Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share (21 page)

Read Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Paranormal; Suspense

BOOK: Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share
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What would life be like with them? Would their mornings always be like this? So peaceful and easy. She enjoyed spending time with them and just talking. They should probably do that more. The sex was great, but there was so much more to a relationship.

Especially when there were more than two in it. Basically, in this situation, there were four.

Her relationship with Parker, then hers with Grayson. Grayson’s and Parker’s relationship as well as the relationship among the three of them as a group. Jeez, when she looked it like that, the threesome thing seemed almost overwhelmingly complicated.

If a relationship with one man required work, how much work would be involved with two? What happened if her relationship with Parker became strained or vice versa? Would that affect her relationship with Grayson?

Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose. Just thinking about it gave her a headache. Could she really do this, or was she mad to even consider it?

“Hey, Doc.”

Cheyenne lifted her head and stared at Parker. “Yeah?”

“You okay? You look like you’ve got a headache.”

“Maybe a small one.”

“If you need anything for it, there’s stuff in the bathroom. Top right drawer under the sink,” Parker said as he handed her a plate.

She took it with a small smile. “Thanks, but I think once I eat, I’ll be fine.” She fixed her plate and followed the men to the upper deck. The warm morning breeze felt good as bright sunshine broke through the clouds and made the lake sparkle like glitter. “Wow, I think I could live permanently on a houseboat,” she said as she stared toward the waterfall.

“Summer is nice, but winter is another matter,” Parker said. “Dad is always talking about selling this one when he retires, moving somewhere that’s warm all year long so he and Mom can live on one in their old age.”

Cheyenne smiled. “That would be nice.”

Parker’s lips twisted in a mixture of unease and amusement. “I’m not sure they could downsize to something this small.”

Grayson snickered. “Especially your mom.”

“Do you two have any other siblings?” she asked.

“No. We’re both an only child,” Parker replied.

“I guess that’s why you’re so close?” she asked.

“Partly,” Grayson said.

Cheyenne noticed the look they shared and frowned, wondering what that was about. “So, I’m assuming since the houseboat is here, your parents are here as well?” she asked.

“Close. They’re about an hour and a half, two hours from here,” Grayson answered.

She watched as he lifted his coffee cup and took a sip of the hot brew. Her gaze moved to Parker, who studied his plate, his brow creased as though deep in thought. He looked up and gave her a lopsided smile. “We should probably talk to you about last night,” he said.

She raised an eyebrow. “About the fact you didn’t use condoms?”

He looked taken aback before turning toward Grayson. “I told her already,” Grayson said.

“And I’m fine with it,” she added.

Parker gave a nod. “That’s good to know.”

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but wasn’t quite sure how to broach the subject.

“I’m on protection, Parker, if that’s what the frown is about,” she said.

Parker’s frown deepened. “You know, you’re getting as bad as he is when it comes to reading my expressions.”

His frown didn’t disturb her in the least. She knew he wasn’t really angry. He liked to think he could intimidate people. It was weird that she knew that about him. Despite the short amount of time, she felt like she’d known them forever.

“Don’t you like kids, Parker?” she asked.

“I love kids,” he said, his frown easing. “I would love to have several. After I’m married.”

She smiled.

“Okay, so now let’s put you on the hot seat, sunshine. Kids?” Parker probed.

She thought for a moment. She’d always wanted them and believed she would have them someday, but… “This may or may not be a stupid question, but how would that work with you two?”

Grayson snorted. “That’s actually a good question. How would we handle that, Parker?”

“I’m sure there would be some logistics that would have to be worked out, but it would be nice if we could each father at least one.”

“So that would be two, at least. Plan on keeping your woman barefoot and pregnant?” Cheyenne teased.

“Why, yes, ma’am,” Parker drawled. “Barefoot, pregnant, and bare-assed just like you are now.”

Cheyenne laughed, and Grayson choked on his coffee. “I hope you’re not taking that shit seriously,” Grayson said to Cheyenne as he wiped his mouth.

Still giggling, Cheyenne covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head. No, she didn’t take him seriously, but it was certainly funny.

“You still didn’t answer the question,” Parker pointed out.

“I’m open to kids, provided you two are okay with me continuing to work.”

Parker and Grayson both stared at her. It was then she realized what she’d said. Not only had she said she was okay with kids, but she’d talked as though the kids would be theirs. She felt her cheeks grow hot.

“Wow, that was a bit assuming, wasn’t it?” she murmured.

Grayson shared a grin with Parker, who said, “Maybe it’s a sign.”

Cheyenne let out a snort. “A sign of what? That I’m getting way too attached and starting to think of the three of us as a unit?”

“Hell, I was doing that yesterday,” Parker replied, then took a bite of toast.

Cheyenne smiled. At least her little slip of the tongue hadn’t scared them off. Or if it had, they certainly didn’t show it.

“Let’s finish up breakfast; then we’ll take the boat out for a drive,” Grayson said as he dug back into his eggs.

Cheyenne stared at hers thoughtfully. A life with two men. Not any two men, but these two. God, her mother was probably rolling over her in grave right now. And there was no telling what her father would say. How would she even explain it?

No point thinking about any of this. Not really. Not with all their lives on the line. She frowned as she reached out and picked up a piece of bacon. It was amazing how being with them could make her forget her situation, even it was for a short time.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Cheyenne placed the last plate in the cabinet and shut the door. The boat began to slide over the water, and she braced herself against the counter as it accelerated out of the cove. Other than the initial start, the boat moved smoothly, and she was able to walk around without too much difficulty.

She folded the dishtowel and set it on the counter by the sink. She was about to turn around when Grayson came up behind her and pinned her body to the counter. She gasped softly, then smiled at him over her shoulder. “What are you up to?” she asked playfully.

“Oh, about six two,” he drawled, his voice low and sexy in her ear.

She giggled. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Hmm. Did you mean this part of me?” he whispered as he pressed his cock against her bare hip.

She realized he was naked and hard as a rock. Cheyenne’s breathing came faster, and warmth spread from her cheeks to her pussy. Grayson’s hands moved under the shirt and up to cup her breasts. With a sigh, she arched her back slightly.

His lips were soft against her neck and sent goose bumps down her spine. He pinched her nipples, making her moan in delight at the sharp nip of pain.

Outside the kitchen window, the scenery floated by, but Cheyenne hardly noticed. All she saw were stars as Grayson slid his hands lower. His fingers brushed over the tops of her thighs, teasing her mound by getting close but not touching. She spread her legs farther apart, silently inviting him to touch her, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept teasing.

She gripped the edge of the counter, digging her fingers into the surface hard enough to turn her fingers white.

“The two of you have turned me into a wanton sex fiend,” Cheyenne murmured as Grayson nipped softly at the sensitive spot below her ear.

“I could do this all day, Cheyenne, and not once tire of it.” He put his hands at her waist and kissed her cheek. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” she asked as he took her hand and led her to the back of the boat.

She hoped to bed, but when he started out the back sliding glass door, she hesitated. “Grayson. It’s broad daylight. What are you going?”

Her gaze lowered to his thick erection that jutted out, his firm bare ass that was in clear view of anyone who happened to float by. She glanced around the lake quickly to see if anyone was there.

He glanced back at her as he continued to pull her forward toward the circular stairs that led to the upper deck. “Trust me.”

“Famous last words,” she grumbled as she rushed up the stairs.

On the upper deck, Parker stood at the wheel, casually driving the boat toward a narrow cove. His shirt was off, his skin tan in the morning light. His strong, wide shoulders made her pussy even wetter just looking at him.

Grayson tugged her forward toward a cushioned lounge chair. “Sit,” he said with a nod toward the chair.

She stared at him briefly before realizing he was dead serious. She sat on the cushion and waited. Parker glanced over his shoulder. “Grayson? What the hell are you doing?”

Grayson smiled down at her. “I’m going to give Parker a little payback for that car ride the other day.”

Cheyenne’s lips twitched. On the lounge chair, she was lower than the railing, so she felt much more comfortable and hidden. “I thought you liked to watch?”

“I do, but I like being where I can participate if I want. In the car, I couldn’t.”

She glanced over at Parker, noticed the spark of lust in his eyes, and realized how much the idea of him watching turned her on. Crossing her arms, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. Parker’s gaze dropped to her bare breasts. The warm wind blew across her nipples, making them pucker.

“Damn,” Parker growled.

Grayson squatted down in front of her and spread her legs so her feet rested on the floor on either side of the lounge. She’d never been outside naked. The warm air hit her flesh and gave her a feeling of freedom that made her more brazen. Keeping her eyes on Grayson, she reached up and cupped her breasts.

Grayson stared at her chest, watching in fascination as she massaged and pinched her nipples. “That’s sexy as hell, baby,” Grayson purred, but then moved her hands aside. “But now it’s my turn.”

He leaned forward and with one hand lifted her breast to his mouth. Cheyenne dropped her head back and moaned as his tongue did a circular dance around her nipple that made her insides clench in need.

She dug her fingers in his soft hair, tugging him closer as he moved from one breast to the other. He bit gently at the underside and let the stubble covering his jaw graze across her nipple. The sharp scrape sent a shiver of awareness to every nerve in her body.

Opening her eyes, she locked gazes with Parker, and the heat in his eyes made her moan aloud. She’d never had a man look at her like they did. Now that she knew what it felt like, she would settle for nothing less in the future. Ever.

Grayson lifted his head and cupped her cheek, forcing her gaze back to his. A possessive light shone in his eyes and made her feel special…loved. She really shouldn’t go down that path. Not yet. But all arguments died a quick death as he lowered his mouth to hers.

His lips were soft, his kiss slow. He took his time plundering her mouth, sweeping his tongue inside to dance with hers before retreating, only to dip again. As he pulled away, he sucked lightly at her lower lip. She whimpered and tried to pull him back, but he pushed her down on the lounge.

The rough, outdoor material of the cushion scratched at her skin, but she didn’t care. The sensation added another layer of feeling to her already throbbing body. She had grown tired of foreplay. She wanted him to take her now. “Grayson,” she pleaded as he lifted her legs and tugged her ass to the edge of the lounge chair.

He lifted her legs over his shoulders, a devilish glint in his gaze that made her shiver in anticipation. He gripped his shaft and circled the head of his cock around her entrance. Cheyenne moaned and raised her hips, trying to force him inside her.

“Damn it, Grayson. Don’t tease!”

Grayson chuckled. “Don’t like to be teased, baby?” he murmured.

Cheyenne shot him a glare, letting him know full well she didn’t.

He ignored her glare and stared down at her pussy. “Nice and wet,” he said, then slid into her so slowly, Cheyenne actually groaned.

He didn’t go all the way in before pulling back out and teasing her opening once more. With a growl, he pushed in again, this time going balls-deep. Cheyenne moaned and ground herself against him as he pumped into her with short, deep thrusts that nearly set her clit on fire.

Grayson pulled out, and Cheyenne gripped the cushions by her hips in frustration. She wanted it harder. She wanted him to pound into her so hard her boobs bounced from the force.

“Mmm,” he hummed. “I like how your walls try to suck me back in.”

He thrust in hard, and she cried out; it felt so good. His thick girth stretched her and made her feel so tight. She could feel the pulse of his cock as he leisurely pulled back out.

Grayson took his time, driving her insane. She rolled her head back and forth like a mad woman and mumbled incoherently. All he did was chuckle and give her ass a hard squeeze.

Her body tensed, her stomach tightened, and the insides of her legs shook as she worked her hips against his.

“I’m tired of watching,” Parker snarled.

Cheyenne opened her eyes and spotted him standing behind Grayson, his gaze glowing with a hunger that made Cheyenne gasp.

“Move your ass, Grayson.”

Grayson winked at her and then pulled out. Cheyenne whimpered as he stood and allowed Parker to kneel between her splayed legs. “My cock wants a taste of this pretty pussy,” he growled.

Parker wasn’t nearly as slow or gentle as he thrust into her hard and deep. Cheyenne cried out, lifting her hips to meet his. She could feel herself getting closer to release with every push of Parker’s massive shaft inside her tight and swollen passage.

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