Cowboy Love (8 page)

Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy Love
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"Perfect," she said, slipping off her shoes and leaving them in the grass as she started swinging her legs.

Tanner sat beside her, staring out into the night as the music from the radio drifted on the breeze to their ears. She hummed along, hearing one of her favorite songs.

"You can sing pretty well yourself." He grinned as he glanced back at her.

"Yeah, right. I can't sing to save my life, although I used to in the high school choir, but that encompassed at least fifty other people. I could lose my voice in theirs."

Smiling, Tanner said, "We all have to start somewhere, I guess."

"Does anyone else in your family sing? I mean professionally?"

"Not really. My dad and my uncle play some and mess around, but it's not like they have attempted a career or anythin'."

"Where have you traveled with the band?" Curiosity about his life here got the better of her, although she wasn't sure why. Her body was acutely aware of his, and by asking, it kept things on a lighter note than replaying his kisses in her mind or imaging his cock between her legs.

"We've done gigs all over, but mostly here in Texas. Things are pretty steady at Pete's. I usually play at least one day every weekend, and one or two days during the week. The crowds are excellent those nights."

"That's good. It gives you some steady income. I'm sure it helps the fan base, too. You seem to be pretty popular with the locals or at least the women, anyway."

A bit shyly, he dropped his head to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"You're blushing!" She laughed as she placed her hand on his forearm. His eyes focused on her hand for a moment, before he lifted his gaze to hers and the raw desire reflected there took her breath away.

The first notes of Clay Walker singing Hypnotize the Moon reached their ears, as she whispered, "This is one of my favorite songs."

He scooted off the tailgate and held out his hand. "Would you dance with me?"

Not saying a word, she placed her hand in his as her bare feet touched the soft blanket of grass under them. Holding his gaze, she stepped into his arms with a satisfied sigh.

He pulled her close, near enough her breasts brushed his chest as she heard a groan rumble in his throat. Her cheek came to rest against his as she felt the whisper of his breath at her ear and she shivered. Her fingers touched the softness of the hair at his nape, making her fingertips tingle.

Their bodies moved as one, with the lyrics of the song drifting on the breeze and settling in her heart.

Oh lord, Amy, you are in trouble now.
His lips touched her skin where the collarbone and shoulder met, infusing her with heat that settled between her thighs in a heady pool. The little straps of her dress did nothing to shield her from the softness of his kiss. Her legs got weak as his tongue darted out, capturing the salt as she moaned softly.

When the song ended, she pulled back in his arms just far enough she could see his face. His eyes had turned to a deep, chocolate brown, and as they skimmed over her, her cheeks heated as her body grew warm from his look.

When his gaze settled on her mouth, her lips parted in silent invitation, and a small sigh escaped. She knew he had every intention of devouring her mouth under his in a kiss that would knock her socks off, just like the others. As his stare moved back up her face and she watched a small smile cross his lips right before he took hers. The kiss was soft at first, but when she accepted him, he deepened the caress, moving his lips over hers. She felt him groan deep in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, as if he couldn't get close enough. The kisses before had been fantastic, making her want him like no other, but this one, this one kiss held all of the wants and needs of his heart in one touch.

Oh God,
she thought, right before his tongue touched her lips, seeking entrance into the soft cavern, and all logical comprehension left her mind. Her lips parted, allowing him access to the moist inside of her mouth as her own moan reached the surface.

Their tongues danced, each wanting something from the other, but not exactly sure what. Their breathing came in a short, rapid tempo as desire spiraled out of control. Breaking the kiss, Tanner put his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.

When he opened them again, her own need rushed through her as she almost threw caution to the wind at the heat in his gaze. She watched a small, wry smile cross his lips as he brought his fingers up to skim gently across her jaw. She closed her eyes to his touch, wanting more as she snuggled against his hand.

"We need to stop this before it gets out of control," he whispered against her parted lips, nibbling at the corners.

"I know," she moaned in return, a shiver running down her spine as his lips touched hers for the second time.

"I didn't bring you up here to fuck you until you scream, although the thought has crossed my mind several times since I met you," he murmured, lifting his head. His hand moved to cup her breast and she pushed her now taut nipple against his palm, craving the friction of his caress. She tasted the passion in his kiss, as desire raced along her veins like she had never experienced before.
You want him, Amy. You want to know what it would feel like for him to do exactly what he suggested, fuck you until you scream,
her heart whispered as her body reacted to his touch.

A moment later, he pushed away from her.

Bewildered, she looked at him, wondering what the hell just happened.

* * * *

As the desire between them zinged out of control, he felt the cell phone in his pocket vibrate. He pushed Amy back as he reached into for it. His breaths came out in rapid pants when he looked at the screen. Tanner groaned out loud as he heard Amy ask who it was.

"Chris." He seethed.
I'm going to personally kill her.

Amy took a few steps away from him as he flipped open the phone. "What do you want, Chris?"

"I'm checking on you two since I couldn't reach Amy."

"Her cell is in the truck I imagine."

"Let me talk to her." Amy reached for his phone. He handed it to her, right before he turned to walk near the bluff.

Use this to cool off, Tanner. You need to get yourself under control before something happens that you'll both regret.
He stared out at the lights as the murmurs of the conversation reached him

"Hi, Chris," Amy said with a shaky voice.

He laced his fingers behind his head, breathing deeply, trying desperately to bring his raging desire to a tolerable level.

"As Tanner said, it's in the truck inside my purse."

Amy walked a little closer, close enough he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume.

"Somewhere overlooking the town."

Chris must have asked where we are.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring her up here.

"Bye." The phone clicked shut and Amy walked over, touching him on the shoulder, bringing his attention back to her as she handed it back to him.

"Chris told me to tell you to behave yourself." Amy tried to joke as he stiffened.

"Did she?"

"Yes. She also said this is make-out drive?"

"They do call it that around here." He chuckled.

"Every town has one."

"Probably so." He shrugged as he said, "I guess I shouldn't have brought you up here."

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to get the idea I was trying to come on too strong." Their desire cooled as he put distance between them and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get that out of control. Make no mistake, you are a very attractive girl, and I'd do it again in a minute."

Blushing, she dropped her gaze to her feet. Stepping near her, he put his finger under her chin so he could look into her eyes as he asked, "Are you okay?" She nodded as his gaze moved back down to her lips.
Don't to it. If you kiss her again, it will be over and you'll be fucking her in the back of the truck.

She sighed in what sounded like disappointment as he murmured, "I should probably take you home."

She stepped back. "Yeah."

"I'll get the blanket if you grab your shoes."

* * * *

Shivering now in the cooling night air and the loss of his body heat, she picked up her shoes and moved around to the passenger side of the truck. Opening the door, he grasped her chin and quickly kissed her on the lips. After she slid into the seat, he gave her that melt-your-heart-in-a-puddle smile, closed the door and walked around to the driver's side.

Without another word, he started the truck and popped it into gear, pulling out of their parking spot onto the dirt road.

Afraid to read anything into what happened on the bluff, Amy kept quiet, but snuck a peek at him several times during the ride. It wasn't far from where they had sat overlooking the town back to Chris' parents' house, but the ride seemed to go on forever, then wasn't long enough.

She didn't want him to leave. She feared she would never see him again once he left her at the door. Insecurity clouded her mind and rose to incredible levels the moment he pulled up to the front of the house. She stared out the window as he shut the truck off. He reached across the expanse between them, brushing his hand against her shoulder and taking a tendril of hair between his fingers. The sensation of having his hand so near, but not really touching, drove her crazy. She was such a sucker for the smallest, intimate touch, always had been, but no one, until now, had brought on this raw hunger in her. She would be totally lost should he decide to rub his fingers around her ear.
would be her undoing, no matter what the consequences of her actions might be.

She turned to look at him across the truck and gave him a tentative smile, wanting to rub her cheek against his hand.

"When are you going back to Dallas?" The soft whisper of his voice sent shivers down her arms.

"We have to leave Monday afternoon. We both have to work on Tuesday morning."


He didn't move, just stared, watching her and waiting as she craved his touch.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled his hand back and turned to open his door. Shocked by his retreat, Amy sat stunned. He closed the driver's door and walked around the front of the truck to open hers. Feeling totally confused, she grabbed her purse and climbed out of the opening, moving to the side so he could shut the door behind her. Not sure what to make of his sudden change, she started toward the front of the house with him walking beside her, but not touching.

As they reached the porch, she moved toward the door and turned right before reaching it, putting her back to the wall.

"Thanks for supper—" Her words were cut of as he took her mouth with his. Both hands bracketed her head as his lips caressed hers softly.

When he finally lifted his head, she almost moaned at the loss of contact as he gave her wry smile. "I didn't want you to think I wasn't gonna kiss you good-night."

"Well, I had begun to wonder." Her lips burned where he touched them.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" His fingers slid through a small piece of hair that had come loose as his warm breath fanned her face.

"Um, sure," she whispered in return. "Do you have something specific in mind?"

His sexy grin returned as his eyes moved over her face and settled on her lips. She held her breath when the words
fuck you until you scream
zinged through her thoughts and she almost whimpered with need.

"I'm sure we can think of somethin'," he whispered against her mouth, right before he pulled away. "I'll pick you up about six."

She smiled as he stepped back, giving her just a little breathing room. "Six is good."

"I'll wait until you get inside and lock the door," he told her, his voice a little breathless.

Always the gentleman.
She turned to pull open the screen, his warm gaze caressing her back. She pushed the door and went inside, but as she went to shut it, she peeked out and smiled. He obviously wanted to make sure she was safely inside before he left. She didn't hear him leave the porch until she had shut the door firmly and slid the lock.

She leaned back against the hard wood with a deep sigh as she brought her fingers to her lips where they still tingled from his kiss. He could have taken advantage of her obvious willingness, but he didn't. He wanted her. That much she could tell, but she also knew for a man that didn't mean anything other than physical attraction. She pushed away from the door as his truck started and pulled out of the yard. She let a small smile drift across her lips before she headed toward her temporary quarters and the soft bed awaiting her.

Chapter 6

She woke the next morning more sexually frustrated than the night before. Tanner, his kiss and the thought of what comes next, to the point she had to take a cold shower, had haunted her dreams. The way her body reacted, one would think she hadn't been with a man in more than a year, which wasn't the case.

After spending several minutes under the cool water, washing away the desire-filled thoughts that plagued her, she pulled herself out of the shower and managed to dress. She wanted to find out about Chris' date. Even though she hadn't mentioned her destination, Amy knew that's where she went the night before. Catherine had let slip when Amy had returned to the house to change for supper with Tanner.

"Good morning," Amy said, walking into the kitchen.

Catherine greeted her with a hearty, "Good morning to you. Did you have a fun night with Tanner?"

Night? Oh how I wished it had been the night. Good grief! I need to pull my head out from between my legs!

"We had fun. We went to Pete's for a while then he showed me the lights of the town from the bluff."

"It is very pretty up there at night." Catherine sighed.

"Is Chris here? I didn't hear her come in unless she came in before me."

Frowning, Catherine said, "No, Chris isn't here. She rarely returns for the night if she goes out with Rob."

Amy cocked her head to the side at the negativity in Catherine's voice. "Don't you like him? Chris seems rather fond of him."

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