Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers

BOOK: Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers
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Violent Python

A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers

TJ O’Connor

Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


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Lead Author – TJ O’Connor

Contributing Author Bio – Rob Frost

Technical Editor Bio – Mark Baggett





Chapter 1. Introduction

Introduction: A Penetration Test with Python

Setting Up Your Development Environment

The Python Language

Your First Python Programs

Chapter Wrap-Up


Chapter 2. Penetration Testing with Python

Introduction: The Morris Worm—Would it Work Today?

Building a Port Scanner

Building an SSH BotNet with Python

Mass Compromise by Bridging FTP and Web

Conficker, Why Trying Hard is Always Good Enough

Writing Your Own Zero-Day Proof of Concept Code

Chapter Wrap Up


Chapter 3. Forensic Investigations with Python

Introduction: How Forensics Solved the BTK Murders

Where Have You Been?—Analysis of Wireless Access Points in the Registry

Using Python to Recover Deleted Items in the Recycle Bin


Investigating Application Artifacts with Python

Investigating iTunes Mobile Backups with Python

Chapter Wrap-Up


Chapter 4. Network Traffic Analysis with Python

Introduction: Operation Aurora and How the Obvious was Missed

Where is that IP Traffic Headed?—A Python Answer

Is Anonymous Really Anonymous? Analyzing LOIC Traffic

How H D Moore Solved the Pentagon’s Dilemma

Storm’s Fast-Flux and Conficker’s Domain-Flux

Kevin Mitnick and TCP Sequence Prediction

Foiling Intrusion Detection Systems with Scapy

Chapter Wrap Up


Chapter 5. Wireless Mayhem with Python

Introduction: Wireless (IN)Security and the Iceman

Setting up Your Wireless Attack Environment

The Wall of Sheep—Passively Listening to Wireless Secrets

Where Has Your Laptop Been? Python Answers

Intercepting and Spying on UAVs with Python

Detecting FireSheep

Stalking with Bluetooth and Python

Chapter Wrap Up


Chapter 6. Web Recon with Python

Introduction: Social Engineering Today

Using the Mechanize Library to Browse the Internet

Scraping Web Pages with AnonBrowser

Research, Investigate, Discovery

Anonymous Email

Mass Social Engineering

Chapter Wrap-Up


Chapter 7. Antivirus Evasion with Python

Introduction: Flame On!

Evading Antivirus Programs

Verifying Evasion

Wrap Up




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In military slang, “watching your six” literally means keeping a look out behind you. While a patrol leader presses forward in the twelve o’clock direction, at least one of his teammates walks backward scouting the six o’clock position for dangers that the patrol leader cannot see. When I first approached my mentor about writing a book, he warned me that I could only do this if I had team members committed to watching my six. I pondered about those in my life that this massive endeavor would affect. Three seconds later, I knew that they were all strong enough.

To my technical editor, Mark Baggett, your endless technical revisions protected this book. To Dr. Reeves, Dr. Freeh, Dr. Jacoby, and Dr. Blair—thank you for picking up a young and angry army officer years ago and turning me into a non-traditional academic, capable of writing a book. To Dr. Fanelli, thank you for teaching me not to think outside of the box, but to rather use the box as a stepping stool to crawl out of the basement. To Dr. Conti, thank you for precisely manipulating me into Law 28. To my former students, especially the ninja collective of Alan, Alex, Arod, Chris, Christina, Duncan, Gremlin, Jim, James, Kevin, Rob, Steven, Sal and Topher—your creativity continues to inspire me.

To Rob Frost, thank you for writing a much more powerful chapter on web reconnaissance than I ever could. To Matt, Ryan, Kirk, Mark, Bryan, and Bill — thank you for understanding why I didn’t sleep the night before, and for watch ing positions 1 through 12. To my loving wife, my monkey and my ninja princess—thank you for providing me with your unconditional love, understanding, and support throughout this endeavor. To my parents, thank you for teaching me to value education. And to Dr. Cook—
tank on, brother


For my monkey and my ninja princess: anything is possible if you try hard enough.

Lead Author – TJ O’Connor

TJ O’Connor is a Department of Defense expert on information security and a US Army paratrooper. While assigned as an assistant professor at the US Military Academy, TJ taught undergraduate courses on forensics, exploitation and information assurance. He twice co-coached the winning team at the National Security Agency’s annual Cyber Defense Exercise and won the National Defense University’s first annual Cyber Challenge. He has served on multiple red teams, including twice on the Northeast Regional Team for the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.

TJ holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State, a Master of Science degree in Information Security Engineering from the SANS Technical Institute, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the US Military Academy. He has published technical research at USENIX workshops, ACM conferences, security conferences, the SANS Reading Room, the Internet Storm Center, the
Army Magazine
, and the
Armed Forces Journal
. He holds expert cyber security credentials, including the prestigious GIAC Security Expert (GSE) and Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE). TJ is a member of the elite SANS Red and Blue Team Cyber Guardians.

Contributing Author Bio – Rob Frost

Robert Frost graduated from the United States Military Academy in 2011, commissioning into the Army Signal Corps. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with honors, with his thesis work focusing on open-source information-gathering. Rob was individually recognized as one of the top two members of the national championship team for the 2011 Cyber Defense Exercise due to his ability to circumvent rules. Rob has participated in and won several cyber security competitions.

Technical Editor Bio – Mark Baggett

Mark Baggett is a Certified SANS Instructor, where he teaches several courses in SANS penetration-testing curriculum. Mark is the primary consultant and founder of In Depth Defense, Inc., which provides incident-response and penetration-testing services. Today, in his role as the technical advisor to the Department of Defense for SANS, Mark is focused on the practical application of SANS resources in the development of military capabilities.

Mark has held a variety of positions in information security for large international and Fortune 1000 companies. He has been a software developer, a network and systems engineer, a security manager, and a CISO. As a CISO, Mark was responsible for policy, compliance, incident response, and all other aspects of information security operations. Mark knows firsthand the challenges that information security professionals face today in selling, implementing, and supporting information security. Mark is an active member of the information security community and the founding president of the Greater Augusta ISSA. He holds several certifications, including SANS’ prestigious GSE. Mark blogs about various security topics at

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