Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (47 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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Everything took longer than he expected.

Traffic was worse than could have been believed.

The car trailing him was never more than fifty feet away.

He felt cornered and trapped, which he never liked. It made no sense. He wasn’t the victim: Alana had been. But still, his gut warned him to beware.

Worse, he felt like the situation was slipping from his control, but couldn’t name why.

It was midday by the time he reached the house. He stopped there to tell Foster and the staff about the news of Alana. He didn’t want them to be surprised by the announcement to the media the detective had said would be made that afternoon. He felt it was something to be told in person, and also wanted to make sure they were prepared for any media scrutiny.

They weren’t surprised, although they were clearly saddened.

“It’s best to know, Mr. Stirling,” Louise said to him. “Even if the news is bad, it’s best to know.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “It’s the uncertainty that wears you down.”

She offered him a smile. “Perhaps you can pick up your life now, sir, now that you know the truth.”

Foster looked shocked at such an expression of familiarity from his wife, but Reid agreed. He wondered if he was imagining the glint in Louise’s eye, as if she knew more than he did.

He decided he was seeing things that weren’t there.

“I’ve hired some security guards, both for here and Esperanza. There will probably be a few days of media scrutiny,” he told Foster, who nodded agreement.

“Very wise, sir. They can be disconcerting.”

“I have to get to Esperanza before the police have their press release,” Reid said.

Foster eyed his suitcase. “Home for dinner tonight, sir?”

“I’m not sure. If I am, something light and quick will do.”

“Very good, sir.”

Reid was backing out of the driveway when he remembered the pictures Miss Jones had sent to him. They bothered him, and not just because they showed her being intimate with another younger man.

He couldn’t understand why she’d sent them to him.

Why would she flaunt her choice?

To provoke his jealousy?

To prove she was breaking the terms of their agreement?

To make him aware of the difference in their ages?

Reid drove as he recalled the angle of the shots. They’d been taken from above, at an oblique angle to the bed. He remembered her bedroom all too easily—and refused to dwell on what they’d done there. Even so, the heat of unsatisfied desire surged through him.

The camera must have been in the corner of the ceiling, above the door.

Why would she film her bedroom?

Had she photographed
in her bedroom?

The idea sent an icy chill down Reid’s back. Then he couldn’t help thinking of what he’d done to Miss Jones in her own bed.

And how it would look.

If the police thought he was involved in his wife’s murder, they’d be looking at his behavior. Any evidence of what he and Miss Jones had done together would be interpreted in the worst possible light.

If she had more pictures, he needed to destroy them.

He hit the gas, determined to get to Esperanza as soon as possible.

* * *

Kendra walked to the back door of Esperanza Enterprises with Alicia, who had parked her van in the back of the building on their return. She felt as if she were floating on a cloud. Not only had she given and received pleasure, but she’d won the deal.

Reid had given her a command, and Kendra had fulfilled it.

She wanted to triumphantly wave the signed licensing agreement in front of everyone. She’d accomplished what Reid wanted her to do. She’d proven herself. She couldn’t wait to tell him.

And learn how he’d reward her for a job well done.

The plant tour had been a formality, but Alicia hadn’t rushed. Most of the ladies had declined to take the afternoon off, after learning their pay checks would be given out after all. Alicia took her time examining the work, speaking to all of the ladies and complementing them on their skills. Kendra knew this effort would pay off, because the ladies would ensure that everything was perfect for such an admiring client.

She was well aware of the guys in the back, who exchanged looks and comments over Alicia’s boots and fetish attire, but she ignored them. Kendra didn’t care what they thought of Alicia. Reid was going to be pleased.

And Esperanza had another contract, another way to ensure its future. She wanted to celebrate, and she wanted to celebrate with Reid.

Alicia winked at Kendra at the back door. “See you soon,” she said with a secretive smile, then left.

Kendra waved to her, then hauled the door shut. She spun around, only to find Ethan right behind her. He leaned against the door frame, trapping her there. She wondered how he’d moved so quietly, and wished his gaze hadn’t been so intent.

“Good meeting?” he asked, his gaze locking with hers.

“Yes, it was great. We have a new contract.”

“Good news then.”

“Yes.” Kendra moved to step around him. “Excuse me, Ethan, I have a lot to do.”

He dropped his other arm to the shelf beside her, trapping her between himself and the wall. His body was warm and she could smell the faint scent of the soap he used. “No time to celebrate?” he murmured, his words echoing her own thoughts.

Kendra looked past his shoulder to the loading dock, surprised to find it completely empty. There was always someone around, but not at this moment. She looked back at Ethan and he smiled.

She kept her voice firm. “Ethan, I have to go.”

“You’re in my kingdom,” he murmured, his gaze sweeping over her and his appreciation obvious. “There’s a toll to pass through it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Ethan. I don’t have time to play games.” Kendra took a step to one side, but he was there before her. She tried again, and he blocked her still.

“You have to pay a toll to get past me. Like a bridge or a border.” He lifted his hands to her arms, sliding them up and closing his strong fingers around her shoulders. His smile was warm, his eyes gleaming. “Want to guess what it is?”

“Probably a kiss, although that would be inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate?” Ethan’s smile was quick. “Because it’s less than you usually share?”


“I’m thinking you wore those shoes for me today, since he’s not here.” He backed her into the storage racks, his chest close to hers. “I’m thinking that you were daring me to demand a kiss.”

“I wasn’t...”

“I’m thinking you want me as much as I want you,” he continued, as if he hadn’t heard her. “We could be good together, Kendra. I can give you what you want.”

“You don’t understand. Let me go, Ethan.”

His eyes lit with sudden surprise, his gaze dropping to the neck of her blouse. His expression making her wonder what he’d seen. “Hey, look at this,” he exclaimed, then dove a finger into the neck of her blouse. He caught the chain and gave it a tug, the movement of it against her labia making Kendra gasp.

“That’s no necklace,” he murmured, then leaned his body against hers. He trapped her against the wall as he felt her up, his eyes widening when he realized she was wearing a corset. His smile was radiant. “It’s not just the shoes, is it?”

“Ethan!” she protested, squirming.

“Keep doing that, Kendra,” he whispered huskily and she froze.

“Ethan, let me go.”

“In a minute.” Ethan lifted the hem of her skirt and she felt the touch of cool air on her bare flesh. He looked at her with amazement. “No underwear,” he whispered. “And that chain is wrapped over your puss. You’re wet and ready for him all the time!”

Kendra didn’t know what to do. Any fantasies she had of discovery were no fun in real life. She was mortified that Ethan knew as much as he did, and just wished he’d leave her alone. “Ethan, you have to let me go.”

But something had changed in his expression. There was a glimpse of hunger in his eyes, and she could feel that his erection had grown. He locked his hands around her waist and lifted her against the wall, pressing his knee between her thighs.

“Ethan!” If he’d been a stranger, she’d have been terrified. As it was, she still thought she could command him to stop.

Even though he wasn’t.

He smiled. “You like to be claimed, Kendra. You practically said so yourself.” He surveyed her with satisfaction as she wriggled in his grip. “I kind of like it myself.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but Ethan bent and touched his lips so gently to hers that she was startled. His eyes were filled with passion and intent, and he stared into her eyes. “Just give me a chance, Kendra,” he whispered, an entreaty in his words. “Let me be the one to overwhelm you with a kiss.”

“No...” Kendra struggled, but Ethan’s grip tightened.

“One kiss, Kendra,” he whispered against her mouth. “Just one kiss and I won’t tell anyone else what I know.”

She eyed him. “And then you’ll let me go, too.”

“Of course.” He grinned. “But only if you kiss me back.”

His smile eliminated her doubts. It was just Ethan. He liked her. He was titillated by what he’d seen. She didn’t believe he’d hurt her.

If all he wanted was one kiss, it seemed a small price to pay for his silence.

Plus she couldn’t see any other way to get away from him.

Reid would set him straight later, she was sure.

Ethan must have seen the acquiescence in her eyes because he bent and locked his mouth over hers. He moved quickly that she thought he was ensuring she couldn’t change her mind.

It was a sweet kiss, one that took the fight out of Kendra and reminded her of Ethan’s easygoing nature. If it had been from Reid, she would have melted. As it was, Kendra wanted it to end.

It was a toll and she’d paid.

But Ethan angled his head and deepened his kiss, his tongue stroking against her mouth. His kiss turned hot and potent but stayed slow, leisurely. As kisses went, this was Kendra’s favorite kind. She was so starved for kisses that she parted her lips just a bit. She told herself that she was just keeping the deal when she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

Then Ethan groaned and crushed her against the wall, one hand moving to lock in her hair. She jumped at the feel of his other hand beneath her skirt, then his fingers gripped her bare butt. He had strong hands, hands that were broad and warm, and his touch was both gentle and demanding.

He caught the chain under one finger and moved it slowly, making it slide between her labia, and Kendra was the one who moaned next. It wasn’t fair that he was manipulating her body and there was nothing she could do about it. It wasn’t fair that being eaten by Alicia couldn’t quench Kendra’s desire for Reid. It wasn’t fair that her body responded to Ethan’s masculinity when she would rather have not.

His erection was pressing against her belly and he rolled his hips, making sure she knew how hard he was. He kissed her thoroughly, kissed her so deeply that she thought he’d eat her alive. He caught her butt in both hands and lifted her feet off the floor, then drove his pelvis between her thighs, holding her captive against the wall, kissing her all the while.

That was enough. Kendra tried to protest but Ethan locked his mouth more ardently over hers, silencing any sound she might have made. He caught her wrists in one hand and held them over her head, then used the other hand to move that chain in a provocative rhythm. That chain was wicked, and he’d already figured out how to use it to drive her crazy.

Kendra struggled for release, knowing this had to stop. She made no difference in her situation at all, had a heartbeat to panic, then felt a sudden draft of cold air.

Reid was framed in the open back door, his eyes cold. He was impeccably dressed, his tie perfectly knotted, and his expression impassive.

But Kendra saw him inhale so sharply that his nostrils pinched shut.

“Don’t let me interrupt, Miss Jones,” he said. His voice was tight and he slammed the door a little harder than was necessary.

He marched to the factory floor without a backward glance.

“Oh God,” Kendra said, shoving Ethan aside with new strength. She knew she only escaped his embrace because he let her.

“What happens now, Kendra?” he demanded, his tone taunting. “Will you get spanked?”

“What difference does it make to you?”

“Maybe I want to watch.”

Kendra spun to face him but Ethan was grinning at her, so confident that she wanted to slap him.

“I should have installed that toll sooner.” He cocked a finger at her. “Don’t worry, Kendra, I won’t forget to collect regularly.”

Kendra was torn between arguing with him and following Reid. She really wanted to teach him a lesson, and her best chance of doing that was to have Reid take care of it.

But would he? In a way, the situation was her own fault. She was the one who had told Ethan too much, because she’d lost her temper. Now Reid might decide her punishment was to pay for her sins.

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