DarykCraving (4 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: DarykCraving
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When they drew back, Xandra said, “I’m more than fortunate
to have you for a friend.”

“And I you. Now I will help you with the people downstairs.
The storm isn’t letting up.”

Xandra frowned. “This is the worst storm I have seen. I was
also thinking of going to Arcos’ abode to make sure he’s all right.”

“Arcos is all right.”

“In any case, I will venture out and check.”

Aknada didn’t want her friend to venture outside alone.
“I’ll go with you.”

They didn’t bother to wear cloaks that would protect them
from the rain. Both knew they’d be drenched regardless. They left the structure
through a back entrance near the kitchens and dashed into the onslaught. Rain
pounded them, inky clouds so swollen they almost touched the jungle canopy.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Xandra gasped her words
as rain lashed at her face.

Aknada feared losing her friend in the furious wind and
grabbed her upper arm. An enormous gust caught her breath. “Neither have I.”


Arcos’ building was huge, large enough to accommodate the
beast’s need for a bed and eating area. They opened the side door and heard
Arcos give a low rumble of greeting. As they stepped inside, Arcos didn’t move
from his position on his stomach. Instead the massive, beautiful dragon rolled
over to his side and yawned. Huge wings, almost lacey in appearance, folded and
unfolded for one moment in an array of spectacular colors—pink, purple, blue
and green. Arcos’ long body was midnight black, the eyes a jewel green. The
dragon had horned crests at the top of the head and the long muzzle held dozens
upon dozens of razor-sharp teeth. Still, the creature was endearing in the
oddest way. Though he wasn’t a female—females were larger than males—this
creature was still enormous.

Xandra laughed. “Lazy beast.”

The male dragon grunted, the sound huffy, almost indignant.
Aknada laughed too. “Marc’s pet is definitely spoiled. Look at that padded
bedding. The huge food bowl. What on earth has he been feeding the thing?”

Xandra shook her hair out of her face. “Arcos leaves the
building every day and he does his thing…feeds, that is. Sometimes he brings
food back. Lizards. Small furry creatures with ten eyes and just as many legs.
Disgusting actually.”

Xandra’s deadpan amusement fueled Aknada’s affection for the
woman. She loved her friendship with Xandra and cherished their time together.
Maybe she could confess a few things in confidence.

“Xandra, I have a few questions for you… You must promise
not to say a thing to Rayder or Marc or anyone?”

The younger woman gestured to a couple of chairs on one side
of the barnlike building. “Shall we sit down?”

“Of course. How is the baby?”

“The healer says I am hearty and the baby is solid. All is

“I’m relieved to hear it.”

Xandra folded her hands in her lap. “What did you want to
ask me?”

“This is hard for me to speak about. You’re right about
Marc. He does care for me. But I cannot marry him because of my faults.”

Xandra frowned deeply. “Faults? We all have faults, but if
you love each other, I do not see how you couldn’t overcome any faults.”

“Most people do not have the faults I have. I am a female
Daryk One. You know how rare we are. Most men and other women find me

“Bah. Here you are well respected. No one treats you badly
except for Barvarda. And she treats everyone that way.”

Aknada had to make her understand and decided bluntness
would accomplish the task. “I am sexless. Those men…Aramus…they took my
sexuality from me and destroyed it. I can never get it back. I thought perhaps
I could allow Marc to touch me now and again so at the least I wouldn’t flinch
whenever a man comes near me.”

Eyes filling with sympathy and understanding, Xandra leaned
forward. “My dear friend, I know you’ve suffered. And I think it’s a wonderful
idea to allow Marc to touch you. I am sure over time you will ease your fear.”
Xandra’s voice lowered, as if she feared someone could hear them. “Have you
considered that marrying Marc may help the situation? You will have the
security of the marriage. And if you cannot get rid of your aversion to a man’s
touch, you will still have Marc’s love.”

It made sense. “I suppose I could. But how long would it
take before Marc would begin to resent me?”

“Why would he resent you?”

“Because I cannot have sex. Not ever again.”

Conflicting emotions danced in Xandra’s eyes. “I thought when
I met your brother that I would never have love. Never have sex or a man’s
loving touch. After Taris Elian’s cruelty I didn’t believe a man could be so
wonderful. But even though I was afraid of him at first, Rayder’s gentleness
and passion found a way through to me. And I found a way through to him. Making
love with Rayder is…” Her eyes went misty as she looked into the distance. “Is
the greatest expression of love I’ve ever experienced. I wouldn’t give it up
for the world. Perhaps over time you will find that with Marc. But even if you
do not, you will still love each other. Because love is more than a physical
meeting of bodies. You and Marc are so much more.”

Aknada smiled and sighed as understanding eased its way
inside her. “How did you get to be so wise, my friend?”

The other woman laughed. “Me? Well, I think it’s from having
good friends like you. I once thought Magonia was all there was of the world.
That Dragonia was an evil place. At least I kept trying to convince myself that
all the things I heard about Dragonia and its people were true. But there was
always a smidgen inside me that didn’t ever believe it. I am learning something
new every day.”

Right then Arcos rolled upward to his feet. Aknada jerked a
little in surprise. “By the god, I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to Arcos doing

“Ah, but you will. Just like anything else it takes time.
Give what you and Marc have half a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised by
what you find.” Xandra stood slowly. “I have an idea.”

Aknada chuckled. “Uh-oh. Should I be frightened?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m sure Marc will like

* * * * *

As he walked through the great hall where dozens of people
had bedded down for the night, Marc worried about the weather. He’d never seen
such a tempest. It had raged for hours. Night fell quickly under the gloom.

Xandra had found him in the great hall a short time ago to
let him know she and Aknada had checked on Arcos and found the dragon happy to
stay out of the storm. Marc wasn’t surprised Aknada hadn’t come with Xandra to
report on the dragon.

He stopped in the middle of the crowd and surveyed,
searching to see if anyone lacked for food and water and bedding.

As he stared at the jumble of people housed in his abode, he
couldn’t force Aknada’s sweet vulnerability out of his mind. Draconus, he
wanted her.

He shouldn’t have proposed. She’d been about to ask him for
help when he’d asked for her hand and scared the daylights out of her. He
scratched the back of his neck and gave a frustrated growl. His impetuousness
had driven her away. He would be damn lucky if she’d ever talk to him again.

He hadn’t lied when he said he wouldn’t touch her if she
married him. He would become pious and sexless if that’s what it took to claim
her. He’d witnessed her uncertainty and restraint. He knew part of her did want
him. It was in her eyes.

Fuck Aramus for doing so much damage to such a vital and
wonderful woman.

A woman cleared her throat. He turned, surprised he’d been
caught off guard. Aknada stood there, dressed in a gown that took his breath.
All his life, she had always dressed more like a man than a woman. She’d worn
trousers that rode close to her body, tunics she’d borrowed from Rayder, thick
belts to hold a huge sword. Black boots to stomp on any man who dared mess with
her. He’d never thought of her as anything but feminine, but this… This dress
made his cock sit up and take instant notice.

His eyes widened. She was a treasure, and he wanted to touch
her, kiss her and hold her in front of Draconus and everyone. He hungered to
marry her.

The long blue dress hugged her like a second skin.
High-necked and with long, fitted sleeves, the silky material coursed over her
body. Tight across her breasts. Skimming over her slim waist and stomach, down
over her rounded hips and legs so that it ended at the knees in a swish of
fabric that trailed behind her. He couldn’t see her legs, and gods he wanted
to. The dress showed him everything and nothing.

He swallowed hard. “Aknada.”

He couldn’t press another word past his lips.

She smiled, a little uncertainty flickering inside her dark
eyes. “Marc. Please come to my room.”

Chapter Four


Aknada trembled, her knees hardly holding her up as Marc
followed her up the staircase toward her room. Her chambers were on the
opposite landing from his. Part of her wanted to tell him it was all a
tremendous mistake and she didn’t plan to let him in her room for any reason.
The other part of her couldn’t wait to get him alone. She could feel his gaze
burning her. His eyes had widened with pure male appreciation when he’d first
seen her then blazed hotter when she’d suggested he follow her. Fear mixed with
yearning. A yearning so blazing she couldn’t imagine how she’d fulfill it. When
they reached her door, she hesitated with her hands on the double doors. Then
she pushed through her hesitation and opened them.

Marc closed the doors behind them. She drifted to the two
small windows. Lightning flickered above the jungle. Thunder rumbled in the
distance. The storm lashed the compound.

“Scouts tell me the creeks are rising and the river is too
high. We could have flooding soon.” Marc’s voice broke her from musing. He
stood close behind her.

She turned and met his gaze. His gaze slid up and down her
body and took in her dress.

She smiled softly in reaction to his heated stare. “We will
be fine. How long has this place been here?”

“In my family since my grandfather’s time.”

“And it weathered storms as fierce as this?”

He shook his head. “Not to my knowledge.”

“You know how long memories are. People conveniently forget
the bad times until they come around again. They claim that life now is bad
because it’s easier than admitting that it was just as bad in the past.”

His smile filled with admiration. “Have I ever told you what
an intelligent woman you are?”

She ducked her head and warmth stole into her face. “I’m not
used to praise.”

“If you were my wife, you’d have my praise every single

The hushed tone in his voice coupled with the hunger in his
took her off guard. “I don’t know if I can do this.”


She swallowed hard, her mouth dry. “Marry you.”

“Take your time to think on it. As much as I would like to
marry you today, I won’t pressure you.”

Slowly, as if he feared frightening her, he stepped closer.
A quiver passed through her and she turned away from him. She gazed at her
surroundings. The large bed at the north side of the room was richly appointed
in vivid colors of red and green and blue. Soft pillows lay in a scatter over
the bed. She had closed the windows against the rain but left the shutters open
to allow sun inside. Paintings and tapestries hung along the walls, warming the
harsh gray stone. A large armoire on the right side of the room held her
clothes, all of them new and all bought by Marc. A desk in another corner held
books and pen and paper. Candlesticks and oil lamps covered one table near the
bed. The room was staid but feminine. She couldn’t complain about the

“Aknada.” His voice rumbled close behind, and she whirled
toward him. “Why did you ask me to your room?”

Could she speak honestly? She didn’t know. After all, if she
blurted out everything she thought and wanted, mortification would surely be
the result.

“To talk.” True in part. Not so true in others.

Too close. He was too close. She stepped back until her
knees hit the bed and she sat down abruptly.

He stared at her, uncertainty clear in his eyes. “May I sit
next to you?”

She nodded, hardly daring to look him in the eyes. She hated
her timidity. Why couldn’t she look at him?

He settled to her right but kept significant space between
them. “Whatever you want to say… Whatever you want to do… I’m yours.”

I’m yours.

His declaration burst through her with tremendous power. She
shook with it, but at the same time she did not know if she could handle what
he offered.

“I just want to touch you. Every day I want to touch you.
You cannot touch me,” she said in a jumble of words.

He smiled, and the masculine lines of his face looked carved
in stone. “Believe me—having you touch me every day will please me. Would you
like to talk first?”

“What about?”

“Anything. About how I’ve grieved for you for three years.”

His eyes provided the truth—no one could deny the sincerity
in his eyes.

“I missed you.” The words came from her on a sigh. “I missed
how you tease me. I missed your odd sense of humor and the way you treated me
as an equal when few else would.”

The curiosity in his eyes heated up. “How could I treat you
as anything but who you are? Wonderful. Beautiful. The woman who haunts me.”

His words sent desire spiraling in her stomach. “Haunts you?
That doesn’t sound like you, Marc. You were always so…stoic around me.”

He nodded, a sheepish expression touching his face. “I was.
But only because I wanted you so much.” He scrubbed one hand over his face. “I
was a damn fool for waiting. I should have asked for your hand before Braxis

Amusement managed to wedge its way past her surprise.
“Please don’t. Do you know how flattering it is to hear? Never in a million
years would I expect to hear such words from you. It humbles me.”

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