Cosmic Sex (15 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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Sam stared long and hard until Nick became damned uncomfortable.

“What?” he finally asked.

“You still sleeping with her?”

He tensed. “What if I am?”

“Alien sex? That’s not good and you know it. She’s from another planet, for Pete’s sake. Don’t get stupid about her.”

“Me? Not on your life. I like her—that’s it.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “You know long-distance relationships never work. This one’s about as distant as it gets.”

“Okay, I like her a lot,” Nick conceded. “But look at her. She’s damned sexy. It’s just a bad case of lust. When she leaves, I’ll move on. You know me. I don’t do long-lasting relationships.”

“Just make sure the one time you do decide to jump in for the long haul it’s with someone from our planet.”

Sam didn’t look convinced but dropped the subject. Nick knew it wouldn’t work between him and Kia. He’d seen her look of longing when Lara appeared, and that’s when he’d realized he couldn’t compete. Hell, he felt the same way toward his sister and brother.

But him and a lasting relationship? No, his dad had showed him those don’t work when he’d walked away from a twenty-two-year marriage. As far as he’d known, they’d never even had a real fight.

“Nick, I found pizza,” Kia called out, drawing his attention back to the present. “Is that healthy?”

Some of his tension disappeared. How could he help but like someone who was experiencing life on Earth for the very first time? And what living, breathing man wouldn’t get horny being around a woman who looked like her?

But he would let her go when the time came. Hell, he probably wouldn’t have any say in the matter. As soon as she found her cousin, Kia would be out of his life without a backward glance.

A sharp pain stabbed him in the chest.

“You okay?” Sam asked.

“Gas pain.” And that’s all it was.

“Nick, is pizza good?” Kia called out again.

“Pizza is good,” he called back.

“What’s an oven? It says I have to put it in the oven.”

“I’d better get back out there before she burns the apartment down.”

Before Sam said another word, Nick continued.

“I’ll be careful, but hell, I might as well enjoy the time we have together.”

He left his bedroom and hurried back to the kitchen. If they only had a short time, then he was damn well going to make the most of it.

He stopped at the doorway. Kia faced away from him. She’d removed the pizza from the box and set it to the side. She’d found the strip that opened the clear plastic cover and taken that off. He silently watched as she tentatively took a bite of frozen pepperoni, then made a face and spit it out in the sink. When she turned back around, she noticed him.

“I don’t think I like your pizza.”

“You will when it’s done.” He turned the oven on and dug out the pizza pan. “It has to cook first, then I’ll guarantee you’ll love it.”

When she smiled, his heart squeezed tight. What was it about her that struck such a deep chord inside him? Damn, it would be hard letting her go.

But he would let her go.


Pizza was good.

Nick had named off all the toppings for her and he was right about the little round pepperoni tasting better after it cooked.

Not that she was that fond of it. She much rather liked the bigger ones he’d called Canadian bacon. But she liked the cheese the very best of all. She could stretch it out really far and then eat it all the way back to the crust.

“Why are there lights swirling above us?” Sam asked, his gaze riveted above them.

Poor Sam. He still looked a little disoriented. “We’ve come to the conclusion that deep physical responses create the lights,” she explained, talking around a mouthful of pizza. “You should see them when we have sex.”

“Uh... I think I’ll pass on that one.”

Nick’s face was red again. Men really had a problem with nudity and talking about sex.


Chapter 17

Sam still looked a little dazed when he’d left the apartment but apparently he recovered pretty fast because the next afternoon, he was back at the apartment.

“What’s your plan?” Sam asked.

“I thought I’d start calling everyone on the list until we find the Hank who brought Kia to Dallas,” Nick said, changing the subject.

“Need some help?” Sam asked. “I have the rest of the day off and I brought my cell phone. I’m taking a wild guess here that it still functions properly.”

His face lost some of its color as his gaze dropped down to his lap.

“Nothing was damaged while I was... uh... gone?”

Men also worried a lot about their penises.

“I don’t think so,” she assured him.

“But you’re not sure.”

“Not positively.”

“You can’t win,” Nick interrupted. “Believe me, I’ve already had this conversation.”

Just as they sat on the sofa, the door chimed. She liked the bells better than the rat-a-tat-tat.

“What is this, Grand Central Station?” Nick muttered as he stood and went to the door. He looked through the peephole and groaned.

“What?” Sam asked.

“It’s Becca. What am I going to do?”

“Nick, open the door. My back is killing me and Mom sent food.”

“Food?” Kia sat straighter.

Nick frowned at her. “How can you still be hungry? We just ate lunch.”

He was being rather judgmental. An attitude-adjusting smoothie would fix him, except she didn’t have one handy. She jutted her chin out instead. “I like food.”

“Nick, I can hear you.” The person pounded on the door.

No pretty chimes this time. She wanted in, and Kia had a feeling she would get her way. There was something in the way she said Nick’s name. Curiosity filled Kia. Who was this woman Nick called Becca?

“Damn.” Nick opened the door.

The woman strode into the room, holding a package in front of her. Her red hair reminded Kia of her burgundy stones—a deep, bold color. The female had cute little dots across her nose, too.

“You’d think with my condition you could at least open the door a little faster. Hi, Sam.” She shoved the bag into Nick’s arms and stared at Kia. “I’m Becca, Nick’s sister, and who are you?” she asked, shrugging out of her heavy coat.

Kia’s gaze traveled to the woman’s protruding abdomen. “Your stomach is so large.”

“Yeah, well, that usually happens when you have a baby growing inside you for nearly nine months.”

Kia stood, walking toward Nick’s sister. “You have a baby inside you?” she asked with awe. “Does it hurt?” She stared at the woman’s rotund figure.

“Let me tell you,” Becca said as she made her way to the sofa and eased down onto the cushions with a groan. “Nick, get me something to drink.” She looked at Kia. “I didn’t catch your name.”


“Well, for the first three months I puked my guts out.”

“But how did you survive without them?” A Nerakian couldn’t live without her internal organs.

“It’s a figure of speech,” Nick quickly supplied as he hurried to the kitchen. When he came back, he handed them each a can of soda. “Kia isn’t from America.”

“Oh.” Becca nodded. “I was so sick it felt as if I were puking my guts up,” she amended. “Then when I finally got over the morning sickness, along came the emotional ups and downs, the swollen feet, and having to run to the bathroom every five minutes.”

“Do we have to discuss this now?” Sam asked. “I mean, I feel for you and everything, but... ”

Men had no sympathy. Kia patted Becca’s hand. “It sounds terrible. I don’t think I would want to have a baby.”

Becca took Kia’s hand and placed it on her stomach. Nothing happened at first, then something thumped against her palm. She jumped back. It was alive!

“Did you feel that?”

Kia nodded.

“That’s the baby kicking inside me.” Becca’s face softened and glowed.

“And this makes you happy?”

Becca smiled and gently rubbed her stomach. “Very.”

Kia tentatively reached out and laid her hand upon Becca’s stomach once more. When the baby kicked again, Kia laughed. She liked being able to feel the little one’s strength.

“This child is a part of me and my husband. There’s nothing I want more than to love the baby we created.”

“And this is done by having sex?”

Nick choked and Sam coughed, but Becca only chuckled. “That’s the best way I know to create life.”

Kia looked at Nick. “Are we going to have a child because we had sex?”

“Uh... Kia... ” Nick gave her what she now thought of as his warning look.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to Nick’s sister. “Why are men so afraid to mention the word sex?”

“I like her, Nick,” Becca said. “Where in the world did you meet?”

Kia opened her mouth, but Nick began to speak before she could get a word out.

“It doesn’t matter.”

She shook her head. Of course it mattered, but she wouldn’t say anything. She remembered a low profile was better than telling anyone else she was an alien. She wasn’t the one who couldn’t retain information.

Her forehead wrinkled in thought. Speaking of which... She turned back to Becca. “Have you noticed how men have a terrible time remembering things?”

“You don’t have to tell me something I know. My Jack can’t remember from one day to the next what he’s supposed to do.”

“It’s exactly as I thought.”

“We can hear you,” Nick pointed out.

“Good, then run down to my car and get the other stuff Mom sent over. I don’t know why she thinks you can’t survive on your own. TV dinners never killed anyone.” She eyed Kia. “But then, if you married, Mom wouldn’t feel the need to baby you.”

“Sis... ”

She waved him away. “The stuff in my car? Both of you—go!”

As soon as the door closed, the women’s gazes met, each one measuring the other.

“I’m sure if he’s around a woman’s influence, his memory will improve,” Kia said, breaking the silence.

Becca chuckled. “I knew I liked you.”

Something warm began to grow inside Kia. It tingled like fingers reaching to every part of her body. This was a good feeling. But one she couldn’t afford.

“I like you, too.”

“Okay, give me the scoop on you and Nick.” Becca leaned closer.

“The scoop? I don’t know what you mean.”

“Sorry, I forgot. Where are you from anyway?”

She hesitated. “Nerak.” Nick said not to tell anyone she was an alien. He was right. If too many people knew, it could cause problems, and although she enjoyed being with his sister, she would keep some things to herself. “Nerak is very far away.”

Becca nodded. “I saw the way Nick looked at you. He may be a cop, but he isn’t the greatest person at hiding what he’s feeling. Do you like my brother a lot?”

Kia wasn’t sure what Becca meant about the way Nick looked at her, but she didn’t have to think long about her question. “Yes, I’m positive I do.”


“Why?” She didn’t understand Becca’s line of questioning. There seemed to be a hidden meaning that she couldn’t grasp.

“And you’re living together?” Becca asked without answering Kia’s question.


“You’re not married, are you? He dated a woman who he thought was divorced, and the lady’s husband beat the crap out of him. I’d hate for that to happen again.”

“What does married mean?”

Becca was thoughtful. “Sleeping with another man. You know, having sex with someone other than Nick.”

Adam-4 didn’t really count since they didn’t sleep in the same bed. They hadn’t had sex for months, either. “No.”

“And what do you do for a living?”

Becca asked a lot of questions but she could answer this one as well. “I’m a code enforcer—like Nick.”

“Same kind of job.” She nodded. “That’s good.”

“Why are you asking the questions?”

“Better safe than sorry.”

This Kia understood. “Yes, that’s what Nick has told me.” Right before they had sex, in fact.

“Do you love him?”

Her question took Kia by surprise. Like was one thing—love quite another. She knew love. She loved Lara and her other sisters. She loved Mala and in another way, she loved the Elders. But what she felt for Nick was different.

“I’m not sure.”

“Then let’s do a test. Close your eyes.”

Kia did as Becca asked and closed her eyes.

“What do you enjoy most about him?”

That was easy. “The way he smiles and the way he holds me close. The way he smells.” She sighed. “The way I feel when we have sex.”

“If you never saw him again, how would you feel?”

Pain ripped through her. She opened her eyes. “This isn’t a good test. I don’t like the thought of never seeing Nick again.”

“That’s what I thought.” A knowing smile curved Becca’s lips.


“You’re falling in love with my brother. I thought I saw the signs. It’s about time. The family had almost given up on him.”

“But I can’t stay. I’ll have to leave.” No, this wasn’t good. With love came pain, and she didn’t like how it made her feel.

“Don’t worry,” Becca told her. “Love always finds a way. And if my brother is falling in love, then he’ll move heaven and Earth to keep you here with him.”

Could Nick somehow move Earth closer to Nerak? No, Kia didn’t think so. This must be another figure of speech.

She would leave when she found Mala. She couldn’t stay. Not just because of Lara, but the Elders weren’t ones to be crossed.

The Elders were amicable most of the time, but they could become fierce when annoyed—or so she’d heard. She hadn’t actually seen them angry. Nor the princesses, who were the direct descendents of the Elders. They would take over when the Elders’ life cycle was no more.

But cross them? No, she didn’t think that would be a good plan. Mala must have been terrified to face them. What had caused her to want to stay so much that she would give up everything she’d ever known?

The door opened and Nick and Sam carried in the bags. Maybe Kia did understand to some degree, but she wasn’t willing to pay that kind of price—she couldn’t.

Nick glanced her way, a question in his eyes. Becca was in conversation with Sam, so she quickly shook her head to let him know she’d continued with her low profile.

He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. And why wouldn’t he? She’d disrupted his life, and he’d want it to go back to normal. The fewer people who knew she was an alien, the better it would be for him.

“Did you get everything?” Becca asked, interrupting her thoughts.

“Doesn’t it look like we have everything?” Nick raised the bags he held.

“Well, put them down and help me off the sofa. I want to go by Baby Stork and pick up a cute little outfit that’s going on sale today.”

“You have more clothes now than the baby will ever wear.”

She shrugged, then held out her hand. “I want more, and who’s going to deny a pregnant, emotionally fragile female?”

Nick helped her to her feet. “You have a point.” He pulled her all the way into his arms and held her. “You doing okay, sis? I mean with the pregnancy and everything.”

“Better than okay. We’re excited—a little nervous, but women have been having babies for years. I’ll be all right.”

“Make sure you are.” He released her and stepped back. “I’ll walk you down.”

“I made it up here without a problem. I don’t need anyone to hold my hand going to the car.” She gave him a look of exasperation. “I guess I could argue until I’m blue in the face and you’d still see me out.”


She sighed. “I’d better use the restroom before I leave.” She started toward the hall, but turned and hugged Kia at the last minute.

As soon as the bathroom door closed, Kia turned to Nick. “I kept a low profile.”

“My sister can be pretty tricky.”

She hugged her middle. “She has a baby growing inside her.” She rubbed her hand over her stomach and for just a second, imagined what it would feel like to be carrying Nick’s baby.

“What are you thinking?” Nick asked with a little hesitation.

“Okay, I think it’s time I grabbed another beer.” Sam quickly exited to the kitchen.

“Kia?” Nick prodded.

“I’m thinking that it would be a wonderful experience to carry a child. To feel it growing inside. The love would be incredible.”

“Nerakians don’t have children, right?”

“No, there are a lot of things that I’m discovering we don’t have.” She moved her hand away from her abdomen and was left with a feeling of emptiness. Maybe Nerak wasn’t as perfect as she’d always thought.

But then, a pregnant warrior would look very odd.

Sam came back into the living room a few minutes later, and their conversation about babies ended. What else did they have to say? Nothing. Nick had been right when he said she would never have a child. Nerakians did not experience any of the stretching or the pain that came with carrying a baby, but then, they didn’t experience any of the first seconds of life, either. That moment when a tiny heart began to beat on its own.

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