Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart) (7 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart)
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              “Well something tells me you didn’t get rid of this Austin guy.” He said.

              “Are you surprised?” I didn’t omit or admit.

              “Not really.” He said. “I won’t tell Bill. You deserve to move on.” He promised.

              “Oh, it looks like you’ve had a change in heart.” I said.

              “Perhaps… Just be careful who sees…I’m not going to say anything but I can’t promise that someone won’t.” He warned.

              “Thank you James.” I said.

              “Here” He said handing me the $1000.

              “Thanks.” I said.

              “I have to head back…someone is waiting on me.” He said.

              “That’s why you are allowing me to move on…you’re in love with someone?”  I asked.

              “Yeah.” He said.

              “Okay. Thanks James.” I said.

              He pulled me in for a hug. “I’m still not your friend Jamie...” He warned.

              He pulled away and walked out of the bedroom. I ran after him.

              “You’re not going to say anything; are you?” I asked as he grabbed the doorknob to the front door.

              “I promised I wouldn’t.” He said as he shut the door.

              I hoped he wouldn’t. I couldn’t take it if anything would happen to Austin because of me. I grabbed my phone and called him. I looked in my mirror on my dresser and seen a face looking through my window. I screamed and dropped the phone. Austin had picked up and heard the scream. He rushed to get to me. I left the phone on the floor, grabbed my gun and ran outside.

              “Who’s out here!?” I yelled looking around my house.

              I didn’t see anyone. I searched around the house, in the bushes and around the trees. I began to walk back up to the house and bumped into someone. I fell on the ground. I looked up and pointed my gun.

              “Austin” I said in relief. I lowered the gun. He helped me up and pulled me into his chest.

              “I was so worried about you! You called me and then hung up on me after you screamed.” He said. “I thought that guy hurt you.”

              “I’m fine. I saw someone outside my window… I just got spooked.” I said

              He held me tight. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the house. He laid me down on the couch. He checked to make sure I’m okay and went to get a bottle of water. He handed me the water. I sat up and drank it.

              “Are you sure you are okay?” He asked.

              “Yes, I’m fine but someone is watching me…and I don’t know who it is.” I admitted as I handed him the gun. “Can you put this back in the table beside the front door please?”

              “Okay, if you don’t feel safe…then I’ll stay here with you. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.” He said. “Where is this guy…James? Did he leave?” He asked as he placed the gun back into the drawer.

              “Yes, he left. And he gave us his blessing.” I confessed.

              “What?” He questioned in excitement.

              “He has falling in love…and wishes the same for me. He said he gives me his blessing and promises he won’t tell Bill or Jesse.” I admitted.

              He grabbed me off the couch and spun me in the air. As he finished he placed my feet on the floor and kissed me. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and smoothly French kissed me. I moved my tongue against his as I lovingly pushed him backwards towards the hallway. He pulled at the tie of my robe and gradually slid it off my body. It fell to the ground. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He shoved me against the wall as he continued to kiss me. We began knocking pictures off the wall as he carried me into my bedroom. He placed me on the bed. I hurried to get his pants off of him and he kicked them off. He pulled me up father on the bed and removed his shirt. I removed my nightgown while he was doing that. He grabbed the straps of my thong and seductively pulled it off and threw it toward the chair beside my bed. He kissed from my ankles all the way back up to my face and gently slid his meat inside me. I let out a moan of approval as he continued moving in and out.

              “Yes, yes, yes” I moaned.



              The man from the window that was watching me looked into the window again. He saw what we were doing and left in a hurry. He grabbed his phone and franticly dialed a number.

              “Damn it where are you? We have a problem. Call me when you get this.” The man said and hung up the phone.


              We continued to make love in the bedroom. He began to pick up the pace and my moaning increased. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of him moving inside of me.

              “I love you.” I quietly whispered.

              “I love you too.” He said back.

              I opened my eyes but as I did I seen Jesse instead of Austin. I closed them again.

              “Are you okay?” He said slowing down.

              I opened my eyes again and seen Austin.

              “Yes, I’m great.” I half lied.



              Jesse franticly searched in Orlando for me. He searched hotels, phone books, asked the people who live there. He couldn’t find me anywhere. He began to sigh as it approached dark. He booked himself a hotel and went to bed. James had boarded his plane back to Niagara Falls.


              We finished as he unloaded his sticky warm fluids into me. I let out a loud moan of approval as he fell off to the side. He pulled me into his chest.

              “Do you really?” he asked.

              “What?” I asked.

              “Love me?” he said.

              “…” I paused. “Yes. More than you think I do.” I confessed.

              He kissed my forehead. “I love you too.” He admitted.

              After about ten minutes I told him I wanted a shower. He agreed and walked with me into it. He washed me and I washed him as the soapy water ran down our bodies. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I had falling in love and I couldn’t be happier.

              We left the shower and he put his clothes back on. I dressed in actual clothing and joined him in the kitchen. I made us some lunch and we watched some television.  This felt normal. This felt right.

              “Well, I have to get to work.” He admitted.

              “Work?” I asked. “I didn’t know you had a job.”

              “I’m starting today. Some rich guy need help with yard work and house work. His wife is pregnant and on bed rest.” He said. “I’m gonna help out. He’s paying me like 12 dollars an hour.”

              “Okay. I’ll miss you. You have fun.” I said.

              He jumped off the couch and put his shoes on.

              “I just don’t feel good about leaving you here with you thinking that someone is watching you…” He admitted.

              “I’ll be fine. I have the gun and Cody. I’ll call you if I need you.” I said.

              “I’ll see you tonight. After I get off?” he said.

              “You’re coming back?” I asked.

              “If that’s okay with you…” He said.

              “Okay. I’ll see you later then.” I said in excitement.

              He kissed me and walked out the front door. The feeling I was feeling right now couldn’t be described in any words. I felt amazing. I didn’t think I would ever feel this way again. I walked outside and let Cody run around on the beach again. I stared at the ocean as I began to think about Austin.

              He was wonderful, kind, sweet, and handsome. He was exactly what I needed. But my heart still missed Jesse. I missed him holding me, touching me. I missed feeling his presents around me and the sweet smell I smelt when I hug him, but I had to face the facts: Jesse was never coming back to me.


Chapter 8

Six months had past. Miraculously, I didn’t end up pregnant from our “romp in the bed.” We had become more cautious about protection. The six months flew by but November and December were the most difficult; with Christmas and Thanksgiving and without my mother. I cried a lot but Austin was there to support me. We spent the Holidays with our friends Judy, Patrick, Dickey, Eddie, Melodie, and Jacob.

              He took me on dates almost every night he was off from his new job and he was pretty much living with me now. He slept at my house every night. I didn’t have any more sightings of the guy that was following me. I guess James had hired him before and told him to stop following me. James seemed happier when he brings me my money. He is blissful with this girl he is dating, which he refuses to give me any names. But I’m happy for him.

              Jesse had been looking for me desperately all over the nation; going to states that I could possibly be in. No such luck. He had decided to return home and hope that one day James, Bill, Sarah, or JJ would slip up and tell him where I was.

              Austin had taken me back to the place he likes to surf but I still haven’t gotten the courage to ride a wave yet. Today was April 4
. James would be here tomorrow and Austin was off today, so after school he decided to take me somewhere special. He told me to wear my bathing suit.

              At 2pm the doorbell rang. I opened the door and was greeted by Austin.

              “Still ringing the doorbell?” I sarcastically asked.

              “This is still your house.” He said with a chuckle. “Are you ready to go?” He asked.

              “Yep.” I said and snatched my purse off the table beside the door. Off we went to where ever we were going.

              I climbed into the red mustang and buckled up. Austin did the same and roared the engine to life.

              “Where are we going?” I asked.

              “You’ll see.” He said.

              He began to drive us like he was going to take us up the mountain again. But he took another turn before he got to the windy road up the mountain. This road took us downward. I sat in silence and appreciated the gorgeous scenery. The breathtaking Hawaiian flowers were surrounding us and the aroma was incredible. The birds were whistling and a light, warm breeze was blowing. I adored it here in Hawaii. I treasured Austin and there was nothing I wanted more than to be here with him. But I will confess, it had taken some time but I was starting to be over with Jesse.

              I no longer had hallucinations of him being on top of me while I’m making love to Austin. I no longer saw him in my dreams. However, I will always hold a piece of him in my heart. He will never be truly gone. But as far as thinking about him all the time; that was long gone. I couldn’t be happier here with Austin. He makes me feel complete again.

              “We’re here.” Austin said breaking my thoughts.

              I looked around us. All that was there was a bunch of trees. “Umm. Where are we?” I asked.

              “Come on.” He said as he got out of the car.

              I opened my door, stuffed my purse under the seat and climbed out. Austin took my hand and began to guide me into the forest. “You know…if you wanted to kill me…you could’ve done it closer to town.” I said.

              He chuckled. “I’m not going to kill you.” He said pulling me into him and placing his arm around me. We causally walked through the trees. I began to hear a familiar sound as we approached where we were headed.

              “Take my hand.” He said as let me go and held out his hand and pulled back some vines that were in the way. I took it and he gradually pulled me through. My heart sank as I let his hand go and realized where we were.

              “A…a waterfall...” I managed to murmur. I didn’t want to but I started having memories of Jesse and me in the waterfall.

              “Are you okay?” Austin asked.

              “I’m fine.” I lied and brushed my remembrance off. “It’s just beautiful. I was in shock.” I lied again.

              “You really like it?” He asked.

              “I do.” I admitted.

              “Come on, I want to show you something.” He said taking my hand. He delicately walked us over to the waterfall and carefully slipped behind it drawing me in with him. There was a cave behind it. My heart began to melt again and my eyes began to tear up. Although, this waterfall cave wasn’t one you had to climb to, it still reminded me of my time with Jesse.

              “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked again.

              “Austin, this is lovely…” I said. I wanted to tell him everything but instead I said “Thank you.”

              He drew me closer to him and we sat on the floor. I laid my head on his chest. I didn’t know how to react about this. I couldn’t stop my head from thinking about Jesse. My heart was beginning to long for him again. I thought I was over it.

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