Authors: Normandie Alleman
She nodded. “Yes, Sir. Your little slut.”
He smacked her ass. “Good girl. You’re starting to catch on. You’re my prisoner. At my mercy, little one. You look incredible, all strung up for me. Delectable.” A jolt of electricity ripped through her. She loved hearing that she pleased him.
Tugging on the ropes, he lifted her higher in the air. It was like flying. Being suspended in midair gave her a rush.
He slid underneath her and gave her pussy a lick. Her body jerked, pulled against the ropes, wanting more. Her breasts stuck out, eager and ripe. Her cunt pulsed with need. Another wet graze of the tongue and he stopped.
Damn him! She wanted him to keep going, but she dared not ask for it. Her role was that of a submissive, to take whatever he doled out. Not to make demands.
As nerve-wracking as it was to be out of control, she liked giving him total access to all parts of her body. It released her of any responsibility, any need to perform. For so long she had been the one to give the pleasure to men… this was a novel experience for her.
“Close your eyes.”
She obeyed.
A moment later something pushed against her mouth. “Open.”
Unsure, she parted her lips tentatively. A cool, hard object forced its way in. Covered in nubs, the phallic rod kept her curious tongue busy.
“Suck it. Make it really wet for Daddy.”
She quivered, working hard for him.
He withdrew the object. Dying to see what it was, she peeked.
A beautiful blown-glass dildo. The rainbow-colored nubs covered the shaft, ending in a red glass heart handle.
“That’s lovely,” she said.
“Nothing but the best for my doll. Now close your eyes like I told you to unless you want a punishment.”
She shut them tight.
The dildo stroked the outside of her pussy lips. Up and down. Her muscles clenched down on it as it entered her.
He fucked her with it. Slowly at first, then he picked up the pace.
He rolled his tongue lazily over her pussy folds, nipping her clit as he traveled over her most intimate terrain, using the dildo at the same time. Lapping at her sweet nectar, he pushed her to the edge, nudging his nose over her tender button.
“Oh, Daddy. I want to come, Daddy! Please, can I come?” she screeched.
“Yes, baby. Come all over me,” he mumbled into her folds.
She let go with a low guttural cry. Pleasure overtook her and she trembled in her hemp hammock. Having an orgasm in midair intensified the experience. Tremors rocked her all the way to her toes. She experienced a freedom she’d never known.
She descended from the ceiling. He fondled her tits from behind, his hips pressed between her legs. His erection jammed into her butt cheeks.
“Oh, Daddy!”
“Yes, doll?”
“Are you gonna fuck me?”
He laughed. “What do you think?”
His rock-hard cock thrust into her soaking wet slit. He grabbed her torso and pulled her down onto him. Working her on and off his rod, he whispered, “You feel so good, doll. I need you so bad.”
She moaned as her hips flew up and down on his cock, controlled completely by him. Another orgasmic wave hit her, her convulsions stirred James. He thrust once more, finding his release.
He hugged her, then lowered her gently to the carpet where he tenderly removed her bindings.
“Stretch,” he told her.
Gingerly, she wiggled her arms and legs. Were they made of rubber?
James scooped her up into his arms and carried her to her luxurious bed. He tore back the covers and lay her down on top. Climbing in beside her, he held her close.
His arms snuggled her tight. Marley’s body was worn out, but she felt more safe and secure in his arms than she had in her whole life.
“Marley?” Her skin tingled as his fingernails barely scratched her, stroking her forearm.
“Yes?” Her lids were heavy. She wanted to fall away into his dreamy embrace.
He repositioned himself, leaning over so that he could see her face. “If your real name is Harley, how did you come up with the name Marley? And why would you change your name?”
She chuckled. “You mean other than the obvious?”
He smiled. “Yeah.”
“When I left home I wanted to forget. Both the good and the bad. My brother got killed over in Afghanistan, and I missed him terribly. I didn’t want to remember him. It was too painful.”
“I’m sorry, Marley.” He smoothed her hair and kissed her temple.
“Yeah. And my mom. Well, my mom’s a drunk. I wanted to forget her, and leave all of that behind me. So I decided a fresh start needed a new name.”
“What about your driver’s license? What does it say?”
“It says Harley. To change that I’d have to go to a judge. Too much of a hassle.”
“So where did you get Marley?” She rolled onto her back, and he propped up on his elbow. His other arm slid down to hold her at the waist, their legs entwined.
“When I was in high school I used to volunteer at our local hospital. It got me out of the house, away from Mom and all her crap. I liked it, doing nice things for sick people.”
“Like a candy striper or something?”
“Yeah, kinda like that. But no cute uniforms.” She giggled.
“That’s too bad. I can dream up some hot visuals of you in a candy striper uniform.”
Giving him a playful shove on the arm, she continued. “Anyway, I worked with lots of people, but one patient was my favorite.”
“Yeah? Which one?”
“Her name was Tricia. She was a three-year-old little girl with AIDS.”
James’ face grew serious.
“Tricia’s mom was a drug addict, a prostitute too. She had AIDS and passed it on to Tricia. When she was pregnant, she was on the streets and didn’t take any of the medications that could have prevented her from passing the HIV on to her child. They have those now, so no babies really have to be born with it, but her mom was out of that loop.”
“Oh my God. How sad.”
“Yeah. It was heartbreaking. She was the most adorable child. Even though she was three, she had the developmental skills of an eighteen-month-old. Apparently she had walked and talked in the past, but by the time I met her she had started going backwards in her development. She smiled all the time. Had the sweetest temperament.” Her voice broke. Marley’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry,” she croaked.
“No, don’t apologize. Go on when you can.”
She took a deep breath. “I used to pull Tricia around the children’s ward in a wagon, and I’d hold her and read to her or we’d watch TV. She was always happy to see me, and I loved spending time with her. One day we were watching that sad movie about the dog named Marley and she pointed at me and started saying, ‘Marley. Marley.’ Those were the first words I’d ever heard her say.” She swallowed. “It really touched my heart, her calling me Marley. Just hearing her speak was incredible enough, but that she gave me a nickname… she was so smart. I loved that child.”
“That’s sweet. What happened to her?”
Marley sniffed. “She died.”
His jaw fell. “She died? I thought you were going to say she got better and left the hospital.”
She shook her head. “No, she died. Just before her fourth birthday. I went to her funeral. Thought I never would stop crying.”
He hugged her close. “I’m sorry, Marley.”
She squeezed him back. “Thanks. It’s weird, but I relate to ‘Marley’ in a way I never did to being called ‘Harley.’ I believe when Tricia named me, she knew what she was doing. And it makes me feel connected to her. Like in some way a part of her lives on, in my name.”
Kissing her head, he breathed, “My poor, poor girl. You’ve seen more than your share of sorrows, haven’t you?”
Her eyes stung. “Yes.” She smiled wryly.
“My dear Marley girl.” He held her close until she fell asleep.
Chapter Eight
Marley woke up alone the next morning. A quick peek around the place told her she was the only one home. That gave her the opportunity to snoop in James’ room. He hadn’t taken her in there when he’d given her the tour yesterday, and she was curious.
His suite matched hers in luxury, but it was more masculine. A king-sized, dark mahogany sleigh bed anchored the room, outfitted with sumptuous blue and white patterned linens. The bedspread and wallpaper shared different, yet complementary shapes swirling across the surface. While the prints were a bit fussy, the lines of the furniture and the expanse of glass looking out onto the city added a sophisticated tone to the space. Silken rope ties held back golden draperies, and another exquisite chandelier added a bright spark to the dark room. Unlike her room, there was no mirror. For that she had to go into his bathroom.
Appointed with a massive whirlpool tub and huge walk-in shower, the bathroom housed a separate closet for the toilet. Brown and cream granite abounded, accented by navy towels. When she saw there were two sinks, Marley’s spirits soared.
Stop that
, she cautioned herself.
He gave you your own room for a reason.
Though what that reason was, she wasn’t sure.
His closet was unbelievable. One of those professional closet companies must have designed it. Row upon row of shirts and jackets hung from what seemed like an endless wall. At least thirty pairs of shoes rested on shelves lining another wall. The ends were capped with built-in drawers from floor to ceiling. Marley peeked in several of them, only finding socks, folded t-shirts, and underwear. The sexy boxer-brief kind she liked. How could he be so perfect?
She shouldn’t be in here. A shadow of guilt passed over her as she made her way to the kitchen. He’d left her alone. Surely he knew she would look in his room…
It took effort to open the heavy door of the enormous refrigerator. She pulled out a carton of orange juice and poured herself a glass. Padding her way into the living room, she tucked her feet under her and switched on the television.
Nothing held her attention. She flipped through the channels several times, marveling at the sheer number of them. She’d only had basic cable before. Over eight hundred channels and she still couldn’t find anything to watch. How could that be? Finally she settled on a Johnny Depp movie in which he was fighting the devil. At least that’s what she gathered. She’d tuned in during the middle so she was slightly confused.
When the program ended, she went to her bathroom to shower. Hers was similar to James’, but the counters and shower were made of a sparkly white stone. Marble? The fluffy periwinkle towels were soft as velvet against her skin. She considered an inviting soak in the tub, but decided against it. She was too amped up to take a relaxing bath.
Her shower was well equipped with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, as well as bar soaps and a shower cap. He’d thought of everything. Or someone had.
Hundreds of tiny jets sent water beating down on her ever so gently. Like a rain shower. After drying off, she applied one of the lotions she found in one of the cabinets, immersing her skin in the sweet berry scent. She blow-dried her hair and applied mascara and lip gloss.
Marley remembered to take her birth control pill. James had seen to it they were both tested for STDs before she moved in. He’d found her a doctor who had put her on the pill so they could enjoy their intimacy uninterrupted by condoms.
The clock read 11:43. She considered calling James, but what would she say? She missed him, but he was at work. Better not to bother him.
After getting dressed, she went into the kitchen and made herself a turkey sandwich. Sitting at the island, eating, her mind drifted back to the night before. Those ropes. They felt amazing on her skin, and she loved letting go and giving herself to James. There was an allure to submitting. It took the pressure off her and allowed her to release her inhibitions.
What he’d done to her was mind-blowing. Who knew being tied up could be so exhilarating, so freeing? The men she knew were only interested in having a good time themselves. Until she met James, she hadn’t known that there were men who found enjoyment in satisfying a woman. It turned him on to get her off.
Damn, that was so hot! Her panties moistened.
Maybe I’ll go in my room and find that vibrator
… James’ words echoed in her ear—“Little girls are not allowed to touch themselves without Daddy’s permission.” Double damn! That made her even hotter. She sucked an index finger into her mouth.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to obey his rules. For some strange reason she wanted to please him. But why? He would never know if she touched herself or not. She hadn’t seen any hidden cameras. She could always play with herself and then lie if he asked her about it.
But she didn’t want to. Being honest with him was important.
Shaking herself, she took the key James had given her and left the apartment. She needed a distraction, maybe some exploring. Anything to take her mind off James. Off sex.
Marley took the supersonic elevator to the ground floor. She exited into the beautiful lobby. The floor gleamed, the chandeliers sparkled. The place shone like a new car lot.
Hmm. No gift shop or bar. She approached a uniformed man sitting behind a desk near the front door.
“Excuse me, is there anything to do around here?” she asked, tilting her head.
The man glanced up from his newspaper. “Like what?” His nametag read ‘Stan.’
“Oh, I dunno. Exercise. Shop. Eat. Anything, really. I’m new to the building.” Marley twirled her hair and tossed him a sugary smile.
“Exercise. Yeah, there’s a gym on the third floor and an indoor pool in the basement. What apartment are you in?”
Her sweat glands started working overtime. Crap. She didn’t remember the number. Should have checked before she left the apartment!
Cupping her hand over her mouth, her eyes widened and she said, “Oh no, I completely forgot.”
Stan laughed. “What’s your name? I can look it up for you.”
“Marley. It’s on the top floor… the penthouse. Is there more than one?”
Stan brightened. “You’re Mr. LeBlanc’s girl. He told me to get you anything you needed. You need anything?”
She flipped her hair. “No, I’m fine. Just bored. Thought I’d get the lay of the land.”