Crave (13 page)

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Authors: Monica Murphy

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Crave
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Reaching for her hand again, I press my palm against hers and entwine our fingers. Hers are slender, delicate, and I swear they tremble in my grip. A jolt moves through me at the connection, as if my body missed being touched by hers. “Say yes, you want to work with me.”

“It’s not that easy . . .”

“Say yes,” I repeat, refusing to take no for an answer.

“I shouldn’t. I should be mad that you went above my head and made it happen anyway, with or without my approval.”

I smile, feeling cocky. “Come on, you’ve never been able to resist me.”

She tries to extract her fingers from mine but I squeeze tight, not about to let her go. “You’re such an ass.”

“You think I wouldn’t use that to my advantage?” I lower my voice. She’s going to kill me for saying this, but I’m overcome. Having her hand in mine, our fingers laced together. I’m gripping her so tight, I feel like a desperate man. I haven’t forgotten her no matter how hard I try. “I absolutely cannot get the last time we were together out of my mind.”

“Please. We haven’t spoken since. Until today.” She glares at me with narrowed eyes, tugging against my hold, but I refuse to release her. “You know, I really can’t stand you. Seeing you tonight only reiterates my feelings.”

I don’t doubt it for a minute. Most women hate me once they get to know me.

Not Ivy. She knows all my faults yet she still wants to be with me. Or at least she used to. I want that again. The closeness, that connection I share with no one else. She somehow understands me, she always has.

I know for a fact that not many people do.

“Fine, hate me all you want. Just say you’ll do this.”

“It’s not that easy for me to walk away from my life, you know. I have responsibilities. And what if Sharon’s mad that you did this?” I smooth my thumb across the top of her hand, and she releases a shuddering breath. “I’m asking for trouble, working with you.”

“Ivy, please.”

Her eyes widen at my choice of words. I rarely say please. I just take what I want. But please is not working with Ivy at this very moment. She looks ready to run.

“Archer . . .”

“Please, Ivy,” I say again. “I need you.”


Chapter Ten


me to believe you’re serious.” He’s driving me crazy with how he’s touching me. I can’t think. And the way he’s looking at me isn’t much better.

At this very moment his sole focus is on me. That penetrating dark gaze of his locked on my face. As if nothing and no one else matters. All that intensity is tough to deal with.

Of course, he wants something from me. Not like he can be a complete ass and expect me to be agreeable.

Despite my instinct to scream
! and flee the restaurant, I take this moment to study him, my gaze roving over him greedily. He’s wearing a black sweater that stretches across his chest, emphasizing his broad shoulders. His dark hair gleams beneath the soft glow of the lights shining from above.

More than one woman has glanced in his direction since I sat down. Power, wealth, authority, it radiates from Archer in palpable waves. Funny how I can forget that when I’m not around him. How potent he is to my well-being.

Couple all that potency with a devastatingly handsome face and outrageously sexy body, no woman is immune.

Including myself, as much as I’m loath to admit it.

“What’s so difficult for you to believe? I’ve already gotten your boss’s approval. We’re ready to move forward.” He smiles, drags his thumb across my knuckles yet again. A bolt of heat rushes through me at the seemingly innocent touch. He knows what he’s doing to me, how he affects me. This is an act to make me agreeable.

Stupid idiot that I am, I’m falling for it despite the warning bells screaming inside my head. “For how long again?”

“Two weeks tops.”

How simple he makes it sound. He snaps his fingers and makes it all happen, just like that. Could I really stand to be around him for any extended length of time? I have no willpower when it comes to Archer. He’s a weakness of mine. Like indulging in too much chocolate and bad movies on a Sunday afternoon.

Only a million times worse.

“And Sharon readily agreed to this without protest?” I found it hard to believe. She needs me around, she’s so busy. I don’t know how she can afford to let me go, even if it’s only for two weeks.

“The prestige of her design company working with Hush and Bancroft is more than enough incentive for her to have you come work for me.” He pauses, the confident expression on his face downright breathtaking. “You really think she’d refuse me?”

Could anyone refuse him? He’s a Bancroft, after all. And so arrogant with it, I wish I could tell him no. Just once. Right now would be the perfect time—but the opportunity he’s offering me is just too tempting and Sharon would kill me if she’s already agreed. He knows it too. “What you’re suggesting . . . it’s crazy. You really think we can get this project off the ground and ready in two weeks?”

“We can do whatever we set our minds to. Just say yes, Ivy.” His gaze drops, landing on my mouth, where it lingers a fraction too long. My lips literally tingle, as if he physically touched them.

Extracting my hand from his grasp, relief floods me as I finally break the physical connection between us. When he touches me, I can’t think. I have a problem thinking when he’s looking at me too, so I drop my gaze. Study the tablecloth in front of me, which is a stark, pure white, made of fine, thick linen.

That I’d rather contemplate a tablecloth shows how powerful Archer’s influence is on me. God, I’m weak when it comes to this man.

His sinfully deep voice breaks through my thoughts. “Stop playing this game, Ivy. It’s going to happen.”

Sighing, I reluctantly lift my gaze. “Fine. When do we leave?”

“Tonight?” He flashes that dazzling smile, the one that dissolves my panties.
Sexy, no-good jerk.

Grabbing my wineglass, I drain it, my skin instantly warming from the alcohol. I’ll definitely need more wine to get through the rest of this evening. “No way. Tomorrow.”

“All right. Tomorrow works,” he drawls. “But it’ll have to be first thing. I have a few stipulations too.”

“I’m sure you do.”

“I’ll need you to consult with me on everything. Every choice, every decision you need to make. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but there’s a certain aesthetic I want at both locations and I need to ensure your choices meet that aesthetic.”

I nod once. Nothing unusual there. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

“And if I don’t like what you suggest, you won’t try to convince me otherwise. I have final word.” He wraps his fingers around his beer bottle and brings it to his mouth, taking a drink, gorgeously sexy when he swallows, which is insane.

He makes me insane. His scent, the way he watches me with that calculated, hot gaze. His mere presence warms my skin, sets fire to my blood. Floods me with memories of our one amazing night together. I both cherish and hate those memories.

And he’s drawing out the suspense on purpose. I’m literally sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear what he might say next. “I also want you to move in with me,” he finishes once he sets the bottle down.

My mouth drops open, shock rushing through my veins. “Move in with you?” I squeak, clearing my throat.

“I’ll need you on site every single day. I’m rushing this project. All decisions we need to make must be quick. I can’t have you coming back and forth from San Francisco. I need you with me. Every day. Every night, until the project is finished. At the very least you can stay at Hush.”

“Oh, I get exactly what you want from me.” A slow-burning rage sweeps over me, making me shake. I push back my chair and stand, glaring down at him. “I’m not going to be another one of your sexual conquests.”

Tilting his head back, he watches me, calm as ever. “Don’t be angry, Ivy. I’m not asking you to have sex with me in order for you to have this project. I’m not that much of an asshole.”

God, his words sting. What sort of woman does he think I am? “Yeah, right. Next thing I know I’m flat on my back in your bed. No thank you. You’re not going to bribe me with career recognition either.” Bending, I grab my purse from the floor and sling it over my shoulder.

“I know the idea of staying with me doesn’t make you comfortable, but it’s best for the project considering the timeline. Besides, I’m not asking you to wait for me naked in my bed every night, though the idea is appealing.” The arrogance dripping from his voice makes me want to hit something. Preferably him. “Come on, I know you haven’t forgotten how easy it was between us that night, Ivy,” he murmurs, his voice low. Sexy.


His words enflame me, filling me with both lust and anger. I really hate that I still want him. “You’re a bastard,” I say through clenched teeth before I turn and head toward the door, desperate to escape the suddenly too warm, too confining restaurant.

I hear him call my name. Hear his chair scrape across the floor as he stands and starts to come after me. But I refuse to look back. Choose to ignore the hostess who’s calling after me that she still has my coat.

Pushing open the door, I step out into the dark night, deeply breathing the cool air. A flash goes off in my face, I swear I hear them call Archer’s name, and I head in the opposite direction, avoiding the paparazzi at all costs. How could I forget they follow Archer everywhere?

God. My head is spinning, and not just from the wine. The stupid photographer is just the tip of my overwhelming iceberg—that Archer demands I work for him. Going above my head to ensure I have no choice but to work for him is infuriating. Never mind that we had sex and he has to bring it up. Like he’s trying to use that night against me. I could blame it on the champagne I drank too much of, I suppose.

So freaking embarrassing.

Worse? I know I would’ve done it without the champagne. I can’t blame too much alcohol on my one night with Archer. I was completely sober.

But he’s an asshole. A controlling, arrogant jerk who thinks I’m some sort of spineless, stupid girl. I wish I could refuse him but he’s effectively trapped me. And why didn’t Sharon talk to me about this? I can’t quite wrap my head around how he made all of this happen and so quickly.

He’s just that powerful, that influential to gain the things—or people—he wants with a simple phone call or snap of his fingers.

Not knowing which way to go, I turn right, heading blindly into the night. Cars pass by, I hear the loud rumble of a city bus as it speeds down the street, and I blink hard, my strides quick, my heart pumping like crazy. A shiver moves through me and I rub my arms with my hands, wishing I had my coat. It’s a total favorite; I love that jacket and I’m pissed I left it in the restaurant like an idiot.

God, he’s so distracting, it’s unfair. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? So freaking irresistible?

I increase my pace, furious at my thoughts. I can hear him right now, following behind me, his determined steps hitting the sidewalk, his huffs of aggravation.

Good. I’m irritating him. Glad to know the feeling is mutual. I need to get away from him.

Far, far away.

“Ivy.” The man is as tall as a god with legs as long as my entire body, meaning he easily catches up with me. His strong fingers clamp around my upper arm and he turns me so I face him. “Don’t run away from me.”

His words are spoken as a demand. “Let me go.” I struggle against his hold and he tightens his fingers, making it impossible to escape.

Archer pulls me in close, his body heat wrapping around me, his potent scent filling my head, making me weak. “Stop fighting this.”

I need my willpower to kick in. It has to or I’ll never survive him. “There’s no ‘this’ to fight. I’m not helping you.”

Archer looks downright offended at my words. “You don’t have a choice. I need you.”

“You don’t need me. I’m just an easy target.” The urge to punch him comes over me, stronger than ever. He has the advantage, knowing how easily I react to him. He’s not above using it against me fully either. “I hate that you’ve done this,” I murmur.

“Why?” His voice is deceptively soft. As persuasive as his fingers stroking my lower back, he’s trying to lull me into a false sense of security. Like I’m some sort of cat he can pet and stroke and ease under his spell. I was strong enough before to send him away, to walk away on my own. But am I strong enough now? Can I resist him again? I don’t know.

“You’ve already fooled me once.” Not really, but it sounds good. We fooled each other. “I shouldn’t let it happen again.”

Reaching out, I rest my hand on his chest, desperate to push him away. It’s as if my fingers have a mind of their own, though. I curl them into the soft, smooth fabric of his sweater, feeling the steely strength of him just beneath. A trembling sigh leaves me, and I keep my gaze locked on my hand, afraid to look at him. Afraid he’ll see everything I feel for him reflected in my eyes.

“I was fooling myself,” he finally says as he touches my cheek, slipping his fingers beneath my chin to tilt my head up. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I frown. Did I hear him right? Did Archer just admit he’d done something wrong? “Well, you did.”

Our gazes hold for long, quiet moments heavy with tension. I want to run. Break free of him once and for all and pretend this night never happened. Yet another part of me wants to stay. Wants to agree to what he’s asking me. Maybe then I can get one of two things.

Either I can convince Archer we’re truly meant to be. Or finally get him out of my system once and for all.


grip my sweater, her innocent touch driving me fucking wild with wanting her. Holding her close, she fits against me perfectly, as if she were made for me. It was like this between us last time. The moment I pulled her into my arms, it was like we were two pieces of a puzzle that finally clicked together.

Half the reason I’d been scared shitless before. Still. No other woman feels this . . . right in my arms. And I haven’t even kissed her yet. It feels damn good just to hold her, which is ridiculous because I don’t need to just hold a woman.

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