Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel) (51 page)

BOOK: Dangerous (The Complete Erotic Romance Novel)
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“Come on, Kendra, take it easy.”

“Take it easy? I suppose that would make it simpler for you.” Kendra noticed the stack of cable ties, the exposed metal frame of the bed they would lock around so well, and the large metal ring screwed into the floor. There was already a length of heavy rope knotted to the ring, the other end coiled on the bed. There was a fur pelt on the bed, which was probably supposed to feel sexy to her, and a burlap bag just out of range.

“Is that a hood for me?” she demanded. “You’re planning to tie me up like a dog and bang away at me?”

“You said you liked it!” Ethan replied, his tone defensive.

“I like games that I
to play.”

He smiled. “So, now you want to fight back. I can go for that.” He crouched, ready to jump for her and Kendra didn’t like the determination in his expression. She knew that if he caught her again, he’d never untie her again until he was good and ready.

“I don’t want to fight, Ethan. Just let me go.” She backed away and tried to circle to the door, but he moved to block her.

“That wouldn’t be following the rules of the game.”

Kendra rolled her eyes in exasperation. “You’re both crazy if you think you can do this to me.”


“As if I don’t know whose idea this was, and whose orders you’re following.”

“It’s lady’s choice,” Ethan said. “Just like I told you before.”

Before she could reply, he lunged.

Kendra swung the log and Ethan ducked. The log went over his head and he came up laughed, mockery in his eyes.

Then he tripped over the cot and tumbled backward. He shouted before he sprawled across the cot, then she heard his head hit something.

Kendra waited, shaking, but he didn’t get up again. “Ethan?” She went around the end of the cot, hanging on to her log because she expected a trick. He appeared to be knocked out. He was breathing.

He stirred as she was checking his pulse, his gaze focusing on her. “Kendra?” he whispered, as if she were a dream come true. He smiled slowly. “Come to kiss it all better?” he murmured and reached for her.

Kendra snatched up a cable tie and fastened one of his wrists to the bed. She bound down the other one before he managed to protest. “Hey!” Ethan shouted, but Kendra wasn’t going to stop now.

She tugged off his boots and tethered down his ankles, wanting to be sure he couldn’t wriggle free. She had him secured to the bed before he could stop her. He struggled in his bonds, almost tipping the bed, but the cable ties held.

He swore at her then, a fury in his tone that made her glad he was the one who was tied down.

“At least you’re not hurt,” she said, relieved despite her light tone.

He smiled suddenly and relaxed, surveying her with a smile. “Wait a minute. Are you planning to use me as your toy instead?” He smiled, but there was a dangerous light in his eyes. Kendra didn’t doubt he’d make her pay for this, if he could. “I could get into that.”

She leaned over him, giving him a good view of her breasts. “You’re not getting into anything of mine,” she said sweetly, then tugged the keys for the Jeep out of his pocket. She jingled them in front of his nose.

“Hey!” he protested when he evidently realized what she was doing.

“Hey. I’ve got places to be. Thanks for the ride.”

“Hey!” Ethan roared. “You can’t do this, Kendra...”

“Good thing you insulated the windows. Someone might hear all of this noise.”

He swore even more thoroughly, turning the air blue with his dissatisfaction. He thrashed on the cot and she was sure he’d tip it over.

Maybe he’d hurt himself when he did. Kendra could only hope.

There was a padded flannel shirt hanging by the back door. Kendra took it and fastened the front, before rolling up the sleeves. Fortunately it was big enough to hang down to her thighs, although it made for an unusual outfit with her stockings, corset and heels. She scanned the cabin but didn’t see what she wanted.

“Is your backpack still in the Jeep?”

“I’m not telling you anything. You can’t do this!”

“Surprise,” Kendra said. “I just did. Looks like you’ll have some time to think about non-consensual acts.” She slammed the door behind herself and marched to the Jeep. She started it, then looked around. Ethan’s backpack was on the floor by the front passenger seat. Kendra took out her purse and her ruined clothes and then shoved them in her purse. She turned on her cell phone but it wasn’t finding a signal. She left it on the seat and pulled out of the carport beside the cabin.

She didn’t want to spend any more time close to Ethan than necessary.

It looked as if someone had just driven from the right. She wouldn’t have called the trail a road, but there was a passage. The Jeep was already in four wheel drive and she remembered her brother saying the trick was to drive slowly at a steady pace.

By the time Kendra reached a bigger road, the cell phone had found a signal. She dug in the bottom of her purse and triumphantly removed the business card she’d hoped was there. She called Rex’s number, even as she wondered just what she’d have to promise for him to reveal Reid’s home address.

* * *

Kendra went to Esperanza and got her own car. She hurried, in case Ethan had figured out a way to get free and was lurking in wait there. She left the keys in the ignition of his Jeep and the doors unlocked, not caring if it got stolen.

She was home and in the shower in record time. Jade had left a note on the fridge that she wouldn’t be home. Kendra wore her favorite jeans and boots, then tugged on a sweater and a hoodie. She packed all of the gear Reid had bought for her, jamming it into an old bag with disgust. She got the contract from her closet and stuffed it into her purse, then tugged her hair up into a ponytail.

A glance in the mirror confirmed she looked mad and purposeful, but not particularly sexy.

Moments later, she was on her way to the address Rex had given her. She found herself turning up the stereo, her heart pounding along with her adrenalin, and driving a bit too fast. She squealed her tires when she pulled into the driveway of the sprawling house in the most luxe neighborhood in town.

She refused to be daunted. Just because she wasn’t loaded didn’t mean he could do what he wanted with her.

Kendra got out of her car and slammed the door, hoping she awakened the neighbor. She marched up to the door and leaned on the bell, determined to let it ring until Reid got his sorry ass out of bed and came to the door.

She wasn’t leaving without seeing him.

She wasn’t going to be dismissed.

* * *

“What in the name of God is going on?” Louise asked when the doorbell rang and didn’t stop. She glanced pointedly at the clock on the kitchen wall.

“Maybe it shorted out,” Forster suggested.

“Maybe there’s some drunk at the door,” Jackson said. The two men rose and went in opposite directions, Jackson to the front door and Forster to the basement. Jackson felt rather than heard his wife follow surreptitiously behind him. She’d stay out of sight, but she’d want to know what was happening.

He reasoned it would be impossible to dissuade Louise. Besides, it would save him the trouble of telling her.

“Open up!” a woman shouted when he reached the foyer. She pounded on the door, still ringing the bell. “If you think you can avoid explaining yourself, Reid Stirling, you can think again!”

Jackson opened the door right at the end of her sentence. She fell silent in surprise as she stared at him. She looked at the number of the house and back at him, her discomfort proving she didn’t always have such bad manners. Her eyes widened with fear that she had the wrong house. Jackson wasn’t in a hurry to confirm anything with her, given the vulgar way she had announced her presence.

“Good evening,” he said. “May I be of assistance?”

“I thought this was Reid Stirling’s house.”

“And who might be asking?” he asked in his most frosty tone.

“Kendra.” She recovered herself and stood taller. “My name is Kendra Jones.”

“I see.” Jackson began to close the door, thinking a few minutes on the porch wouldn’t hurt her, but a hand caught the door over his shoulder.

“I’ll take care of this, Jackson,” Mr. Stirling interrupted smoothly.

Fury snapped in Miss Jones’ eyes again when she saw Mr. Stirling. “You!” she said, but he held up a finger to silence her.

“I will hear your concerns in my office, Miss Jones.”

“This isn’t going to wait until Monday,” she insisted.

“I have an office here. Please, come in.” And he gestured to the hall that extended to the right.

Miss Jones looked at Jackson, hesitated, and then crossed the threshold. Jackson locked the door behind her, noting how she removed her boots and stood them carefully in the foyer. Mr. Stirling was striding down the hall to his office without looking back, clearly expecting her to follow. Her lips tightened as she watched him go, then she smiled at Jackson, the smile transforming her.

“Sorry!” she whispered to him. “He can make me so

“Indeed,” Jackson said, thinking it a poor choice to openly agree. He inclined his head after his employer and Miss Jones wrinkled her nose in a charming fashion before following Mr. Stirling. She didn’t rush or scamper, but walked like a lady. She didn’t seem to be openly assessing the house and its contents, which Jackson always thought a mark of poor breeding.

“Pretty,” Louise murmured from the hall.

“Passionate,” Jackson agreed as he joined his wife. He was impressed with anyone who had the confidence to take Mr. Stirling to task on his actions. If Miss Jones was right and Mr. Stirling was wrong, though, or even if she made a good case, the man would ensure that all was set to rights. He was more than fair.

“She’ll do just fine,” Louise concluded and Jackson had to smile.

* * *

“Yes?” Moynihan answered his cell on the first ring, as soon as he saw it was the surveillance car.

“He’s got company. Cute. On a mission.”

Moynihan didn’t care about the appearance of Stirling’s girlfriend or call girl. “How’d she get there?”

“She drove and parked in the driveway. Honda Civic.” He read off the license plate and Moynihan tapped it into his laptop. Before the match was found, the surveillance cop revealed that he’d run the same check. “Kendra Jones. She lives downtown according to her driver’s license.”

Moynihan could dig a little deeper with his access. “According to her tax return, she works at Esperanza Enterprises.”

“The place Stirling just bought,” the other cop mused. “A bit late to be on the job.”

“Executive assistant,” Moynihan read. “What does that mean exactly?”

“Whatever the executive wants it to mean.” The other cop was wry. “Maybe it’s not too late to be on the job.”

Moynihan anticipated the next question and was considering it.

“Who should I follow?”

“Stick with Stirling. I’ll try to find out more about Kendra Jones from this end. When she leaves, let me know.”

“Got it.”

* * *

“I take it there is a matter you wish to discuss, Miss Jones?” Reid asked. He flicked the door of his office shut behind them. He was trying to remain aloof and casual, even though having her in his house thrilled him. He couldn’t keep himself from looking at her, and folded his arms across his chest to stop himself from touching her.

He thought of the safe room, incomplete because he had called off the workers, and wished it was done. He thought of securing her in his home, keeping her here, savoring her here and nearly came in his jeans. The games they could play in this house. The pleasure they could give each other. The possibilities were intoxicating.

But he didn’t want her caught up in this murder investigation. She was better off without him, and the farther away the better.

The sooner she left, the better.

Still. Kendra was here. And he wanted her as if he’d never had her before.

She glared at him, mutinous, beautiful, fascinating.

“And this matter cannot possibly wait until Monday morning?” he continued.

“No!” she said, her eyes flashing. She stepped closer and raised a finger to tell him off, clearly unaware of just how alluring she was—or how close he was to giving her the kiss she always said she wanted. She approached him with steady steps. “I don’t who the hell you think you are, but you can’t do that to me...”

With the next step, the light from his desk lamp touched her face and Reid saw the bruise on her cheek.

He seized her chin so quickly that she fell silent, and turned her face to the light. “This is new,” he said, hearing the sharpness of his own tone but unable to help it. “How were you injured?”

“As if you don’t know.”

“I don’t.”

“Then you can guess.” Her eyes narrowed and she tore herself out of his grip. She took a step back, even angrier than before. “Did you really think I would submit willingly to a kidnapping? It’s one thing to play a game, it’s quite another to fantasize about that kind of violence, or order it to happen.”

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