Daddy Morebucks (3 page)

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Authors: Normandie Alleman

BOOK: Daddy Morebucks
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At first he thought she was cute in her flashy dress with those big green eyes all rimmed with black kohl. But when she sank down onto her knees and asked if she could suck his cock, he lost his mind. Something clenched in his gut, and he panicked.

Afraid of losing control of the situation, he spanked her as though he could beat the seductiveness out of her… What was wrong with him?

James prided himself on his ability to control these interactions. He worked constantly, but knew that for the sake of his mental health he needed some down time to blow off steam. When he dealt with women who were ‘professionals,’ he got what he paid for, and he didn’t have to deal with dating. Dating was a minefield, and he knew it was only a matter of time before the women he dated found out how much money he had. Things always got weird then, and not in a good way.

Although he didn’t have time for a relationship, James did enjoy the company of women, and he liked to play kinky games with them. Several years back he discovered the ease of paid companionship. No hassles. Availability. And women who would go along with his kinks, no questions asked. The perfect way to play.

Then Milton brings this adorable little waif to my hotel room, and I get butterflies in my stomach like a teenager
. James shook his head, disappointed with himself for experiencing human emotions. He prided himself in being able to distance himself from messy emotions.

“Mmm. Daddy, I mean, Sir. Aren’t you going to fuck me?” She peered over her shoulder at him, beckoning him seductively. Was that a challenge?

Good God, why does she have to keep calling me Daddy?
It made his cock throb, pressing hard against his pants.

He walked over and touched her porcelain cheek. “Is that what you want?”

She looked up at him through lust-filled eyes. “Yes, please, Sir.”

He didn’t always fuck the girls he played with. In fact, he usually didn’t. Usually, he got his needs met without it. But he wanted to fuck this one. He wanted to fuck her hot little pussy for hours, until he made her raw and she begged him to stop.

In an instant he stripped down and donned a condom. Grabbing her by the hips, he burrowed inside her with a growl.

Her walls gripped him tightly, and he rocked her back onto his cock. Spurred on by the wet swirl of her cunt, he pounded into her. His bound captive offered herself to him, moans escaping her throat as she squirmed underneath him.

When he was balls deep inside her, he reached around and unclipped the clamps that confined her nipples. She shrieked as the blood rushed back into the sensitive tissues. He found her clit with his hand, rubbing tiny circles around her swollen womanhead.

She jerked with a body-rippling climax and came all over his rock-hard cock. He continued to impale her with long strokes until she stilled.

He was tempted to come, but he held back. First he needed to violate that pretty mouth of hers. Marley wore no lipstick, yet her lips were as red as the ripest apple. Probably just as juicy.

“Can you rise up to a kneeling position?” he asked.

The fucking had taken a lot out of her. With a dazed look, she nodded. “Can you help me up, please, Sir?” With her arms tied, she needed help getting into position. He gave her a hand and propped her up to kneel before him.

“Suck it.” He tossed the condom aside and wagged his erect cock in front of her face. She bobbed her head down to capture the tip in her mouth. She licked the sides, gathered her lips around it, and enveloped it in her warm little mouth.

Placing a firm hand on the back of her head, he worked his way deeper into her throat. He was surprised that she was able to take him all the way in without gagging. Obviously this wasn’t her first rodeo.

Tongue swirling, lips sucking, head bobbing—watching her work his cock made his heart sing. Grasping her ponytails in his fists, he took charge and fucked her throat to completion. He reared back and let out a harsh breath as he came.

She sank down, collapsing into a heap. With quick, deft motions, James untied her ropes and wrapped her up in his arms. Those amazing green eyes stared up into his, and he nibbled her bottom lip.

Marley responded with a passion of her own, her arms circled around his neck, and she held him close. Their lips met again, his tongue ran over hers. As he reveled in her kisses, James realized he had never made out with a prostitute before. Many of them didn’t like to kiss. That never bothered him. Was he breaking one of his rules? Hell, he didn’t know or care.

His mind was completely on Marley, appreciating the moment. He couldn’t remember a time he had felt so happy.

Chapter Three



Marley gazed up at her client. His eyes were closed, which afforded her the opportunity to study him.

That strong jawline could have been carved by a sculptor. Same with his abs. Cut with precision, as if chiseled by a professional. Worry lines creased his brow. Whatever he did for a living must cause him a lot of stress. Was this how he managed his stress? By playing with prostitutes? Judging by his physique, he worked out too.

Opening his eyes, he asked, “Marley, where did you come from?”


He laughed.

“What? Somebody has to come from Abilene. Why not me?”

He chuckled, stroking her hair. He held her in his arms, and she had to admit she liked it. She felt safe there, though she had no idea why. She knew better than to get too comfortable with her clients. But this one was irresistible, even to her.

“Would you like to spend the night?” he asked.

She hesitated. Usually she tried to end her ‘dates’ as rapidly as possible. But in this case, she’d been hoping he’d ask. She wanted to spend the night between luxurious sheets and wake up to the possibility of breakfast. Plus, she wouldn’t mind spending some more time with this enticing man, whatever his name was.

“We don’t have to do anything else if you don’t want. I just thought you might want to stay here instead of going home tonight. It
rather late.”

How could she refuse? “Sure, I’d like that.”

“Good, I’ll let Milton know he can arrange to have you taken home in the morning.”

She nodded and watched him put his pants on before going in the other room to call his assistant. She fumbled with her dress, pulling it over her head before retrieving her panties from across the room.

Walking back into the room, he frowned. “You got dressed.”

“Was I not supposed to, Sir?”

“No, that’s okay. We almost forgot our crème brûlée. Would you like some milk with that before bed?”


“Yes, milk. It’s good for a growing girl’s bones.”

“Okay then.”

He smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

A few moments later he returned with their desserts, a glass of milk for her, and a glass of water for himself.

“What about
bones?” she teased.

“I drank mine this morning,” he said, touching his glass to hers before lifting it to his full lips.

Dessert was divine. Marley had never had anything so yummy. She loved how the crystallized shell cracked when she pressed her spoon into the golden custard. “Mmm!”

He grinned at her. “Pretty good, huh?”

Marley nodded and gulped down her milk. He grazed her upper lip with his finger, wiping away her milk mustache.

She giggled. “Thank you, Sir.”

He led her by the hand into the dark bedroom. They stripped down to their underwear and he lay down beside her.

In the stillness, she timidly asked, “Sir, what is your real name?”

“James.” He put his arm around her and kissed her on the top of the head. “Now go to sleep, Marley.”

“Yes, Sir.” She curled up next to him like a drowsy kitten and drifted off to sleep.


* * *


The next morning Marley glanced over and saw the rumpled covers of an empty bed in the spot where James had slept the night before. Sleepily, she sat up, stretched her arms and saw a note on the bedside table closest to her.

Order anything you want for breakfast from room service. Enjoyed last night.


Hooray! Room service. Marley couldn’t remember the last time she had such a treat. Gleefully, she hopped out of bed, searching for the menu.

She found the remote control and turned on the television. It had been months since she had watched TV, at least being able to control what show was on. At the shelter she had to watch whatever the others chose. Before that, she and her roommate couldn’t afford to have cable or satellite TV so they went without.

Snuggling back down under the fluffy, white cloud of a comforter, Marley flipped through the channels. Finally settling on
Live with Kelly and Michael
, she opened the menu and called room service. As she nestled under the covers, she got a whiff of his scent, pine and balsa wood with a hint of musk. Without thinking, she sniffed his pillow and hugged it to her. Damn, he did smell good, her sexy,
, fairy godfather.

This is the life. I could get used to this.

Soon a waiter brought in a rolling table groaning with the weight of her massive breakfast. She had him wheel it all the way through the suite into the bedroom so she could have breakfast in bed. Hey, it wasn’t every day she got to eat like a queen and control the remote all at the same time. She intended to milk it for everything it was worth. Before she knew it she’d have to go back to her old life, so she would enjoy the life of leisure while she could.

Pushing the buzz-killing thought of her old life to the back of her mind, she devoured her western omelet, country potatoes, French toast, and bacon. She’d also ordered a side of fruit, some biscuits, and a pot of coffee. While Kelly and Michael interviewed Tom Cruise about his latest movie, Marley shoveled food into her mouth and tried to figure out how to take the rest home with her once she got too full.

She tucked bacon, cantaloupe, and a biscuit into a white cloth napkin before stuffing the stash into her pocketbook for later. She called down for a toothbrush and toothpaste, then took a relaxing shower, taking advantage of the hotel’s French-milled soap and shampoo. Soon she was dressed for the day. Unfortunately, she wore the cocktail dress from the night before, but it couldn’t be helped.

Flopping down on the bed, she flipped the controls until she found a soap opera to watch. The door to her room opened with a click, causing Marley to bolt upright and peek into the living room.

“Hello?” Milton’s tinny voice rang through the empty suite.

“In here,” Marley called back.

Walking into the bedroom, Milton said, “You ready to go?”

“I guess so…” Marley surveyed her opulent surroundings and sighed.
All good things must come to an end.

“Here’s your money.” He handed her a wad of one hundred dollar bills.

Snatching up the cash, she followed him out of the room without looking back.

Downstairs Milton hustled her into the backseat of a waiting town car. “Thanks for saving my ass, Marley.”

“Don’t mention it.” She gave him a wry smile and the car spirited her away. Milton stood on the sidewalk, his hand touching his brow in a mini salute.

So that was it. Marley counted the greenbacks. Yep, they were all there. She gave the driver the name of the street she had lived on the last time she had an apartment. With her newfound cash she had enough for first and last month’s rent. She’d have a bed of her own to sleep in by nightfall.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she felt a peace she hadn’t experienced in weeks, maybe months. She could start looking for a job tomorrow. A real job, maybe even one with benefits.

Don’t get ahead of yourself. One step at a time. Just be careful about each dollar and make it go as far as you can.
She knew that paydays like this only came along once in a lifetime, and that was if you were lucky.

When the driver pulled onto Oleander Drive, Marley thanked him and stepped out of the car, ready for a fresh start.

Chapter Four



James LeBlanc couldn’t get Marley out of his mind.

This never happened to him. In the past, once a girl was out of his sight, she was out of his head. He didn’t think about the women in his life unless they were standing in front of him. Even as a teenager, girls hadn’t been a priority. Sports, school, and friends always took precedence over the fairer sex.

These days he was too busy building his empire. There was no time to be distracted by women. He tried having a live-in girlfriend once. Karen was more of a hassle than she was worth. In the end she ran off with a much older, wealthier dom. In hindsight he and Karen didn’t have much in common. Good riddance, he said and moved on with his life. A life centered around work.

Several years ago, he invented an app that took off and his life changed overnight. The phone app allowed users to check on their pets when they were away from home. Like a portable feed for a nanny cam, but for pets. With all the updates his company had done, users could install up to four tiny cams in different locations. The four feeds showed up on the user’s phone as a screen split so they could watch several different locations, or multiple pets.

Thanks to Americans’ adoration for their pets, the app took off, making James a millionaire in its wake. Now he ran a multi-million dollar company centered around the app, but with dozens of offshoots including pet products galore. His company sold everything from doggie water bowls to ready-made outdoor dog runs, and his tech guys were constantly working on new apps in the product development section.

The Dallas skyline shone in the midday sun. Metallic skyscrapers reached to the stratosphere. Pictures of Marley flashed through his mind. Those haunting emerald eyes filled with lust gazing up at him. That incredible body bending over at his request, showing off her assets to their best advantage.

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