Dark Lightning (23 page)

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Authors: Janet Woods

Tags: #Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Dark Lightning
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‘Then we’ll go to the followers lodgings and ask to see her. It might be a good idea to bring Jynx back into the family. Where do these followers live?’

‘They have no lodgings that I can find. They just appear and disappear while you are not looking, and sometimes when you are. One minute they are there, the next they are not. They have stalls in the market place where they practice their healing and come and go when they please and often without challenge. I have made a friend of Falcon Darkwater’s bodyguard and have let it be known that Jynx is no longer in any danger from us.

‘That might make Jynx drop her guard,’ Greer said.

‘Why do you want Jynx back when she’s living her own life now?’

Greer smiled. ‘Despite her calm exterior Azarine is vindictive and she has never liked me. She enchanted Cynan and did the same to Helise, using our daughter for her own ends, because she didn’t think she was good enough for her precious son. She would have had us killed, along with Cynan, Penn and their families if we’d been in the manor.’

‘Hush ...’ Emrys said with some alarm. We’re living amongst the blue bloods, and you have sworn your allegiance to Falcon, who they are fiercely protective of. You must guard your tongue against treasonable talk.’

Greer shrugged. ‘Azarine always looked favourably on Remy and Jynx. I think she encouraged the oddness in them. I’m thinking ... perhaps she might consider Jynx as a suitable wife for Laek, or as a wife for Falcon Darkwater himself.’

‘I’ve heard a whisper that Jynx has seen enough of life in court and has turned her back on it. She wishes to remain with the followers. Besides, I understand that she’s refused both of them.’

‘Refused them. That’s not possible. I will not allow it!’ Greer sounded scandalized.

‘Laek and Falcon are civil to each other, but it wouldn’t take much to disturb the balance of power. Jynx is a possible bone of contention between them. Azarine intends to step in, I think.’

‘How can a girl of Jynx’s age know what she wants? She needs a mother to advise her ... not a bunch of dried up old women she’d never met before.’

Bitter laughter huffed from Emrys. ‘Do you think she’ll trust any of us now? She has parents who were willing to euthanize her because of political convenience, and a brother who tracked her down with the intent to kill?’

His father scowled. ‘If you’d found her sooner she’d no longer be a threat. The wretched girl will be the downfall of us.’

Emrys hadn’t often stood up to his father, but now he had the upper hand, he did. ‘You’ll bring about your own downfall if you’re not careful. Falcon Darkwater is not the savage Cynan was, and he is not as vicious as Servish, but he won’t tolerate treason. As for Jynx, I knew as soon as I caught up with her that I’d never kill her, since I saw no reason too. She is now amongst her peers, and anyway, there is the wolf to consider. He guards her well.

* * * *

At the moment Azarine had given Cynan the kiss of death a minute drop of the eel venom had been flicked to the back of her throat. She’d felt the power of it enter her blood and slide through her veins as though her blood had become slime. She’d triumphed in its dark power.

Esbel had exchanged a glance with her at the moment Cynan died and her smile had been one of triumph. Now the two of them were joined in their need.

Azarine was beholden to Esbel, who brought Azarine the eel blood with which to sustain herself and calm her cravings. She grew stronger by the minute ... and she awaited the coming of the eel and the impregnation of her body. Soon she would be ready. Already she could feel the stimulation of her body that had her writhing and crying out wantonly in her sleep, and soon she would be satisfied. The wait was almost unbearable, but Esbel had reassured her that her needs would be attended to when the moon turned its face to the dark side.

* * * *

Laek had noticed the change in his mother ... the coarsening of her voice and the thickening and darkening of her features. He couldn’t quite identify it though. ‘Are you well, Lady Mother?’

‘Of course I’m well. See ... Esbel brings her clan to serve me.’

Laek tried not to shudder at the small scurrying creatures that danced attendance on her, like worker bees around a queen.

‘Come and sit beside me, Laek. Tell me what’s been going on. I see so little of Falcon.’

‘I’ve heard that Helise is in the city.’

‘Helissse!’ Her voice almost a hiss, Azarine straightened. ‘How, when I gave orders for her to be left outside?’

‘I believe she came in disguised as a follower. She was covered in badly infected whip marks and fevered, I hear that Jynx is caring for her.’

‘Then we must have the followers accommodations searched.’

‘Why are you so against Helise, surely not because she was taken into Cynan’s bed? You once considered her good enough to become my wife.’

‘She was never good enough for you. She thought too much of herself, had a bold manner and flaunted her looks before men.’

‘She was like any young woman, guilty of vanity.’

‘She will no longer be guilty of that, since I’ve marked her. I was thinking that Jynx might do for you, since it would be sensible to keep her skills within the family.’

‘Jynx is a true and loyal friend who loves me as a sister would. I adore her, but there is another man who claims her heart.’

 Azarine’s eyes narrowed and something shifted in their depths. ‘Who is he, Laek?’

‘I think it might be Hal, because Jon is involved with Danea, and Iago is very much occupied with a dancer from the street theatre at the moment.’


Laek’s smile was wry. ‘That was his name when he was travelling with the ancient called Orish, I believe. Jynx and Remy travelled with them before the time when Hal went into the ancients retreat and became Falcon Darkwater.’

‘Ssso.’ And once again there was a sibilance to the word. ‘Our little Jynx aims her sights high if they are on my brother.’

‘Not so Lady Mother, and I won’t hear a word against her. Falcon told me Jynx doesn’t want to be tied to the formality of court life. She’d prefer to live as one with nature and experience any adventures that might come her way. She has turned him down.’

Azarine’s eyelids flickered and she laughed. ‘The little madam cannot please herself who she will wed. I’m sure we can find her some adventure in the future.’

‘Falcon believes that, although the man he once was holds her heart, another, who has not revealed himself yet will claim her body and soul and steal her heart for all eternity.’

Once again there was a shifting in the depths of her eyes. ‘I see. I will invite the girl to visit me ... I would test her healing powers for myself.’

‘She is under the chaperonage of Sybilla, who leads the sisterhood on the followers. I think Jynx will find an excuse not to come.’

‘She will come, for I’ll invite her to the joining ceremony of Jon and Danea.’ She gave a small shrug. ‘I might invite Helise and her parents to attend, as well.’

‘They would be uncomfortable together.’

‘I know, and they will squirm, and it serves them right for plotting against me in Cynan’s court. However, it will be seen as a gesture of reconciliation. Yegan and Greer will be grateful for the recognition.’

‘I’m thinking of returning to Arles and taking up my position as Lord, after the joining.’

‘Arles will be razed to the ground, the people dispossessed and the name of the city wiped from the records. There will only be one leader, and that will be Falcon Darkwater, who has been ordained since he left the womb.’

Anger flared in Laek’s heart. ‘And who decided that ... my uncle?’

‘No ... I did.’

‘It’s not up to you, mother. I’ve been trained to govern Arles since I was an infant. Is it your intention to start another war so soon?’

‘You are as arrogant as your father was reputed to be. Would you go to war with your uncle over Arles?’

Laek’s hand went to his sword and the dark lightning glittered along the blade. ‘Perhaps ... I can fight well and have followers.’

‘But you will not have the backing of the people, because they think you’re Cynan’s son. If anything happened to Falcon not even the Karshal would accept you as leader, for they despise all Cynan stood for.’

‘I have no intention of challenging him for the position.’

‘Good. Falcon is the Lord of Karshal. First he was a martyr to his family’s cause, then a legend. Now he walks amongst his subjects as a reality, risen from the grave. You can’t compete with that.’ She laughed. ‘Come and sit here, Laek ... I have other plans for you.’

‘Which are?’

‘When that hesp friend of yours comes back from his journeying, having found a way over the fire mountains; the land beyond will be yours.’

‘What makes you think Tighe can find a way through?’

‘He has a way with him that makes me trust him. You’re lucky to have made her loyal friend of him. Tighe will stand by you through thick and thin.’

‘Don’t let his quiet exterior fool you, Lady Mother. Tighe is clever. He has a mind and a will of his own. He doesn’t follow anyone blindly. In fact, I sometimes wonder if he follows at all.  If he is a hesp I’ve not been able to see if he bears scars. Why are you interested in the land beyond for me? It might be a wilderness.’

Her eyes gleamed. ‘I looked at some old records. The land once belonged to Lord Kavan and his lady, Tiana. Jynx carries her genetics, as you carry those of the warrior Lord Kavan in your blood. What a fitting, and popular marriage that would make. You wouldn’t object to Jynx as a wife if I could persuade her that’s where her interest lay, would you? She has always worshipped you a little.’

Laek smiled at the thought of having sweet little Jynx as his wife. ‘If she agrees ... no, I wouldn’t object. Have you thought of taking another husband yourself, Lady Mother?’

Her mouth twisted into a sneer. ‘I would sooner take Bane for a lover and bear him a child.’

* * * *

Azarine dreamed that night. It was as if the act of killing Cynan had freed something inside her, and she had the freedom to choose a lover

He came to her, his oiled body sliding under the silk sheet. This was a man whose presence seemed more than imaginary, and her lust was raised as soon as she set eyes on him. His legs parted her thighs and his hands sensitized her body. Skin as dark and velvety as night slid under her seeking tongue.

 It had been a long time since she’d indulged in the delights of the flesh, even in her dreams. As Cynan’s wife she’d been untouchable to any other man. She lay still, savouring the sensation.

He captured her mouth, cutting off her first rapturous cry. His eyes were level with hers and were dense black with a flickering redness in their depths.

‘Who are you?’ she managed to whisper.

His eyes held their own answer, and his low chuckle singed her flesh. ‘Didn’t you wonder, when you cut the boy child from your dying mother’s womb, that you might be meddling with something you didn’t understand. The Gods play their own power games. I’ve watched you all this time and have experienced the hate that powered you to kill your husband. You called upon your own evil, Azarine, and that drew me to your heat.’

Azarine was suddenly afraid and she drew on the power that had brought him into her dream. But the hypnotic spell that had held Cynan captive to her, failed to quell this man. He was not mortal and she had not meant to call him forth. Helpless, her body was only able to dance to his bidding. He took all from her, bent her to his will, making her feel powerless and wanton.

She wanted to scream when she felt the frenzy of heat inside her. A thousand small fires began to smoulder. She couldn’t bear the burning intensity of it, but couldn’t stop it, and the pain of her lust seemed endless.

He’d taken her power, was bending her to his will. There must have been something in the sleeping draught she’d swallowed to cause such a reactive dream, she thought.

It was a long time before he left her. Azarine watched him leave through slumberous half-hooded eyes, his walk as arrogant as befitted the Lord of the night. She was satisfied for a while, satiated, but he’d left inside her a craving for more of him. She placed her dagger under her pillow. If he came again she’d kill him.

She rested for a while, perspiration coating her body, and then she was overcome by disgust, for she could smell his vileness on herself.

Her stomach roiled. It was as if she’d gorged herself on a large meal and had reached the point of vomiting. She felt violated. Sore. Soiled ... like a whore who’d entertained too many men in one night.

Swooping in a breath, Azarine held her hands over her stomach and called for her maid. Inside her the bile rose into her throat, choking her. ‘Fetch me a bowl, Esbel; I’ve had a bad dream and I feel sick and need to purge myself. And fetch me some warm water ... I need to wash.’

Propping herself up on her elbow, she gazed at Esbel. ‘What was in that sleeping draught you brought me?’

‘Something to relax you.’

‘It was too relaxing ... a man came to me in my dream.’

Esbel giggled. ‘No wonder my lady looks satisfied.’

Now Azarine was fully awake, the dream was fading ... and it wasn’t as if he’d come again. She wouldn’t let him.

But memories of her dream came flooding back, and her body was plagued with lusts she’d never experienced before, so she was restless and short-tempered all day. Her body was warm, as if there was a fire inside her, and she was uneasy.

‘You don’t look well,’ her brother said as night fell.

‘I’m just tired ... I’m going to my chamber.’ As she traversed the corridors Azarine wondered if he’d come to her again this night ...


Chapter Sixteen


Tighe had not investigated the route across the fire mountains – he didn’t have to. He knew the landscape well and knew of several safe routes along the length of them.

Whether Azarine knew it or not, her revenge on Cynan had unleashed forces that would have better been left dormant. Arles and Karshal could never be ruled as one. Eventually, Laek and Falcon would face each other on a battlefield. 

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