Complicated (5 page)

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Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #Gay New Adult Romance

BOOK: Complicated
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“Then that’s the gamble you’ve got to take. I’ve always got a place for you if things fall apart.”

“You have too much faith in me,” Sean said.

“I’ve been told that,” Tyler said. “Did I help you at all?”

“Yeah. You did.” Sean wasn’t happy with what he had to do. He’d been helped all right, but he’d have to break himself to show Jonathan the real man. What a load of shit. Still, he’d do it. He tossed his cell phone onto the dresser then shrugged out of his shirt. He stripped down to his boxers and flopped onto the mattress.

Sean closed his eyes and replayed the scene with Jonathan in his mind. Instead of being Clayton and Owen, they were just Jonathan and Sean after a long day.

Sean sighed. There hadn’t been any dialogue in the scene for a good reason. He’d visualized what the director wanted and knew words would screw up the look. He wanted the actions to tell the story. He hadn’t seen the results, but in his gut, he knew the scene would be more tender and sensual without talking to get in the way.

In his mind, he pictured the scene again but with words.

Long day?
Jonathan asked. He curled his arms around Sean and tugged him to his chest.
You seem extra tired.

Forty-two takes with a kid who didn’t know his lines will take the wind out of a person. We got through it finally, but he’s got another scene tomorrow. I made him promise to learn his lines, but I don’t have any faith in him. He’s so young.

You said that once about me.
Jonathan kissed Sean’s shoulder.
Forget about him and let me ease your tension.
He slipped one hand down Sean’s belly to his groin and wrapped his fingers around Sean’s dick.
Feel that?

I do. I like it.
Sean groaned. He loved it when Jonathan focused his attention on him. His entire body tingled, and his cock hardened. He leaned into Jonathan’s kiss, grinding his ass on Jonathan’s groin. As much as he liked the hand job, he liked the slippery feel of his lover’s cock sliding between his ass cheeks.

Jonathan pressed his face to the back of Sean’s neck, alternating between kisses and nips. He knew exactly where to center his attention in order to bring Sean to the brink of ecstasy. Sean grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled.

Fuck me,
Sean pleaded.
I need you inside me.
He’d never begged anyone else for sex. He’d always been on top—until he’d met Jonathan. They shared sexual duties equally. His ass tingled. He needed this fuck. Needed to feel Jonathan inside him, needed to be one with his lover.

Slow down, hon. I gotta lube up. Don’t want to hurt you.
Jonathan rolled away from Sean long enough to grab the bottle. The cap snapped, and although Sean didn’t see Jonathan coat his dick, he knew what his boyfriend was up to. Sean groaned again and relaxed. He draped his leg over Jonathan’s thigh, giving Jonathan better access.

Sexy man,
Jonathan said in Sean’s ear. He reached around and pinched Sean’s nipple.
I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.
He breached the tight ring of muscles then inch by inch, Jonathan filled Sean.

Sean closed his eyes and grabbed his own dick. He thrust into his hands in time with Jonathan’s thrusts in his ass. Slowly, they built up a rhythm. Sweat slickened his body, and his skin prickled. Dear God, he loved making love with Jonathan.

Sean rocked his hips. He couldn’t think or breathe. Nothing existed except him and Jonathan. He gritted his teeth. He needed to come, but the orgasm was happening too fast. He wanted this to last, not be over in seconds. He shook his head.

“Jonathan.” Sean arched his back. He tensed, and cum jetted over his chest. He expected to feel the fullness in his ass. Instead, he opened his eyes and realized where he was—in his trailer…alone. He’d fantasized the whole episode. Holy fuck. He panted and stared at the ceiling. He’d whacked off to a fantasy.

He needed to see Jonathan again. The emotions brewing between them were real. At least, the emotions were real on his end. He wasn’t sure what to think about Jonathan…but if Tony was right, he’d have plenty of time to sort out what was going on. Kade wanted to create an origin story for Clayton and Owen. They’d need to get to know each other in order to play the characters properly in a setting where they were the only players. He smiled to himself. They could have a whole lot of fun portraying the former soldier and his lover.

Sean wiped the jizz off his chest then tossed his shirt onto the floor. He kicked out of his boxers and yanked the blankets over his body. The warmth of the bedding, plus the scent of Jonathan on his pillow comforted him. He’d get through this, and with a little luck, he’d end up with the guy of his fantasies. He chuckled. Maybe even better, he’d end up with exactly who he needed—Jonathan.

* * * *

Sean flopped over and buried his face in the pillow. Something was ringing. He sighed. No, whatever it was, the item wasn’t ringing… It was screeching. He opened his eyes and yawned. How long had he been out? He barely remembered falling asleep. He heard someone talking.

“Sean Banks, this is your wake up call. Get your butt out of bed.”

He rolled onto his back and grunted. Ah, the director’s blunt attempt at getting him onto the set on time. Since filming had started, he hadn’t been late. Apparently, today would be another matter.

No, he wouldn’t let Tony down. Sean sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed to grab his phone. He tapped the buttons to send Tony a text.

I’m not needed ‘til 10. Going for a run.

The fresh air would do him good, plus he hadn’t exercised in two days. He drew a long breath into his lungs. Time to run and forget his issues for a while.

Within ten minutes, he’d dressed, grabbed his mp3 player and stood outside the trailer. The sun wasn’t bright in the sky yet. He debated wearing his sunglasses. It was early. If anyone was looking to spot the actors on set, he didn’t mind if they saw him, but he liked the barrier the glasses provided. He went back into the trailer long enough to scoop up his sunglasses then ran through his battery of stretches. He’d learned not to break into a sprint straight from getting out of bed when he’d pulled a muscle in rehab. When he bent over, someone whistled.

Sean rolled his shoulders then switched on his music. He needed the loud rock music to energize him. He started along the perimeter fence. According to the specs, the current configuration of the set was just over a mile. Five laps should be a good workout. He’d gone nearly the length of the set when he came to the entry gate. Some of the extras were already filing in. At least, the people were prepared and ready to go.

A figure caught his attention. The man kept his gaze low and quietly handed the guard his entry card. Sean stopped. He’d know that body anywhere. He yanked one of his ear buds from his ear. “Jonathan?”

As if in slow motion, Jonathan tipped his gaze to Sean. The corner of his mouth pulled up for a split second then the smile vanished. He stepped out of the way of the other extras but didn’t say anything.

“You’re back.” Sean switched off the player. He needed to give Jonathan his full attention. “I’m glad. Did Tony get in touch with you last night?”

Jonathan shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. “He did. I thanked him and turned him down.”


Chapter Five




Jonathan bit back a whimper. Turning down the director for a plum part in a vignette for the series was really foolish. He could get his career going with that one short film. Instead, he’d used his pride as a shield and said no.

“Why would you do that?” Sean blurted. He removed his sunglasses and massaged his temple. “Can we talk? Like not in front of everyone?”

“Sure.” Jonathan didn’t trust himself to be alone with Sean, but he didn’t have much choice. He didn’t want the others to know his business, especially not Michael. That guy had turned out to be so nosy. He reminded Jonathan of an old-time gossip writer from the movies.

Sean strode past a couple trailers then stopped. Go figure. He’d stopped in front of his own trailer. “Okay, so you were offered the part of Owen in the short film, and you said no. Want to tell me why?”

“You.” Jonathan leaned against the side of the trailer. “Do you understand how hard this is?” The words tumbled out faster than he could sort out what he wanted to say, but oddly, he didn’t care. “I don’t really know you, but I’m attracted to you. I’ve had to do a scene where we were nearly naked, and it was way too comfortable. My heart, young as it might be, is very much wanting you, but I’m conflicted. Like I said, I don’t really know you. I know the guy from television. It’s not possible for something between us to work. I’m too naïve and trusting. I’m going to get hurt, and if I do this short film with you, I’m sure my career isn’t the only thing that will take a serious hit.”

Sean sat on the steps to his trailer. He rested his elbows on his knees. The sweat on his body glistened in the early sun. The man embodied sex and sinful delights, but he was truly off-limits.

“I’m sorry,” Jonathan said. “Maybe Owen will end up being hit by a stray bullet or something. Then the movie won’t have to be made.” He closed his eyes, not wanting to look at the distress on Sean’s face. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone.”

“No.” Sean hopped up from his seat. “I’m not letting you do this.”

“No? I’m a grown man. I can walk away if I want.”

“You said you wanted a career in the movies.” Sean stepped into Jonathan’s personal space, forcing Jonathan to look him in the eye. “I’ve been down the screwed up path and made it out alive. I’ve even gone the perfectly paved road where everything was handed to me. Tony isn’t handing you this role because he likes you or because someone thinks you’re my boy toy. You earned that role. You might not like me very much, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you screw this up. I like you. A lot. This short film will be good for us. Will we end up together? I have no fucking idea, but I’d sure like to see what kind of magic we can create on the big screen. You don’t come across chemistry like ours every day. Lots of actors and actresses work like hell to make the audience think they’re in love with their costar. Sometimes, it works; sometimes, it doesn’t.”

“You’re making this hard.” Jonathan balled his fists. Part of him wanted to reach for Sean. The chemistry, as Sean called it, was undeniable, but was it only sexual?

“You’re damn right I’m making this hard.” Sean’s voice cracked. He thrust both hands into his hair. “I’ll beg if I need to. I’m not above putting my soul on the line. I want to make this film, and I need you to be in it with me. Take a leap of faith.”

Jonathan pressed his lips together. Had he been expecting Sean to say something romantic like,
I’ll beg…I love you?
That wasn’t going to happen. Not a chance. But he had said he liked Jonathan. That had to count for something, right?

“Come on,” Sean pleaded. “What do you say?”

“What do you say about what?” Tony appeared beside Sean. “Are we practicing for the short film?”

“Something like that,” Sean mumbled.

“Good.” Tony grinned at Jonathan. “Kade is writing up the script right now. He’s been up all night. Once that kid gets an idea into his head, I get out of his way.” He waved between Sean and Jonathan. “I’ve got a proposition for you. Since it’s going to be a couple of days before Kade gets the initial script done, and I get the funding secured, I want you two to pick an apartment building here in Cleveland. Preferably one that’s got decent security so the studio can keep an eye on you. I want you two to live together for the next month. What do you say?”

“You’re throwing us together,” Sean said. “Is this like a spy thing? Or do you actually think it’ll build camaraderie between us?”

“I’ll do it,” Jonathan said, before he changed his mind. Things would be crazy complicated if they couldn’t make the living arrangement work, but then again, it could be really sexy living with Sean Banks.

“You will?” Sean’s eyes widened. When he wasn’t putting on the actor shield or the jackass act, he looked all of his twenty-four years. He’d always be sexy, but the innocence came back—just a bit, but it was there.

“Yeah, I will.” Jonathan shoved his hands deeper into his pockets. “Do you want the ‘burbs or downtown? There are some nicer downtown apartments. Two bedroom units a block from here. Newly renovated. I don’t know how easy it would be to get into one of them, but the phone numbers are plastered everywhere.”

Jonathan drew in a long breath. He’d completely changed his life in an instant. When he’d gotten dressed that morning, he’d sworn he’d break things off with Sean. He’d expected Sean to brush him off, not beg him to come back. The relationship wasn’t going to happen—hell, they hadn’t really had a relationship in the first place. They’d played parts for a movie. Now, he was about to uproot his life for an experiment to prove he and the actor could get along.

“Jonathan, you’re a genius.” Tony grinned. “You’re also needed for the crowd scene. I’ve got Denny setting everything up. Go, before you’re late. You can work out details with Sean after lunch. Hopefully, by then, I’ll have an apartment lined up for you two.” He winked then strolled away. “Don’t goof off for too long,” he called.

Jonathan glanced over at Sean, who stood silent. Sean opened and closed his mouth, but no sound came out. Jonathan kind of like the stunned, quiet version of Sean. For a moment, he could’ve sworn he’d been given a glimpse of the real guy.

“Are you coming?” Tony called.

Jonathan blew out his breath. “Yeah.” He switched his attention to Sean. “You said to take a leap of faith. I’m leaping. Just don’t let me fall flat on my face.” He hurried after Tony then fell into step with the director.

“I’ve never seen that before,” Tony said.


“Stunned silence out of Sean. He’s always got something to say.”

“It’s early in the morning.” Jonathan kept his head down. “Thank you. This is a great opportunity, and I’m glad you saw some potential in me. I won’t let you down.”

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