Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] (12 page)

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Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]
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Robby beamed and hands clapped his shoulder as he squeezed the arm he had around his shocked Indian maiden’s waist.

“Patrick and I discussed this today.
We agree it would be too hard to teach you our ways after ten years in the settlement.
Turning Leaves is smart, strong and young.
She has already discussed her willingness to travel to the settlement to be with you, so we know she can adapt.
Though it saddens us to see her leave, we’ll wait with anticipation to see the wonderful changes her journey takes her on when we see her at the celebrations.
Patrick has agreed to let her go home with you after the Harvest Celebration.
Her mother and I welcome you to our family.”

Patrick stood up on cue.
“Turning Leaves, every addition to our settlement is welcome.
To be honored with the daughter of so fine a warrior is an even bigger tribute.
Robby, it’s you’re important contributions to our Clan and your love for Turning Leaves that have decided the matter for Constance and me.
Welcome to our Clan, Turning Leaves.”

Her mouth was still hanging open in disbelief as she tried to wrap her mind around what just happened.
Her gaze drifted to Constance and she noticed her smile didn’t quite reach her red-ringed eyes.
It seemed to say,
You got what you want, let’s see what you have.
Turning Leaves shivered.
No way was she going to get stuff by her like she’d been able to do with Gentle Wave and Shining Star.

She’d planned on telling her father he was wise, and she should wait before going to the flatlander.
Of course, she’d still threaten them with him for the next six months.
But, before she had them bring him here, she wanted to see what would become of the stallion.
Besides, she was still trying to decide if she wanted to be dominant female.

Now, all these plans were over.
Why did he have to announce it in front of everybody?
To back out of Patrick’s welcome would insult the Protectors. That was out of the question.
She looked beside her.
Robby was grinning and people were congratulating him.
The Indian girl realized a lot of her friends had been congratulating her, too, but she hadn’t noticed through her shock.
Now, she looked around at her girlfriends’ faces.
They all seemed happy for her.
Were they smiling because she got to be with Robby, or because she was leaving?
She couldn’t tell.

When Turning Leaves finally got away from all her stupid friends wishing her the best and all, she headed to the teepee to talk to her parents.
Yellow Hawk and Whispering Wheat anticipated this and had grabbed Robby from the throng.
When Turning Leaves showed up, Robby was standing with them and all her things were packed at his feet.

“Turning Leaves, you’re parents have made me feel so welcome.
They asked me to come collect your things to bring back to the settlement camp.”
He looked down at his feet.
“They wanted us to start our new life together here.”

“Oh, Turning Leaves.
It’s so hard to believe you’re a woman now. Your father and I won’t see you for six months.
We wanted a chance to show off you and your husband for a few days. I guess it’s a little mean to your friends.”
She pretended to think about it.
“Well, like you always say.
They’ll get over it.”

Yellow Hawk smiled.
“Can you imagine how envious your sister’s going to be?
I’m sure she thought we’d give in and let her join with Raining Thunder first.
He’s just too young.
Robby gave me a couple ideas to settle Lightening Strikes.
He’s offered to take him back to the settlement after the Spring Celebration if I’m still having problems with him.”
Yellow Hawk leaned over close to her.
“You were right.
A man who can work with horses like he does is very important, so you remember to make sure he knows how proud you are of him.“

Turning Leaves was left no way out.
Her parents parroted everything she’d been whining to them since she decided on this plan when she’d met the flatlander.
At first, she figured her parents would talk Raining Thunder into dropping her little sister for her.
Eventually, she figured out that wouldn’t work.
She’d been eyeing the stallion once she saw Gentle Wave was interested.
With all the feathers he’d helped the young warriors win, she began to think the stallion might be as important to the tribe as Raining Thunder.

Now, she was all screwed up, joining with an old man and moving to the flatlander settlement.
They wouldn’t care that she was Yellow Hawk’s daughter.
How could she get to be dominant female with the Clan if she was an outsider?
The youngest people there were going to be ten years older than her, and it would be another ten years before anyone new came.
By then, she’d be old.
She reluctantly admitted these were the same concerns her parents had been voicing for months.

Her mother and father kissed her on the cheek and handed her the remaining small pack of her belongings.
“Now, you two run along.
It wouldn’t be fair for us to deny you a minute of your first night together.”

Turning Leaves followed Robby away from the teepee.
She turned around once and her parents waved.
Whispering Wheat thought she saw her scowl, but made no comment.
When they arrived at the Clan’s settlement, everyone welcomed her.
She thought maybe it would be okay.
The women didn’t look too smart.

Then, Constance spoke.
“We’re so happy you’re joining us.
We didn’t know if Robby would ever find someone.
He’s special to all of us.”
Robby beamed.
“I’ve decided to personally help you adjust to the settlement.

Turning Leaves saw her fangs quickly drop and snap up.
Oh, shit.
After Yellow Hawk watched his daughter walk away, Misting Waters and Raining Thunder made their way to the teepee.
Misting Waters sat with her mother and Raining Thunder whispered to her father.
“Don’t worry, we’ll sit with her while you tend to the stallion.”

“You’re a good choice for Misting Waters.
I’m a very lucky man.”

“We can see letting Turning Leaves go is upsetting you both more than you want us to know.
It is the right decision, Yellow Hawk.
As much as we’ll see the stallion become a man, we’ll see Turning Leaves find her path and become a woman again.”

“Thank you, Raining Thunder, and you’re right.
It was a hard decision.” Yellow Hawk quickly turned and headed toward the stables.
It was starting to sink in that his pretty little girl wouldn’t sleep in their teepee anymore or be sitting by the fire in the morning.
By next year, Misting Waters would be gone, too.

The stallion stood alone in the dark, silent and straight.
Yellow Hawk knew how tired he was.
As he walked him out to the grass, the Indian looked back on his own journey and remembered worrying and wondering if he could stand for two more days.

They returned to the stables.
Yellow Hawk waited while the stallion ate the stew he’d brought.
He left a bowl of fresh water beside him and secured him so he could lie down with the front traces unlashed and his hands still tied to the traces in the back.

The stallion lay awake in the dark, listening to the nighttime noises the other horses made as they shuffled through the hay in their stalls.
He was tired and reflected on all that had happened throughout the long day.
It surprised him he didn’t feel anger when he saw Ariel.
The thought of her spending the rest of her life with the Vampire in that dilapidated settlement, was enough repayment for what she’d done.

His mind wandered to Gentle Wave.
Her words still amazed him, but when he looked into her dark chocolate eyes, he knew she was sincere.
He thought of the soft kiss on his cheek when she left.
The stallion felt himself stiffen just thinking about a future with her.

“I hope I’m the cause of that.”

He wasn’t sure he’d really heard the whisper until he felt a small hand brush through his hair.
He’d been so absorbed with his musings, he missed her approach.
His shaft thickened more and he rolled toward the floor trying to hide his embarrassment.

Her fingers followed the traces down his back, brushing the fingertips of his bound hands.
His ass clenched as she trailed her fingers down his cheeks to the ring where they ended.
Fingers stroked the base of his balls and he groaned.

Gentle Wave was pleased to feel his sack bloat and tighten to her touch. Even though he said he didn’t want Ariel, she was determined to make sure the stallion thought only of his Indian woman.

She curled behind him and stroked his head with one hand, wrapping the other arm around to his chest. The stallion stilled in anticipation.
The back of her fingers touched his cheek and moved down to his face.

“You have a strong, proud jaw,” she whispered.
“When you’re a man, I’ll kiss every inch of you.”

He was throbbing.
It had been so long since he’d felt a woman’s caresses. His lips quivered around the ring.

“You’ll know my touch before then.
It will be the only touch you will desire,” she purred.
Her hand traveled from his neck to his chest and she swept the expanse.
Two fingers plucked at a nipple, lightly flicking the ring before she explored lower.

The muscles in his chest and abdomen had tightened during his training.
He was not the soft flatlander that had first arrived at the village.
The stallion was glad she hadn’t touched him then.

Gentle Wave felt the course black curls on his groin as his cock jerked against the top of her hand.
He felt her lips on the back of his shoulder, quietly kissing the outline of the brand.
“You’ve endured much on your journey.
I’m so glad you were chosen to be with the tribe.”

Oh, god, me too.
squeezing his thighs together forgetting he was here because he was the Clan’s discard

The pads of her fingers ran the length of his shaft and she felt him shudder. She was thrilled she was giving her stallion this much pleasure.
Finally, her hand wrapped around him and he thrust.
Her fingers loosened and he jerked again in frustration.
Please don’t be teasing me.
His mind flashed on the first time they met and she’d left him humiliated in the street.
He whimpered through the gag.

Her hand stroked the length of him again before reapplying her soft grip. She moved slowly, seducing his orgasm.
When he’d thrust, she’d let go.
He was shaking with the control to remain still and let her apply the friction he needed.

Two of her fingers pressed gently into his testicles when she reached his base, then she slid her hand to the top, running her thumb over the slit in his crown as it leaked its moisture.

I can’t stand this. Oh, she feels so good.
At last, her pace became quicker and her grip tighter.
He still felt her lips on his back.
He couldn’t stop the thrusts when his seed finally traveled up his cock and spilled onto the hay.
It was the first orgasm he’s had in months that he wasn’t punished for.

Gentle Wave sat up and moved in front of him.
She tossed the hay with the evidence against the wall.
Her fingers wiped the tears from his eyes and she kissed between them.
“Think of me while you stand proud tomorrow.
I’ll come back to see you again, if I can sneak away.”

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