Crazy in Love (Lovestruck Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Crazy in Love (Lovestruck Series)
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Chapter Five



“Holy shit, holy shit, ho-lee-shit, Josie. I kissed him! What the hell was I thinking?” I ask my best friend as soon as I step foot into the apartment and grab my phone.

“Good for you!” she says. “You’re one step closer to playing hide the sausage with your professor!”

“Yeah, see that may be a problem. He’s still my professor for the next two weeks. We have to…do the deed within a week. How the hell am I gonna make that happen?” I ask her.

“Hmm. I may need some time to think on that. Wanna come over tomorrow afternoon to come up with a seduction plan?”

“Yes, but I have to see him tomorrow morning. He…he asked me to come to his office,” I tell her, without filling her in on the campus gossip about me not being the first student he invited to do some “extra credit.”

“Well, go flirt with him. Try to kiss him again, stick your hand down his pants, you know, anything to make him think about fucking you.”

“Wow. I don’t know if I can do that,” I whine as I sink down onto the edge of my bed.

“Okay, so we’ll have to start slow, but you’re gonna have to move along at a rabbit’s pace, not a tortoise’s. Why don’t you try slipping your hand down his back and grabbing his ass the next time you kiss him?”

“Grab his ass. Yes, I think I can do that.” Honestly, he has an incredible ass that is accented by his perfectly fitting slacks. More than once I’ve wondered what it would be like to touch it or bite it. Yum.

“Great. Get some ass tomorrow, and then we’ll work out a plan to snag his cock.”

“Awesome! Thanks, Josie!”

“Don’t worry, chica. We’ve got six days to get you and him in the sack. Easy peasy.”

“God, I hope so,” I tell her. “Actually, you should be the captain of team Help Reagan Get Laid, or you know what Madam Tess said. If I fail…”

“Oh fuck me!” Josie exclaims. “Lawson and I need you to get it in or we could…what if…shit, shit, shit!”

“Calm down! Just help me get through this week and we can both have our happily ever after.”

“Yeah, as long as we keep finding suckers to drink the potion and make sure they don’t fail,” she snorts.

Really, though, how hard can it be to sleep with a man in a week? Women have one-night stands all the time. I’ve got this.

“Reagan, about last night,” Professor Daughton, I mean,
, says as soon as I walk in and shut the door to his office the next morning. “We can’t let that happen again.”

Oh no. I’m so screwed.

“Wait, I don’t mean ever,” he amends, coming around his desk to lean his back against the front of it. “Just that the school policy prevents us from…having any sort of, ah, relationship while I’m your teacher. So, if you still want…
in two weeks, after you graduate…”

“I can’t wait that long,” I blurt out. “You can trust me not to tell anyone. I promise you it won’t get out.”

Gage smiles at me while I stand in front of him, a complete ball of nerves, and then his eyes slowly descend down my black maxi dress and back up again.

“Believe me, Reagan. I really wish you had graduated last semester. But I can’t risk it.”

“You don’t understand,” I reply in frustration, running my fingers through my hair. “I need to be with you now before it’s too late.”

Gage’s jaw clenches, and then he crosses his arms over his chest. “Wait. Is this about your grade?” he asks.

“Huh?” I ask in confusion. My grade is the least of my concerns compared to uniting with my soulmate.

“Are you trying to say that you…last night, that was your attempt to, how should I say this,
a higher grade on your paper and final exam?”

Holy moly. Is that what he thinks of me? That I’m so desperate to pass his class that I would whore myself out like those other girls? Well, it sounds more believable than we need to have sex within a week because of a love potion I drank.

“It is, isn’t it? After graduation, you’re gonna leave this place and me behind, right? If you pass. Is that your plan?” he asks, and I would almost say he sounds angry like he was thinking of a future with me and doesn’t think I am.

God, this really sucks, but being a slut is much more believable than a love potion. If I tell him about that, he’ll think I need to be locked up in the crazy house. I can play up the slut routine. And then after we sleep together and sealed the deal, I’ll tell him the truth.

Taking a deep breath, I draw on my inner vixen slash ho-bag and waltz up to my professor until the front of my body is brushing his. I even manage to wedge one of my legs between the two of his so that my thigh is pressed right against the zipper of his pants. He doesn’t flinch or push me away, so I weave my fingers through both sides of his hair that I’ve been dying to touch and then whisper as seductively as I can manage into his ear, “Say yes, Gage.”

Maybe it’s my imagination, but his body shudders before he exhales. “Reagan,” he says, and I feel his warm breath ghost over my cheek. “This isn’t really necess –”

I tug on the two handfuls of his hair to raise his face until his lips find mine. And just like last night, my entire body seems to melt into his. There’s only him, his warmth, his cool minty scent, his…wow, his brick shaped hardness against my thigh. Taking Josie’s advice, I lower my arms to wrap them around his waist before one of my palms slips down to his left butt cheek and give it a hardy squeeze.

Jesus Christ.

The move causes his hips to thrust forward making me want to climb up on his lap to feel his thick erection between my legs. And, God, his bum is so tight and muscular that between it, his hard cock and his tongue sweeping over mine, my panties instantly become damp.

So what if this plan involves a little deception. In the end, it’s worth it to make this happen, for us to share a lifetime of happiness together. Just imagining it nearly has me turning cartwheels, but my mouth is sort of busy right now, and Gage kisses too good to stop for acrobatics.


Having not been with a woman for seven or so months, and only surviving by masturbating to the thoughts of the woman currently kissing me, it’s very possible that a little more friction with Reagan’s thigh and I could ejaculate inside my pants. Which would be bad since I have a class to stand in front of and teach in an hour.

Actually, I should be offended or insulted that Reagan’s practically dry humping my leg for a better grade. Maybe later I will be after I’ve jerked off to these memories. But right now it feels too fucking good to make her stop.

Ethically I know I should’ve refused and pushed her away. And if it were some slutty little sorority girl I would have. But for the woman I’ve lusted after from afar for months? Never in a million years could I reject her. The semester is coming to an end, and then she’s gone, the one reason I get out of bed in the mornings, to see her in my class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and every afternoon at three in the courtyard.

So, if she’s this…intent on working for her passing grade, I would be an idiot to tell her it’s unnecessary and miss out on her touching me, kissing me, easing the ache she’s caused me for so long.

Ah, fuck, my office door is still unlocked.

Reagan’s light as a feather when I grab the back of her thighs to pick her up and switch our positions, sitting her on the top of my desk, before breaking our kiss. I leave her sitting there with lust-filled, questioning eyes while I walk across the room with the front my pants tenting to turn the lock on the door. When she stares at my bulge on the way back to her, I should feel embarrassed, but I’m not. I want her to see the proof of my need for her after hiding it for so damn long.

One thing is for certain, I’m not gonna fuck her. Not until she’s no longer my student. That’s one line I will not cross no matter what. If I can wait seven months for her, what’s two more weeks? However, if she’s willing to ease the ache in my cock a few times between now and then, it should make things much easier.

Standing in between Reagan’s spread thighs, I flick open the button on my pants and pull down the zipper. Reaching inside my navy blue boxer briefs, I free my swollen cock that grows at least two more inches at the sound of Reagan’s gasp. Grabbing her hand that’s flat on the desk beside her, I hold her palm up in front of her face.

“Lick it until I say stop,” I tell her before pushing her hand to her lips. Without hesitation, her mouth opens for me. Working her hand up and down the flat of her tongue, I wait until her palm is good and wet before lowering it, wrapping it around my cock.

“Jesus,” I groan when she tightens her fist and starts pumping my shaft without further instruction.

“Like that?” she asks softly. With all the blood rushing to where her hand is working me, I don’t know if she means am I enjoying it or if she’s doing it right. Either way, the answer’s the same.

“Fuck yes. Don’t stop,” I tell her, planting my palms on either side of her legs to hold myself up as I start thrusting my hips into her grip. Looking down, I watch her small hand stroking me until the pleasure starts to build and my eyes close. I can’t help imagining that, instead of her hand, I’m actually in her pussy or fucking her mouth while she’s on her knees in front of me.

“Oh God,” I groan, pressing my face into her neck to try and smother the sound. There’s only one office to the left of mine, so here’s hoping Professor Davis is already on his way to class. Which reminds me where I’m headed next, and I can’t do so if there’s a noticeable wet spot on my crotch.

With my mouth so close, almost touching Reagan’s skin, I give in and kiss a path up the side of her throat until I reach her ear while she keeps jerking me off within an inch of my sanity. “These are the only pants I have…so don’t leave a mess.”

“Yes, sir,” she says. And when I lean back to see her face, her eyes stay on mine when she licks her other palm before replacing the one on my cock, freeing that hand up to dive into my boxer briefs and squeeze my balls.

“Ohh fuck,” I groan when my dick jerks in her hand. This is all so surreal that I’m not sure if it’s some extremely realistic fantasy. How did I get to this point, letting my student give me a hand job in my office? I know the answer. Because this is what I’ve wanted since the first day I saw her. And as the pressure builds and my stomach muscles clench, I already know this will never be enough. It won’t be enough until I’ve tasted every inch of Regan’s body and fucked her every way possible. Fuck it all, how am I gonna wait two weeks when I’m about to explode in her hand after seconds of her soft touch. I need her so goddamn much that I’ll let her manipulate me any way she wants and love every second of it because I’m a sick bastard.

“God, yes, Reagan,” I groan, and then I’m coming so hard I can barely hold myself upright as the blissful waves rock through me.

When my body stops shuddering, I open my eyes and watch as Reagan keeps one hand stroking my cock while the other collects the cum in some tissues she grabbed off my desk. I just had one helluva orgasm, and no one will be able to tell, except for her.

I would never guess she has a deceitful bone in her body; but if she’s willing to provide me with sexual favors for a better grade, maybe I’m wrong. Will she report me afterwards? Tell the other students? She easily could end my career in just a few words and I didn’t even put up a fight. I let her big, caramel eyes and perfect pouty lips pull me into what’s likely my own demise.

I’m such a fucking nutless idiot when it comes to this woman, and she hasn’t even begun to realize the enormous weight of influence she has over me. Everything I’ve worked for, all the years of classes and research to reach my position and I’m ready to throw it out the window for a crazy ass weakness. No, I can’t just let her take me down without a fight if she does, in fact, have ulterior motives. I have to be smart while I indulge in this…fascination I have with her. What I need is leverage to protect myself from the absolute worst-case scenario.

Stepping back from her reach, I tuck my dick away in my pants, angry that I can’t blindly trust her and that she may not be as sweet and innocent as the girl I’ve obsessed over for so damn long.

The perfect solution to make sure this…deal between us never leaves the room hits me like a bolt of lightning. Before I talk myself out of it, I move back between Reagan’s legs and kiss her so eager and desperately that she’ll let me do anything I want to her body. And there it is. She may very well have a weakness for me too because it only takes seconds for her arms to go around me, pulling me closer while our tongues tangle.

Hands on her waist, I pull her to her feet before reaching for the hem of another one of her long, tempting as sin dresses and raise it up her legs, over her hips. I keep tugging until I’m able to lift the whole thing over her head, leaving her standing in front of my used and battered wooden desk in nothing but a pair of purple lace panties, no bra, looking like a fucking goddess. Jesus, her body is even more beautiful than I imagined.

“You’re stunning,” I tell her while dipping a finger into the front waistband of her panties and jerking them down her legs. “Sit on the desk,” I command, unable to help but wonder just how much she’ll hate me for what I’m about to do. Will she forgive me? If I’m right, she’ll be angry but quickly get over it. But if I’m wrong, and she’s not out to bring me to my knees, she’ll be hurt, upset by me taking advantage of her. If so, she’ll have to trust me just like I’m trying to trust her not to screw me over.

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