Darkness Unleashed (24 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Darkness Unleashed
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This is no different from any other test we’ve faced. Help me help my husband. That’s what I need.”

Fine, but do it from inside. He needs to be sedated. Once we get him secured, then we’ll do whatever it takes to bring him back. Deal?” I knew what a compromise this was from my uncle. After swearing a blood oath with his sister on her deathbed, there was nothing more important than making sure I was protected. Even though the situation worried him, I didn’t push him.

Nodding, I offered him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

If that’s the plan, let me go get the tranquilizer gun,” Daniel interjected, giving Mason one last glance. “I know he’ll be a lot more comfortable in the bigger cage.”

That wasn’t what I was worried about. I’d felt the effects of the drugs Helena had given him through our connection and it made me feel sick at the idea we were about to pump him full of more. His wolf’s problem was that he was agitated, not sure of who he could trust. By injecting him, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t view us as a threat, also.

I want to try one more time.” Quickly glancing at both of them, an idea had begun formulating in my mind.

No,” Devlin answered.

I promise. If this doesn’t work, then we’ll do it your way. I think I know how to reach him.” Kicking of my shoes, I began to undress.

You’re going to shift,” Daniel said, realizing my intentions.

Maybe if I approach him as my wolf, he won’t be so aggressive. I can also reform our mental connection easier. If I can talk inside his mind, I can see how bad it is.” There was no time for modesty as I unbuttoned the top of my jeans and removed them.

With his back to me, Devlin waited as I finally slipped out of my underwear, completely naked. “I can’t say this enough . . . be careful.”

This will work. I know it.” Nodding to Daniel, I took in a deep breath, signaling for my wolf to come forward. She’d been patiently watching from inside, eager to do whatever she could, grateful for her chance to do her part. During the mating ceremony, her spirit had bonded with Mason’s and it was agony for her to witness his pain.

The change came swiftly, the smoothest ever, and I dropped to the ground as my body changed and gave way to a more familiar shape and fur. With no time to recover from the magic’s toll, I padded over to the cage, rising up on my hind legs so Mason could see me better.

It was different communicating like this—easier even. Without words, body language was key; and paired with the scent of Pack, it removed all the distractions that came with being human. This was who we were at our most fundamental level—beneath the aggression of our natures and the primal tendencies that struggled to dominate. We were creatures of loyalty and beauty. We loved—fiercely. We protected—constantly. It was ingrained into the very fabric of our souls, and it was with this feeling in my heart that I dove through our fragile pathway, letting my unswerving dedication to Mason heal the damage inflicted.

He was so angry. The fury that swirled and batted against me was overwhelming. Everywhere I turned, I sensed chaos mingled with an insatiable thirst for retribution. I didn’t shrink away from his memories as I silently witnessed his suffering at the cruel hands of others. Even as my heart threatened to shatter, knowing he’d been forced to endure this, I refused to retreat.

Boldly, I linked my mind with his so that even though it was over, he wouldn’t have to deal with it alone. My strength became his. My love cradled his. My willingness to stand by him as he relived each horror, reminded him we were one.

Always and forever.

There was no need to act or to scramble. There was no need to convince or cajole his wolf into submission. The only thing that was important in that moment was letting him know he didn’t have to face his demons by himself.

Just as Mason had shown my wolf in the aftermath of Jasmine’s death that he was there to keep me safe, I offered him that same devotion, now.

A small click echoed in my ear, the sound of the cage door being opened. I’d been so focused on connecting with Mason that I had missed the precise second when something changed in Mason’s appearance, a sign that he was slowly releasing his pent up hostility.

Looking outward, his wolf hadn’t moved, but the rigidness had softened. The low growl that had been the constant noise filling the air had faded and a sadness filled his eyes.

Dropping to the ground again, I quickly trotted over to Daniel who stood at the cage door, carefully opening it to let me in. There was no need for caution, however. Even though he’d yet to shift back, the danger had passed.

There was no hesitation as I approached my mate, brushing the length of my body against his, allowing the contact to soothe him. Nudging him with my nose, I rubbed my scent over him, removing the stench of Helena so that all he could smell was me.

This was what he needed. This would bring him back to me.

A soft voice floated through our pathway. Despite the ferocity of his anger, it was that whisper of Mason that broke through the turmoil.

I’m here,
I answered, relieved to finally hear him.

Crumpling to the ground where he stood, Mason fell quiet as shock took over. He didn’t need to say anything else. He was safe and now he could finish healing. He was resilient and he’d pull through this. Whatever he needed, he would get.

Lying down beside him, he trembled for a few more minutes before he slipped into sleep, the warmth of my body pressed against him.

Talking would wait until later.

He was home.



Chapter Nineteen




There was no doubt in my mind that the woman lying asleep in my arms had saved me.

The last thing I remembered before passing out had been a permeating sense of peace that broke through the turmoil churning within me. Once my wolf had taken over, there was no reclaiming control. He’d seized every part of me and refused to submit. It hadn’t helped that I wasn’t in a position to exert my authority—the damage done by Helena taking its toll.

I’d been injured before. I’d faced that kind of force, but never to that extent. I’d assumed brutality was brutality—regardless of who and what was done. If anything, this had taught me that evil wore many faces, and that there were levels of depravity I’d never known existed. It was a lesson in reality, one that changed the way I would forever view the world.

I’d wanted to know what Darcy had endured going through her conversion—wishing there was some way we could’ve shared the experience, simply so I could understand better. She’d talked about the struggle she felt trying to dominate her blood thirst and the way her hunger could be unpredictable.

With her finally herself, it had been tempting to try and talk about Amber and the possession. I’d always believed that talking through things made them better—that by shedding light on the darkness, the chances for overcoming it with good grew. That first night, I’d wanted to shake her, beg her to let me in so I could carry some of her burden.

I now understood why she’d chosen, instead, to cleave to the moment of clarity she’d been granted. Lurking in the shadows of depression and despair was easier. It helped fuel the anger and righteous indignation. It would keep the focus razor-sharp until justice was delivered and paid in full.

Being positive—choosing to keep a level head, instead, and maintaining what could be controlled might seem like an impossible task, but I finally saw why that was the path she’d decided to walk.

I didn’t know if I had the strength of character to do it. Even now, my wolf howled and clawed for supremacy, furious at being supplanted before obtaining the vengeance we both wanted.

If left in my wolf form, that task would involve more blood than I’d ever spilled. It would require a depth of savagery that had always seemed beyond reach. It would twist me, unleashing the kind of darkness from which I might not ever recover.

That wasn’t me. Every male werewolf had the capacity for such ruthlessness. As an Alpha, I’d always felt I straddled a fence where with just one wrong move; I’d become someone different. It was why I always strove to govern the Pack fairly. Why I carefully guarded that part of me that kept me more human than beast. Others didn’t care and claimed it was who they were.

I was a good man; and because of Darcy, I remained one.

No, my wolf resented the fact I hadn’t let him take care of our enemies. By shutting him out and taking over, I would still crush those who had attacked me and put my loved ones at risk, but I would do it without losing myself.

For my mate, I would strive to remember who I was and be the man she believed I was. I wouldn’t let this scar me.

But, there was no doubt in my mind, whatsoever. Despite the calmness I kept myself wrapped in, I would never forget this.

Helena would answer for what she’d done, and with my last breath, I would hunt the Master down and destroy him.

Punishment would still be served.

I dealt in absolutes, and this was a certainty—an undeniable truth.

Stirring in my arms, I traced my thumb lightly over Darcy’s cheekbone, thanking God for the gift of my wife. I knew she’d have questions when she awoke, everyone would. I vaguely remembered being rescued, the sight of Devlin and Daniel’s faces as they discovered me hanging from the dungeon wall, battered and bruised, left for dead.

It was a testimony to my ability to heal that I was even breathing. Not wanting to move and disturb Darcy, I could feel the stiffness in my muscles and tenderness in my fingers, and knew in another few days, I would be back to full strength.

I had worried so much about my hands after Devlin described how they looked when they found me. Just the thought of never being able to hold my mate again, of not being able to take her hand in mine or entwine our fingers together, was more devastating than the pain.

I never realized how many times I touched her until those opportunities were threatened. I remembered each tender caress, those stolen seconds as she passed by and I couldn’t help but reach out. I’d lost count of how many times she’d be talking or laughing, and I’d cup her cheek or stroke her cheek lightly, like I was doing now.

Out of everything Helena did, that had been the cruelest and she’d known it. She’d gloated about stealing away something precious, hoping that Darcy would still love a cripple, because that’s what she was leaving behind.

No more the powerful Alpha, but the broken shell of someone she viewed much less.

Brushing aside her dark hair, our love was much stronger than appearances, though. Helena’s victory had been short lived because Darcy had shown how truly magnificent she was and bravely come forward. She ignored her fears and let her love do the healing.

It humbled me, leaving me feeling unworthy of such a priceless offering. Who I was—the strength people saw—was a direct reflection of the mate I was bonded to. I loved teasing her about how she belonged to me, how she was mine, but the truth was, she owned me completely. I would follow her to the ends of the earth.

I love it when you get all sentimental,” she whispered, gently lifting my hand to her mouth and placing a soft kiss there.

Hey,” I answered, not at all embarrassed to be caught in the middle of expressing my emotions.

How are you feeling?” Neither of us stirred, content for the moment to keep lying there, together.

Tired. Sore. Grateful.” My last comment surprised her as her reaction trickled through our connection.

I thought you’d be angry,” Darcy confessed.

That too, but I’m more grateful for you.” Leaning forward, I brushed my lips over the top of her head. “You showed an incredible amount of courage approaching my wolf like that. I could’ve hurt you.”

That’s what Devlin said. He wanted to wait until you were more secure.”

And he was right. I can’t believe you took such a risk.” I shuddered at the faint memory of snapping at her fingers. Grabbing her hand, I studied it. “I seem to recall actually drawing blood.”

As if it was no big deal, she shrugged her shoulders. “You needed me. Plain and simple.”

My heart filled with pride. “You truly are a warrior, sweetheart.”

I’m your warrior.” Finally sitting up, Darcy turned so she could face me. “And I take care of what’s mine.”

I seem to remember saying that same thing to you,” I chuckled, the sound refreshing after everything of the past day.

That’s why we make the perfect couple. We’re there for each other.”

Through thick and thin.”

Always and forever.” She smiled briefly before sorrow clouded her features. “I felt it, Mason. I felt what they did to you.” As she gingerly touched my left cheek with her fingertips, I knew that had hurt her. Even without a mirror, the salt water blending with my cuts had impaired my ability to fully heal. While I wouldn’t be completely disfigured, there was no doubt the skin Darcy so carefully kissed now, was scarred.

I never did ask how you felt about a man with scars.” I didn’t flinch as her gaze dropped to my chest, her mouth forming an
as her breath hitched. Ross had worked tirelessly at marking up the flesh there with his silver knives and hot pokers.

I think they’re an outward sign of the kind of hero you are. Like bold reminders that you’re a survivor.” Her hand trembled as she tentatively touched the scar over my heart. “I’m so sorry, Mason. If I could have, I would’ve come sooner.”

Her sincerity melted some of my despair, thawing out the cold. “I know, sweetheart. I know.”

Finally glancing down, it was a fight not to let that white-hot fury bubbling beneath the surface free. My flesh was a mess of crisscrossed scars and angry looking welts. Even with the time spent as my wolf, my body still needed more before these would eventually fade.

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