Darkling Lust (2 page)

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

BOOK: Darkling Lust
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"I thought I didn't have a choice.” She gasped for breath as the tremors died. “That I was a gift from God for your protection of all us humans from the monsters out there.” Almost immediately, drowsiness swamped her. She felt like they'd been at it for hours instead of only a few minutes.

"You are. But God gives everyone choices. I had a choice to do this or be human. You have a choice to come to me or go back to your world."

Mary's eyelids drooped and she had a really hard time keeping them open. Especially when her Darkling crawled up beside her and tucked her against his body. “Do I have to decide now?"

"No. But you'll return here every night until you do."

She wanted to ask what he meant, but sleep overtook her as she snuggled more securely into his body. The last thing she heard from him was, “If it's not too much trouble, can you find me a new name? George just doesn't seem to fit..."

That's when the persistent buzz of her alarm clock penetrated her fuzzy head and she opened her eyes to find herself in her own bed.


She needed to get out more.

Or not.

Mary slapped the clock off and swung her legs over the side. It felt like she hadn't slept at all. She tried to remember what she could have eaten to give her such vivid dreams. Nothing spicy and no alcohol. But dayum! Whatever it was, she was never eating it again.

She stumbled into the bathroom and splashed water on her face before fishing out her toothbrush. That's when she got a look at her reflection in the mirror. There, on the right side of her neck, just above her collarbone, was a small, reddish bruise. The love bite given by her Darkling.

Her knees went weak as she stared at the little love mark. She'd like to explain it by saying her boyfriend probably did it except she didn't have a boyfriend.

This was so outside her comfort zone it wasn't even funny. It looked like she was going to have to choose between her comfortable life and life with the mythical Darkling.

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Chapter Two

Despite apparently being sound asleep in her own bed, Mary was exhausted. It definitely felt like she had been up all night.

"I told you those late nights would catch up to you eventually,” her best friend and coworker, Diana, whispered from her cubicle. “You're practically asleep at your terminal."

"I swear, I went to bed early last night. Maybe I'm so used to being up until midnight that I can't handle the extra three or four hours.” Mary wanted to tell her friend about her dream, but she didn't dare. Best friend or not, the last time she'd mentioned Darklings to Diana, the woman had refused to listen to her, saying it was so much nonsense. Fantastical foolery, she'd called it. Mary wasn't so sure. Especially now.

"Well, whatever you did, don't do it again. Can you at least blame it on alcohol?"

"Unfortunately, no. Not even a Captain and cola. I just had... crazy dreams. That's all. Probably just had a funky REM cycle or something."

"Must have been some dream."

The women went back to work. That was the thing about working in a “factory.” Talking was a distraction and anything that took attention away from the computer was frowned upon.

Mary's fingers flew over her keyboard, entering data as quickly and accurately as she could. It lasted only a few minutes before her eyes got heavy. She felt like someone had thrown sand in her eyes. The letters and numbers on the screen blurred, and she knew it was hopeless. There was no way she could finish out the day. She'd only been there two hours. Sitting like this, struggling to key in even one page of text for eight more hours was going be torture.

Mary kept thinking about the night before. Had it been a dream? It had been so real, and there was no denying the love bite on her neck. Thank goodness for the cool weather. She'd worn a turtleneck shirt to cover it up, but it still throbbed unnaturally.

She went to her car during her break to look for a heavy metal CD or something to wake her up. It only took a couple of minutes for her to find what she wanted, but when she shut her door, she bumped into a solid body. Mary whipped around and crashed into another Darkling.

Not her Darkling. This one was pale, and his skin shimmered in the late morning sun. He still had the leathery wings like her Darkling, but he had hair instead of horns, and his face looked more human. The only other odd feature was his eyes. They seemed to glow with a golden light. He wasn't unpleasant to look at, but something about him scared the shit out of Mary.

"Who are you?” The instant she blurted out her question, Mary knew she'd done exactly the wrong thing. The Darkling's face sneered at her in triumph.

"So, you know
I am. I'm not sure why your lover let you return to your world, but if he doesn't want you, I'll definitely take you."

He scooped Mary up and took off. Mary had the briefest moment to wonder if anyone had seen them before she realized this Darkling meant business. She watched the ground falling away from her. It felt like she was back in her dream, only the feeling she got when she looked at this creature was anything but serene. She felt danger. Death after a prolonged agony.

Terror seized her. Blind, all-consuming terror. With a blood-curdling scream, Mary fought the Darkling. He had tucked her tight against his body and she used her closeness to her advantage, kicking and punching. She bit his chest as she pounded his side just beneath his rib cage with her fist as hard as she could. It took only moments for one of her kicks to connect with his groin, and he screeched in agony.

And she was free, only to fall.

They had climbed to a dizzying height, and Mary knew it would be several seconds before she hit the ground. She knew she was falling to her death, but she didn't scream. Instead, a peace fell over her like a gentle waterfall on a hot summer day. It was soothing and calming, a relaxing balm to a hot and miserable time. Wind slammed into her with ferocious intensity, yet she wasn't distressed.

Drykin. His name was Drykin.

Mary smiled even as she fell. She might not live to see her Darkling again, but at least she'd give him a proper name, a name befitting his magnificence. She only hoped he would forgive her for doubting him and for not believing in her heart. She'd known from the moment she'd closed that book what her destiny had been, yet she let her fear and doubt cloud her judgment. Perhaps God would give him a second chance where she had failed him.

"I'm so sorry, Drykin,” she whispered. “Please forgive me."

It was funny. Mary always figured if she knew she was about to die, she'd be a lot more scared. All she felt was peace. Smiling, she closed her eyes and waited for death.

A gentle chuckle caressed her mind then.
You should know better than to think I'd let you die, or let anyone take you from me. I'd never have let you return to your world had I not had every confidence I could claim you again if you were in danger

Mary turned her head just as Drykin closed his arms around her, slowing her fall until they hovered several feet above the ground. The wind no longer pounded her ears, and the sun warmed any chill she might have had. Looking into the silver blue eyes of her Darkling gave her joy. This was where she was meant to be. She knew it without a doubt. There was nothing to hold her to this life. She had no family, no pets. Only her friend, Diana, would miss her should she leave.

"Take me home,” she breathed and caressed Drykin's cheek.

"Home?” He raised an eyebrow.

"Our home.” Mary smiled as she said it, somehow knowing it would ease the ache she knew was in his heart. She could see his pain clearly in his eyes. Only now did she realize the pain he'd endured in letting her return home.

"I had to know you wanted to be with me, my Mary. By the law we Darklings live by, you were mine by rights, but I wanted you to want me. Once I had you in my arms, I knew I could never bring you sorrow, no matter the cost to myself."

"Did you know that Darkling would come after me?"

Drykin smiled and started them on an upward climb into a cloudbank before moving them through the sky. “He was not a Darkling, and yes, I knew he or another like him would try to take you if you stayed long enough. I underestimated how quickly my scent on you would catch the attention of the other supernatural creatures in the area. For that, I apologize."

"He meant to kill me. After a while. It's obvious he could have come for me any time he wanted. Why did he wait until now?"

"Because he didn't want you only for a kill. It's a long story, but he was a Drakonion. They feed on the flesh of humans, but they get more sustenance from psychic energy. If he'd kept you and fed from your fear and pain, he could have lasted a very long time before he had to seek out another human, thus protecting himself from Darkling hunters. Fortunately, a human's psychic energy can't be tapped unless they have been claimed and mated by a Darkling. You wouldn't have suited his needs, but he wouldn't have known that until he tried channeling it. You have been claimed by me, but not mated."

Mary shivered and buried her face in Drykin's neck. He hugged her tighter to his chest. “Soon, my love,” he whispered. “We'll soon be home and no others will ever be able to touch you there."

She didn't doubt him. She could feel the sincerity and confidence in his own abilities within him. Mary knew she needed to ask him about that, but she couldn't right now. It was far from warm, but it felt good to be held so snugly, and she was very tired. The adrenaline rush had left her, and she was in worse shape than she'd been in before all the excitement.

Knowing she was safe, knowing she was about to start a new chapter in her life that would change her forever, Mary wrapped her arms more securely around Drykin's neck, sighed contentedly, and closed her eyes. She'd deal with it when he woke her. Besides, she had a feeling she was going to need her strength.

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Chapter Three

You're mine, Mary. You're safe with me. I hope you know that. Regardless of my earlier statements, I can never let you go back. The danger is too great. If you can't accept me, I'll respect your wishes, but I will always do what is necessary to keep you safe

She floated gently in a sea of darkness. She could see nothing, but Mary wasn't scared. The warmth and security she felt when she was in Drykin's presence surrounded her and filled her. But this time, there was something else.

Mary knew she was picking up random thoughts and feelings from her Darkling, but this... Filling him was a lust so strong, it bordered on insanity. For her. All for her.

Only in her dreams had she ever thought to affect a man that way, but she knew without a doubt that anything this man felt was solely for her. It wasn't lust in general, or lust for anyone other than her. Drykin was focused completely on her.

It thrilled and flattered her that he needed her that badly, and Mary knew she'd embrace him and his lust. She'd welcome any attention he wanted to give her and her body. The feeling of awe and love and lust was almost overpowering. It was as if he couldn't believe she was his. The thought came to her, faintly, that he knew he could never have made a more perfect woman if he'd sculpted her himself.

Mary tried to shake off the thoughts and feelings as those of a dream, because that's the way she'd always wanted her man to feel about her. She wanted a man who would worship her, a man she could worship as well. She wanted him to love and need her as much as she did him.

So, was it a dream?

No, my love. You were made for me. Everything about you will be exactly what I want and need. You are my match in every way, physically, mentally, and sexually. You're my reward for millennia of hard work. That you accept me and welcome my thoughts and feelings is a testament to our compatibility.

The book said the mate of a Darkling wouldn't find the situation alien or unnatural.
Mary smiled and stretched her body, struggling to open her eyes.
Are you with me? I can't find you

"I'll always be with you, my Mary."

She opened her eyes and found herself still fully clothed, save her socks and shoes, snuggled next to Drykin in a huge, soft bed. She turned in his arms and caressed his face. She loved the harsh angles of his face. They made him look masculine in a way most men never could. There was nothing remotely feminine about him, yet he touched her so softly. So gently.

"I don't want to go back. I want to be with you. I don't know why it doesn't bother me to leave everything I've known behind, but I know it means a life without you and I'm not willing to do that."

"You know next to nothing about me, my Mary. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I am.” She smiled. “I've even found your name. Not that silly name I thought of when I didn't think Darklings were anything other than imagination. I have a name perfect for you."

He raised an eyebrow. “And that is?"

"Drykin,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “It seemed like an appropriately fearsome and sexy name. Given the fact the Drakonion didn't follow us, I think you've earned the former. Now why don't you prove you deserve the latter?"

Drykin rolled on top of Mary and seemed to ponder the name she'd given him. “As you wish, my lovely Mary. It is, indeed, a good name."

He took her lips gently, not ravenously as she'd expected. Mary knew he wanted to take her roughly. She could almost feel the savage need within him by the look in his eyes. Mary knew he would eventually and anticipation of it was a heady aphrodisiac.

Drykin kissed her now as if she were a precious thing to him. He kissed her as a man might kiss a woman he loved with all his heart, a woman he thought never to see again. It was as if he believed God, in his infinite mercy, found him worthy to return her back into his arms.

His lips were soft but slightly demanding. Drykin nibbled and lapped at her lips and tongue, coaxing rather than taking. He had to know she didn't need to be wooed, she was his for the taking, but he seemed to flirt with the kiss, retreating and advancing to keep her off guard. When Mary groaned and tilted her pelvis, Drykin went in for the kill, so to speak.

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