Conspiracy (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance, #Secret service, #faerie, #Elves

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Ian murmured, “Keep them separated as much as possible, and we might be able to take them down.”

I knew Ian was strong, and I’d had many years of tactical defensive training, but four against two was never good odds. This was not likely to turn out well.


Chapter Eight

The Southern Realm

Two days passed as Gregor settled in, learning of developments in his kingdom and speaking with members of the Grand Council about the pending transition of power. Orleon’s declining health was not kept a secret, and the entire Elven population mourned the coming loss of their king. For nearly three hundred years, Orleon had reigned in peace and prosperity. Now, approaching the eleven-hundred-and-fourteenth year of his life—nowhere near an Elven record— his time was close at hand.

Cresting Falcon Trail, a favored trek high in the Southern Alps above the village, Gregor and Camille walked several miles in silence, enjoying their time with one another after so many years of separation. Finally Gregor broke the silence.

“Do you know how pleased it makes me that you’ve found true love with Haslane?”

Camille just smiled.  “And
happiness?” she queried, probing.

“She waits. In the human world.”

At this, Camille halted. “Your journey has provided you a companion?”

“Not yet, but we shall marry. I’ve seen it.”

“A vision?”

He nodded. ”She has seen it as well, through my mind.”

Camille resumed her walk, contemplating. “Then it shall come to pass. Does she have powers? As a human?”

“She is genetically Elven, far removed. And yes, we melded minds. Beyond my control, she saw the same vision that came to my mind.”

Again they were silent for several moments, reaching an overlook with a clear view of the ocean to the west, some thirty miles beyond the mountains. “Are you well suited, in light of your pending role as our king?”

“You ask if she is fit to be queen of the Southern Realm. I leave it to you. What makes a queen a queen?” he retorted, commencing the game they had played since childhood.

Camille laughed softly. “A pretty dress and a tiara?” she teased.

“Yes, she has the quality to be a queen. Her intelligence is unsurpassed, her physical prowess exceptional, and her understanding of the Elven world came without fear or surprise. She has always known something was different, something she didn’t fully understand.”

“Will she cross over?”

“I have seen it in my vision.”

“Then it shall be.”

Gregor grew serious and sat down on a rock. “Let us speak of more important things, my dear friend. I must return to the other Realms, even to the human world for a time.”

“Before your father passes?” she asked.

“No. I think his time is close at hand. But I cannot assume my duties until the Realms are at peace.”

“How shall you rule from afar?”

“Through Haslane. I shall leave him as regent in my absence. And he will require your wisdom, Camille. He will need you at his side.”

At this revelation, Camille grew silent.

Before either had a chance to speak again, Haslane materialized on the trail a dozen yards ahead of them, anxiety written on his face.

“Gregor, you are needed at home.”

“Is it Father?” he asked.

“No. Genevieve has returned and has brought a human.”


“She said you would know him. Vice President Castillo.”

Gregor rose from his seat and paused for only a moment, considering this news. “We must return immediately.”

In a twinkling, all three were standing in the formal parlor of King Orleon’s home. Viv sat in a chair near the fireplace, and Tony Castillo, whom Gregor had only met once in a brief encounter in Bulgaria, sat on the far side of the fireplace, remarkably calm for someone who had just been transported to a new world.

“Gregor,” Viv said, a mischievous look on her face, “may I introduce Tony Castillo, my date for the evening.”

“I can’t wait to hear this story,” Gregor replied before focusing his attention on the new visitor. “Welcome to the Southern Realm, Mr. Vice President. My name is Gregor, and I am the prince regent of this land. My father is the king. Has any of this been explained to you?”

A small smile escaped Tony’s lips as he shook his head. “As I understand, and that word is probably an overstatement, I am now in a land of elves and faeries some twelve thousand miles from where I was merely moments ago. I had an instinct that Viv would be an unusual dinner date, but clearly I did not envision the depth of her ability to surprise me.”

Gregor nodded, pleased that Tony retained his composure. In limited prior experience with humans brought to the Elven world, they were not only excitable, but tremendously fearful, thinking they had been captured by aliens.

“Mr. Vice President, not only are you in a land of elves and faeries, but you are an elf and a faerie yourself, by birth.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Tony responded, “Well, my Marine buddies would find that disconcerting, after all the time we’ve spent together in close quarters. I’ve been assured that time is not passing in the human world, so perhaps you’ll have time to inform me of my genealogy and why I’m here.”

“Viv?” Gregor said, turning to face her, “I think we both would like to know why Tony is here.”

“Because there are four or five
in his hotel room at this very moment, with only Reagan and Ian to fight them. When this meeting is over, you and I need to return to give them a hand.”

“They’re determined, aren’t they? You say this just happened?” Gregor said.

“Seconds before I sifted us here.”

Gregor stepped deeper into the room and took a seat on the leather couch. Both Camille and Haslane sat across the room.

“Tony, if I may call you by your first name,” Gregor said, “you are a full-blooded elf, born in Bulgaria and placed for protective reasons with a human family in New Mexico. Your human parents did not know of your origin and when they died, neither did any other human. Your father is king of the Eastern Realm and your mother is the daughter of the queen of the Western Realm.”

“Born in Bulgaria, did you say?” Tony asked.

“Yes, forty-six human years ago.”

“Damn. If that gets out, it will ruin my chances of being president.”

Recognizing Tony’s comment for what it was, Gregor laughed out loud. “Not to worry, Mr. Vice President. You are heir to the kingdom of the Eastern Realm and have claim on the Western Realm as well. You can preside in one world or the other. And elves have no nuclear or economic threat.”

“Well, now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way,” Tony said, growing more serious, “if only
of what you say is true, I have a lot to learn. But the immediate question seems to be, what can we do to assist Agents Sullivan and Maitland? Are they truly in danger?”

“Yes, they are,” Viv responded, “but when we return, we’ll arrive only seconds after we left, and the odds will have improved in their favor. To add to your list of absurdities, Tony, both Reagan and Ian are also elves. Reagan is part Elven and she has only just learned of her heritage in much the same way you have tonight. Ian Maitland is presumptive heir to the Western Realm. Your competitor for the throne, so to speak.”

Tony nodded, his demeanor calm and reasonable in light of the revelations. “This nightmare gets deeper and deeper, but I do have one question for you, Viv.”

“Yes, Tony?”

“What are my chances for a second date? I thought tonight was going rather well.”

Tony kept a straight face, but after a brief pause, everyone in the room began to laugh. “I see nothing funny. The way Viv was paying attention to me, I thought I’d met a woman who actually liked me for myself and not for my position.”

“One battle at a time, Mr. Vice President,” Viv rebutted with a smile. She rose from her seat and looked toward Gregor, who nodded assent to an unspoken exchange, then addressed his comments to Tony.

“Tony, we have to leave you here in Haslane and Camille’s care, but only briefly. It may be several days, actually, but only a few moments in your world. Viv and I need to help Reagan and Ian, then one or both of us will return, explain things as best we can so you understand, and bring you back so you can resume your date. No one outside the room you occupied will know that anything has happened.”

“Agents Sullivan and Maitland? What of them?” Tony asked.

“Actually, in some respects you already know more than they do. Neither of them is aware of the Southern Realm, nor my role here. They both know me, but in a different role. It’s all rather complicated, but in light of their current situation, I’m going to have to ask for your patience. We can save the full story for later. Are you comfortable remaining behind for a few days?”

“A vacation without security protection? Sounds like heaven. Is there a golf course in this Realm?”

“I’m afraid not, but there is plenty to see and do. Fishing is great, if that’s to your liking. Haslane,” Gregor said to his brother, “can you entertain our guest?”

“There’s a wedding he could attend,” Camille said.

“I’ll be back for that, and don’t think of holding it without me,” Gregor replied. “Viv, do we need any assistance?

“No, but when we use some of our defensive tactics, we’ll need to explain them to Ian. The other Realms have lost some of their knowledge.”

“Agreed. It’s time we brought him up to speed anyway. This whole situation is growing beyond our control. It’s time to pull it together—I hope Ian will understand.”

Chapter Nine


“They’re gone,” Ian said from the kitchen door, where he had moved to alert Viv.


“Viv must have heard you call out and sifted him somewhere.”

stood at the far side of the room while two others circled slowly, trying to catch us in a pincher movement. They didn’t rush as they had the first and second time I encountered them. They apparently had learned their lesson. “Cal” was a convincing teacher. Ian moved closer to me and we stood against the wall, shoulder to shoulder.

“They never send the good-looking ones,” I quipped. “Any more magic up your sleeve, oh great leader?”

“You’re the shift supervisor, Agent Sullivan,” he replied as we inched down the wall toward the doorway into the lounge. If we could make the move, there was more room to maneuver than we had in the kitchen.

“If Tony’s gone, why don’t you just sift us out of here?” I suggested.

“Now, that sounds like—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Gregor and Viv materialized directly in front of us, between our position and the four
. Viv stepped toward the closest attacker, and in a lightning move, touched his shoulder. He froze in place, unable to defend himself. She then drove a dagger into his heart and he crumpled to the floor. She took one step toward the next
and immediately all three were gone, sifted before our eyes.

Ian relaxed his defensive posture. “What took you so long?”

“I thought you needed practice,” she replied.

“Where is Vice President Castillo?” I asked.

Viv hesitated for a moment and glanced at Gregor, who answered the question.

“He is safe at the moment. I need to go to your cabin, Reagan,” Gregor added. “With an attack here, there’s every chance that they might attack there. I suggest you notify your team outside that everything is fine here and Tony is settling in for a couple of hours and a bottle of wine. They’ll understand that. They’ve had a good look at Viv.”

At that remark, I saw Viv bristle, then smile at Gregor. I reported to the senior agent in the foyer outside the apartment and told him to stand down the vehicles, that we would be here a couple of hours. After his reply, I switched my mike off while Gregor continued his explanation.

“Then Viv will take you and Ian to join Tony. He’s in the Realm, so there will be no problem with the passing of time.”

Gregor paused for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next words, then he looked at Ian. “Ian, do you trust me?”

Ian nodded.

“Good, because there are still a few things about me I’ve not been able to tell you. Things you don’t even know yourself about the Elven world.”

“Where are we going?” Ian asked. “I’m not going back into the Eastern Realm.”

“I understand. We’re headed for another Realm, but your powers will remain intact.”

“Where are we going, Gregor?” Ian insisted.

“Viv will take you to the Southern Realm.”

For several seconds, Ian stood transfixed, as if he hadn’t heard correctly. “That’s a myth,” he said at last.

“In just a few moments, you shall see for yourself. Are you ready?”

 “You’re full of surprises, Gregor,” I said as I stepped closer to Viv, prepared for my next sifting experience.

“Take my other arm, Ian,” she said. “Until you know where you’re going, I’ll lead us in.”

Viv looked once more at Gregor, and in another second, he was gone.

Chapter Ten


My head spun with crazy thoughts of Gregor and the vision I had shared with him. He said they always came true. Did that mean I was without a choice? Or did it mean I wouldn’t
any other choice? I left my room and went out to the back porch to sit in the rocking chairs my mother had loved so much. Two sat side by side and I could almost see my mother and father sitting in them, drinking lemonade and holding hands. But tonight, one rocker was already occupied. It was fitting that instead of my mother, it was my grandmother.

I still had a hard time believing it. Reagan had more interaction with Eimile since learning about the Elven world, but I was quickly coming to respect and admire the Eimile she was.

She saw me approach and patted the empty chair next to her. I sat and gave a big sigh.

“It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, child. Love can make you happy or love can make you sad.” Eimile gave me a sweet smile and rocked in her chair. “Which is it this time?”

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