Darkling I Listen (57 page)

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Authors: Katherine Sutcliffe

Tags: #Actors, #Romantic Suspense Fiction, #Stalkers, #Texas, #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Darkling I Listen
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A heartbeat passed. Cara reached for the door, and left the room. The door swung closed behind her.

Alyson felt the last spark of energy drain from her. Her body suddenly felt every bone-jarring bruise Billy Boyd had inflicted on her. The last days of fear and anxiety crushed down on her shoulders, and the need to cry
bitter as bile in her throat.

Forcing her legs to move, she ran for the door, threw it
and rushed into the corridor, searched the long hallway to
's room, expecting to see Cara and her entourage. They weren't there.

She turned.

Cara stood at the elevators, flanked by her suited companions. Her head slowly turned, and her blue gaze met Alyson's. The elevator opened; she stepped inside. The door slid shut behind her.

Alyson closed her eyes in relief. When she opened them again, she focused on a figure standing at the
door. Pleasure swept through her, replacing the distress of Cara's presence.


Nora smiled.

Alyson walked to her. "I hoped you'd come."

"How is he?"

"Very tired. Very weak. But he's going to be fine, in time. Thanks to you, of course. He'd like to see you. He wants to repay you—"

"Not necessary." Nora clutched her purse to her chest.

"Surely there's some way we can thank you."

"You can thank me by not telling anyone about my part in this."

"How are they?" Alyson grinned and pointed her finger upward.

"Quiet, thank goodness."

"That's good."

"Yes." Nora smiled and nodded. "That's very good." She backed toward the door. "I have to go now. Please give him my best."

"Will we see you again?"

She shrugged. "You never know."

A clatter of noise near the nurses' desk made Alyson look away briefly. When she turned again to Nora, her friend was gone. Alyson felt a trembling of sadness in her chest, and something else, a quivering of wonder and a fresh flame of faith. Nice to know there were still a few people out there willing to help lost souls—wanting nothing in return but knowing that they had mattered.

As Alyson moved down the corridor to
's room, the nurses paused, their eyes bright with curiosity.

's guests piled out the door. Alan walked to greet her, opened his arms, took her against his chest, and held her. "You okay?" he asked.

She nodded.

"He's holding it together better than I expected. I suspect that will change when—"

"I know," she muttered into his shoulder. Tilting her head, she looked into his eyes and said, "Will you shut up being a shrink for a minute and just be my friend?"

"Of course." He grinned. "I wish you happily ever after, A.J."

She pinched his cheek and smiled. "Sugar, when he's ready to have his brain washed and tumble-dried, we'll give you a call." Kissing his mouth, she said, "Thanks. I wouldn't have made it through this nightmare without you."

"I only did the head work. You marched into harm's way to save the day. Got yourself one hell of a story while you were at it."

smiled widened. "I did, didn't I?"

She walked to the door, glanced around the watchful faces,
back to Alan, who, with his hands in his pockets, looked at her fondly. "I love you," she said.

He gave her a wink.

The door opened and a nurse stepped out. "I've given him something to help him rest," she said.

Except for the dim white night-light above
's bed, the room was dark. His eyes were closed.

Alyson tiptoed around the bed, to the windows overlooking the parking lot. She waited.

Nora left the building. She paused in the glow of a streetlight, turned her head up toward Alyson. Alyson waved,
watched as Nora walked away and dissolved in the darkness.

opened his eyes. He studied her face, reached for her hand. "Everything okay, Cupcake?"

"Do you believe in angels?" she asked.

"Of course. I'm looking at one now."

"Sweet talker." Pulling back the sheet, she climbed into the bed, carefully nestled her body against his, and laid her head on his shoulder. "I have a feeling that our lives are only going to get better and better now that we have one another."

His arm closed around her. She felt a shudder of emotion ripple through him. His breathing became uneven. "No more nightmares?" His voice sounded groggy.

"No more nightmares."

"Kiss me."

She gently cupped his cheek in her hand, and turned his face to hers. His eyelids were heavy. He struggled to keep them open. Pressing her lips to his, she kissed them tenderly, awash with an emotion that filled her with a peace so vibrant she couldn't breathe. She had come home, at long last.

"Aly," he whispered, his voice fading as she pressed one finger lightly on his lips, and smiled into his eyes.

"I love you, too," she said.




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