Read Crossing Borders Online

Authors: Z. A. Maxfield

Tags: #m/m romance

Crossing Borders (24 page)

BOOK: Crossing Borders
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“I don't think I do, either. I mean, I didn't start out with the idea of a type. I was going for willing. Maybe able. Maybe even just breathing.”


“Thanks, Sparky, high praise indeed,” said Michael dryly. He was looking at the candles as he stirred the water with his hand.


“Okay, I was going to say that if I had a type, you'd be it, but now you've gone and ruined the moment.” He smiled and kissed Michael's neck where he could reach it. “You know how I feel about you.”


Michael smiled. “I know.”


“I'm going to soak as long as you need to, and then I'm going to be your sex slave until seven-thirty, when I have to leave to get the boys to school. Let me know what you need, okay?” he sighed, pulling Michael's arms around him. They sat like that for a long time, the water lapping against them, the quiet cocooning them in warmth.


“Sometimes I need someone to tell me what I need,” said Michael very quietly, as though he were going way out on a limb. He held Tristan while he thought this over.


“I see,” said Tristan.


“I wonder if you do.” Michael stroked him from his chest to his balls.


“Sometimes you need to give up control.”


“Yes,” hissed Michael, feeling stupid. Feeling like he was giving this baby- handed boy the security code to his soul. “Yes. Sometimes. I like to be the one who…”


“I see.”


Michael said nothing. He just continued to stroke Tristan's torso thoughtfully, as though he had all the time in the world.


“And I don't exactly fit the profile of the guy who can take you there.” Tristan sighed.


“It's not that I need to go anywhere,” said Michael brusquely. “Forget I said anything about it. I just…”


Tristan turned in Michael's arms, the water in the tub swirling around him, his cock and balls bobbing as they came to rest against Michael's. Michael gasped at the sudden sensation, and the grinding that Tristan was doing against him had him hard in an instant.


“But make no mistake, Michael. I can and will take you where you need to go
protect you when you get there.” He took Michael's lips in a punishing kiss that left no doubt that he could fulfill his promise.


Michael had trouble catching his breath.


Tristan pulled the plug on the water, and it started down the drain. “Oh, damn, it's like you said the secret word or something.” He rubbed against Michael, holding him tightly, keeping him still.


“What do I get?” asked Michael between panting breaths.


“What do you think?” Tristan rose from the tub and handed him a towel. “Blow out the candles and meet me in the living room,” he added, sauntering from the room naked. Michael briefly worried about getting what you wished for and creating monsters and things like that. Then he dried off quickly, blew out the candles, and followed his boy.


Telling Tristan about that secret part of him was only natural, especially after seeing Ron again, but Tristan thinking he had to be a guy like Ron somehow just didn't feel right. He thought he ought to clarify when he found Tristan on his knees adding more wood to the fire. Tristan looked so…damn. He was closing the chain curtain when he turned back to look at Michael. Once again the fire gave the illusion that Tristan was lit from within. Or maybe he just was. Probably he just was.


Michael kneeled on the futon, just looking at Tristan, holding himself still and quiet. “Hey there, Tristan.”


Tristan didn't move. “Hey there.”


, thought Michael,
a serious Tristan. Lucky, lucky me


Tristan came to him then, sort of slid into him, his red hair draping down over his shoulders, teasing the skin on Michael's thighs as he pushed his face into Michael's groin. He hummed against Michael's balls, the vibration of his lips making Michael weak. Michael started to take Tristan's hair in his hands.


“Put your hands behind your back.” He waited until Michael complied. “Don't move your hands unless I tell you to.”


“Yes,” acknowledged Michael. He had no idea what to expect from Tristan, didn't know if he played games.


“Spread your legs and let me see you.”


“Yes,” said Michael. He complied, allowing the towel to drop and his legs to spread wide, leaving his cock and balls and a hint of the skin behind them exposed.


“Oh, my,” said Tristan. “Such a beautiful man.” He looked at Michael, from the top of his head to his knees on the ground and repeated, “A beautiful man.” He smiled, returning to Michael's balls, licking and caressing them, holding one in his mouth, then the other, as Michael squirmed. He licked up the long vein under Michael's shaft and captured the head in his mouth, stroking the tip and its small slit while he cupped Michael's balls with his hand. He took his mouth away long enough to put a condom on Michael's cock.


Michael knelt with his hands behind his back, allowing Tristan to touch him and to play. He wasn't certain how long he would be able to sit motionless like that. Tristan's mouth was hot, and his tongue was doing such good, good things. He gripped his own wrists with the opposite hands and held on. Tristan was now licking his fingers, spreading him wider to have access to his ass. Michael closed his eyes as he felt the invasion, but as soon as it came and he began to melt into it, it disappeared.


“Keep your eyes open. Hands behind your back,” Tristan reminded him. “And eyes on me. Can you do that?”


“Yes,” said Michael, his breath hitching.


“Is there something you want?” asked Tristan.




“What is it?” asked Tristan, hands and mouth completely still now, waiting.


“Suck me.”


“Suck you, what?” said Tristan,
the little shit


“Suck me,
.” The throbbing in Michael's dick echoed all over his body and into his head.


Tristan went back to his cock, wrapping his lips around the head and using his tongue piercing to punish the slit in the tip. The bead rubbed on the head and under the crown, two places he'd discovered Michael liked to feel the pinch and push of the metal against his flesh. While Michael watched his every move, he left his cock and lubed his fingers, slipping them into Michael's tight hole, one at a time, as he fondled Michael's balls with his mouth. He curved his fingers and searched for the sweet spot, and when Michael jumped, still keeping his hands behind his back, Tristan returned his mouth to Michael's cock and swallowed it.


Michael was sweating, his eyes wide open, as Tristan took his cock. Any time he began to look like he was going to close his eyes more than just to blink moisture back into them, Tristan stopped everything he was doing, leaving Michael crazy and desperate. Tristan continued to tease him, taking him to the brink and backing off, sometimes leaving his cock completely to lick a drop of sweat from Michael's chest. Once he bit Michael's nipple hard, and Michael almost came then and there.


After what seemed like an eternity, Michael watched, eyes wide, as Tristan's head bobbed up and down, feeling the beginnings of his orgasm deep in his balls and the base of his spine as he tightened up and shot, filling the latex in Tristan's mouth. Tristan kept sucking until Michael was relaxed and flaccid in his mouth, and then he removed the condom and tied it off, tossing it in the general direction of the trash.


Without saying a word, Tristan rose up behind him and pushed Michael down on all fours. He continued to finger Michael's hole while he opened another condom packet with his teeth, slipping it on his cock one-handed. He removed his fingers and took Michael's ass in both hands, squeezing hard. “I want to give you what you need, Michael,” said Tristan, positioning himself. “What do you want?”


“Your cock,” said Michael. “Please.”


“Uhn,” groaned Tristan as he eased himself in. “So hot…”


Michael cried out as Tristan grasped his shoulder and held him down. Tristan slid out, then in again, hard and fast, the rhythm changing a little as he shifted to find the place that would send Michael flying. “Going to give you everything, Michael,” he said, hitting the sweet spot over and over again as Michael keened below him. Michael was getting hard again, and Tristan captured his cock as he held Michael's head down with the other, pumping his cock into him hard and fast. “Come on, baby,” he murmured into Michael's back. “You've gotta give it up again; I'm waiting for you.”


“Yes,” said Michael, grinding his teeth, his heart pounding and his body flying. “
.” He bit his lip. Tristan was holding him down hard; he couldn't move. Tristan's thrusts pushed Michael, literally pounding him into the futon as he reached toward something he could hardly imagine. He held his breath and let himself go completely as he felt his body go wild beneath Tristan's, his balls drawing up tight. His cock slipped through Tristan's fist, and the friction burned so good and so bad and too much. After a while he just soared, flying beneath Tristan, part of him. Safe. Loved. Home.




Tristan's body began its inexorable slide into orgasm, his fluid motions becoming jerky as his cock took over and his brain shut down. He thought he might be affecting the rotation of the earth, slamming into Michael's ass so hard, but he couldn't make himself stop.


“Come on, baby.” He tried to hold back. “Give it up.” He was moving on sheer instinct and primitive self-gratification, his cock pounding Michael's hole, the long thrusts slapping his balls against Michael's ass. “Come on, baby,” he said, as he suddenly felt wet heat splash from Michael's cock onto his hand. He jerked one last time, sending his cock so far into Michael's ass he didn't know where it could possibly be; he just knew he shot buckets into the latex, pushing and grinding until all his spasms subsided, and his breathing began to return to normal.


Tristan pulled off the condom and tied it, tossing it to the side with the other one. When he turned to look, Michael was still face down, his ass in the air a little. “Hey, where'd you go?” he said, running a hand up Michael's back into his hair. “Michael?” he murmured into his ear.


Michael said nothing, just hid his face in the pillow and stayed there, his shoulders tense from the awkward way he had his hands bunched under it.


“Come here, baby.” Tristan gathered Michael close. “Come here,” he crooned to the man as he settled in beneath him. “Talk to me.”


Michael didn't say anything for a long time. He just rested his head on Tristan's chest, his lover's arms around him.


“That was good, Tristan,” said Michael, finally, as Tristan continued to stroke his hair. “Really, really good.”

BOOK: Crossing Borders
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