Corrupted (12 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Corrupted
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The more I’ve thought about his behaviour in the bathroom, the more suspicious I become. He used his touch to distract me. Again. It’s obvious he knew I was listening in to his conversation with Leona, otherwise how did he know it was me in the bathroom?

“Ella?” he says questioningly.

“We need to talk, Damon, and when you touch me everything in my head flies out the window. I’d rather have this discussion back at your place so I’m choosing to not be touched in the meantime,” I tell him confidently.

Amusement lights up his face from my words. His eyes slowly trail up and down my body before returning to my eyes. Hunger has now replaced his amusement. Damon stands in one graceful motion, slowly stalking towards me. I back up until my legs bump into whatever is behind me. I hold up my hands trying to warn him off but he pays me no attention.

Damon continues towards me, a predator stalking its prey, until he gets in my personal space. His arms snake around my waist, pulling me flush against him. My breath catches in my throat as soon as he touches me, an electric current vibrates around my body in expectation.

“Damon,” I warn breathlessly.

“I’m the same. Fuck, beauty. It’s like that for me too.” It takes me a minute to understand what he’s talking about. “Every time I think of you every other thought goes out my head. Every time I hear your voice I forget everything around me, forget where I am. I get fucking hard, Ella. But fuck, every touch, every taste, takes my breath away.”

At his words I melt into him. The husk in his voice turns my insides to mush. Damon’s head descends, his lips coming down to mine. My eyes flutter closed, waiting for the connection of his lips on mine.

A throat clearing penetrates my brain. I open my eyes to see Damon stand upright, grinning down at me. I turn my head to the side and see Spencer. Smirking.

He saunters over to the sofa and plops down. “Bad timing?” he asks grinning. I roll my eyes and walk over to take a seat too. Damon sits beside me, pulling me close to his side. I snuggle in and rest my eyes whilst waiting for Flora and George to say good night to their guests.

I have a lot to ask Damon about Leona but that will have to wait until we leave. Having a full belly makes tiredness set in and it isn’t long before I’m drifting off to sleep causing Flora to send a doggy bag back with Damon, for me to have the best cherry pie I’ve ever tasted the following day. 



June 6th 2014


Friday comes around much faster than I expected. All week I’ve had mixed feelings about going out tonight. I’m looking forward to seeing Sofia again but Leona isn’t exactly my biggest fan and I certainly don’t like her. Maybe it’s time to get her out of the picture.

I check myself in the mirror. I’ve decided to wear leather trousers. They’re so tight it’s like just adding an extra layer of skin, and a black and white off the shoulder leather cuff top with red, spiked heels. I’ve curled my hair for a change, giving it plenty of volume. I’ve kept my make up quite light seeing as the outfit is killer, I didn’t want to overdo it.

Sweet and innocent, dressed as sin.

Exactly what I was going for. I collect my clutch bag and make my way down stairs to have a quick drink while I wait for Damon to get here. He texted me earlier to let me know he had a late meeting and would get ready at the office, and be here to pick me up at 8pm.

After pouring a glass of rose wine I make my way out to stand on the balcony. It’s a gorgeous evening. The sun is still streaking the sky with reds and oranges. It’s still really warm, the air is muggy. I take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the country life surrounding me. All around me are fields as far as the eyes can see. Damon’s home has a gorgeous background setting.

I texted Tom earlier to let him know I’ve decided to take his advice and just live my life. He seemed happy and asked me to go out for drinks with him. I told him I already had plans to go out. He’s going to try and meet up later to have a drink with me. I’m not sure how Damon will take that but if we’re going to work, he needs to accept Tom in my life. I didn’t realise how large a role Tom has had in my life until I’ve been without him these last few weeks. I miss him.

Awareness prickles my skin. My pulse picks up and I know Damon is close by. I didn’t hear him come in but I know he’s near me. I turn and find him standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms crossed over his chest. His sculptured body bulges through his clothes. He’s in all black.  Black shirt, black trousers, black shoes.

The hungry look in his eyes let me know my outfit choice is a good one. His jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth together. He licks his lips before slowly trailing his eyes down my body, swallowing hard when he passes certain areas. His eyes return to mine just as slowly.

“Ella,” he rasps. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me. Sweet Jesus, baby.” He closes the distance between us in two strides. When he’s close enough, his hands grip on my hips and pull me into him. Our bodies clash, my blood ignites.

Need washes through me. Damon’s scent envelopes me, he smells pure male. My chest heaves as I look up into his eyes, my breasts brushing against his chest with every inhale.

“I can see everything, beauty. Every fucking thing. The rounded globes of your perfect arse, the mound of your pussy, the dimples at the back of your knees.” His hands move down to grip my arse cheeks. He squeezes roughly before pulling me into his hard cock. I moan as the move hits the perfect spot. “God, I need to keep you.”

“Damon,” I whimper. Oh fuck I’m so hot for him right now.

“You stay at my side tonight, Ella. No one gets to touch what’s mine.” I roll my eyes at his possessiveness. If I’m honest it’s a huge turn on for me. “We need to leave before I drag you upstairs and take those fucking trousers off with my teeth.” He nibbles along my lips. “Lay those bee-stung lips on me beauty. I need a taste.”

I comply immediately, wanting the kiss just as much as Damon. Our lips collide, bruising, punishing, perfect. I moan against his lips. His tongue invading my mouth is pure possession. He’s taking control of even my tongue, our own synced private dance.

I run my hands up his chest to his shoulders. The muscles bunch and contract under my touch. The tightness in his neck makes me desperate to sink my nails in the skin, instead I settle for his hair. I run my fingers through the soft strands, tugging as I near the ends.

Damon lets out a rumbling growl, tearing his lips from mine. His eyes pierce mine as soon as I’m able to focus on him. I’m panting, wanting, no needing, more of him.

“We need to leave. Now.” He doesn’t give me chance to reply, just tugs me behind him as he makes a beeline for the door.


The Hunter is packed, being in the main bar area of Kensington makes it popular with the I
N crowd. I know the VIP area will be filled with the latest celebrities, this doesnt faze me, Bodies knock into me from every direction. Damon’s jaw clenches tighter with every push I receive. I can see his temper rising with every knock but I’m not bothered. I’ve had enough to drink to give me a great buzz. I’m on the dance floor with all the other buzzed people. 

er one particularly hard shove I fall into Damon. He steadies me before facing the man who pushed into me. His frame is taut, rage bursting out of him like a nuclear cloud.

“Say sorry,” Damon growls. I don’t hear the reply of the man but it’s not what Damon wants to hear. Damon thunders into him, grabbing his shirt collar and ragging him about as he says harsh words into the man ear.

I begin tugging on Damon’s arm to pull him away. We’re going to get kicked out. “Damon, stop. It was an accident. It’s okay. Come on, let’s go find Spence,” I plead.

“It’s not ok
ay. Not okay at all. He owes you an apology.” As Damon says this he nods towards the door. I look in that direction and notice two bouncers making their way over to us. Great, now we’re going to be kicked out. To my surprise it’s the other man who is escorted from the premises. I stare, my mouth agape. How the hell did he manage to avoid being kicked out when he still had the man by the scruff of his shirt?

Damon gives me a grin before leading me away. He takes me to the bar and gets served straight away, even though the bar is packed with people already waiting to order a drink. We’ve been in the Bowl VIP room all night. Our drinks have never been fully empty before another is placed in front of us.

The Bowl room is amazing. It’s like a huge room sized fish bowl suspended above the whole club. One skywalk is the connecting way in. Sectional sofas line the walls, small tables scattered around to place drinks.

The room itself is a large rectangle but from the dance floor below it’s a massive stationary disco ball. The whole outside is mirrored. One way glass lines the inside. You can see every square inch of the club below. Everywhere you look there are people. Whilst in there it feels like you’re floating.

I’m not surprised with service like that for a VIP area but in the main area of the club I’m shocked at the service that Damon gets. Then it clicks, The Hunter. I bet this is Damon’s club.

I’m about to confirm my suspicions with Damon when a familiar face catches my attention. Leona. The sneer on her face has been there all night, ever since she realised I was out with them all. Since the minute I got here.

She hasn’t exactly kept her distain for me hidden from the group with her snide comments or disgusted looks. She’s been quickly shut down before she’s been able to get too far with her snippy attitude. Damon, Spence and Sofia have all stepped to my defence. Damon notices my line of sight and brings his lips to my ear.

“Don’t pay her any attention, beauty. Enjoy yourself tonight. I’ve got you, Ella. Nothing will ever hurt you,” he whispers, stroking his hand over my hair. A shiver travels through my body at his closeness. His warm breath fans across my neck. I give him a nod and accept the drink he passes me.

I bring my vodka and Red Bull to my lips and take a sip. It’s cold and refreshing. It’s hot in here so the drink is a godsend. I turn and lean back against Damon to look around the club. His hands hold me by my hips. People are grating and grinding against each other. Smoke from the fog machine dances in the light flashing and spinning around the room.

I avoid looking in Leona’s direction even though I can feel her eyes burning holes into the side of my head. Damon brings a hand up to move my hair to one side, freeing my neck to his lips. He licks, sucks, nibbles and kisses all up and down before settling his lips against my ear.

“You are so fucking hot, beauty. I’m so hard for you right now.” As if to prove this he pushes his throbbing length against my butt. “Your arse in those trousers has every male eye following you everywhere you walk. I need your fucking legs wrapped around my head, Ella. I need to taste your pussy so bad, beauty. Then I want them around my waist as I fuck you, balls deep, baby.”

Scorching heat flames my body. The musi
c and beat dance through me as the flames of lust spread, mixing with the buzz. My body vibrates with need. I grate back against Damon’s cock.  

Damon’s grip on my hips tightens before he turns me around to face him, arousal burning bright in his eyes. Our lips crash together, forcefully. My body hums with pleasure being this close to him. Damon’s hands find my arse, squeezing and kneading. I moan against his lips as our tongues tangle.

I pull my lips away, gasping for air. I pant against him, my body desperately throbbing and clenching. Damon’s thumb comes up to rub against my bottom lip.

“I love your lips when they’re pouty-kissed. They and your owl eyes make me so fucking hot, beauty.”

“Owl eyes?” I ask, amused.

“Yeah, owl eyes.” He looks deep into my eyes. “They’re massive. Big, round and beautiful. Innocent.” His lips softy brush against mine. “I fucking love your eyes, but these lips
, these lips are pure sin. Your kisses are sin. Poison. One taste and I’m addicted. You’re pure sin.”

“You have no idea.” Damon is about to reply when Wesley interrupts us.

“Damon, Leona got into some shit with a bunch of lads. Spence just ran over but the bouncer’s hands are already full.” He nods towards the door where security is breaking up a fight and escorting people out. Damon kisses my forehead, telling me to stay before leaving, Wesley trailing behind.

He didn’t say another word. Just took off to her aid. Will he always run to her when she needs him? Will she be a constant in his life? Someone who pulls him away every chance she can get? We’re definitely going to have to have a chat about their relationship.

“Fancy a dance?” A familiar voice asks. I turn and squeal as I take in Tom standing in front of me. God I’ve missed him. I throw myself into his arms and hold on tight. Tom seems to have a way of grounding me. Making me remember who I am. Who I was. Tom’s smile splits across his face, only making him that much more gorgeous. Tom really is sexy.

“Els, I missed you. You alone?” he asks looking around.

“Damon’s ex pulled him away.” I try to act nonchalant but I know I don’t pull it off. I see pity flash in his eyes before he takes my hand.

“Let’s dance.” I nod and he pulls me into the throngs of people dancing.


Sweat is dripping down my body. My trousers feel like they’re shrinking against me, I’m so fucking hot. I put my hand on Tom’s shoulder and pull, bringing his ear down to my mouth.

“I’m going to see if I can find Damon,” I smile at him as I kiss his cheek. He said he’s happy for me. He’s glad I’ve decided to finally live again since losing Lydia. We’ve danced and talked for the last twenty or so minutes and I haven’t seen Damon since he left. 

“Ok, Els. If you can’t find him, come back to me. I don’t want you leaving alone,” he says sternly. I give him a nod then go in search of Damon.

After looking around and not seeing any of the group I was with I decided to look in The Bowl room. I look down in the sea of people to see if I can see Damon, but come up empty. There are too many bodies, too many places crowded, and from my point of view I cannot see a face unless they look up.

I’m suddenly aware of another person in the room with me. I turn and see Sharn, Leona’s friend, leaning against the back of a sofa. She looks me up and down with a sneer. This woman thinks she knows me, has already judged me based on Leona’s opinion and has decided I’m beneath her. I’m not bothered. I have no time in my life for people like her.

“Looking for someone?” she asks, a smug smile tugging along her lips. “You might as well forget about Damon. He’s with Leona. Where he belongs. Where he’ll always belong.” I turn away and suck in a breath. I know Damon and Leona have a past but I’m hoping it is just that, a past. “They love each other you know, always have. He just needs time to... fuck whores.” She pauses and looks me up and down again. “You know? To get it out of his system. Then he can finally settle down. With Leona.”

My blood boils. Who does she think she is calling me a whore? “Funny, he doesn’t need to fuck whores out of his system when he’s with me. I obviously keep him satisfied. I guess she isn’t enough after all.” I walk away without waiting for a reply.

I make my way downstairs, my buzz now completely gone, and bump into Sofia. She’s climbing the stairs as fast as her heels will take her, looking worried. Her eyes land on me and she comes to an abrupt halt, relief flooding her eyes.

“Ella, I’ve been looking for you. I thought you might catch a drink with me?” she smiles big but I can see she’s nervous.

“What’s going on Sofia?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “You seem stressed.” Her shoulders slump.

“I saw Damon
talking to the bitch. I couldn’t see you so I asked Lacy and Sharn if they’d seen you and Sharn said you were on the dance floor.  I  looked  and  couldn’t  find you so I checked here.”

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