Complete Book of Wedding Vows (57 page)

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Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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Page 126
"__________________, because of our faith in God and our assurance that He has brought us together, I come to this ceremony in reverence and awe. I vow to be a faithful husband / wife to you. I promise to put God first in our marriage, depending on him for guidance and wisdom as we seek His will in our married life. I realize that marriage, like our creation as man and woman, owes its very existence to God, and so I take this commitment seriously. I come into this holy union without reservation and I give myself to you for companionship, help and comfort, in prosperity or in adversity, for all the days of our lives."
"__________________, as marriage has been established by God, I willingly bind myself to you this day in love, even as Christ is One with the Church, His body. Just as nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ, nothing can separate us as husband and wife, as I pledge the same steadfast love to you. I promise, with God's help, to be your faithful husband/wife, to love and serve you as Christ commands, as long as we both shall live."
"__________________, because God has given you to me as my own, I also give myself to you this day. I promise to be a patient and tolerant husband/wife, to forgive freely, as our Lord has forgiven us, and, above everything else, to be truly loving, faithful, and always thankful. My love for you will outlast everything; it
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will stand when all else has fallen. I promise this as a solemn vow before God and man."
"____________________, you are God's priceless girl to me. You are my beloved, my friend, my dove, my perfect one. Your voice is sweet. Put me like a seal over your heart. I take you as my wife/husband from this day forward, to join with you and share our lives together and be true to you with my whole being. My commitment is made in love, to be kept in faith, lived in hope and eternally made new."
(Based on verses in the Song of Solomon in the Bible.)
"We are here today because of a miracle, the miracle of our love. I come to you with a pure heart as I commit myself to you as your husband / wife; I promise to walk with you from this day forward as your life partner, always searching for God's will in our lives, and trusting Him for His blessings. He may bless our union with children, and if we are so blessed, we will praise Him for yet another miracle of love in our lives."
"__________________, I believe that marriage is ordained by God, and so, today I marry you in the spirit of Christian joy to become united with you as one. Our lives have been touched by His love, a love as soft as the dawn, as radiant as the sun, as bright as the moon and as beautiful as the rainbow that enfolds us after a storm. I give you my heart this day; open

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