Crossing Lines (Cops and Docs #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Crossing Lines (Cops and Docs #2)
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* * *

Nora covered her mouth as she yawned. Residual sleepiness was a small price to pay for her late night pondering. She rounded a corner in the ICU. The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps caused a moment of trepidation layered with irritation. Rader was gone, and Taylor was…she didn’t want to think about that. Kelli didn’t seem too worried, so she wouldn’t be either. When she realized it was Kelli’s brother, Sean, trying to get her attention, Nora’s nerves settled. She waited for him to catch up to her.

“This is ICU.” Nora deadpanned.

Sean rolled his eyes. His sister, however, had perfected that gesture. “Yeah, I know. I was just going to see Travis. I was gonna come find you after, but here you are.”

Curious. “Do you see anyone else running and yelling in the hallway?” Nora bit the inside of her cheek and attempted to keep a straight face as she continued her teasing.

His eyebrows shot upward. “Uh no.” Sean grinned. “Do I get a spanking?” He paled. “Um…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

Nora sighed. The McCabe charm… It just oozed. “I’m sure.”

“You could get one of the nurses to do it.” He smirked.

Nora tried to glare at him, but she couldn’t hold her smile back. “I think your sister has probably sullied the McCabe name.”

“She always steals the show. Speaking of…” Sean pulled an envelope from his pocket. “Saw her at the precinct. She was sure it was gonna be late when she made it to the hospital. Said something about not breaking the pattern?”

Nora melted, and her face heated as she took the letter.

“I was really tempted to read it, but I was scared it was going to be something dirty.”

So much like his sister. “I appreciate that.”

“Thought you would.” Sean smiled and stood there.

“Was there something else?” Nora looked at him and waited.

“You’re not gonna read it?”

“In the privacy of my office,” Nora said, and started walking again. Sean fell into step beside her.

“Aww, where’s the fun in that? I would love to see the look on your face. I need ammunition for the next time you come to dinner.”

“That’s… I’m not sure how to respond.”

Sean laughed. “Very carefully.”

Nora grinned. “Yes, you McCabe’s are

“You’d better believe it.” He paused and moved toward an open doorway. “This is my stop.”

Nora peered into the room. Gerald Travis Jr. waved at her, and she smiled in return. “I see.”

“Later, Nora,” Sean said.

“Have a good day, Sean.”

She really did like him, but it was odd, in a way, to engage with a man…with anyone, really, whom she had no intention of having sex with. Yet, she was enjoying the process. Nora looked at the letter in her hands. Anticipation got the better of her. She walked quickly toward the on-call rooms at the other end of the hallway.

A few minutes later, she opened the envelope carefully. There were only a couple lines written on the paper.

I must really like you. That’s the fourth time I’ve caught you watching me while I’m sleeping, and I don’t mind it at all. Tell you what, though, I know for a fact that you look way better.

Nora laughed as the habitual warmth she associated with Kelli filled her. It was amazing how she could be amused and so completely touched at the same time.

* * *

Kelli glanced at her watch as she entered the hospital. She only had thirty minutes until visitation hours were over, but it was better than nothing. She had talked with Travis throughout the day. It was their own little ritual, and it made her feel better to see him. Kelli had to
he was getting better and witness it with her own eyes. Williams had always been a good partner, but Travis fit her perfectly. She wanted to show her appreciation by visiting him daily. Kelli crinkled the bag in her hand. This time she came bearing gifts—chili-cheese fries.

When she got on the elevator, Kelli was pretty much alone. She pressed seven and leaned against the railing. She was glad to be back at work. Really, she was, but she was tired as fuck. Getting shot had taken the wind out of her, and she needed some time to get back to where she used to be. She hadn’t done much today besides some canvassing and evidence review, but that was enough.

Kelli exited the elevator and made her way down the hall. She didn’t bother looking for Nora, because she was at home. Kelli smiled. How weird and great was that? There was a woman at her place…waiting for her. Shit was awesome. More than she ever thought it could be. Kelli waved at the wary-looking nurses when she passed their station. She leaned against the doorway to Travis’s room and watched him for a few seconds. He was sitting up and flipping through the channels on TV. In other words, he looked supremely bored, but the eye roll and the sigh really sold it.

“They should have DVD players in this place,” Kelli said, as she walked in.

Travis smiled. “I know, right? Or porn. It’s kinda like a hotel. Why don’t they have porn?”

Kelli chuckled. “There’s a suggestion box right outside your room. You want me to get you one of the forms to fill out?”

“We’ll see. You must be going full steam at work. You’re visits are getting later. You don’t have to come, you know?”

Kelli held up the white paper bag and tossed it on the bed. “Yes, I do.” She sat down.

“You can if you’re bringing contraband of the greasy variety.” Travis reached into the bag, took out the Styrofoam container, and opened it. He stuffed a fry in his mouth. “Seriously though, Kel, I’m fine and you have better things—”

“You give Sean this speech when he comes to visit?” Kelli stared at him. She knew the question would give him pause.

Travis shrugged. “Well…no, but he doesn’t have a life. You do.”

Kelli was slightly aggravated by his statement. “So I must be coming here out of obligation, right? You know me better than that.”

He shook his head and looked her right in the eyes. “I do. I just want to make sure that I’m not doing anything to hold you back.”

“I’m living my life, and you’re a part of it. Understand?” She knew what it felt like to see life just go on, so Kelli had to reassure him.

“Yeah, I got it.” He ate another fry. “These things taste better with beer.”

Kelli snorted. “Yes, they do.”

“You’re taking it easy, right? Getting enough downtime? And I don’t mean just with Nora.”

Kelli smiled sheepishly and scratched at the back of her neck. Nora relaxed her really,
well. “I don’t have time to bar hop right now.”

“Bullshit. I know Sean and Williams have been trying to get you to go out. It’s a beer, Kelli, and some laughs. You have to reconnect with these guys.”

Maybe he was right…a little, but it wasn’t the same. “Yeah, probably, but you’re not there.”

Travis brought a hand to his chest. “You’re waiting for me? Aww, that’s sweet and everything, but no fucking excuse. Put a beer and some cheese sticks in front of an empty seat. I’ll be there in spirit. Hell, until these holes in my head heal, I could probably get you on radio too.”

He really was an ass sometimes. She laughed. That medieval contraption they’d had him in after his surgery saved his life, but at least they could laugh about this part now. “Whatever.”

“I’m serious, and you can bring Nora along.”

Kelli glared. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“That’s not her scene. Those places are a little low rent.”

“So are you, and she likes you,” Travis said wryly.

Well…damn. “True.”

“You’ll be there. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She’ll be fine.”

Nora would brighten any cop bar. Could be an interesting experience. “Something to think about.”

“Mmm-hmm. You do that. We’ll talk about it tomorrow when I’m in my new room.”

“Your new room?” Kelli was a little confused.

“Yep, I’m done with ICU. I should have been moved last week, but they were being overly cautious.”

“Well shit. It’s about time. You tell your dad?”

“Yeah, he’s back to his stoic routine, but he was here. I guess that’s all that counts. He’s leaving next week.”

“Don’t forget, you have my mom to smother the crap outta you. Balances shit out a little.”

“I know, right? I’m not worried, but let me put this bug in your ear. Tomorrow, when you come to visit, just know that these fries are lonely without a bacon cheeseburger.” He looked at her with hope shining in his eyes.

Kelli laughed. “You’d better start kissing my ass now then.”



On autopilot, Kelli drove toward their latest crime scene, in the Holly Park area. There was no need for GPS; she knew every bump and turn in this city. Kelli’s mind was free to roam, and her thoughts went straight to Nora. Things between them were going good, and Kelli wanted to believe that she’d earned a reprieve after all the shit she’d been through. That didn’t stop the creepy, little voice in the back of her head that warned that the other shoe always dropped. Shit was ridiculous. It had to be. The way Nora touched her…the way she looked at her. All that was real. So that voice? Didn’t know what the hell it was talking about.

Taylor Fuller’s surprise visit, though, that made the voice even more persistent. Fuck it. Just because she was a cop didn’t mean she had to be cynical about everything. Yeah, she’d seen some heinous shit and had even lived some of it. That made going home every night to a woman like Nora, so much sweeter. Thinking about it brought a smile to her face.

Williams cleared his throat in the most loud and obnoxious way possible.

“We’re on our way to a crime scene, and you’re grinning like an idiot. Are you aware?”

“Yep.” Kelli smiled wider.

“Well, unless you’re going to share, can you stop? It’s kinda freaky,” Williams said.

“Maybe.” Kelli glared at him. “Was there something you wanted?”

“I’ve been staring at you the past ten minutes. You’re in your own little world.”

“That staring thing? So not healthy,” she said.

“Uh-huh. Thought you were going to drool on yourself a time or two. I was concerned.”

“Were you always like this? I don’t remember you being this annoying.” Kelli tried to take her enthusiasm down a notch, but she couldn’t. She was too damn happy. Her next best option was to distract Williams by going on the offensive.

“A man can change.”

“Do you have a point?”

He shrugged and grinned. “So…you can tell me. Dirty thoughts about that doctor of yours?”

Poor guy. He was putting himself through an unnecessary identity crisis, trying to act like Travis. But Travis’s shoes were way too big to fill. There was nothing young and hip about Williams. He was more like Old Faithful. It was a nice gesture, though, and amusing as hell. “I want the boring old Williams back, please.”

“Hey now, I thought I was doing pretty good. If you squint hard enough, I’d pass for forty-five. Isn’t that the new thirty?”

“No, it’s the new forty-five.”

She stopped at a red light. Williams glared at her.

Kelli’s mouth twitched.

“I saw that.” His grin was triumphant. “I must be doing something right.”

Kelli rolled her eyes. “Listen, I know what you’re trying to do and thank you. You can stop now, before you strain yourself.”

Williams didn’t say anything.

Kelli glanced at him to see that he was looking out the window.

Shit, did his feelings just get hurt? “Bruce?”

“Hmm?” He looked at her, but he had his poker face on.

“Just be you. I know it’s been a while since we’ve done this, but when we were partners, you were the boulder to my rock. That’s who I need you to be now, too.”

He smiled slightly. “Yeah?”

Kelli smirked in his direction. “Yeah.”

Williams nodded and looked out the window again. “Okay, I can do that.” He paused. “Just because I’m a middle-aged man doesn’t mean I can’t suddenly be into the whole lesbian fantasy thing. So…spill.”

“Jesus Christ.” Kelli sighed and looked heavenward. Instead of responding, she turned the radio up.

* * *

Kelli glanced at her watch. It was time to go. Her eyes were starting to cross. The case they’d caught earlier had pretty much solved itself. There were way too many stupid people in the world. The phone records she was combing through for one of last week’s cases weren’t going anywhere, and she had a feeling in her gut that it was a dead end anyway. Her gut was usually right. Kelli stood and stretched. As she moved from side to side, something popped, followed by another crack farther down in her back. Felt good as hell. Kelli opened her desk drawer to get her keys, gun, and cell.

“You cutting out?” Williams asked.

“Yeah, nothing is gonna come from this.” She nudged the stack of papers.

Williams shrugged. “Probably.” He closed the thick folder that he had been looking through. “Beer?” He held up a hand. “And if you say no, I’m probably going to shoot you.”

“Aim for the shoulder.” Kelli smirked.

Williams rolled his eyes. “Oh c’mon. What is with you? Is she that good?”

God yes. Kelli glared instead of answering him.

Williams glared right back and laughed. “You’re going to be one of those people, huh?”

“What people?” Kelli posed the question, but she had a pretty good idea what he was about to say.

“One of those people who gets in a relationship and forgets about everybody else.”

Well, he was never one to mince words. “Ouch, goddammit.”

He shrugged. “Needed to be said.”

“It’s not that. Going out like that… It’s not the same without Travis.”

“We’ll put a beer in front of an empty seat and get him on the phone if we have to.” Williams looked at her expectantly.

Kelli chuckled. “Travis pretty much said the same thing. This little posse has been together too long if
two are thinking alike.

“Well, he’s fucking right.”

Kelli threw up her hands. “Okay, fine. Just not tonight. I need to prepare Nora for something like that.”

“Really? We’re not that bad. It’s just me and Sean for christsakes. Didn’t she have dinner with your mother?”

“Yeah, she did. I definitely had to get her ready for that, too.” Kelli didn’t think he needed to know that it was the other way around.

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