Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (45 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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“There is someone here to see you, sir,” Kendra said when he took a breath. “Alicia McTavish. I believe she has an appointment.”

Alicia nodded, then surveyed the office.

“She’s in to see samples,” Reid replied. “I sourced some materials while in Asia for a potential licensing contract with her. They’re in the second drawer on the right of my desk. Some hardware and leather samples. Take care of it, Miss Jones.”

“Give her the samples?”

“No, make the deal, Miss Jones.”

Kendra blinked. “Will you be in today, sir?”

“Not soon, Miss Jones. I have a number of issues to resolve this morning.” She heard the amusement dawn in his voice. “You want to save Esperanza, Miss Jones. Your efforts have already ensured that we got the deal with the Plume, but it’s not enough. There’s no fruit yet from Monday’s presentations, so we need to make this licensing deal. You need to make the deal.”


“Whatever it takes, Miss Jones.” Reid’s voice dropped low. “That’s an order.”

Kendra swallowed and met Alicia’s knowing gaze. “Of course, sir.”

She wasn’t sure he even heard her, because the line was already dead.

Whatever it takes.

* * *

Alicia had always liked a tasty bit of tail, and Kendra Jones was that and more.

She knew the other woman was wearing the corset she’d made for her, based on the way her skirt was hanging around her waist. She guessed she was still wearing that little silver chain of Reid’s, because her tone was certainly subservient when she took his call.

And Reid was his usual commanding self. Even Alicia heard his last instruction.

Whatever it takes.

She had an idea of exactly what it might take to convince her to sign this licensing deal. She watching Miss Jones lick her lips nervously, the tip of her pink tongue feeding the list of possibilities in Alicia’s mind.

She knew how responsive Reid’s slave was.

She’d watched her being bound and eaten at the shop.

Alicia would have a taste herself before this deal was done.

Assuming the hardware and leather was acceptable. But then, Reid never did anything by half-measures. She’d guess that it was superb.

Just like his latest slave.

The day was definitely looking up.

She followed Miss Jones into the corner office, barely glancing over the standard business decor. She was watching Miss Jones’ butt and those shapely calves. The woman bent over from the waist to open the drawer in the desk, probably not even realizing what she did. She removed an envelope and opened it, peeking inside before offering it to Alicia.

Alicia spread the hardware on the small conference table and was impressed despite herself. It was forged and heavy, not as robust as what she used on her custom commissions but far better than most of what was available. The leather was buttery soft and there were samples in an array of colors beyond basic black. She considered the list of prices and did some mental calculations, then discovered the spreadsheet of estimates that Reid had included.

He’d met her challenge and done his research. The deal could work for both of them.

Alicia eyed the watchful Miss Jones and smiled. “What did he tell you?”

“To give you this.”

Alicia arched a brow. “Was that all?”

Miss Jones blushed. “To make the licensing deal with you in his absence.”

Alicia leaned closer, close enough to be tantalized by the perfume of Miss Jones’ wet cunt. “How will you do that?” she whispered.

Miss Jones held her gaze, evidently realizing that she’d overheard Reid. “By doing whatever it takes.”

Alicia smiled. She put everything back into the envelope, drawing out the moment. “I need to see the facilities and more samples of the workmanship.”

“Of course.” The other woman gestured to the door.

Alicia didn’t move. “But first you’re going to take me out for lunch.” Miss Jones looked back, her eyes wide. “I get you, at my mercy in a private room, for one hour.”

Miss Jones swallowed and flicked a look to the office. “To do what?” she asked, feigning innocence.

Alicia walked closer to her, smiling with anticipation. “Anything I want. But if you like, I’ll leave a list of possibilities for your co-workers.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Miss Jones said quickly. “Although Mr. Stirling may wish to see one.”

“He’s already approved it,” Alicia said, savoring the other woman’s surprise. “And booked the location.”

“I see. And will he be meeting us there?”

Miss Jones’ hope was so clear that Alicia couldn’t help teasing her. “I can’t spoil all the surprises. He did say that you would need your purse.”

The other woman’s eyes flashed with understanding, an understanding that made Alicia realize Reid ensured his toy packed for every occasion.

She had to wonder if an hour was going to be enough.

Would Reid know if she extended the terms just a little?

Alicia was prepared to take a chance.

* * *

“Mr. Stirling said I’m supposed to take her out for lunch,” Kendra confessed to Marianne and Ginger in a whisper. Alicia was studying the samples in Reid’s office, probably just pretending to be oblivious. “He’s approached her about a licensing agreement and got samples for her to check out. They’ve talked about it and I’m supposed to close the deal.”

“Seriously?” Ginger asked.

Kendra nodded, not needing to fake her trepidation. What was Alicia going to do to her? She recalled that other woman eating her and shivered in recollection of how good that tongue stud had felt. Even though she was nervous, she could feel herself getting wet.

“You can do it,” Marianne said heartily. “Take her somewhere nice.”

“Especially if the boss man is paying,” Ginger added.

“Have dessert,” Marianne said with a shake of her finger. “Close that deal for all of us.”

“Whatever it takes,” Ginger agreed, unconsciously echoing Reid.

Kendra got her coat and purse, then went back to Alicia. “I thought maybe we could go to lunch and talk about details before you tour our facility,” she said, mostly for the benefit of Marianne and Ginger.

“Good idea. I’ll drive,” Alicia said firmly. “I’ve got the perfect place in mind.”

Kendra followed her out of the office, holding up her crossed fingers for Ginger and Marianne. Marianne gave her a thumbs-up.

Then the wind whipped around her legs and swirled under her skirt, making that chain seem incredibly cold against her genitals. Or maybe her sex was just pulsing hot.

“You have accessories with you,” Alicia asked as she unlocked the door of a battered black van. It was old enough to not have power locks.


“Yes, Reid likes to be prepared. He’s a regular boy scout.” She laughed at her own reference and went around to the driver’s side. Kendra opened the door and got in, not really surprised to find the interior upholstered in black leather. She could smell those French cigarettes, but it wasn’t an unpleasant smell. Mostly she smelled leather. There was a locked grill behind the seats, separating the cargo area from the front.

Alicia noticed her glance when she climbed in and started the engine. “For deliveries,” she said. “Of accessories, gear, and naughty slaves.”

Kendra caught her breath and glanced at the other woman without intending to do so.

Alicia was watching her. “Anytime you want to volunteer, just let me know.” She pulled out of the parking lot and headed around the drive of the business park. Kendra expected her to light a cigarette but she didn’t.

Maybe they weren’t going far.

She no sooner had the thought than Alicia turned into the parking lot of the hotel at the end of the street. “Close by so there’s more time to play,” Alicia said. “Reid thinks of everything.”

“They have a good chef here,” Kendra said, recalling the event at the beginning of the week. She was already self-conscious, thinking about walking past the front desk to a room, being recognized and the staff realizing that she was indulging in a lunch quickie.

With a woman.

“Then maybe we’ll get room service.” Alicia parked the van and turned off the engine. She had stopped by a side entrance, and pulled a key out of her jacket pocket. “Quit hyperventilating. I already checked in.”

“I see.”

“Reid insisted. Apparently embarrassment isn’t one torment you’re supposed to endure.”

“The only one?”

Alicia laughed again. “Pretty much. Move it, Miss Jones. An hour isn’t nearly long enough for everything I want to do to you.”

* * *

Kendra halfway expected Reid to be there, despite Alicia’s comments. The room, though, was empty.

She was so disappointed that she wanted to turn around and leave.

Alicia was right behind her though.

It was a one bedroom suite on the top floor, in the corner. The windows faced the park, the four-story hotel taller than any of the buildings in the business park. It was clean but not particularly fancy, with a small living room and dining table for two. Alicia put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door and locked the deadbolt, then put a CD into the entertainment system. Classical music filled the suite, surprising Kendra with the choice.

“Vivaldi’s Four Seasons,” Alicia said. “A nice light start.” She turned up the volume then shrugged out of her leather jacket. She threw it over the couch, nodding at the dining table. “Everything out and everything off.”

Kendra opened her purse and laid out the accessories she’d brought. There was the leather gag from Alicia’s shop, a length of black braided leather rope, several rolls of tape and some cable ties. She had lengths of ribbon and cotton cord, as well as the hood Rex had given to her. Alicia came to the table and fingered everything, turning it over and checking. “You should wash the cotton rope,” she said. “It gets softer that way.”

“I never thought of it,” Kendra admitted.

Alicia picked up the gag. “Reid said you’re a screamer.”

Kendra nodded agreement, feeling her cheeks heat. She didn’t trust Alicia’s knowing smile.

Alicia put the gag to one side. “Today you’ll be silent because I’m commanding you to be.” Her eyes widened slightly. “And yes, I will test you by letting you orgasm.”

The music wasn’t nearly loud enough for that. Kendra might have protested, but Alicia gave her a pointed look. “You’re overdressed, Miss Jones,” she said sternly.

Whatever it takes.

Kendra heard Reid’s command in the mind as clearly as if he were standing beside her. She didn’t want to disappoint him, and she knew Alicia wouldn’t voluntarily end the session.

She had to trust Reid.

That was a calming thought and one that filled her with purpose.

She had to make sure she didn’t let Reid down. Kendra quickly removed her suit jacket and skirt, hanging both of them up, then her blouse. She felt the other woman studying her, and felt self-conscious as she hadn’t in years.

Alicia walked around her, her expression critical. “He’s let your marks fade?”

Kendra nodded, because it was self-evident.

“I am surprised. Reid isn’t usually inattentive.”

Kendra really didn’t want to explore what might have caused the change. She bit her bottom lip and the other woman smiled.

“Your signal. What is it, Miss Jones?”

“May I turn up the volume on the music?”

Alicia laughed. “No!” her eyes sparkled, and Kendra knew she was fully aware of what she was doing. She leaned closer, dropping her voice low. “Piss me off and there will be no deal, Miss Jones.”

“Yes, Alicia.”

“Reid says you have promise. Prove it.”

“Yes Alicia.”

Anything it takes.

“There’s no promise in this corset,” Alicia said with disdain. “It’s so loose that it’s useless. That’s the best you can do by yourself?”

Kendra would have turned around, but the smaller woman body-checked her into the wall. She was surprisingly strong. “Hands over your head. This corset is an abomination.” She had the back undone and hauled hard on the laces, pulling the corset so tight that Kendra caught her breath. She felt the other woman’s breath on her shoulder. “There’s a reason he ordered it too small,” Alicia whispered. “He wants you to always feel constrained.”

Kendra swallowed. “Yes, Alicia.”

“He wants you to remember every minute of every day that you are owned. You’re his possession, all day, every day.”

Kendra nearly swooned at the reminder.

Alicia tugged again and knotted the laces so hard that Kendra wasn’t sure she’d be able to inhale. “Never unlace it again. Use the clips at the front to take it off.”

“Yes, Alicia.”

“And this snatch just swinging free, available for anyone to take.” Alicia clicked her tongue even as she ran a proprietary hand over Kendra’s puss. “I’ll have to talk to Reid about a good locking chastity belt. Slaves need to be controlled in every way, don’t you agree, Miss Jones.”

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