Conspiracy (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance, #Secret service, #faerie, #Elves

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Viv nodded. “I did a little background work to learn more about Castillo. I have some special skills myself. I’m confident that whatever cover story we create, I’ll be able to get close enough to keep an eye on him.”

Ian said, “We can’t just put you on a Secret Service detail. That will take too much planning and a long process of security clearances.”

“I understand,” Viv replied.

 “But I do have an idea,” I added. “Tony will be on the campaign trail very soon. Do you think you could pose as a speech writer?”

“That could work,” Viv agreed. “If you’ll get me an interview with him, I can persuade him to hire me. I’ll write a campaign speech as part of my resume and see what he thinks. He’ll like it,” she said, convincing me of her ability. Perhaps she was persuading
to allow her to persuade

“Excellent! I’ll mention it to him tomorrow and see what I can arrange.”

“I think we’re going to work well together,” Viv said, a light smile forming. “I’ll leave you two to whatever you were discussing, and you can contact me tomorrow with the details.”

Viv was gone just as quickly as she had arrived, and before I could say anything, Ian had swept me up in his arms. “Enough of the planning,” he said.

I laughed as he carried me to my room and threw me on the bed. “My, my—aren’t we the impatient one?”

“Remember our ‘night to remember’? I’m already forgetting and I need a reminder.” He nuzzled my neck, then ran his hand under my T-shirt and played with the lace on my bra.

“Well, if you’re saying I’m forgettable, I’m not sure you should have your hand inching up where I think it’s going,” I teased.

He kissed me, his mouth moving from my lips to my throat and continuing downward. “What were you saying, my love?”

“I forgot.” I sighed. Damn—Heather and I were both trapped by Elven men who were irresistible. But that was her problem. I was coming to enjoy mine.


The next morning, I quietly grabbed my bag as I headed out the door to work. It still surprised me to see Ian’s head lying on the pillow next to the indentation I had left, but I liked it. The sheet thrown haphazardly over his naked body revealing just a hint of his musculature gave me pause, but I blew him a silent kiss and slipped out the front door.

The air was still chilly, but the promise of spring was in the air. Unlike my normal aversion to running, I was looking forward to this morning’s exercise. My body finally felt back to normal after the toll of healing Ian, and having a little romance in my life put a spring in my step.

I met up with the other agents and waited for Tony to emerge. We did some stretches and they filled me in what I’d missed. When Tony finally appeared, we exchanged some small talk and headed out. We ran for about thirty minutes, and as we headed back, we slowed to a walk for our cooldown. I took the opportunity to talk to Tony.

“I hear Agent Manning twisted his ankle.”

Tony smiled. “I wish I could say he was taking a hit in the line of duty, but he actually didn’t see the last step at the Treasury Department and I grabbed him before he could go down hard. I surprised myself with my reflexes. I guess the Marine is still in there somewhere.”

I laughed at the image of Tony saving Manning and the embarrassment the agent must have felt. Then I had a second thought: Tony was developing Elven skills. Rapid movement, instant reflexes, and even premonition of events were all indicators. What other skills would begin to appear?

“Good thing he has you to protect him,” I said, and we both chuckled.

I broached the subject I wanted to address. “Mr. Vice President, with the campaign announcement pending, I know you’re getting a team together. I have a friend who is quite good at public relations and especially turning a phrase into a public thought. I told her I’d talk to you about a possible interview for a position.”

“If you recommend her, I’d be happy to talk to her. Anyone who can make me look better in public is welcome,” he said, a bright smile appearing. “Get Alice to work her into the schedule. Today, if she can. I know tomorrow is quite full.”

“Thanks. I know how busy you are. I’m sure she’ll appreciate just having the chance.”

“Not a problem. Hey, I wanted to tell you that I went out to the pistol range yesterday to get some practice. I think it’s time for a rematch. My shots were way better than the last time we practiced. I might even have a chance at beating you.”

I kept a straight face as I said, “I’m sorry, sir. One chance is all I give.”

He laughed. “Fair enough. Yesterday might have been a fluke anyway.”

As Tony headed back into his home to prepare for work, I again questioned these new skills. Speed, agility, sensory perception, and now shooting ability, which required a steady hand and keen eye—Tony was changing. Instead of slowing down with the normal aging process, he was entering … what, a second youth?

I headed for the showers and changed into my black pants suit, making sure “Cal” was discreetly tucked into my hair. I phoned Alice, Tony’s secretary, and found an opening in the afternoon when Viv could interview. I was a little anxious that with all the red tape required to get close to the vice president, even his secretary wouldn’t be able to make it work. But I trusted Gregor, and I hoped that Viv had the special skills required to finagle the situation and to convince Tony that she would be an asset.

I handled all the assignments that came at me that morning, but it was strange to think that everyone thought I had been at work two days previously, and to me it was more than two months total time gone. I caught myself a few times before I said something that sounded peculiar.

Ian was scheduled to arrive for his shift at three, and Viv shortly thereafter. My day ended at three thirty, and I was in my office when Viv arrived. She was dressed much the same as the day before, but in a feminine off-white suit, with black heels and a scarf. The black-and-white combination with her pale blonde hair was stunning, and I knew Tony—or any man, for that matter—would look twice or even three times. As with all elves, it was almost impossible to tell Viv’s age, but she looked to be in about her mid-thirties.

“So, you’re ready for your interview?” I asked.

“Yes. Persuasion is a gift of mine, so Tony will hire me on the spot. I also have an affinity for technology, so I’ve spent some time on the computer today working up a bio and some experience that will stand up to the background checks.”

I nodded, impressed at her efforts. “I’ll walk you down to Tony’s office and introduce you.”

I knocked on Tony’s door and entered the room. Ian was standing against the wall, talking into his wrist mike when I walked in. I gave him a little smile and he winked inconspicuously. Viv walked in behind me as I moved to Tony’s desk. He was on the phone with his back to us, and he swiveled around as he finished his conversation.

He looked up as we stopped in front of his desk. “Vice President Castillo, I’d like to introduce my friend, Genevieve Sutherland. As I explained earlier, she’s a whiz at public relations, and I’m confident she’d be an asset to your team.”

Tony motioned for Viv to sit down. By the look on his face, she’d already been hired. At least she had made a visual impression on his mind. Tony was, after all, a man first, vice president second. A flash of jealousy flitted through my mind. He’d never looked at me like that.

“Thank you, Agent Sullivan. I’ll chat with Ms. Sutherland for a bit.”

I nodded to Ian, left the room, and headed home, anxious to hear how the interview went. Viv had told me she would stop by my place afterwards for a brief rundown and we could plan our strategy from there. It didn’t take long. She was actually waiting for me when I arrived at the apartment.

I threw my keys on the table, “That was quick. How did it go?”

“Piece of cake. He hired me on the spot and invited me to dinner tomorrow night to go over some of the details.” She smiled at me, pleased with her good news.

I was surprised by the dinner invitation. Tony had shown no interest in a woman since the death of his wife seven years ago. He was still a fairly young, viral man, though. I knew, perhaps
, for his sake, that it was only a matter of time.

“How much persuading did he need?”

“If you’re wondering if I persuaded him to ask me to dinner, the answer is no. I used a mild persuasion when I was talking about my past experiences with public relations. Obviously, I had to convince him not to feel the need for a check on my references. But he actually wasn’t a hard sell.” She winked at me. “He’s a very handsome man.”

“He is, I agree. He’s also one of the nicest men I’ve met. He had a devastatingly hard road after the death of his wife, but he’s come through it well. I’d hate to see him get hurt.” I wanted to warn her off if she had the wrong intentions for Hornet. Tony had been important to me for many years, perhaps not a true love interest, but in a proprietary way I saw him as mine to protect, emotionally as well as physically.

She smiled at me gently, complete understanding written on her face. “Not to worry, Reagan. I really am looking forward to dinner tomorrow. I also wanted to let you know of one other gift I have that came in handy tonight. I can sense power in people by touching them. When I shook Tony’s hand today, I could tell what kind of abilities he’ll have as his Elven skills develop.” She looked thoughtful and a little unsure. “I know he’s unaware of his Elven heritage, and he hasn’t fully come in to his abilities. However, I can feel the strong power just under the surface. He will need training sooner rather than later. Have you and Ian discussed what you will do when Tony becomes aware of the changes he’s going through?”

“We really haven’t had a chance.”

I was worried about what would happen with Tony, and Viv was confirming my fears. I was beginning to resent having agreed to not inform Tony of his heritage. He never would have believed me anyway. “I’m really glad you told me about his potential. From what he’s told me, a few changes are already appearing. He’s getting stronger and faster, and his abilities to do physical things more accurately are increasing.” I thought of his newfound skills at the pistol range.

“Well, we need to keep an eye on him. This is definitely a situation that needs constant monitoring.” Viv picked up her D
e and Gabbana handbag and stood. “Feel like getting a bite to eat?”

Her last question shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. I had few female friends, and the only person I really did anything with was Heather. I liked Viv, from what I’d seen of her, and I thought she could sense my desire for a friend. “Yes, that sounds great. Where do you want to go?”

“I’ve been craving Chinese. Do you have any recommendations?”

I laughed because Ian and I had tried every Chinese restaurant within a ten-mile radius. “Absolutely! Let’s take my car.”

Chapter Five


Reagan had told me that sifting always made her tired, but I felt just the opposite. I loved the feeling of
and finding myself in a totally different place. We all arrived at the cabin, and it looked just like the memories I shared with Gregor. That was one of the strangest experiences I’d had on this mystical journey thus far—I had felt him in my mind, like we were sharing space together. When he pulled out, I felt bereft and incomplete. He had always seemed like a jackass to me, with his all-knowing attitude and scruffy appearance. However, if the touch I’d felt of him in my thoughts was accurate, he was a softer person than I’d realized. Not
, but caring, and the intimate experience had felt like a caress.

In the initial moments after arriving, I decided to play host to my guests. This was, after all, my family’s cabin, and I wanted them to feel welcome.

“Let me show you around,” I said to the gathered group.

We walked up the front steps of the porch, past the white wicker porch swing. The wreath on the front door was cherry red, with bright blooms encircling the weathered wooden frame. A door knocker was mounted next to the screened-in front door with the name “Sullivan” proudly engraved on the silver plaque.

The spare key was duct-taped to the bottom of the small standing birdhouse next to the door. Dad had always said that if anyone lifted it to see if a key was underneath, they wouldn’t notice the key secreted on the bottom of the wood. It seemed to have worked so far.

The door opened with a small creak and I led the way into the house. Everyone remained quiet as we gathered in the front room.

“I apologize for the tight quarters. We usually only have our family here and few, if any, visitors. Mom and Dad saw it as our family retreat.”

Eimile gave me a sweet smile and I proceeded with the tour.

The living room was a fairly good size, with comfortable furnishings in a rich chocolate brown. The walls were white, but the color came from the many decorative accents in warm autumn colors: reds, oranges, and shades of plum could be found in the artwork and cushions.

Just off the living area was a large kitchen, with a stone fireplace next to the oak plank table. My dad had lovingly restored every inch of this home, but Mom had refused to get new cabinets. She painted them a soft shade of yellow and resurfaced the kitchen countertops with handcrafted wood from the maple trees on the property. We had owned this home for longer than I could remember, and my mom and dad’s touches were everywhere.

I showed King Aegir and Queen Mallorie to the master bedroom, Alisha and Eimile to a room with twin beds, and I took the smallest of the rooms with a double bed. The house had three bedrooms, and we still had to find sleeping quarters for Gregor and two of his men. I knew they wouldn’t complain, but I still had a surprise up my sleeve.

I left the others to get settled in their rooms while I took Gregor’s arm. “I have one more place to show you,” I said.

Gregor followed me as we went outside the house and around to the back. A staircase led up to the attic area above the garage, and Gregor shadowed as we climbed to the top. I used the key to open the door and we stepped inside.

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