Do you want me to take you in my mouth?” she asked, licking her lips again, the sight making a pearl of pre-cum leak from the tip of Blake’s cock.

“Yes,” Blake said, his voice deeper, rougher.

“With pleasure, sir.” A naughty smile flitted across her face as she leaned forward, pausing only centimeters away from his swollen tip.

Slowly she rolled her eyes up to meet his and parted her lips, letting her breath warm his eager flesh for one second, then two, before finally taking the plumped head of his cock into the wet heat of her mouth. Blake did his best not to groan as she lingered there, suckling him, running her teeth lightly over the ridge, where head became shaft.

For what seemed like hours she played with him, pulling just his tip between her lips then moving away, running her tongue around and around the slit at the end of his cock until he genuinely began to leak. But even then she didn’t intensify her efforts, she only moaned and lapped away the evidence of his need as if she couldn’t get enough of the taste of his cum on her tongue.

If that was the case, he was going to give her more of what she was craving. Very soon. But he’d prefer it to be
he’d fucked that pretty mouth the way it deserved to be fucked.

Gritting his teeth, Blake reached down, threading his fingers into Erin’s hair. He caressed her gently, sliding his fingers through the blond silk, marveling that anything could feel so soft. Only when he felt the muscles in her neck relax did he fist his hand, claiming control of her in one swift movement.

Erin sucked in a swift breath, surprise and lust mingling in the small sound.

Blake looked down into her eyes, holding them as he tightened his grip in her hair. Then, without a word of warning, he tugged her forward, plunging into her wet mouth.

His cock disappeared between her lips and all too soon he hit the back of her throat. He paused, giving her time to adjust, to relax the muscles barring his deeper penetration. Then he thrust deeper, and deeper still, forcing her to take over half of his length. Once he was there, buried as deeply as he thought she could handle, he held still, studying her face.

Her eyes squeezed closed and she seemed to struggle to accommodate him, but only for a moment. Soon her breath was coming faster, in and out of her nose in swift bursts that warmed the top of his shaft. Her breasts rose and fell as she suckled him, her nipples pebbling tight and her hips shifting back and forth. Her mounting desire was obvious, so obvious he wasn’t surprised when she slipped a hand between her legs, clearly intending to take care of herself with her fingers while her mouth was busy with his cock.

“No, Erin. Don’t touch my pussy.” Blake pulled away before thrusting swiftly back inside her, demanding her attention. “You can play with your tits if you want, but don’t touch my pussy.”

He’d done it again, but this time Blake didn’t regret claiming her pussy as his own. He wasn’t going to fight something that felt so right.

For the next two days, she would belong to him, every last part of her, from those hazel eyes to that sweet little pussy he was going to teach another valuable lesson about delayed gratification.

But first, he was going to enjoy some gratification of his own.


For the next few minutes, the world disappeared. There were no thoughts of Erin’s tattoo¸ there was no stress about what this weekend would hold for the two of them, there was no worry about the wisdom of indulging in Dom-sub play with the least suitable woman he could have chosen.

There was only Erin.

Erin’s mouth, hot and eager, sucking him impossibly farther inside her wet heat. Her tongue rolling against his engorged cock, her hands sliding around to cup his ass, fingernails digging into the muscled flesh until he groaned. Her little moans as he fucked her mouth, the hint of tears glistening in her eyes as his penetration grew more intense, the silent urging of her hands on his buttocks, telling him not to back off, not to stop until he was shooting himself between her lips.

Finally, the combined stimulation was too much. A deep cry ripped from his chest as he came, his cock jerking inside her mouth, cum gushing from his body in thick, hot jets.

“God, Erin,” he said, his voice hoarse with desire as he watched her jaw work. She swallowed him down, milking his cock dry with a look of such bliss he knew he would have been hard again immediately if nature had allowed it.

After a few moments, she pulled away, slowly, letting his cock slip from between her lips with obvious regret. Only then did she lift her eyes to his, a new question in their expressive depths.

“The best blow job of my life. Bar none, beautiful.” Blake’s hand softened in her hair, then moved down to cup her cheek. God, she was lovely. He let his fingers trail down her jaw to her chin before pulling away to tuck himself back in his pants. “What do you want now, baby?”

“Whatever you want,” she said, her breath coming fast, her brow furrowing as she watched him put away his cock. She clearly wasn’t happy to see it go, which pleased him more than it should have.

“Are you sure about that?” he asked. “You’re ready to give me whatever I want? No holds barred?”

“Yes.” She lifted her eyes to his once more, the hunger he read in their depths making him shiver.

Her breasts were as flushed as her cheeks and her nipples were so tight Blake knew they had to be aching uncomfortably. She’d been genuinely turned on by what she’d done to him, a fact that blew him away. It was a rare woman who got off on giving a blow job.

But then, a true submissive got off on anything that gave her lover pleasure. As did a true Dom, for that matter.

Unfortunately, what gave a submissive pleasure could be a little more complicated.

“Good. Because I’m going to fuck you,” Blake said, holding her gaze, feeling his cock thicken as her breath shuddered out from between her lips. “I’m going to eat your wet pussy, and then I’m going to fuck you until you scream. First your pussy and then your ass if I decide that’s what I’d like. Would you want me to fuck your ass, Erin?”

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