Cyborg Nation (16 page)

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Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

BOOK: Cyborg Nation
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That was when she discovered it wasn’t just Gideon crowding her. Jerico stood just to the side of the two them, his expression as filled with hungry intent as Gideon’s.

Either Gideon had known all along that Jerico had followed him from the hold and made no move to leave—which seemed likely—or he simply hadn’t allowed that fact to deter him from his prey.

He slid a narrow eyed, almost challenging look at Jerico.

Jerico didn’t seem to notice. His gaze was riveted to her breasts. He swallowed audibly as he watched, reaching for her wrist almost like a sleep walker.

A frisson of dread pierced Bronte’s heated arousal as his hand closed around her wrist. The image of the two of them fighting over her and ripping her limb from limb leapt into her disordered mind.

For a painful handful of moments, the two men’s gazes met. Almost as if there’d been some silent agreement that passed between them, they returned their attention to her. Gideon slipped his hands upward from her breasts to push the uniform from her shoulders and then slipped his hands downward to her waist. Pulling her from against the wall, he turned her so that her back was to Jerico.

She thought at first that that was his way of claiming her attention fully and at the same time making it clear that he had seized her first and wasn’t about to yield her until he was ready to do so. Jerico’s hands closed over her shoulders, however, gliding downward over her arms to push the sleeves from them. As the top portion fell free, Gideon pushed it from her hips so that the suit continued its downward trek until it settled around her ankles.

A hand settled on one of her buttocks, squeezed the cheek in a massaging motion.

Bronte’s eyes widened as Gideon’s hands slipped upward to cup her breasts again. She didn’t have time to complete the cycle of acknowledgment and then panic. Jerico grabbed her arms, lifting them above her head and then curling them around his neck. She arched her back instinctively at the pull of pressure along her arms and shoulders, but even as she tried to twist her head to look behind her, Gideon caught her jaw, tipped her head back against Jerico’s shoulder and bent his head to align his mouth with hers again.

Chaos erupted inside of her as they shifted closer, pinning her between their bodies.

Chapter Ten

Even as Gideon’s mouth assaulted Bronte’s senses, centering her mind on the forceful persuasion of his lips and tongue as he lay siege to her mouth, the nibbling assault of Jerico’s mouth along one arm to the sensitive crook shifted her focus in that direction. And when Gideon moved against her, molding his hard chest and belly along hers and rocking his hips to nudge her mound with the hard ridge of his cock, she felt the heat and brush of Jerico’s body along her back, felt his erection digging into the cleft of her buttocks and lifting her harder against Gideon’s erection.

The bombardment of her senses from seemingly every direction at once sent her into sensory overload. Within moments, she began to feel as if she was on fire from the inside out. She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t keep track of the hands or mouths moving over her with feverish, shaking need beyond the location that exploded with fiery sensation at each caress. She moaned, shook, buffeted by their bodies, burning up with both her own heat and theirs.

Jerico dipped his head to nibble along the side and back of her neck as his hands glided along her arms and around to cup and mold her breasts, his fingers plucking and teasing her nipples. As he released her breasts and skated his palms downward over her belly Gideon abandoned his assault on her mouth and leaned lower, catching her along either side of her breasts with his hands and pressing them together so that he could torment first one and then the other with the hungry pull of his mouth and tongue.

She had no clue of when they’d discarded their loincloths until she felt turgid flesh against her instead of cloth sheathed rods. Doubt flooded her as she felt them both probing her at once, both trying to mount her on their cocks. Gideon won the battle by snatching her upward and impaling her on his turgid length. Even as she let out a sharp gasp, wrapping her legs around his waist, however, she felt Jerico pierce her from behind.

Pain warred for several moments with the pleasure as he drove into her, continued to battle for dominance for many moments as they began to pound into her frantically, but it only seemed to magnify the pleasure. She held on tightly, her legs around Gideon’s waist, her arms locked around Jerico neck behind her, but her body had already begun to quiver on the verge of release before they managed to synchronize their rhythm. As they found it, began to strive for their own release, she came with an explosiveness that wrenched hard cries from her with every intense spasm that rocked her, that sent her spiraling toward darkness.

She went perfectly limp even as first Jerico and then Gideon uttered harsh groans and came. It would’ve been hard to say who was shaking the most when they leaned together in the aftermath, struggling to drag air into their lungs. But Bronte was still closer to comatose when they finally eased their cocks from her body than she was consciousness. When her feet touched the floor, her body, like her uniform had, kept going. Gideon and Jerico both made a grab for her, but she was so slick from the combined perspiration of their bodies and hers she slid from their grasp, wilting at their feet.

Dimly aware that both men were staring down at her in consternation, she tried to lift one eyelid and failed. Jerico and Gideon exchanged a horrified glance and knelt on either side of her. She had no idea what they were doing until she felt Gideon’s fingers against the still pounding pulse in her throat.

“Cut it out,” she mumbled, slapping at his hand.

“You are hurt?”

Irritation flickered to life in spite of the warm afterglow of the most powerful climax she’d ever had in her life.

No thanks to
, she was ok!

“I might be dying,” she murmured in a die away voice as she abruptly recalled what had unleashed the beasts to start with.

Gideon slipped his hands beneath her and snatched her up so fast she nearly got whiplash. She opened one eye a crack as he strode quickly toward the rear of the ship, Jerico on his heels—literally. He managed to step on the back of Gideon’s foot, twice, nearly tripping him up. Gideon sent a snarl at him over one shoulder, like the warning growl of a panther. They’d managed to make it through the rearward hatch/door by that time, however, and Jerico merely ran around them as they entered the sleeping quarters.

Gabriel, sensing the commotion, sat up groggily. Jerico reached him before he could get to his feet and knocked him off the bunk. Leaning down, Gideon settled her almost tenderly on the bed and began checking her for breaks. Bronte tried to fight him off but as soon as she pushed his hands away they settled somewhere else.

She swung at him when he caught her legs and parted her thighs to examine her pussy, missing, unfortunately.

He straightened finally, staring down at her. “What is wrong?” he demanded, his voice threaded with both confusion and anger.

“Too much cock,” Bronte muttered unwisely, rolling onto her belly.

The smack of a hand on her buttocks brought her back to life. She reared up on the bed and glared at Gideon, who was looking with a mixture of surprise and dismay at his hand, as if it had acted independently of his will. He transferred his gaze to her after a moment. “You are not hurt!” he growled accusingly.

Bronte set her jaw. “It wasn’t as if you didn’t try! What made you think you could
fuck me at the same time!”

Reddening, Jerico and Gideon exchanged an uncomfortable glance. “What the hell did you do?” Gideon ground out furiously.

“Nothing you did not do!” Jerico snarled.

Groaning, knowing what as coming, Bronte struggled to drag herself off the bed and seek shelter. She slid off the end of the bed and onto the floor just as Jerico hit the wall behind the bed and landed where she’d been moments before.

“What the hell happened?” Gabriel, who’d been glancing from one player in the drama to the next like someone watching a tennis match, demanded just as Jerico launched himself off the bed at Gideon, catching him in the mid-section and carrying him halfway across the room.

certainly wasn’t going to tell him! Ducking, she wiggled under the bunk, praying no one was going to land on it and squash her like a bug. Gideon and Jerico were slinging each other around the room, however, and she was fairly sure she couldn’t make it out of the room or into the bathroom without getting flattened by one of them. She collapsed weakly against the wall as far from any edge as she could get once she’d climbed under the bed, wondering uneasily if they were going to remember what had started the fuckathon and free-for-all once they had exhausted themselves.

Recalling the look on Gideon’s face when he’d emerged from the hold and discovered her studying the star charts, she shuddered. It dawned on her that they must have suddenly realized she was alone and the bridge unattended. Ordinarily, they ‘sorted’ the supplies in the hold until they were too exhausted to manage much more than crawling out again, and sometimes not even that much. This time, though, both of them had still been pumping aggressive adrenaline when they’d arrived to find her trying to plot escape.

Not that she’d had a chance in hell of actually managing anything.

She supposed, if she’d been thinking more clearly, as in—not scared shitless at her audacity—she could’ve blocked the hatch to the hold and trapped them down there, but probably only long enough to sabotage the ship.

Because she was pretty sure that would’ve been the results of tampering with any of the controls.

They weren’t even
the Milky Way Galaxy—not even close enough to identify it anymore! She didn’t have a clue of where they were, but it looked like uncharted space to her—at least uncharted by humans.

Fortunately for her, the rage they were feeling at that moment of discovery had spilled out in lust. Even so, things had seemed pretty touch and go there for a few moments, and she’d almost begun to get seriously worried when she realized they weren’t stopping at merely fondling her all over at the same time.

She’d had
idea three people could do that!

It wasn’t as if she hadn’t had sex both ways before—she’d never especially
for the backdoor entry, but she’d done it plenty of times with her ex. It had certainly never occurred to her that she could be done both ways at the same time, though!

God! That had been the most awesome climax she’d ever had in her life! She’d thought for a few moments that she’d actually had a seizure, that her brain had exploded when her body did.

A shiver skated through her and she realized she was still naked.

Jerico and Gideon seemed completely unconcerned about the fact that they were, but she was getting cold. Seeing that Gabriel had joined the battle, she inched toward the end of the bed and felt around on the top until she managed to grab a handful of the cover.

She’d pulled it halfway off the bed when a hand suddenly closed around her wrist. Gideon dragged her from beneath the bed and stood her on her feet. “What were you doing at the ship’s controls?” he growled.

Bronte stared at him, chewing the inside of her mouth. “Just looking,” she said finally.

His eyes narrowed.

“I didn’t touch anything! I swear it!”

He studied her a moment longer and finally turned to Jerico and jerked his head in the direction of the bridge. Swaying slightly, Jerico stared at him blankly for a moment and then nodded, stumbling from the room unsteadily.

“You, too, Gabriel,” he said grimly, without turning to look at the other man, his gaze still locked with hers.

Gabriel didn’t move.

“That is an order,” Gideon said in a low, rumbling growl, sliding a narrowed glance at the man. “Make sure she did not tamper with anything.”

With obvious reluctance, Gabriel saluted and left.

Bronte swallowed uneasily when she realized they were alone.

“You can not be trusted,” he said after a long moment.

Bronte gave him a look that was a mixture of guilt and indignation. A thought occurred to her abruptly. “You were testing me?” she demanded, outraged.

Something flickered in his eyes, the barest hint that she might have guessed wrong. “If I were, you failed, did you not?”

Unable to maintain eye contact, she looked away. She didn’t know why she should feel the least bit guilty about it, or distressed that she might have disappointed him. She was their prisoner, after all. That was what prisoners did—try to escape.

She realized, though, that it hadn’t actually been a test, not per se. The fact was that he’d begun to trust her or he wouldn’t have ‘forgotten’ and left the helm unattended.

And she’d really screwed that up!

was why she felt guilty and distressed. Not because she’d actually done anything wrong, but because she could tell she’d thrown away something she didn’t realize she’d wanted until it was gone.

Damn it!

He hooked a finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “I did say that there would be consequences.”

Her entire body went taut at that, his words instantly recalling the last ‘consequences’. She swallowed with an effort. “I thought that was what we just did,” she said uneasily.

His expression tightened. “Not quite.”

She hadn’t realized he’d shifted closer until she felt the edge of the bed behind her knees. She tipped backwards as he crowded her again, sprawling on the bed. Before she’d even stopped bouncing, he was on top of her, her wrists manacled to the bed on either side of her head.

“Gideon!” she gasped breathlessly.

His gaze, which had been focused on her breasts, lifted to hers. “Good,” he murmured, dropping his head to trace a feather light path across her throat with his lips. “At least we have established who I am.”

throw that up to her, she thought with a mixture of uneasiness and irritation,
, when he had her completely at his mercy! She should have known he wouldn’t forget … and he
hold a grudge for that minor act of defiance!

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