Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 (14 page)

BOOK: Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1
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“How's everything going Callahan?”

“Good.” Grabbing her water she took a swig leaning against the bag she had been warming up on.

“Today all my cases went smoothly.”

“Any problems other than that?” Mitch eyed her like he was a human lie detector.

“I'm still breathing, so all's good.”

“Don't be such a smart ass Callahan.” Mitch growled.

Chuckling she put her water down. “I'm fine. I think you guys are overreacting about this protection

thing, but whatever.”

“Yeah well, humor me okay. Until they feel it's safe you have a round the clock body guard.”

Nicole rolled her eyes at Mitch who had already turned walking away and that is when she saw them.

Two beautiful women heading toward Damon, Jared and Duncan. The one was the same red head

from before. Glancing down at her old sweats and Snoopy t-shirt she groaned. God she was pathetic.

Turning away, not wanting to see Damon head to the back with any of the women, she started

pounding away on the heavy bag.

“PMS or the walking blood banks that just walked in the door?” Pam sneaked up behind her.

“Don't know what you're talking about.” Nicole huffed punching the bag with the combination they

had been taught to warm up.

“Whatever.” Pam chuckled. “Jared told me about the women that's supplied for their needs. I mean

damn....just look at them. Perfect in every way and their clothes, I mean wow, they must get paid good

for this gig cause I couldn't afford the underwear their probably wearing, if they are even wearing any.

I don't see any panty lines under those tight white pants the red head is wearing like a second skin.

Probably a thong. I don't see them wearing granny panties.”

“Seriously Pam?” Stopping in mid swing Nicole turned glaring at Pam sweat sliding down her face.

“Why in the hell do you think I care what kind of underwear they're wearing or not wearing.”

Pam gave an innocent shrug. “I was just making innocent conversation. You know a little gossip.”

“There is nothing innocent about you Pam.” Nicole poked a finger at her. “Now let me warm up.”

“By all means, beat the holy crap out of the bag.” Pam did a sweep of her hand in a courtly manner.

“But if I were you I would head over there and stake my claim.”

“We're just friends.” Nicole punched the bag glancing toward Damon who was looking her way at that


“Yeah, with benefits.” Pam snorted rolling her eyes. “I call bullshit. Girl, you are half way in the love

with that man if not already there. You need to go fight for him, because as clear as I can see how you

feel about him I see that redheaded bimbo is ready to stake her claim.”

Sighing, Nicole turned once again to Pam and grabbed her shirt thrusting it out. “Look at me Pam. I

am no competition for her. I am wearing a pair of old sweats and a Snoopy t-shirt for shit sake. If that

is what he wants then there is nothing I can do.”

Pam frowned. “You really don't know how gorgeous you are do you?” Pam really looked wowed.

“Even in those ugly ass sweats and t-shirt you are hands down the most gorgeous woman I have ever

known inside and out. I'd do you before I'd do that redhead.”

Nicole eyed her funny, trying to hold in her laughter. “Listen Pam, I love you I really do, but not that

way.” Nicole teased

“Bitch.” Pam snorted then tackled her to the mat. “Come here and let me lay a wet on ya.”

“What the hell is wrong with you two?” Mitch walked up hands on his hips watching the women

rolling around laughing and playfully punching each other.

“Pam just proclaimed her secret love for me and I had to turn her down. She didn't take it too well.”

Laughing she walked to the center of the mat and plopped down to stretch out.

Damon had seen Nicole's frustration as she beat on the bag and knew the reason. He would feel the

same way if another male had been rubbing himself against her, but the bag is not what he would be

beating the shit out of. Alice was a beautiful woman, but she was pushy and it was well known she

wanted a warrior and wanted one badly. She just wasn't his type and he preferred blondes to red

heads, and the blonde he preferred was sitting on the mat looking lost. Pushing himself away from

Alice he headed toward the mat. “You guys go ahead and I'll start class. I'm good.”

Jared caught Damon before he made it to the mat. “You need to feed Damon.”

“I'm fine, mom.” Damon shrugged Jared's hand off his shoulder. “But thanks for worrying.”

“If the Council finds out you're not feeding they will pull you and we need you here.” Jared glanced

toward Nicole. “She needs you here.”

“I said I'm fine, Jared.” Damon went to walk away and again Jared stepped in his path.

“You cannot and I repeat cannot feed from her.” Jared snapped nodding toward Nicole. “If it's Alice

we will call for someone else, but you need to feed and soon dammit.”

“I am walking away and if you step in my way again I will walk over you.” Damon snapped back

getting nose to nose with Jared.

“Stubborn son of a bitch.” Jared moved to let him pass.

Damon tuned down his anger as he walked to the middle of the mat. He knew the dangers of not

feeding and he knew the dangers of feeding from humans, especially humans they were attracted to

and he was more than attracted to Nicole. Two things could happen. You either mated with the human

which most vampires adhered or blood lust so strong hit that you become a mindless killer. Not only

were humans dealing with addiction to their blood, but vampires were fighting addiction to human

blood as well. Mitch had been right, it was a cluster fuck of a mess. He should just go grab Alice and

feed. It would solve the problem of getting too close to Nicole. No matter what she said it would hurt

her to see him leave with another woman after being with her and he would bet his last dollar he

would never be with her again.

With one last look at her he actually saw relief on her face. God he was screwed because to please her

was the only thing that seemed to matter to him. Taking his focus where it belonged, he noticed

everyone staring at him waiting for him to start their lessons. “Okay people let's get a partner and start

the defense moves you learned last class.” Damon ordered then felt his breath catch when Nicole

slipped him a smile. Yep, he was totally screwed.

After their class and shower Nicole headed over to her bag smiling. It was a good class, but better yet

Damon had not gone into the offices with the redhead and that sent her stomach flipping happily.

Damon had gone to shower telling her they would leave as soon as he was done.

“Hey” Pam grabbed her stuff and headed out the door. “I brought that book you wanted to read. I'll

grab it and bring it in.”

“I'll walk out with you. I have to wait for Damon anyway.” Nicole followed Pam outside in the sticky

August air.

Pam opened her door grabbing the book. “Don't worry about giving it back. I don't usually reread

them.” Pam hugged her. “Gotta get. Kenny worked a double so I want to make sure he has a good

dinner tonight.”

“Tell him I said hey.” Nicole waved watching her friend pull out of the parking lot. Opening the book

she thumbed through it while walking back to the warehouse. A chill shimmied up her spine causing

her to look up and then behind her. Suddenly she didn't feel alone. Flipping the book closed she

turned again to start walking faster and screamed. Standing in front of her was the redhead.

“God, you scared me to death.” Nicole laughed nervously bending down to pick up the book she


Alice looked her up and down without apology. “Damon needs to feed.”

Nicole slowly straightened instantly on alert knowing this wasn't going to be a friendly conversation.

“And you're telling me this why?”

“I heard Jared and Duncan talking.” Alice picked a piece of nonexistent lint off her sleeve. “If Damon

doesn't feed soon they are going to have to tell the Council.”

“Damon is a grown man. I'm sure he knows when he has to...” Nicole couldn't bring herself to say

feed especially to this women who she knew he had fed from.

“Feed?” Alice gave a nasty laugh. “God, you humans are pathetic. I could kill you with one swipe of

my hand. Just hear me out, human. While you may have a little crush on Damon he will never commit

to you. Ever.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Nicole was getting angry, but she wasn't stupid enough to go up against

this woman since she could actually do what she said and kill her with one swipe of her hand that

furnished long sharp red painted nails.

“Because Damon has been good to me and I plan on making him my mate and nothing will stand in

my way. Jared and Duncan agree that you are going to ruin Damon. We have already talked about it

and I was elected to fill you in. As long as you are in the picture Damon is not going to hurt your

pitiful little human heart by feeding from me and that will lead to the Council being informed, which

in turn will lead to Damon's downfall. He is one of the top warriors and it would be a dishonor for him

to be pulled because of blood lust.”

“Blood lust?” Nicole hated being ignorant about anything.

“The longer he goes without feeding from one of his own the more unstable he becomes. Soon he will

lose control and feed from a human, which would probably be you.” Alice wrinkled her nose as if the

thought disgusted her.

“And that would be bad because...?” God she hated asking this woman these questions, but she needed

to know what the hell was going on.

“Oh you poor thing. You really think Damon would want your blood. Look at you.” Her laugh was

humiliating. “Listen, do yourself a favor and give it up. It's not going to happen. He might be screwing

your brains out and believe me I know how good he is at that, but he will never take your blood. He is

a warrior and he needs pure vampire blood, my blood.”

Okay that hurt, but Nicole hid her emotions because no way would she let this vamp bitch know she

was killing her slowly with her words. “Jared and Duncan feel the same way?” She didn't know why

she ask it, but the question popped into her head and out of her mouth before she could stop it. She

didn't want to think Jared and Duncan had been talking about her and she sure didn't want to be a

burden to anyone. No...that place in her life was long gone.

“What, that you're a pathetic human they have to watch over now? Yeah, they do. All they want is for

you all to disappear so they can get back to what they were doing before and protect their own kind.”

Alice smirked. “I cannot believe you can't take a hint. Why humans have been in charge this whole

time and we have been in hiding is beyond me. Seriously, if you like Damon at all leave him alone so

he can save face. Jared and Duncan are very concerned and serious about calling the Council.” And

with that she was gone.

Nicole stood in the parking lot still as stone not knowing what to do. Pain not only about Damon, but

the others was too much, overwhelming her with emotions she fought so hard her entire life to

control. She couldn't face any of them. Seeing Eddie come out of the warehouse she jogged up to him.

“Hey Eddie, can you do me a huge favor?”

Chapter 10

Damon headed out from the back and instantly knew something wasn't right. Looking around he

headed toward Mitch. “Where's Nicole?”

Looking around Mitch frowned. “She was just here talking to Pam.”

Damon called her name knowing she wouldn't answer. “Son of a bitch.” Dropping his stuff he ran out

the door to the parking lot. Nothing. She was nowhere. Rushing back inside he pulled his phone out.

“What's Pam's number?”

Mitch rattled it off pulling his phone out checking to see if he had any messages.

Damon punched in the number pacing back and forth as Jared walked up from the back. “What's

going on?” Jared ask Mitch.

“Nicole's gone.” Mitch rubbed his eyes trying to stay calm.

Damon snapped his phone shut with a curse. “She said Nicole walked out with her to get a book and

then was heading inside when she was pulling away.” Punching in Nicole's number he prayed she

would answer, but knew she wouldn't. Ringing came from the corner; Damon looked over to see her

bag laying there. “Shit.” He shut his phone and the ringing stopped, a sickening silence followed.

“I'll get Duncan and call Sid. We'll find her.” Jared headed toward the back, but stopped when Mitch's

phone rang.

“Yeah.” Mitch answered. Relief then anger crossed his worried face. “Where the hell are you


Damon straightened. “Where is she?” He was half way out the door ready to go to her.

Mitch held one finger up to Damon, a finger Damon wanted to break off. His patience was running

very thin and he was ready to kill something.

“Nicole don't....” Mitch took the phone from his ear. “hang up. Dammit!”

“Where is she?” Damon demanded still at the door ready to head out after her.

“She's with Eddie.” Mitch looked to Jared then back at Damon. “She wanted us to know she was okay

and that she was taking a small leave of absence.”

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