C.R. Daems - Kazak 2 - The Unthinkable (16 page)

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Authors: C. R. Daems

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: C.R. Daems - Kazak 2 - The Unthinkable
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The rest of Vernon's team peaked around the corner. They ducked back when I fired. I hoisted the woman over my shoulder, fireman style, and entered the closest building. The kids that had been watching through the door fled into the nearest classroom. I punched "1" as the campus police cars began rolling up. They were armed.

"Boss, the FBI and campus police are trying to kill me. I killed one FBI, shot two others, and a student. More are going to die and I don't have an unlimited supply of ammo." Silence. I dragged the woman away from the door and opened the closest classroom door.

"Out." I waved my gun at the three women and two men. Go stand in front of the door. I'll shoot the first one that tries to leave. Think of this as a great story to tell your grandchildren." That would keep the police from shooting and rushing the door. Of course, there were other entrances.

"A SWAT team is on the way. I believe Williamson will delay responding to his boss. Five minutes." All quiet on the campus. Of course, men with guns were sneaking around one or more of the entrances with Williamson's rules of engagement. Then I heard and saw the SWAT trucks arrived. A minute later an ambulance appeared.

"CEASE FIRE." A megaphone blasted and the team starting fanning out and identifying those with guns. One of the FBI men walked over to the person who seemed in charge of the SWAT team. They talked. After a minute, he picked up the megaphone.

"KAZAK LYNN. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF AN FBI AGENT." All the guns came back up in my direction. Shit. I could get away if I could leave the woman on the floor-I couldn't, she was beyond dangerous. I could hold out longer if I had more ammo. Shit.

"Cease fire," a woman's voice. When I peeked out the glass door, Catherine stood there in front of the SWAT team commander with a badge stuck in his face. Four armed men surrounded her, with guns scanning the area. They looked ready to shoot.

"CEASE FIRE." The commander megaphone came to life. "EVERYONE DROP THEIR WEAPONS. NOW" Slowly weapons were put on the ground.

"You can all leave now," I said to the bunch in front of the door as Catherine approached the door.

"Hello, Lynn. I hope you've solved the mystery. You've upset a lot of people."

"Stop that ambulance. I want to go with my client to the hospital, and we need to bring this one along."

"Your client not dead?"

"She will probably have a black and blue chest and tits, but she'll live."

"What about her. It looks like you shot her in the head."

"She'll probably wish I had, but she's alive too." Catherine nodded as she gave directions to her men outside. One came inside and carried my prisoner to the ambulance with us following.

"Looks like you need a medic." She gently examined my side when we stopped.

"Don't touch that woman," I shouted at a medic who was about to examine my prisoner.

"She needs immediate attention...oh, that's paint...just like the woman over there." He nodded towards Sandra.

"This isn't paint," Catherine said. "We need you to get to the hospital, now."

"Catherine, have one of your men take some gauze and wrap her head so that her eyes are securely covered."

She nodded. At my insistence, he wrapped the gauze over the ripped shirt already there and added plastic restrainers to her wrists and ankles. Sandra had already been sedated and I had my prisoner given a dose. One of the medics removed my shirt and applied a compress to stop the bleeding.

"I've been informed that Witton and three Kazaks are on the way to the hospital." Catherine seemed to be in communications with everyone. At the hospital, I demanded Sandra, my prisoner, and me be in the same room and they delay operating on me until I was relieved of my responsibilities. Witton arrived shortly after to my relief. I was tired and weak as a baby.

"Lynn, Clare is going to be pissed." Was the first thing out of Witton's mouth. "Tony the Panther will take responsibility for Sandra, and Catherine and her people will take responsibility for your hog-tied friend."

"Keep her blind folded and tied so she can't remove it. She's very dangerous-"


When I opened my eyes, Catherine was sitting in a chair in the corner. She stood and walked over to the bed.

"They removed two bullets. One cracked a rib. They've spliced it together with a titanium plate. Should be healed in a month or two. The Doctor said you were lucky...again. You have lots of scars."

"It's me or the client and Witton gets pissed when it's the client. Not to mention the client." I'd bet Catherine didn't have a blemish anywhere on that glorious body.

"She milks every scar for all it's worth," Witton said as he walked into the room with two coffees. "I hope you don't think this is going to get you time off and the use of the company plane."

"Please," I batted by eyelids and tried to look coy. Catherine laughed.

"If you two are through with your handshake, I would like Lynn to connect the dots. What we deduced so far is like reading every fifth page of a mystery."

"It falls into place if you believe Samuel and Vince. I did, therefore, I knew I would shoot my client, since I'm no smarter, more dedicated, or trained than them. I loaded my primary gun with the paintball bullets we use on the Hill. They hurt like hell and cause nasty bruises but are unlikely to kill you. Knowing what happened to Samuel and Vince, I hoped I would recover from what the Assassin did to be able to identify him."

"What if it had been a real assassination?" Catherine asked.

"I gambled it wasn't. A small risk, unless you believe Kazaks kill clients when they are assholes. After I shot Sandra, I spun around and identified the...Mind Bender." I kind of liked that term for the new Assassin.

"How?" Witton asked.

"She used good logic at the wrong time. If you commit a crime, running when everyone is walking makes you stand out; however, when shots are fired, everyone runs. She walked away."

"That was a mistake. Why didn't you want the FBI following you?" Catherine asked.

"Because when it appeared I killed my client, they would demand I drop my gun. When I didn't, they would have tried to kill me-like they did."

"You shot the first two FBI agents in the chest but Vernon in the head. Was that because he had people following you?" Catherine again.

"No. Because he was an asshole. I shot the agents in the chest because I knew they would be wearing protective vests. They stop bullets but not the impact. I shot Vernon in the head because he was firing an automatic weapon at me. Fortunately, he was a worse shot than me."

"Thank you, Lynn. The witch Meztlil named you well. Samuel and Vince will be released immediately and their records made to reflect they acted appropriately under the circumstances. After all, we don't win them all. And I will add a new type of Assassin to our list-Mind Bender. Hopefully she is the one and only." Catherine nodded and left.

"I'm going to let you explain this to Clare. Call me when you feel ready to return. It's going to take time for that rib to mend. Ann Marie will book the company plane or Gendel's if it isn't available when you are ready." He stood silent for a minute. "Catherine delayed me getting Kazaks to you. Why do you think?"

"My guess is that Catherine is the Committee's trouble shooter. As such she has the Committee's full backing. If I killed Sandra, she wanted me to take the heat. If several Kazak were there supporting me, the organization would take the blame." I noticed Witton's face tightened at the suggestion. "By the way, General Udella hired the Assassins to kill or discredit me for his son's punishment. Of course, the Assassins liked the idea of getting rid of the Kazaks."

"Director Williamson has been removed for delaying his order to cease firing and will do jail time. The SWAT commander has been fired for not following orders. You fired Vernon. And Udella will join his son. Have a good vacation, and say hello to Clare after she calms down. This time she has a good reason to be mad at me-I knew this was a hard assignment."


I stayed in the hospital for two more days and spent another three days at my condo, mostly so I wouldn't look too beat up when I saw Clare. I've created far too much stress in her life. It turned out to be a good thing as everyone was interested in the details of the encounter and, in particular, the Mind Bender Assassin. Witton received letters of complaint from Sandra, Sandra's mother, and the FBI. Ann Woehl called to say Director Williamson's removal got her a promotion and one step closer to the Directorship. She was sorry she missed the party-sort of-and confirmed Vernon was an asshole.


I didn't feel too bad when I entered the plane. Five days of rest had helped me regain my strength, but my ribs were still in a bad mood, particularly when I took a breath.

"Welcome aboard Miss Lynn," Kathryn said in her usual cheerful voice. I had just sat when she appeared with coffee and a tray of appetizers. "Seeing as you are using your plane to go to Denver, am I to assume Clare will not be in a good mood when we arrive?"

"I didn't tell her I was coming."


"I like to think of it as a surprise visit."

"I guess Mr. Witton didn't tell her you were injured, either."

"No. He's left that to me."

"You're both cowards."

"Yes. It's a lot easier having an Assassin pissed than Clare. She takes it personal." As usual, Kathryn hovered over me the entire flight. At the airport I caught a taxi-home. There, I told the taxi to wait while I freshened up and changed into one of my one of my new outfits Clare had insisted I buy. I chose a white, open-collared blouse, a dark-blue jacket and skirt, and black low-heeled shoes. I didn't look nearly as good as Catherine, but I hoped presentable.

The taxi dropped me at the Denver Post and I made my way to the second floor. I was disappointed when no one recognized me, but shouldn't have been. I was in disguise.

"Can I help you?" a young man, who I didn't recognize, asked.

"I'm looking for Clare Frazer." I said looking around. She wasn't in her regular office.

"I'm afraid she is busy right now with Mr. Wilson. Susan can make an appointment for you." Then I spotted Clare in Harry Wilson's, the Managing Editor, office.

"No need, I found her," I said as I headed for them, leaving the young man stuttering something about needing an appointment. When I reached his office, with the young man following, I knocked on his window. Harry waved me in.

"Lynn, what a pleasant surprise. You look...like you're here on business." He said while coming around his desk.

"She's hurt and looking for sympathy," Clare said, frowning as she scanned me from head to foot. "I know. She didn't call to let me know she was coming, and she stopped at the condo to clean up."

"She looks healthy," Harry said giving me a good once over.

"She is using all of her considerable control to keep from limping, or wincing, or... And she's tickled pink she found me with you so I can't smack her silly." Clare came over and gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I tensed reflectively as my ribs expressed their extreme displeasure.

"SEE, I told you so," she shouted and she stepped back and inspected me again.

"Lynn, it's very difficult to fool our new City News Editor," Harry said with a big smile. "I don't want to be in your shoes."

"Harry, that is just going to encourage her feeling justified getting injured because she's propelling you, me and the Post to new heights." Clare said pointing an accusing finger at me. "See that slight twitch of the lip. She has another story. Just once, Lynn..." Her eyes misted.

"Harry, everything is done for tomorrow's paper. I'm going home and get drunk, since I can't afford a shrink." With that, she took my hand and led me out of the building. She was quiet on the way home, but never let go of my hand.


At my insistence, Clare didn't take any time off for the next two weeks. While I recuperated, I was content to stay at home during the day, reading, catching up on national events, and refreshing my language fluency. On the job, it was impossible. The first week, we stayed home at night content just to be together. The second week we ate out most nights at restaurants normally too expensive for Clare. I considered being here with her a special occasion and didn't mind the expense. What better way to spend my accumulating salary? I surprised her one night with tickets to Krishna Das at the Paramount Theater. I managed to get Club Seating with VIP in-seat beverage service and private restroom.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Clare asked when we reached the Club area in the Mezzanine.


"It's working."


"Well, Clare, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Are you paying for it?"

"No the Committee is paying for it."

"Too bad. I thought I'd go some place expensive. Part of what you owe me, but you don't care about money, do you?"

"What's mine is yours. If you want to spend it, it's fine with me. The Committee is paying because catching the Mind Bender Assassin was critical. If I had failed, the Kazak Guardians would have been terminated."

"How am I supposed to stay mad at you?" She leaned over and kissed me. "Let's call Gabe and Lauretta and see if they can get some time off. Gabe has always wanted to see the Hill and I'd imagine you wouldn't mind see how Jody and Megan are doing. Then the committee can treat all of us to a week at the Hastings House."

"I thought you would have wanted to be alone." I was truly surprised. I liked the idea of seeing Gabe and his wife, Lauretta, and I always enjoyed the Hill. And I was curious about Jody and Megan.

"Don't get confused. You still owe me. You aren't going to call Witton before six weeks, and he better not have an assignment waiting-he owes me too. So, I don't mind you visiting the only other friend you have and checking up on your babies." She gave me an evil smile. "Hastings House is one of Canada's top three hotels. It's located in the Gulf Islands between Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. and will be a nice change for Gabe and Loretta."

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