Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart) (5 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart)
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              “Wow, you look beautiful.” He admitted to me.

              He grabbed me and kissed me.

              “Alright enough of this lovey, dovey shit… Let’s go.” Patrick said. He grabbed Melodie and helped her into the car. The others did the same including Austin and me. We followed Patrick to the restaurant.

              The outside of the restaurant was semi-quiet. Only a few people were on the outside. Austin helped me out of the car and we climbed a set of stairs leading to the front door of the restaurant. The place was full of people and the sound of dishes and conversations filled the air. But it had a romantic feeling as well. The hostess took us to our table and got our drinks. We looked at our menus for a few minutes and then ordered our food. As we sat and waited for our food the girls began questioning me.

              “So, Ami…Where are you from?” Melodie asked.

              “I’m from the Niagara Fall’s region.” I admitted.

              “Oh, really. What’s it like there?” They asked.

              “Cool. Not too hot. Peaceful. It’s a great place to live. I don’t live in the busy parts, I live on the outskirts, and there aren’t much people. I love living there.” I said thinking about home and how much I truly missed it.

              “If it was so good then why did you leave?” Christy bluntly asked.

              “Christy!?” Melodie and Austin said in unison.

              “What?” Christy asked.

              “No, it’s fine guys. I don’t mind telling her why I left.” I admitted. “I fell in love…but it turns out that he has a fiancée and I couldn’t live with all the painful memories around there and plus I lost my mother right before I decided to leave.” I confessed the mostly true story.

              “That’s terrible…” Judy chimed in. “How did it happen?” She asked.

              “Well…she was killed.” I admitted.

              “Oh my… by who…?” Melodie said.

              “My mother became unfaithful to what was going to be my step dad… he is a crazy, drunken man…and when he found out about her pregnancy” I began to tear up. “He ordered his son to dispose of her…” I confessed.

              “That’s so terrible.” Dickey said.

              Tears filled my eyes and Austin pulled me close.

              “I don’t believe a word of that sob story.” Christy said.

              “What?” The others asked together.

              “She is just trying to get pity from us.” Christy said.

              I began to tear up more. I placed my napkin on the table and left.






















Chapter 5

              I went into the ladies room and sat on the toilet. I began to cry. Why didn’t she believe me? It was the truth. Thoughts of my mom and Jesse filled my head. I needed them. I wanted to go home.

              “Sweetie?” A female voice called out to me followed by a knock at the door. I opened it. Melodie and Judy were standing in the doorway.

              “Yeah?” I asked.

              “Are you alright?” Melodie asked.

              “I will be…my past is a hard thing to talk about…” I admitted.

              “I know honey.” Judy said.

              “Let’s go back to the table and drop this whole conversation, okay?” Melodie asked me.

              I wanted to run away but I was really hungry and I didn’t want to disappoint Austin. They walked me to the mirror and helped me wipe my eyes. They patted my face with paper towels to reduce the redness. I finally looked better.

“…Ready to go?” Judy asked.

I shook my head yes. We walked out of the bathroom and bumped into Dickey.

              “…Dickey. What are you doing?” Judy asked.

              “Ami…” He said ignoring Judy. “I’m sorry for the way she was acting. We had a big fight earlier and she shouldn’t take it out on you.” He admitted. “I just broke up with her…she left.”

              “It’s fine Dickey. You didn’t have to break up with her…” I said.

              “No…I was going to do it later but she just kept pushing. I didn’t want to do it this way but I have had enough of her disrespect toward my friends.” He said. He placed his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I thought about the word “friend.” I needed friends now more than ever. I was happy I had met such good hearted people to be friends with here in Hawaii. Judy and Melodie put their arms around me too and hugged me. After a few seconds we let go and walked back to the table.

              “Ami…! Are you okay?” Austin asked upon my return.

              “I am now…my friends helped me through it.” I said and smiled at Melodie, Judy and Dickey.

              Austin pulled the chair out for me to sit. I sat down as the food arrived. It was the most delicious seafood dish I have ever had. It was nothing like I’ve ever tasted back home. Hawaii was defiantly growing on me. I loved it here.


Back in Niagara Falls

              Jesse was in my room plotting his next move on how to get my whereabouts out of James. He sat on my bed as he heard Sarah and James begin to laugh from downstairs. He exited the room and walked down the stairs. He looked in the family room and seen Bill, Sarah, James and JJ sitting on the couch. They must have told Bill about their relationship because he was telling James that JJ looked just like him. Jesse walked into the room.

              “Jesse. Are you done wallowing?” Bill asked.

              He remained silent and didn’t give Bill the satisfaction of hearing his hurt.

              “So, have you congratulated your brother?” Bill finally asked.

              “Congratulations James and Sarah.” He said knowing exactly what Bill was talking about.

              “I’m sorry it didn’t work out with you and Sarah. But maybe you can find another girl one day.” Bill said with a laugh.

              Jesse rolled his eyes and left the room as Bill laughed harder. 


Back in Hawaii

              We had finished up our meals. Dickey had eaten his and Christy’s and the bills were paid. Melodie was the first to break the silence with more questions but tried kept my past out of it.

              “So, where is your father?” she asked.

              “I’m not sure. We stopped speaking about 5 years ago.” I told her.

              “Really…?” She asked realizing she needed to change the subject. “Patrick tells me you have a dog who loves Frisbees?” She said.

              “Yes. That he does. Speaking of him…I need to get home to feed him or he is going to eat the furniture.” I said with a laugh.

              “Oh no.” Melodie said back with a laugh.

              “Come on. I’ll take you home.” Austin said.

              “Okay. It was fun guys. We should do it again.” I said.

              “Defiantly will.” Judy said hugging me. Melodie followed and hugged me to, followed by Patrick, Jacob, and Dickey.  Austin put his arm around me and led me out of the restaurant and back toward the red mustang. He opened the door and I climbed in.

              “Thank you Jesse.” I said.

              “Jesse?” Austin said. “Who’s Jesse?”

              An embarrassing shock went through me.

              “I’m so sorry Austin…that’s my ex’s name…” I admitted.

              He shut my car door and walked over to the driver’s side. He roared the car to life.

              “I really am sorry.” I said.

              “It’s okay Ami. Just take it one day at a time. You’ll soon forget about him.” He said trying to pep talk me and hiding his hurt feelings.

              I smiled at him but my insides were screaming. Why can’t I get him out of my head? I wish I could be done with him and except the fact that I need to move on. I was beginning to wish I had never met him. My life was spinning in a circle and I didn’t know what to do. Little did I know; everything that I thought was true was really a lie and Jesse desperately wanted to find me and have me back into his arms.

              We sat mostly in silence as he drove me home. When we reached my house I scooped up the bag with all my clothes as Austin killed the engine of the car. He climbed out of the car with a sigh and walked over to my side. He opened the door and helped me out. He laced his fingers with mine as we walked casually toward the door. I pulled out my keys and began to fettle with them. I wanted to kiss him but I didn’t know if he was mad at me.

              “Well…goodnight.” I said and placed the key into the door.

              He smoothly yet roughly pulled me back to him and placed his lips against mine. He pulled me deeply into him as we kissed. He pushed me back against the door as he continued to kiss me. I turned the key until I heard a click and the lock was open. I pushed the door open while I continued to kiss him. I pulled him into the house and he shut the front door. We continued to kiss until we landed on the couch. Cody was use to Jesse and I doing this so he didn’t pay any attention. He just let us be. Austin pulled me on to his lap and continued to kiss me. I gradually tugged at his buttons and undid them one by one. His shirt came opened to reveal his luscious chest. I kissed it up and down as he held me close to him. I desired this so bad. My body was throbbing for it. My heart craved the feeling again. He held me tight as I nibbled at his neck. He let out a small moan. He sounded so sexy when he did. I pulled at the straps of my dress and revealed my shoulders. He kissed at them and nibbled on them in return. I could feel the bulge in his pants as I pressed myself up against him. We both obviously wanted this. Until… my phone began to ring. I knew if I didn’t answer then I would be in trouble with Bill. I broke away from him and told him to be very quiet.

              “Hello.” I said trying to catch my breath.

              “Jamie” James said.

              “Hi James.” I said hoping he wouldn’t hear my voice breaking.

              “What are you doing?” He asked.

              “Noting, just working out.” I said as I winked at Austin.

              “Well I just called to check up. How are you?” He asked.

              “I’m fine James.” I said thinking to myself how much of a sex-blocker he was being right now.

              “That’s good. Well, I’ll let you get back to working out and remember, Jamie, We’re watching you.” He said and hung up the phone.

              I began to think about that. Maybe he has cameras in my house or maybe there is someone watching me. I needed to get Austin out of here. I couldn’t think about jeopardizing his safety. 

              “I think you better go…” I reluctantly said.

              “Oh…okay.” He said with disappointment.

              “It’s not that I don’t want you here.” I admitted. “But you have school in the morning.” I tried to find a reason for him to leave. I really didn’t want him to. I wish he would take me to my bedroom and make sweet tender love to me right now. But he got up from the couch and walked over to me. He kissed me again and said goodnight. He disappeared behind my front door. I walked over and locked it. I went to the kitchen and poured Cody some dog food in his dish. He ate at it violently like he was starving as I went back into the living room and turned on the television. I began to watch some cartoon show about a fat man and an evil baby. It was really funny but I was so tired. I finished it until it went off and headed for the shower. I let the hot water run down my body as I began to surprisingly think about Austin. I really wanted him tonight. I wanted his luscious hard meat moving around inside me but I guess it was going to have to wait and if it was going to happen then it had to happen in the privacy of his house, not mine. Who knows who can be watching me?

              After my hot shower the room was steamed up. It was like a ship trying to sail on a foggy night. I could barely see in front of me but I managed to get out of the “fog” and into the hallway where I was greeted by Cody. He licked the water off my legs as I tried to head to my bedroom. I began to hear a whistling sound outside as the wind picked up. The rain began to fall beating on my window and lightning lit up the room followed by a clash of thunder. I listened to the rain as it fell. It was such a relaxing sound. I slipped a pair of pink thongs on and put my nightgown on that I threw off this morning. I climbed into bed and Cody followed. He climbed under the covers and snuggled up to me. I put my arm around him and went to sleep.



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