Crushed (23 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: Crushed
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"Are all thieves as organized as you?"


"I doubt it." He grinned, winking down at her slyly.


"Thank you." Sophie smiled up at him, feeling sincerely grateful for his efforts. "I really appreciate it."


He smiled back for a long moment before catching himself. He tried to wipe away their moment of friendliness, but he was too late. She'd already seen the softer side of him.


"Have fun studying." He said abruptly, turning to leave.


"Oh, I will." She muttered, glancing reluctantly at the notebooks. Something about their conversation felt off to her. They hadn't argued half as much as they normally did. "You know." She began. "You're being very predictable today."


He turned towards her with a raised eyebrow. "How so?"


"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to did you say it? Oh, yeah, a white knight."


"Is that what you think?" He crossed his arms, a smile dancing on his lips.


"I thought you said you'd return to normal today. Right now you're being way too nice."


"Am I?" He walked towards her with eyes filled with amusement. "Well, we can't have that. I don't want to ruin my image."


Before she could push him away, he'd scooped her up in his arms. Robert was able to carry her as if she weighed no more than a doll.


"Put me down!" She ordered, squirming in his embrace.


"How's this for unpredictable?" He asked, laughing.


"Let me go." She continued struggling until she realized he wouldn't release her. She was too small to fight against him. "I'll scream." She warned.


"Go ahead." He offered, leaning in close to her face. She unconsciously leaned as far away from his face as possible.


Even though she was distracted by his proximity, it wasn't hard to remember that he was playing with her. She didn't want him to think he'd gotten the better of her, so she continued to glare into his eyes.


"It's cute how nervous you are." He mused.


"Nervous? I'm just uncomfortable." She lifted her hand to push him away, but paused as an idea passed through her mind. "I wonder if I can play this game too." Instead of trying to avoid his closeness, she leaned forward until they were only inches apart.


Now it was Robert who was unconsciously leaning back.


"So, Mr. Locksley, what's your story?" The question had been dancing in her mind all evening, but now that she had him this close, she felt like there was no better time to ask. "I know about Gwyn, Teddy, and Rylan, and you know all about me. Isn't that unfair?"


Robert's eyes widened for a moment when he realized what she was trying to get at. His smile faded to the fake mask he usually wore where his grin didn't reach his eyes.


"You're too young to listen to my story."


"I think I'm smart enough to keep up." She replied.


"Not a chance." He lifted a finger to push her head away from him. "Nice try, but there's really nothing to tell you about."


"Liar." She accused.


"Look at it this way, I'd be so much more predictable if you knew everything about me. Without my mystery, I lose half of my attractiveness."


"This is why you'll never be my white knight." Sophie scowled, annoyed at him again. "Luke always tells me what I want."


"Being obedient doesn't make him a knight, it makes him a puppy. Stupid boy doesn't know how to act in front of a girl."


"Luke's sweet." Sophie said in his defense.


"We'll see how far that'll get him." Robert answered. "Women do not appreciate sweetness."


"Someone's bitter." She answered, smirking. "Do you have women issues in your past?"


"Guessing won't do you any good." He reminded her, finally setting her down on her feet.


"Oh, I scared you off." Sophie grinned. "My strategy worked."


"You always want to have the last word." Robert scowled down at her as he headed for her door.


"Have you noticed that our entire relationship is a competition?" Sophie asked as he walked away.


He turned one last time to glance at her. "Yes, darling. I noticed it before you did."


She glared at him as she watched him exit the room.


"My point exactly." She muttered, crossing her arms stubbornly.













It's taken me years to realize that no plan is ever good enough to predict all of life's challenges.


Over the span of three weeks, Sophie devoted herself to her studies. The days were long, but peaceful. After her rocky beginning as a thief, she appreciated the break.


It wasn't as easy as she'd thought returning back to her studious self. Studying to be a thief was much different from trying to pass a test. The material she was studying would mean more than just a could determine life or death, escape or prison.


In these three weeks, Sophie began to meld into the rhythm of the household. She learned the unspoken schedules of the others, and they gradually began to learn hers. It was a process of becoming accustomed to one another, which the kids were able to do easily. Robert was another story entirely, but she'd always known he'd be difficult.


Their makeshift family continued to grow stronger day by day. Though Sophie spent most of the morning and afternoon by herself, she reserved the evenings for spending time with the others. It became a routine for them to gather in the living room, no matter what they were up to. Rylan and Teddy would tackle their newest video game, while Gwyn alternated between watching and reading. Surprisingly, even Robert was a part of their group. Some nights he would focus on teaching her, and others he would spend debating with her over their newest mission.


Robert had also taken a stricter control over her studies. Four days a week she would memorize the notebooks of his past missions. They now included detailed summaries as well as character profiles. She soon found that his successes were due more to his acting skills than anything else. The remaining three days of the week were spent in the field. The fastest way for her to improve was to gain experience, which Robert took to mean shoplifting.


At first, she'd been skeptical of his "training." She couldn't see how stealing a candy bar had anything to do with stealing a painting, but she learned quickly. It wasn't so much the object that mattered, but how she handled herself while stealing it. The tasks he gave her were simple at first. She was supposed to steal a soda, a deck of cards, a baseball hat. A new day would bring tougher challenges, and call for her to look for new methods to steal.


Only after looking back at her training did Sophie realize how far she'd come. In the beginning, she'd been just as nervous as the day she'd worked with Luke. Over time, though, she found it easier to slip into what she called the "thief's mindset." It was a state where she lost all sense of anxiety and was able to focus solely on her task. Her mind grow sharper in this state of mind, and she felt herself change to become more cunning.


Her most memorable moment during her training was when she'd managed to steal a sofa from a furniture store in the middle of the day. Rather than sneaking it out right under the management's nose, she'd actually persuaded them to carry it out for her. She'd entered the mission without the slightest hint of anxiety, and smoothly executed her plan. Her acting skills were still a tenth of what Robert was capable of, but she held her own.


Grudgingly, she admitted to herself that Robert's teaching was the main cause for her improvement. He wasn't afraid to shove her out of her nest, whether she would fly or crash to the ground. His sink or swim mentality was responsible for her skills. Had he coddled her through the process, she wouldn't be nearly as brave as she was at the end of her training. When he gave her no other choice but to succeed, she was able to find new confidence in herself.


This system of training was a part of their daily lives. The routine helped to pass the time, but for once Sophie didn't mind how slow time was passing. She enjoyed her new life, despite the ever present fear of her situation. More days than not, it was easy to forget her dread.


However, the quiet days were finally interrupted by the sound of someone bursting into their home. The voice that echoed through the house called an end to their momentary peace, and provided a heavy reminder of their task.


"I'm brilliant!" Cleo announced.


Despite being spread over the house, everyone flinched in unison. Cleo hadn't made an appearance in almost a month, and they'd begun to take her absence for granted.


Robert was the first to obediently come to his boss, and both Sophie and Rylan followed slowly after. Gwyn decided to stay upstairs, hiding Teddy away in her room. Cleo wouldn't notice their absence, since Rob was the main person she wanted to see.


"I've got it all figured out!" Cleo said boisterously as she paraded through the hallway. "I always knew I was clever, but I've clearly outdone myself this time."


Robert motioned for her to enter the living room, his smile polite and amused. Sophie could tell instantly he was faking it. She'd been spending so much time with him, it was easy to tell when he was being sincere.


Rylan and Sophie paused at the bottom of the staircase, both hesitant to join Cleo.


"You don't have to come." Sophie said, motioning for him to escape while he still could.


"You'll probably need me." He replied, wincing. "Whenever they're planning something they start speaking their own language. I'll be your translator." He winked at her before disappearing into the living room.


She followed after, silently taking a seat beside him on the couch. Cleo was oblivious to their presence, as she was solely focused on Robert.


"So, what is this brilliant idea of yours?" Robert asked smoothly.


"This year is my year to host the Midsummer's Day gathering." Cleo's dark eyes sparkled with pride. "I was so busy thinking of a solution to your predicament, I almost forgot."


Sophie glanced at Robert, her heart clenching. She'd begun to gradually trust him, and it hurt to know he'd gone behind her back and told Cleo of their plan. Boss or not, she felt like she'd been betrayed.


Robert didn't notice her expression. His eyes were focused on Cleo, his face calculating.


"I thought you were just bragging, but that is brilliant." He mused.


Sophie glanced between them, wondering what had just happened.


"It'll take a little tweaking, but it's the perfect cover."


"I'll need at least a weeks preparation time." Robert's lips curled into a grin. "I've been wanting to pull a Siena again."


Sophie tugged on Rylan's shirt, hoping he could clear up her blank spots. He smiled knowingly, and leaned close to whisper in her ear.


"Every year someone in Cleo's circle hosts a banquet. The gathering is used for bragging over who acquired which priceless work of art. After all, the game's not fun unless you get to rub your victory into everyone else's face."


"Why is it good that she's hosting it?" She whispered back. Robert and Cleo were still brainstorming together, but everything they said was gibberish to her.


"She gets to choose where she wants to hold the banquet. If Robert told her about Slavsky, I'm guessing she's found somewhere that'll be easy to access his records."


"Is there such a place?"


"Slavsky might not be as wealthy as them, but he's not a beggar either. Cleo gives him a lot of business, so he would be obligated to let her stay in his mansion. It'll be a strange request coming from her, but not impossible."


"You know a lot about Slavsky?" Sophie asked, impressed by his knowledge.


"My father told me everything when he worked for Cleo. I have a good memory."


"So, what is this plan that Rob was talking about?"


"I have no idea about that one. A few years ago he had a couple high-profile missions in Siena, so he might be referring to what he did then. If it's important, he'll let us know."


"It's irritating not knowing what they're saying."


"You'll get used to it eventually." Rylan laughed.


"We'll need you to be our scout." Robert was telling Cleo.


"Shouldn't be an issue. I have other matters of business that I can discuss with Slavsky."


Rylan was ready to translate before Sophie had to ask. "Slavsky likes to give a personal touch to his higher priority clients. He makes a point of taking them inside of his vault of information. If anyone will be able to provide us a map of what the vault will look like, it'll be Cleo."


"Wait, why are we going through all this trouble?" Sophie asked Rylan. She'd already given up hope that she'd be able to join in on Robert and Cleo's conversation. "If it's information we're after, why can't we just hack into Slavsky's system? We won't have to worry about the vault at all."


"Not exactly. Slavsky made his empire way before technology took over. He doesn't trust computers, and prefers to work old school. The only technology he uses today are security cameras, which we can easily hack." Rylan paused, realizing she hadn't caught on. "By old school, I mean he uses paper files. He believes they're easier to protect."


"In this case, I guess he's right." Sophie muttered.


"What about Sophie?" Cleo was asking Robert. Sophie focused back in on their conversation once she'd heard her name. "Do you think she can handle this?"


He glanced at her with his judging blue eyes. "In my professional opinion, she doesn't stand a chance. She has surprised me before though." He paused, his eyes narrowing in thought. He turned to the desk behind him, and began searching through it's drawers. In seconds he'd produced a weapon that made Sophie flinch in surprise.


"A taser gun?" She asked as he approached her with it. He tossed it to her and she caught it with shaking hands.


"Better." He mused, crossing his arms. "She'll be a lot harder to take down with that little toy."


"Slavsky's men will probably have guns." Sophie reminded him.


Both Robert and Cleo laughed together. "Slavsky's goons don't need guns." Cleo explained. "They're big enough to take down targets without them."


Sophie shuddered at the thought.


"Then, the only problem is Sophie. I can disguise myself as your assistant, but we'll need her to be invisible." Robert's concentrated expression turned cunning as an idea passed through his mind. "Oh." He whispered, exiting the room for a moment.


When he'd returned, he held a large black duffle bag in his hands. He tossed it on the floor in front of Sophie.


"She's not going to like this." Rylan winced in Sophie's direction. "You're really not going to like this."


"What?" Sophie glanced between Robert and the bag. "Wait, you can't mean...?"


"Cleo?" Robert turned to his boss with a large smile. "I think we've just found ourselves a plan."


Cleo's red lips curled into a devilish smile.


"Perfect." She whispered. "Then, we're all ready to begin."


*  *  *

As Sophie was jerked back and forth in the duffle bag, she cursed having trusted Robert. If she'd ever glimpsed hell, it would be in the last week of training he'd thrust upon her.


The sound of a car coming to a stop made her heart leap in her chest. She'd been riding hidden in the black bag for over two hours. Her only source of light came from her glow-in-the-dark watch. She only had one more hour to go before show time.


Instead of feeling cramped, Sophie's body was already used to the small space. Every day for the past week she'd worked on folding herself into the bag. Had she not been driven to succeed, she would've given up the moment Robert suggested it. Now, she felt like she wouldn't be surprised at any of his ideas in the future.


Sophie used the time she had left to replay the plan in her mind. When they arrived at Slavsky's mansion, Robert would take charge of Cleo's luggage. They would enter the fortress-like house, without raising any suspicion at all.


Slavsky's home was located in a mountainous region which many wealthy individuals used as a vacation spot. Cleo's request to borrow his home for her banquet had gone flawlessly. He was more than flattered to show off his own collections of art to her circle of friends.


Cleo had managed to provide a detailed layout of his vault, which she described as the size of two football fields. Thankfully, they knew the general location of the file they wanted. Cleo had also asked Slavsky for information on a potential investment she was thinking about making. This request would give Robert the perfect excuse to enter the vaults to retrieve what Slavsky had prepared for her. That solved the problem of breaking into the vault, though it was only one small victory.

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