Darque Wants (7 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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“I thought you might enjoy something to brighten up your morning, especially since yesterday was kind of stressful for you.”  He handed them to her and then stood back, watching to see her reaction.  She held them with pride and then leaned in and kissed Mateo on the lips. 

“These are beautiful, and that was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me.”  She looked down, feeling her eyes well up with tears.  It was true.  She had led such a solitary life for so long that it was hard to remember the last time anyone had done anything especially for her.  Mateo smiled, and then reached for her hand.

“We have some waffles to eat.”  He grinned and then gave her a quick peck on the cheek.  Amber grabbed her purse and then locked up, telling herself that this would be a productive and positive day.  As she locked the door, she quietly recited one of her chants that she learned in her first year of learning about crystals and energy healing: 

What has to be, will always be

So lend no time to fear

What has to be will always be

Keep healing thoughts right here

She locked the door to her apartment, and they headed down the steps and out to the street, then around the block to Bethany’s where his truck was parked.  They got inside and Mateo started the ignition.  “You ready?”  He took a deep breath and Amber nodded her head.  She felt as ready as she ever would.  With her guidance, they drove through downtown Berkeley until they reached Wanda’s Waffle House.  The parking lot was packed but Mateo found a spot out front, and they both got out and headed inside.

“Table for two?”  The waitress smiled and led them to a spot by the window.  Amber felt like a little kid, sliding down the bouncy red booth until she could reach the sugar packets at the end.  Mateo chuckled at her childlike spirit, and then slid down on his side, as well.  They ordered pancakes, waffles, orange juice and eggs.  Both had coffee, as well.  As soon as the food arrived, Mateo flashed Amber a huge smile.  She laughed and the dug in, both thoroughly enjoying the rare treat of sugar-loaded breakfast food.  Just as he lifted a syrupy forkful of buttermilk pancakes to his lips, Mateo’s phone rang. 

“I wonder who could be calling me so early.”  He looked down and then the smile left his face.  “It’s Christopher.”  He looked at Amber, set his fork down, the pancake sliding sadly off the end, and then got out of the booth.  He covered the phone with his hand.  “I’m going to take this outside.”  He spoke in a hushed tone and then slowly wandered to the front door where he turned the knob and walked outside.

Amber sipped her coffee and then craned her neck to see if she could gauge what was happening.  She didn’t want to intrude on his privacy, but at the same time she felt compelled to know whatever Christopher Burton might be talking about at that particular moment.  The waitress stopped at the booth and asked Amber if wanted more coffee.  She nodded her head and then stabbed at her waffle that was now getting cold.  The fun seemed to be leaking out of her special breakfast. 

She craned her neck and this time she could make out the back of Mateo’s head outside.  He was throwing his arms up in the air and pacing back and forth.  She wished she could get up and ask him what was going on, but she didn’t want to intrude on his business.  He spun around and yelled into the phone, then shook his head and walked toward the front door.

Amber played with t puddle of syrup in her plate and then looked up just as Mateo came back in and slid emphatically into the booth.  He shook his head and blew out of his mouth.  “Everything okay?”  Amber tied to look perky and innocent. 

“It’s all under control. Just some business to handle.”  Mateo was brief, but not rude.  “You remember what I said about me and him being good business partners?”  He laughed and then took a sip of his coffee.  “Well, I think I spoke too soon.”  He shook his head and Amber hung on the edge of her seat, tortured with curiosity.

“Okay.  The suspense is too much.  Please tell me.  I don’t gossip.”  Amber couldn’t resist asking, and when Mateo softened his expression, she knew that he’d reveal what was spoken between the two of them.

“Well, in a nutshell?  He’s closing the studio and leaving the country.”  Mateo looked at amber and then shook his head.  “So now, I’m left with covering the rent for the space, which isn’t a big deal, financially.  But it will be ahassle finding  anew partner to help out with the work-load. That’s only the beginning, though.”  He took another sip of his coffee and then ran his hands through his hair.  Amber could tell that he was stressed over the conversation, but that he was trying to maintain his composure.  “I’m going to have to find a new business partner like… yesterday.  I’m not in Big Sur as much as I used to be, so it’s good to have someone who can physically be in the studio when I’m gone.”    He took a deep breath and Amber just stared, unable to come up with the right words to say.

“That’s heavy.  Are you okay?”  Amber’s fork teetered at the edge of her plate, but she had little desire to finish her meal.  She was both shocked and concerned over the conversation that Mateo and Christopher had shared.  Mateo sipped his coffee and then took a deep breath. 

“How much does that healing work cost that you do?”  He smiled and then chuckled softly.  Amber shook her head and smiled. 

“For you, there’s no charge.  But I think that this should all be taken one step at a time, and our first step is to get to the station.”  Amber looked at Mateo for his approval, and he nodded his head.  When the waiter dropped off the bill Mateo snatched it up, and then paid when they got to the register by the door.  In the car, he decided to reveal more about the conversation.

“You know, it was hard to speak with Christopher after knowing what you told me about the visions.  I tried to play dumb with him, asking why he had to hightail it out of California, but I have a strong suspicion now, myself.”  Mateo shook his head and started his truck.  “I’m really just blown away by all of this.  And now, he’s given me all the more reason to believe that he’s guilty, just like you said.”  Mateo turned the corner and amber pointed to the police station.  He parked the truck and they got out, the sun beating hard on their faces.

“Mateo, you’ve been really great with all of this.  I mean, we just met, and you’ve supported me, even with little concrete evidence.  I’ve always believed that the truth always comes to the surface.  Try not to get too stressed out.”  Amber placed a hand on his arm.

“You’re right, Amber.  I’m going to take it one step at a time, just like you.”  He pulled into a parking space and then parked.  Amber took a deep breath and then they stepped out and headed up the steps. 

“I’m already nervous.”  Amber stood at the front door, her hand shaking and he heart racing.  “I don’t know why.  I know what I saw in my mind, but sometimes all of the questioning gets really intense.  The last time I had to answer questions about a case, it was in a police station like this, and I froze.  I literally couldn’t speak, and I had to write down what I wanted to say on pieces of notebook paper.  Oh, it was awful.”  She looked pleadingly at Mateo, who rubbed her shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’ll be right beside you the whole time.  Don’t worry.  Just be yourself.”  He smiled and then opened the door so that she could enter. 

“Thanks.  I hope this time it’s different and I can just say what I need to say and get out.”  Amber played nervously with a thread on her shirt, and then followed Mateo to the registration desk.  They signed in and a woman called out five minutes later.

“Amber Flint.  You are here to see the sheriff.  Can you please state what your request is?”  She looked up from small wire rimmed glasses and Amber swallowed hard.

“I need to give information about Jeffrey Holiday’s murder.”  Amber stated her case and then stood quietly.  The woman picked up her phone, dialed a number, and then spoke into the receiver. 

“There’s a young woman her with information on the Jeffrey Holiday case.  Is Sheriff Claiborne in the back?”  She filed one of her fingernails while waiting for an answer, and then waved at Amber to head to the back hall.  “Go down this hall and then make your first left.  Sheriff Claiborne is waiting outside.”  She hung up the phone and then went back to her paperwork.  Amber and Mateo walked quietly down the hall, and stopped when they saw the sheriff standing outside his door with his hands on his hips and a stern expression on his face.

“Good morning.  Sheriff Claiborne.  How can I help you?”  He addressed Amber and she looked at Mateo, then took a deep breath and spoke. 

“I have information about Jeffrey Holiday that I need to share.  I don’t think it will take too much of your time.”  She forced out a weak smile and the sheriff stood like a statue. 

“Okay.  Step inside my office.”  He ushered Amber in and then looked at Mateo.  “He your husband?”  Amber blushed and then looked at the floor.

“No.  This is my friend, Mateo Quinn.”  Amber smiled and then sat down in the orange chair that Sheriff Claiborne pulled out for her.  Mateo pulled out a folding chair that was against the wall and sat on it. 

“What is it that you need to disclose, Miss Flint?”  Sheriff Claiborne looked at her with his dark, piercing eyes.  He had lines on his face and a scar above his eyebrow.  Amber was already intimidated by him, and he hadn’t even said much yet.

“Well, I have to tell you some things.”  She nodded and then fidgeted with her hands.  “See, I saw something happen,” she started.  Sheriff Claiborne leaned forward in his chair.

“What did you see, Miss Flint?”  He looked serious, and Amber faltered.  She looked at Mateo and felt her heart start to race.  Her palms sweated and she felt lightheaded. 

“Well, I saw some scenes in my head.”  She looked at him and wrung her hands in her lap.  Sheriff Claiborne raised his eyebrows and then sat back and folded his arms.

“You…saw some scenes…in your head?”  He returned her question and Amber got flushed.  All of her fears were manifesting, and there was nothing she could do to stop them.  She felt powerless and embarrassed, yet she knew that there was no reason to feel such a way.  What she saw was real and true.  She knew it with every fiber of her being.

“Yes.  I get…visions.”  Amber looked at Mateo and he gave her a pat on the shoulder. 

Sheriff Claiborne frowned.  “Visions.  That’s…very interesting.  I’m assuming these…visions have to do with Jeffrey Holiday, since you specifically came into this station and requested to speak with me.”  He kept his arms folded and then glanced down at his watch.  “I’ve got about ten more minutes, and then I have some business to attend to.”  He took a deep breath and Amber felt a wave of anxiety rush over her.  She had so much to say, but she knew that it would get tangled up in her nervousness.

“Yes, Sheriff Caliborne.  I did come here specifically, because I had to tell you about Jeffrey.  I am a visionary.  I see things, and it’s been something that’s happened all my life.  I have had recurrent visions that are related to his death, and I think you need to know about them.”  She folded her hands in her lap, slightly relived that she had gotten the brunt of it off her chest.  “I should also tell you that I’ve helped out police departments in my home-town of Tulsa, Oklahoma, as well.  They know me pretty well around there.” 

“Excuse me, sir.”  Mateo leaned forward.  “I’ll keep it short.  I just wanted you to know that she’s telling the truth.  I was there when she had one of the visions, and it’s real.  And what’s more, I’m business partners with the guy that she thinks is responsible.  If it’s any red flag for you, the guy called me up this morning and told me that he was leaving the country ASAP.”  Mateo looked at the sheriff, his eyes intense and his intentions strong.  A silence fell over the room.

“Well in that case, I need the name of the suspect.  Address if you know it.”  Sheriff Caliborne got out a pad of paper and a pen.  He unfolded his arms and leaned in, prepared to write.

Mateo and Amber exchanged glances and then Mateo spoke up.  “Christopher Burton.  Fifty-five Sea Lion Drive.  Big Sur.”  He took a deep breath after he disclosed the information and then remained quiet.  Sheriff Claiborne reviewed the notepad and then leaned back with his hands folded behind his head. 

“Thank you both.  Ms. Flint, if you have a minute, I’d just like to know what you saw, exactly, in your visions.”  Sheriff Claiborne seemed to have softened a bit, and some of the tension in the room had dissipated.  Amber nodded her head.

“Well, I saw Jeffrey covered in blood, and I saw him arguing with Christopher.  I also saw him get punched in the face by Christopher, and I heard Christopher tell him to find a map.”  Amber got invigorated when she recalled the visions.  She felt as if she were finally helping in the best way that she could, and she hoped that Sheriff Claiborne took her seriously.  He jotted down what she told him, and then stood up from his chair.  Amber and Mateo followed his lead and stood up, as well.

“Thanks for your time, Miss Flint.  I will make sure that we look into this right away.  Can I have your phone number in case we need to follow up?”  He raised his brows and Amber recited her phone number.  Then Sheriff Claiborne led them to the door, showed them to the exit, and locked up behind them.  Amber and Mateo walked by the front desk, then down the steps and out the front door. 

Amber raised her arms above her head and then let out a howl.  “I feel so relived!”  She flung her arms around Mateo’s neck and he laughed.  Then he kissed her on the cheek and wrapped his hands around her waist. 

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