Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (21 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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“You're the only one targeted.”

His voice was strong and sure while hers was shaking and crackly....the jerk. Didn't anything about her

affect him. “Not true. Mitch was targeted.” Then added. “What about Chad missing. That could be


“He went after Mitch because he wanted to get to you. As for Chad, we don't know yet.” Damon

sighed. “Listen Nicole, we have been through this again and again. I did what I had to do for you and

nothing more. You have not been fired and will be back to doing what you love as soon as we catch

this bastard.”

Nicole rolled her eyes then turned to walk away. “Yeah, well hurry the hell up. I want to get back to

work.” Well, that was a train wreck. “And I didn't ask for you to do anything for me.”

“I can't mate with you Nicole.” Damon replied his voice hard and firm.

Nicole stopped, but didn't turn around. Closing her eyes tightly she held as much hurt back as she

could. “And you are reminding me of this again because....?”

“I miss you.” His answer was low, but loud enough for her to hear.

Turning around she took a step closer her head tilted slightly. “You miss me?”

He straightened from the bike taking a step closer. “Yeah, I do.”

No, Nicole screamed inside her head. Don't do it girl. “Well...I miss you too.” She whispered. “But I

can't be with someone who cannot be honest with me and trust me to share certain things. I know you

won't take my blood or mate with me or turn me. What I don't know is why. And I can't live with that.

You know all about my life, but I know nothing of yours. I want to know everything about the man I

love, be able to share everything with him good or bad and well, I can't compromise on that. I'm just

not made that way.”

Damon was silent long enough that Nicole almost turned to leave, but he cleared his throat. “The first

moment I saw you walk into the gym I had an overwhelming need to protect you. Nothing else but

protecting you matters and I will go to any extremes to achieve it.” Damon's eyes turned dark. “You

were my total focus and I couldn't stop thinking about you. We react that way when we find our


Nicole's eyes widened, but she kept silent not wanting him to stop.

“If I take your blood Nicole you would be my mate.” He took a step forward.

“And why is that a bad thing Damon?” Nicole could not understand.

“Because I killed the last human who was to be my mate.” His eyes never left hers. “I never had the

feelings for her that I have for you, but I still wanted to be mated with her and was determined to do


Nicole frowned, embarrassed by the fact she was jealous of a dead woman. “How did you kill her


“I was a young vampire then and didn't have control. She offered her blood to me and once I started I

went into a frenzy and couldn't stop. The next thing I knew I was holding her as her eyes stared up at

me in horror.” Damon finally looked away from her. “Her last breath whispered my name.”

“My God.” Nicole walked up to him wrapping him in her arms. “I'm so sorry Damon.”

Damon held her close for a moment before gently holding her away. “I cannot live through that again

Nicole and with you the draw is strong, so much stronger. I would rather die a thousand deaths than to

ever hurt you.” Damon tipped her chin up so he looked deep into her eyes. “I just wanted to let you

know that this has nothing to do with you. It's all me and I wish things could be different because if

there was any woman I would be honored to be mated to it would be you Nicole.”

Nicole locked her knees so she wouldn't melt to the parking lot. Was it possible for a heart to break

twice so soon? A tear leaked its way out rolling slowly down her check and stopped by his rough

thumb before it could drip from her chin. “But it could be different.” She voiced her hope out loud.

Shaking his head sadly he took a step back. “It's not a chance I'm willing to take.” When he saw her

start to talk again he put a finger to her lips. “Ever.”

Nicole bit her lip to stop from begging him. Lifting her hand up touching his cheek. “If you ever

change your mind you know where I am.” Then she lifted up on her tiptoes and whispered close to his

ear. “I have confidence that you would never hurt me....ever.” She turned away, her heart in her


Chapter 15

Pam didn't question anything as they quietly rode back to Nicole's apartment and Nicole was thankful.

Her mind kept replaying Damon's words over and over again. She had never heard him talk so much

at one time and that he opened up to her surprised her even more. Given time she knew she could

change his mind to take a chance on them. If he truly felt so strongly toward her, she had no doubt.

“Wasn't Damon on his bike?” Pam asked, her voice laced with concern, her eyes peeled on the rear

view mirror. It was dark out and suddenly bright lights filled the car as Nicole turned to look out the

back window.

“That's not Damon.” Nicole screamed before the car rammed into them. The seatbelt saved Nicole

from hitting the dashboard.

Pam fought to control the car as they were rammed again. “Oh God, hold on!” The car swerved

dangerously out of control. The next hit sent them off the road down an embankment. Pam tried to get

back on the road but it was no use, the car hit something sending them flipping twice before slamming

upside down against a tree.

Nicole opened her eyes slowly to find herself hanging upside down. The reality hit her foggy brain as

soon as the pain did. “Pam!” Nicole called out as she struggled with her seatbelt. No answer sent her

struggling harder, but it was stuck. Using her hand she pushed up off the roof of the car lessening her

body weight and the other hand frantically tried to unclasp the seatbelt. “Pam, please answer me.”

Getting light headed Nicole spotted her purse and reached for it hoping to find something sharp to cut

herself out. Something wet dribbled down her face into her hair. She knew she was hurt, but she had

to get to Pam. “Dammit.” Spots started dancing in front of her eyes as her stomach pitched with a

sickening lurch. Not able to reach her purse her body fell slack. She would try again in a minute.

Trying to look around she got a glimpse of Pam hanging, her face turned away, but she saw blood, lots

of blood. “Oh God....Pam!” Nicole screamed.

Nicole had no idea how long they had been there hanging, but it felt like forever. Thinking she heard

someone outside the car she had called out, but no one came. No one answered. She wondered where

Damon was and why he hadn't come. Yeah, now she wanted his help. Ha....what a joke. God she was

an idiot. She had tried to reach over to Pam, but couldn't reach. “Pam.” Nicole's raspy voice cried.

“Please wake up.”

Thinking she heard footsteps Nicole tried again to get out of the seatbelt, screaming, hoping someone

would hear. Heavy footsteps came closer. “Please help!” Nicole called out. The car started to rock,

Nicole screamed trying to reach Pam. She didn't care who was out there, she just wanted to get to Pam.

She knew it wasn't Damon because he would have said something by now. Finally the rocking

stopped, the creaking of the car sounding eerie.

Hearing Pam moan Nicole pushed herself up to look at her battered friend, but before she could do

anything her door was ripped from the car. Nicole screamed as a terrifying face appeared before her.

“Surprise!” Chad's chuckle was evil. “Paybacks a bitch...ain't it?”

Nicole swallowed hard. “Chad you need to help her.” Nicole would beg if she had to. “Call 911. She's

hurt bad.” Nicole knew she was hurt also. She couldn't feel anything other than pain in her left ankle

and her vision was blurring so she knew she probably had a head injury.

“Not gonna happen Nicole.” Chad's speech sounded funny and she could see what looked like drool

hanging in threads off his chin. “The bitch is as good as dead and so are you, but not until we have us

a little fun.”

Chad snatched the seatbelt and with one strong tug it broke. Crying out Nicole tried to brace herself,

but it was no use the momentum sent her falling on herself. Chad's hands grabbed for her. Trying to

dig her way deeper into the car, Nicole realized there was nowhere to go. Fiery pain gripped her scalp

as Chad clutched a fist full of hair dragging her out into the night and through the woods not caring

that she screamed.

The louder she was the better because he had plans this night and it included Damon DeMaster's

watching his bitch die. He made sure not to kill the bastard before following Nicole, just delay him a

bit until he was ready for his revenge.

Nicole woke up slumped on the floor of a small dank room. The smell of mold and mildew tickled her

nose making her want to sneeze. Confused, she looked around slowly her neck protesting in pain.

God, her whole body felt like it was on fire. Movement from across the room made her gasp and then

it all came back to her. “Where are we?” Nicole looked at Chad as she sat up straighter, her flight

instincts taking over, sending the pain to the back of her mind.

“We, my lovely pain in the ass, are in your hell.” Chad wiped his chin with his arm. “As soon as that

bastard gets here it's all going to be over.”

“You're crazy.” Nicole spat trying to hide her fear. Something was way different with Chad. “He will

kill you.”

Knocking the chair back as he stood he rushed across the room so fast her eyes could hardly track

him. “I don't think so.” Chad knelt down flashing a set of fangs. “Now we are on equal playing field.”

Nicole shrank back in fear. “What have you done?”

“What I should have done a long time ago.” Chad grabbed her chin in a bruising grasp. “Do you have

any idea how much money you have cost me?”

Nicole didn't answer. She couldn't take her eyes off his fangs. They looked too large for his mouth and

drool kept leaking out the sides dribbling down his chin.

“No...” He forcibly shook her head back and forth answering for her. Flinging her face away he stood

and walked to the only window in the room. With his back to her he stared out the window allowing

Nicole to look for an escape...weapon....hope, but finding none, she focused back on him. “You are

the cause of all of this. If you would have minded your own business and stayed out of mine

everything would have been fine. But no, you had to be little Ms. Perfect and save the world.”

“You were setting up people to adopt vampire children to sell their blood.” Nicole whispered sickened

at the thought. “You used your job for your own greed. That was you in Stevie's house that night. You

killed his parents.”

Chad turned to glare at her. “It wasn't suppose to happen that way. We had an agreement, but then they

decided they didn't need the money we could make on the vamps blood.”

“So you killed them?” Nicole said in disbelief. She never really liked Chad, but never did she think he

would have done something like this. Nicole pushed herself up shakily trying to stand, but her left foot

couldn't hold any weight. She had seen a sharp piece of scrap metal lying next to her which she swiped

before she stood. It wasn't much, but it was something. Leaning against the wall for support she stuck

the metal in her back pocket.

“It was you at the charity game.” Nicole looked at him in horror. “You were going to kill Mitch.”

“Never liked the son of the bitch anyway. People need to stop screwing with me.” Chad sneered. “Just

like you're about to find out.”

“Did you put the hit out on me?” Nicole figured she might as well find out all she could.

“You were costing me money.” Chad had to swipe at the drool again. “I owed some people and every

time I turned around you were taking kids out of homes I needed them in.”

“That was you in the basement when I found Sam.” Everything was making perfect sense.

“Right again.” Chad sneered. “You have been a true pain in my ass Nicole. Then those warriors come

into the mix and screwed things up even more. God, I have been waiting for this for a long time and

I'm going to enjoy every bloody minute of it.”

“Who did you owe money to?” Nicole figured the more she kept him talking the longer she could stay


Chad laughed. “You really think you're going to put a stop to Crimson Rush don't you Nicole?”

Turning from the window he grinned with a shake of his head. “Well, I hate to tell you this Ms.

Perfect, but you will be dead before the next sunrise so looks like you failed all those kids you have

tried to protect.”

“The warriors are going to find you Chad.” Nicole taunted. “You don't stand a chance with them.”

“Oh, I got an Ace up my sleeve.” Chad chuckled, looking back out the window.

“And what is that?” Nicole started to edge toward him sliding her hand toward her back pocket.

He turned, his eyes glowing red. “You Nicole.”

Chapter 16

Jared grabbed his gloves sliding them on. “Are you sure it was Chad.”

Damon laid on the ground, his bike laying a few feet away in pieces. “Yeah, I'm sure.” Damon gritted

his teeth. God, silver burned like a son of a bitch. “The bastard took me out and before I could get my

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