Darkness Unleashed (32 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Darkness Unleashed
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Threats would come and go.

Paxton wouldn’t be the last person to question Darcy’s existence.

But after tonight, others would think twice about ever angering me.

You’re weak!” Paxton screamed, the veins in his neck bulging from exertion. “Fight me! Quit holding yourself back! You, the damn Alpha of the precious Mystic Wolves, and you’re fighting me like you’re afraid to break a damn nail.” Raining his own punishing blows down over my body, it was a vicious battle of strength as Paxton upped the ante between us.

Partially shifting his own hands, his claws left deep gashes across my chest—a bold statement that he was done playing it safe. As blood trickled over my skin and pooled at the top of my pants, his tactics won out. He’d wanted to piss me off to the point where my control was in jeopardy.

Unleashing the darkness that had been brewing inside me for weeks, I snapped my jaw at him, my wolf racing to the surface in a bid for freedom. I held nothing back as I pummeled him, slashing at his arms and leaving my own welts against his flesh. I’d done everything I could to fight fairly, to be the bigger person, even though he deserved to face my wrath.

He’s going to make her his whore!”

Claws erupted where my hands once were and I charged, gripping his throat tightly as I lifted him into the air before slamming him down to the ground, bones breaking on impact. Blood trickled from the puncture wounds my nails left at his neck, but there was no relenting. The asshole couldn’t speak if he didn’t have a voice box. One more comment and I’d remove it from his body.

Last chance, Paxton,” I growled, sweat dripping from my face as I pinned him to the ground with my weight. Bucking against me in an attempt to get free, I kneed him hard in the groin. A strangled gasp escaped his lips, the noise better than the vileness that had previously spewed from his mouth.

Go ahead, kill me,” he spat, a deranged gaze overtaking his eyes. The sight of it turned my blood ice cold. “Once he’s done, you’ll all wish you were dead.”

Driving my fist into his face, I was at the end of my patience. “Yield or accept your death.”

Paxton’s body stilled as he suddenly stopped resisting. “Death would be better than the hell he has planned for your mate. She’ll beg for oblivion once he’s done breaking her.”

There was a flash of something in his gaze—something I wouldn’t understand until much later. Had I seen it before I tore his throat from his body, plunging my claws into his chest to pierce his heart, maybe I wouldn’t have killed him. Watching the light fade from his face, it wasn’t hostility I saw as he died, but gratitude.

Cursing beneath my breath, I didn’t move from where I kneeled, grief hitting me over the loss of yet another person. This was exactly what I’d hoped to avoid; and yet the drama had been brought to my doorstop. Some things were beyond my control—his attack one of them.

Slowly my claws disappeared, returning my hands and fingers so I could close Paxton’s eyes. Exhausted, I stood and addressed the silent crowd. “Anyone else want to be a fool and challenge me?” Turning around, I looked each person in the eye. “Step forward now. If not, this matter is resolved. Should anyone feel the same as Paxton, kindly keep those opinions to yourself. I’m tired of losing people.” My heart raced as I attempted to catch my breath, my muscles taut.

It was Benjamin who spoke up. “I think I can safely speak on behalf of everyone here that Paxton’s actions were his own. None of us find fault with your mate.”

Clenching my teeth together in an attempt to calm myself, all I could do was nod. I’d thought the Summit was the only serious business conducted tonight, but judging from the somber mood now hanging over the gathering, it hadn’t been. This was that moment.

This was where loyalties were strengthened and the alliance truly sealed. It wasn’t until each Alpha saw the lengths I would go to, to defend those I loved—even against someone I’d considered a friend. Hopefully anyone who had any doubt would finally see that nothing had changed between Darcy and me.

Her hand gently slipped into mine as we stood there in silence, Paxton’s lifeless body at our feet. It was a bittersweet moment—one of solidarity and heartache. But decisions had been made and fates sealed.

I’ll remove the body,” Wade spoke, gesturing for the distraught group that had accompanied Paxton to the meeting to come forward. Not budging a muscle, prepared in case the two young men chose to avenge their leader, I didn’t show the relief I felt when they approached.

I’m sorry for your loss,” I murmured. Because I’d been the one to kill their Alpha, protocol dictated that I was their new leader. In light of everything that was happening, it was simply another issue that needed addressing. Plans would need to be made and someone delegated to stand as proxy for me until I could decide what to do. Paxton’s territories were in California, relatively close to my own. Eventually I would need to go out there and see what affairs he left behind, but not now.

It would need to wait.

One problem at a time.

As Wade and the two pack members carried Paxton away, I finally allowed myself to breathe.

You okay?” Darcy said as she felt my body relax beside her.

I will be.”

With the challenge over, I was ready for the gathering to disperse so I could escape into the bedroom with my wife. There was nothing more I needed than to immerse myself into her body and find peace in her embrace.

Unfortunately, business wouldn’t wait.

Darcy squeezed my hand in support. “Can I get you anything?”

A stiff drink,” I laughed, unable to maintain my rigid posture. Turning to face Daniel, I couldn’t allow my focus to shift. “Call Devlin and have him meet us in the office. Paxton wasn’t acting alone in this. He wasn’t this foolish. I’m pretty sure the Master had a hand in this somehow, holding something over Paxton’s head to make him obedient.”

My comment surprised him. “What makes you think that?”

It was right before he died. He looked grateful . . . like I was doing him a favor. Despite everything he said, he looked relieved in the end.” I couldn’t explain it any better than that. While I couldn’t read his mind, I knew what I saw reflecting in his body language. Something was off.

Did you want me to join you?” Darcy asked, watching me as she tried to judge how I was feeling. Allowing her to see for herself through our connection, I shook my head. “I need you to make sure everyone is okay and see whether they need anything. I’ll go around and meet with each Alpha personally, but it’ll help soothe any remaining concern if they talk with you, as well.”

Okay,” she smiled. It did nothing to diminish the worry still in her eyes, however.

I love you.” Kissing her quickly, it was with a heavy heart that I didn’t follow her and, instead, walked in the opposite direction with Daniel. “How bad do you think it is?” I asked, before reaching Colt and Max.

Only time will tell.”

As the first of tonight’s late discussions began, it was with the hope that Paxton’s death hadn’t impacted the alliance, toppling it like a precarious line of dominoes.



Chapter Twenty-Six




It was killing me not to be in the office with Mason. Things had quickly settled down an hour ago, but he still remained locked in the room with Daniel and Devlin on his way over. Our friends and colleagues offered their continued support, concerned with how I was dealing with the crazy turn of events, the aftermath leaving me with more pent up energy than I knew what to do with.

Going for a quick run in the woods hadn’t alleviated the adrenaline I’d felt coursing through my body. Neither had slipping away into the kitchen for a few baggies of blood. My body remained tense and on alert. If this was how I felt, Mason must be wound even tighter.

He’d reassured me through our mental link—letting me know that all my concern was for nothing. Yes, he’d dealt with an unexpected challenge, but he’d bounced straight back to focus on the larger, more pressing matter.

On my way back from getting something to drink, I’d bumped into Wade and asked him whether there’d been any disturbances. Everything was quiet.

Too quiet.

It was hard not to let my imagination run wild. After the extraordinary lengths Helena and the Master had gone to with Mason and me, it seemed strange that suddenly there was nothing. I knew well enough that the silence on their end wasn’t a good thing.

I just wished I knew more about what to expect so I could be better prepared.

As it grew later, I found myself working out in the makeshift gym Mason and Daniel had built to suffice while the one my magic had destroyed was repaired. It was scary to think that something inside me—a power that I hadn’t known existed—had the strength to crumble the walls and bring the roof down. While my witch nature was now destroyed, it made me wonder whether the vampire traits I’d inherited through the conversion would be just as dramatic. We’d already tested my agility and reflexes and found I’d definitely gained extra advantages in addition to being a wolf.

The more I could learn about myself, the better.

The more I understood my new gifts, the easier it would be to help defend those I loved.

The new gym was inside a large shed that stood just within the tree line, at the edge of the house’s boundaries. With windows allowing daylight in, it was pretty basic in structure. What mattered was the large matted area for sparring and the machines that lined the far wall. A brand new treadmill, and elliptical, a variety of standing weights and a punching bag were enough to keep Pack members busy and in shape. We also kept two fridges in a corner—one with bottled water and sports drinks, the other, smaller one, with blood.

Those who used the gym didn’t blink an eye when Mason installed the cooler for me. They’d taken my conversion in stride, accepting me for me and not what I’d become.

It was for them that I wanted to train, honing my skills; so if challenged, I could protect them.

The room was empty when I entered it. Slipping my earbuds in, I quickly lost myself in the steady beat of my feet hitting the treadmill’s moving belt as I jogged. This was what I needed to quiet the anxiety in my body and mind.

Being idle had never been a good thing for me. It left too much time for doubts to creep in.

Sweat dripped down the center of my back, but I didn’t reduce the intensity of my workout. Even as my t-shirt clung to me, I simply stripped out of the clothing and kept running, my entire focus zeroed in on maintaining my heart rate.

I didn’t hear him come in. One minute I was staring off into space, and the next, Vlad’s smiling face filled my vision. Removing the earplugs, I slowed the machine, grateful for the chance to slow down. “Devlin here?” There was only one reason why my cousin would be here so late.

Nodding, Vlad flashed me one of his charming grins. “Yeah, I just left him at the house. Mason mentioned you were probably out here, so I thought I’d come keep you company.”

Even though I hadn’t told him where I was, it didn’t stop the amazement from hitting me over just how in-tune with me Mason was. I hadn’t even felt him checking in through our connection, yet he’d known exactly where I was. “Well, you caught me exercising. Not everyone can be as naturally fit as those two. Some of us have to work hard for it.” It was sometimes a sore point that Mason and Devlin seemed to have it so easy with keeping in shape.

Hence, the attire.” Showcasing the black sweatpants and white sleeveless tank, it was nice to see Vlad dressed normal, even if it was in my mate’s clothing. “I thought maybe we could spar or something.”

Toweling off the sweet beaded across my brow, the idea sounded wonderful. “Perfect timing then, I’m game for a little hand-to-hand combat.”

You’ll need to go easy on me, though. I’m not a bad-ass like you, so try not to bruise me, okay?”

His response earned him a snort from me. “Whatever. I’m sure you’re pretty bad-ass under all that eye-liner,” I teased.

With a twinkle in his eye, we faced each other in the center of the matted area, relaxing into a loose stance. “How about the winner buys the other dinner?” I asked.

Courtesy of our uncle’s credit card, of course.”

Naturally,” I agreed, laughing at how Vlad liked to mess with Devlin at every opportunity. Despite their differences, and the way they each complained about the other, there was definitely a closeness there—visible only to those who knew what to look for.

Bouncing on the balls of my feet, something inside me untwisted. Whether I’d wanted to or not, the challenge had left me kinked up and unsettled. Even knowing everything was okay and Paxton’s death had ended the contention, something was gnawing at my gut, something beyond the constant vigilance over the Master.

It’s okay to hit me,” I lunged, jabbing at the air where Vlad had been standing. “I’m not going to cry.”

I would’ve if I hadn’t moved,” Vlad responded, blocking my next punch. “You so don’t hit like a girl.”

You can thank Mason and Devlin for that. They’ve trained me well.”

Throwing a few light strikes of his own, Vlad huffed. “He’s been holding out on me, then.”

He’s not the only one. Come on, Vlad. I remember seeing you hit that punching bag when I stayed with you guys. You hit it so hard plaster fell from the ceiling.”

Well, while you don’t hit like a girl . . . you still very much are one. I’m not too keen on getting beat up by one, either.” He continued to dodge my blows.

Seriously, no holds barred. Don’t hold back.” When my request fell on deaf ears, I added in an extra incentive. “Think of me as a mini-Devlin.” And with that, Vlad let loose.

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