Darkness Unleashed (29 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Darkness Unleashed
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It was an anger I didn’t fault him for, even though I wished he’d come. As I looked around at the strong group of men, Daniel and Wade on one side and Darcy on the other, it was Michael’s absence that prickled a sense of unease.

Daniel leaned in, whispering in my ear. “Last time I checked, there were no new messages from Silver Canyon.” When Daniel had finally talked with Michael the other day, the Alpha had casually brushed off his not answering his phone with the excuse he’d been stuck in meetings. He’d apologized and the conversation had moved on to business.

In light of his failing to show up, his silence spoke otherwise. There’d been bad blood between us previously over my refusal to marry his daughter, and although our differences had been resolved when Amber’s tampering with magic had been brought to justice, it seemed recent events had stirred that animosity back up.

I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and not assume he’d sided with the Master, but my gut told me if there was anyone who’d side with the enemy for profit, it would be Michael. He was a wealthy man with vast lands. It would be power and vengeance against me that he’d want.

Maybe he’ll show up late,” I murmured, nodding as the time arrived for me to start the opening ceremony. A huge bonfire had been constructed in a section of the backyard, under the night sky containing a full spread of twinkling stars. Although the original plan had been to conduct the Summit deeper in the woods, I decided to keep it where it was easier to manage. The glowing warmth of the flame danced off each person’s features, casting shadows across their faces.

I didn’t see strangers, or danger.

I saw Pack. I saw friendship.

I saw family.

Thank you for coming so quickly,” I began, lifting my voice high enough to be heard over the crackling fire. “As is tradition, before we start, I invite each of you to come forward and offer your tributes to those who’ve fallen.” A gentle brush of love flowed through my connection with Darcy, a mental embrace as she held onto our tokens.

Going first, I graciously accepted the gifts from her, and reverently approached the offering pyre. “I am Mason O’Connor, Alpha of the Mystic Wolves Pack. I ask that the spirits of my ancestors watch over these proceedings, lending me their blessing as I strive to act fairly, honestly, and in all things, for the protection of kin.”

I lifted the scented flower between my fingers to my face, inhaling the gentle fragrance that reminded me so much of Jasmine. “I lost my beloved sister this year. Her death was premature and left a hole in the hearts of those who still mourn her. She was beautiful, gracious, and I miss her counsel—not just as her brother, but also as her Alpha. Her life will not be forgotten.” Tossing the small jasmine bouquet Darcy had gathered together with one of Jasmine’s ribbons, tears filled my eyes as I watched it alight and begin burning.

Not wiping away the tears that fell over my cheeks, I continued. “Next we lost our Pack brother, Nathan. He was also taken before his time, the result of unwise choices. But even in death, we choose to remember those moments when he was strong.” For his offering, I’ve chosen a photo we’d taken a few years ago at a Pack party. Nathan stood with a wide grin over his face, his arm around my shoulder as we posed mid-celebration. I couldn’t remember who’d taken the shot, but it was a memory from a happier time. As much as his betrayal had pained me, Nathan had still been my brother.

Finally,” I continued, one last tribute to offer the flame. “Although she wasn’t a wolf, Christina was Pack. She gave her life protecting my mate and it is a life debt I can’t possibly ever repay. Instead, I hope that each choice I make will, in turn, honor her sacrifice. Her death wasn’t in vain. She lived as an Enforcer, protector, and guardian to justice. She died a hero.” A soft sob came from behind me as Darcy openly showed her grief. As painful as it was to acknowledge, she’d only survived Julian’s attack because of her brave friend. Any time I looked back on what might have happened, how close I’d come to losing the love of my life, breathing became harder.

Christina had saved more than one person that day—even at the cost of herself. It was fitting that Devlin had brought over one of her knife sheathes to include in the ceremony. As a warrior, it was a direct reflection of her spirit.

Stepping back and rejoining Darcy, one by one, the others came forward, speaking from their hearts. It troubled me to see how deeply tragedy had rocked our large community as each Alpha gave a glimpse of their own grief. Pack brothers and sisters, friends, family—no one had been spared whether it was from accident, age, or health.

Around the circle we went, the air heavy with the solemnity of the moment. As each man asked for the grace of his ancestors, there was power to be felt. While we weren’t born with magic like Vivien’s and other witches, there was still a wild sense of energy that revealed itself any time we shifted or gathered in groups like this. We were connected to the earth; drawing our strength from the forests and land we were tied to. This was especially true as Alpha’s.

It caused my skin to tingle and my own wolf to brush up against the inside of my body, the atmosphere alive.

Moses Shay was the last to come forward, the Native American Alpha to the White Rock Pack, a strong friend and ally. In his hands, his fingers turned over a small wooden carving, no doubt something he’d carved himself. He had one of those talents where the wood obeyed his every wish, transforming rough, hewn pieces of tree into works of beauty and art. There was a statue of a wolf howling at the moon in my office that he’d sent me as a birthday gift years ago. It was by far one of my most cherished possessions—the time and detail that went into it incredible.

I am Moses “Hawk” Shay, honored Alpha to the White Rock Pack, keeper of the legacy to my people. The spirits have been kind to us this year. We haven’t experienced the loss others have; so with gratitude, I offer up a symbol of my totem to appease them, asking for their continued blessing and protection.” Nodding with respect, he leaned forward and gently placed his contribution into the flame. He was close enough that I caught a glimpse before the weight of it settled and the burning wood beneath it crumbled.

Many thought the reason why people called Moses ‘Hawk’, was because there was a slight hook to his nose, giving him a bird-like appearance. Other believed it was because of his ability to assess any given situation and see it in its fullness, almost like he had a bird’s eye view. It was only those who truly knew him, those he accepted into his inner circle of confidantes, who knew the nickname came from something much more spiritual.

There were many traditions Moses participated in. He’d recalled, at an early age, visiting his Pack’s medicine woman and receiving the animal that would appear on his totem. As a wolf, he’d expected something similar, something that would match the predator nature within his body. When he later left the revered elder’s tent, it had been with wonder over learning his spirit guide was a hawk. Years later, he shared how closely he identified with the bird.

By offering up the bird carving tonight, he was, in essence, sacrificing a piece of who he was and honoring the ancestors for his prosperity.

With the ceremony complete, a more relaxed vibe permeated through the meeting. Because the Summit was being hosted by the Mystic Wolves, the task of emceeing the rest of the discussion was left to me. “Let’s dive straight into business. The sooner we can decide how to address this new threat, the sooner we can all eat.” There was a smattering of laughter as Trent, Colt, and Moses chuckled. It was getting late and even my stomach was beginning to rumble.

Paxton was the first to speak up. “I agree. But I believe before we talk about the Master, I’d like to hear from your mate.” There was a flash of panic as the spotlight was turned on Darcy. But before I could reassure her, that anxiety dissolved into confidence.

I’d like to hear from her as well, Mason,” Colt added, a smile on his face. “It’s been a while since I got to see that pretty mate of yours, and I know I’m anxious to make sure she’s okay.” His comments were followed with murmurs of agreement.

There was no hesitation on her part as Darcy nodded with respect. Taking her hand, I squeezed it in support. “I appreciate all your concern. As you can see, I’m the same as before.” I tried not to laugh as she silently scolded herself. She thought she was at risk for stammering, but to me, she sounded fine.

But you’re not the same,” Paxton retorted. His veiled hostility surprised me. He was responsible for the Shaw Buttes Pack, a medium size group on the coast of California. Although we weren’t close friends, I’d never sensed any kind of friction between him and Darcy when they’d met previously. His tone did nothing to ease my apprehension and it was Darcy’s turn to soothe me through our connection.

We’d expected something like this. There was no threat.

The gentle turn of her lips as she smiled in reply reminded me that Darcy could hold her own. “You’re right, I’m not. But what I meant was that although I’m now dual natured, nothing has changed with who I essentially am. I am still that Darcy you’ve each gotten to know. I’m still the one that loves her mate and will support her Alpha.” Holding Paxton’s gaze, she cocked her head slightly. “And I’m still the Darcy who sat up with your sister when she was sick and read her books until she fell asleep.”

Her response seemed to appease Paxton as he considered her words. When he didn’t reply, others spoke up. “I know Zane’s given his blessing, he believes there’s no worry about future madness?” Benjamin asked, the Sugar Creek Alpha.

Unless you consider Mason and Daniel driving me crazy, that danger has passed,” Darcy laughed.

How’s your blood lust?” Max continued, more curious than concerned. He was another good friend who currently lived in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Some of the most beautiful forests I’d ever run in, besides my own, were within his territory. Watching the way he viewed Darcy with approval, I would need to take her there for a visit so they could become better acquainted.

I won’t hide anything,” she began, and I realized this would be the test. How everyone reacted to her confession would determine whether the topic of her becoming part-vampire could be laid to rest. “I’m still new and there have been moments where I’ve struggled to control my new hunger. It’s different from the thrill we feel hunting as wolves. While it still feels primal in nature, it’s powerful in it’s own right. Having said that, though, I know that I am stronger. Each of you knows my Uncle, Devlin. He’s become my mentor, as well, in this—teaching me the techniques to help should ever I get overwhelmed.”

Like what?” Reid interjected.

For starters, I never ignore the warning signs. I always make sure that I drink on a steady schedule, never letting my thirst remain untreated.” She must’ve seen something I didn’t, because Darcy burst into laughter. “No, gentlemen, I’m not hungry right this second. I truly am myself. I’m the same person as before. I just have a steeper learning curve and an extra ingredient to my diet. No one is in danger from me. I’m not the threat you should be worried about.”

You understand why we ask, though?” Moses countered. “Frankly, I am grateful you were given a second chance at life. I’ve seen the balance you bring to Mason and, having lost a mate, I would never wish that pain on anyone. Please know if there’s anything I can do for you, personally, Darcy, all you need to do is ask.”

Leaving my side, she approached, placing her hand over her heart as she lowered her eyes in deference. “Thank you,” she whispered, emotion catching in her voice.

You remind me so much of my Talia,” Moses answered, just as quietly. It was an intimate moment between my mate and dear friend, one that set the tone for everyone else. “She would’ve loved you.”

Others spoke up, sharing the same sentiment. She’d convinced them with her brave spirit to believe her words. As she continued to answer any remaining questions, I thought I would burst with pride. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome than this.

Are we ready to discuss the Master?” With Darcy by my side, I was ready to conclude the meeting and enjoy something more informal.

How dangerous do you believe he is, Mason?” Trent spoke, his own serious expression mirrored in every face in the group. “We’ve heard about what happened with your abduction and the massacre yesterday. How widespread do you think this will become?”

Believe me when I say you should all be worried. Yes, the attacks have been local, but whoever the Master is, he won’t settle for just ruling over this small area. His warning is for us to obey or to suffer the consequences. I have no doubt that he won’t rest until he has the entire country under his control.”

That’s a little extreme, don’t you think?” Paxton stated, looking around the group with disbelief. “I’ve heard he’s willing to leave Packs alone if we agree to discontinue our alliance with your pack, Mason. That tells me this fight is yours and yours alone.”

Before I could respond, Daniel chimed in. “This fight started here, but to believe yourself safe would be foolish. If the Master can bring the Mystic Wolves Alpha into submission, what makes you think you stand any chance?” While he was right and had good intentions, Daniel’s comment seemed to offend Paxton further.

Mason’s not all powerful. All through history, the mighty have fallen.”

True,” I answered, needing to keep tempers under control. “And I’m not claiming to be superior. You know me. You’ve seen how I not only govern my Pack, but how I strive to protect those around me. If the Master was somehow successful in defeating me, rest assured he’d set his sights on each of you next. I have the support of Zane and my wife’s uncle is head Enforcer. Do you not think that a battle with me would mean the Master would also face them? That’s what my second-in-command is trying to say. If the Master gains a foothold here, there’s no stopping him; because he’s faced the stronghold of our entire community and won.”

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