Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) (21 page)

BOOK: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)
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Baby girl I am so proud of you but I just need to get you home, healed and rested before sinking into your depths over and over. I thought I had lost you, promise me you will never do that again, it nearly ripped my heart out.

I promise and I am sorry. Make up sex is the best don’t you think.

A long low growl echoed in her head and she placed her head back on his shoulder. Oh yes Make up sex was definitely the best part.



The mating ceremony was done under moonlight, on a wintery night with Marcus performing the ancient ritual of binding them together in the unity of the pack. She watched as Brianna walked over rubbing small circles on her growing abdomen. As she sat next to her on the wooden benches overlooking the pack in full on celebration mode, she grinned.

“Ok out with it! What are you grinning at?” Lizzy asked

“Just thinking about my mating ceremony”

“I remember, at least I did not have to forego the pleasure of having a witnessed claiming. Thank god I chose a beta”

Brianna playfully punched her arm.

“Hey, at least I did not run off in the middle of yours!”

Lizzy visibly winced which Brianna quickly tried to smooth over.

“Oh god, I am sorry it came out wrong, it’s these bloody hormones, makes you put your foot in your mouth on a regular basis!”

Lizzy laughed hard at her friend desperately trying to explain.

“It’s ok Bri, I know what you mean, and your right, I should not have run off after your mating ceremony. Anyway it was not meant to be, I think I was destined to be here”

Brianna took her hand in hers.

“He’s a good man Lizzy you are very lucky”

“I know, I have no regrets”

She glanced over to where Connor was standing talking with Tristan. She knew he would have heard what she just said and right on cue he smiled at her in a panty dropping heart stopping way.

Right back at you baby

Her life was complete, her wolf was back, she was mated and she had some pretty cool powers to develop. Samuel had rang yesterday to organise her to meet with them for the first time in helping her harness her powers in a controlled manner. Just as well really after she accidently knocked Brandon on his back when he jumped up behind her surprising her. She was so happy he had decided to be a part of amber woods pack and hoped he would stay. Judging by the fact that he had been talking to Adrianna for the past two hours, she guessed he may decide to stay. She was working on being able to telepathically communicate with him again. Samuel believed that when she was bound within Oakfield lands she had bound all links with her pack as well, including her brother. He explained it like a post traumatic side-effect.

how are the women settling in?” Lizzy asked

It had been a month and each one of the Oakfield women wanted to start again with a new pack, Marcus had been more than generous in taking them in,
and finding them jobs.

“Michael has been keeping a close eye on them, all have been offered counselling. They are pretty strong willed and I think that will help them through. I know for a fact that one enforcer in particular, is trying to help one of them”

Lizzy twisted in her seat.

“Oh Brianna you cannot leave it at that, if you have gossip then you have to tell me”

“Ok but you have to swear not to say anything, it’s only what I have observed”

“I swear, who?”

“Tristan has been so patient with Hannah”

“Hannah? She is about the same age as me, she was such a kind hearted soul,
we used to play together when we were cubs”

“Well I think she may have a new plaything now, given time”

“Brianna! I swear those hormones are definitely making you open your mouth too much”

“Oh come on Lizzy I always did say how I felt”

Lizzy stood pulling her friend up with her, as they made their way back to their mates. Just as they were about to descend the small hill they both looked up at the cloud covered sky, only seeing small rays of the moons glow.

It’s funny but I feel I have a lot of catching up to do with my wolf. Every time there was a full moon I used to cry myself to sleep at night, wondering if I would ever experience the call again. Now, even though she is partially obscured I feel every single particle of energy”

“Oh Lizzy, your new journey starts now, you wolf has found her home”

She felt Connors arms wrap around her waist pulling her back against his chest. So absorbed in her thoughts she had not even seen him move. Glancing to the side she smiled as Marcus draped his arms across his mates shoulder, kissing her neck.

“Hey, I thought you were doing man things, like bonding” she giggled.

Connor licked the nape of her neck before biting down hard, her back arched as she gave herself up to the exquisite feeling  that he instilled in her. Feeling his teeth leave her skin she panted hard coming down off a blissful high.

“The only bonding I do is with you Baby girl
.  I fully intend to claim you all over again very soon”

Lizzy turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I think maybe I should be in charge this time”

“No way, you know the rules in the bedroom”

“Yeah I know you like to push your dominant vibes on me”

“Damn straight” he growled as he licked the fresh bite he had just made.

“Maybe I should practice my powers in the bedroom then, things could get very interesting”

took her lips in a punishing kiss, pressing her against the hard length of his erection.

“No powers, you promised you would not use them until the order helps you to control them better”

“I know, you already told me like fifty times”

“Do you want to hear it another f
ifty times, or you can give yourself up to hours of sweet pleasure as I ride you hard”

Lizzy squirmed against him at his words, noticing how he grinned mischievously, knowing he elicited that response in her.

“Ok you win Beta boy”

Picking her up, he walked them around the party goers, into the back door of their house. Taking no time his legs ate the distance to their bedroom. Placing her on the bed, he crawled up her body reining gentle kisses to her body.

“Mine for eternity Lizzy” he growled.

“Yours” she gasped

Lizzy gave herself once more to her mate, to be claimed again, one thing was for sure, she was not going to run anymore, she had come home.


Luke watched as Anna laughed out loud to something the male from Redstone pack had said to her. Why the fuck did the Redstone wolves have to come? He had tried to speak to her all day but each time either she was called away for ceremony business or he was called back for pack business. Taking another long drink of his beer his eyes never left her. Mentally, he kicked himself for waiting so long to make a claim on her but as he kept reminding himself he was trying to do the right thing. Now he may have just pushed her in the opposite direction towards another male. Each time he kissed her, the feelings became more and more intense and the pull was beyond magnetic it was on a primal level that no one could deny. Her temperature spiked and her arousal rocketed every time they were together so why were they both being bloody stubborn and not taking it to the next level?

Slamming his beer down on the table he made a move toward her, feeling his wolf rise when the other male touched her arm.

Anna pushed her long red hair out of her face as the wind picked up, the temporary clear vision caught sight of one very masculine wolf heading her way. She had tried to avoid him for the most part of the day, which was completely backwards as she wanted to feel him inside of her claiming what was rightfully his and hers. A deep need within her wanted to protect him from whoever was trying to scare her, worse still blackmail. Last week, the most recent letter described in detail how they felt she needed to be reminded of her roots, offensive and hurtful comments were ingrained in her memory. The letters she had kept, so far trying to get a scent on them but there was nothing.  She guessed the more she kept Luke at arm’s length the more she could keep him safe. Right now though, he had other plans. Taking her elbow gently, he glared at the Redstone male.

“Excuse us, I need to talk to Anna” he rumbled low.

Chad or Chaz or whatever he was called looked between the two of them, Anna was sure he felt he was on a winner by meeting with her tonight. He was cute but not for her, nope that honour lay with the gorgeous blond wolf leading her to the side of the clearing.

“Sweetheart, we are going to talk, now”
he snapped

Anna shifted uncomfortably on her feet, biting her bottom lip. Luke gently pulled her lip away from her teeth, before descending powerfully on her mouth, kissing her with a heat that had her grabbing onto his shirt. Eventually he left the warmth of her mouth, stroking his hand down her face.

“I thought you wanted to talk”

She loved the way he smiled impishly, caressing her with his eyes.

“I do now, I just needed to taste you first” he whispered.


“Oh? That is all you have to say?”

“No I have plenty to say but right now is not the time!”

“So when is the time Anna? Do not deny the fire that burns between us sweetheart, we are mates and you know it, so why are you insistent on pushing me away?”

Anna sighed softly dropping her head against his chest. She thought he would push her away but when she felt warm fingers massaging her hair she smiled tenderly.

“I am sorry Luke, things are going on right now that I need to deal with first”

He tightened his hold on her, fingers burying deep in her hair.

“Things? What things? Is it another male, because I will challenge him sweetheart, you are mine!”

Anna pushed against his chest but it was like pushing granite.

“No there is no other male Luke, I know we are mates but you have to just let me deal with things in my own way before we take the next step”

She heard him inhale deep and knew he was scenting her emotions.

“I know you are not lying but I do sense anxiety and I want to know who or what is making you feel that way”

Anna pushed against his chest looking up at the man she knew she was destined to be eternally bonded with. Softly she traced the contours of his face, loving how he closed his eyes to feel the depth of her caress.

“I have never wanted to be with someone as much as I do with you Luke….”

“Then why the hell……….” he interrupted.

“Let me finish warrior. You are right, we are destined mates and as such we would be there to protect each other, but all I ask is a little more time baby, please”

Luke growled and took her mouth in a searing kiss. Did she just call him baby? Oh god how he had wanted to hear those words on her lips for so long. But time? Had they not had enough time, he knew something was going on and he would get to the bottom of it. Cradling her face in his hands he kissed her forehead.

“I will have you Sweetheart, whatever demons you are fighting you give to me, if you are in some kind of trouble I will take that way for you”

Her eyes downcast for a second before regaining her composure.
He knew he had hit the nail on the head.

“I’m not, please just………..”

“Sweetheart, now I know something is not right” he growled.

Jutting her chin out toward him, she spoke clearly.

“I said I am fine Luke”

“ANNA” somebody shouted.

He watched as she spun to the direction of the voice, knowing it was Cora without taking his eyes of her face, worry lines marred her skin. Feeling the wolf rise in him he went to grab her but she moved at the last minute running to Cora. The older lady hugged her, wrapping her arms around her shoulder, laughing loudly with her.

He would not see his mate walk away again, something was without a doubt up shit creek and he intended to find out just what that was. Anna was his mate and nothing would stop him from reaching that goal. So she wanted time? Well time had ran out in his head, he had waited patiently, the time was now.


Coming soon in the Amber Woods Shifters series:

Book Three

Warriors Hunger


A note from the author.

Thank you for reading Connor and Lizzy’s story, I hope you
enjoyed reading their journey together as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am off to write Luke and Anna’s story, one of which I am sure you are eager to find out how that develops. Until Next time.

Arabella Rose









BOOK: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)
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