DarykCraving (8 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: DarykCraving
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A huge man stood near a woman who cowered on the floor.
Aknada stepped between the man and the other woman. Her expression was fierce
with anger. No one else watched the scene. Aknada faced off against the much
larger man.

“Get away from her.” Aknada’s voice was low but strong.

“She’s my bitch wife. I’ll do what I want with her.” The
man’s deep, rumbling voice echoed in the hushed area.

“Not while I have anything to say about it,” Aknada said.

“What is going on here?” Marc asked, reaching for the hilt
of his sword, ready to jump in if needed.

The man turned and Marc almost flinched at the brute’s ugly face
and shiny bald head. Cruelty was written into every line on the middle-aged
man’s face. “This Daryk One freak is standing between me and my wife.”

Marc pulled his sword out of the scabbard and the sound rang
around the large room. “You insult my woman again and I’ll cut you down where
you stand.”

The man laughed. “This woman belongs to you? A Daryk One.
What kind of man fucks a woman who doesn’t know her place and is an aberration
against nature?”

Anger seethed inside Marc, but he had to be cautious. One
false move and this man could harm Aknada or the other woman. “Aknada is all
woman. And she’s all Daryk One. The only place she belongs is where she wants
to be. You are a fucking cretin. I’ll stand between the woman and you as well.
Get the fuck off my property and never come here again.”

“I’ll leave with my wife or not at all.”

“You will not touch this woman again.” Aknada practically
hissed the words.

“Do you want to stay with this man?” Marc asked the
cowering, small woman. “You may stay here as long as you like in safety and

The small woman on the floor sprang up. “No. Don’t hurt my
husband. I’ll go with him.”

Aknada’s face creased with additional anger. “What?”

The woman passed Aknada and reached out for the man. “I must
do as he bids. He’s my husband and master.”

The man grabbed his wife’s forearm and tugged her to him.
“See. This bitch knows where she belongs.”

With that, the man marched from the room with the woman in

Aknada started after them, but Marc’s voice rang out.
“Aknada, stop.”

She halted but swung on him with a vicious glare. “He’s
taking her away. He’s going to hurt her.”


“Probably? Probably?” Her eyes practically threw sparks as
she marched toward him. She still held her sword, and for one moment he
wondered if her anger were so high she’d lash out with her weapon. “Are you
mad? Why didn’t you stop him from leaving with her?”

“Because she has a right to make her own decisions. We have
no hold over her. If she chooses to go with him, it is her right. I would not force
her to stay here.”

“You are letting that woman go to her doom. Just like you
did me. You let me go.”

He could not believe she had just said that, and it burned
in his gut like acid. “What did you say?”

She stomped toward him, looking even more beautiful if that
were possible. Her hair was mussed, her eyes blazed. Her lips were red and
parted, her face harsh with anger. “You said so yourself. You let me go. You
did not speak out when you had the chance.”

His mouth twisted as matching anger boiled in his blood. “So
you didn’t forgive me. You lied about that too.”

“I didn’t lie to you the other night. It was ill worded. I
did not say what I really meant and you overreacted.”

“I know I did. And yet you still left. You aren’t fighting
for what we have between us, Aknada. You are letting your past dictate every

She was close to him now, still clutching her sword and
looking ready to give him more hells. “So I am supposed to excuse you for
taking my words and meaning and twisting it the other night? I thought you told
me that we were a mistake. That what we could have together is a mistake. You
cannot have it both ways, Marc. You either want me or you do not. How do I know
I can trust you?” Her words were lashing and harsh. “You let that woman go to
her death, and you know it.”

“We cannot save everyone, Aknada, no matter how much you
want to.”

Frustration twisted her mouth. “Why?”

“It’s not possible. There are too many.” He stuffed one hand
through his hair and groaned. “By the god, Aknada, you have always cared too
much. You have labored for days now, doing everything you can to help people.
At some point you cannot save people from themselves. In the end, the only
person you can save is yourself. Leave some bloody happiness for yourself.”

Though his words came out strong and steady with the intent
to calm, it had the opposite effect.

“Damn you.” She almost hissed the words, and then she moved.

Her sword came up and he reacted in an instant, holding his
sword in front of him. Their blades came within a hair’s breadth of touching.

They stared at each other, breathing coming fast. Her eyes
blazed into his as tension tightened. He knew they’d come to a point that would
either break them or save them.

“Fight me if it will make you feel better,” he said.

“I should.”

“If you think it is right and just.”

Her eyes burned with raw intent, so beautiful they cut his
heart. Draconus, if only those eyes would look at him with love, with passion.

“You have driven me mad since the first moment I laid eyes
on you, Marc Gampia.”

“And you have vexed me until I am at a loss for words. All I
know is what I feel. All I know is that I want you and need you more than
anything or anyone in my life. If that isn’t enough for you…so be it. You must
do whatever you must do. Whatever is in your heart. I cannot demand anything
from you.”

Her expression changed by degrees, as if sunlight first
touched her face and created a new dawn. Softness entered her eyes, her lips
parting on a sigh. Her sword lowered and slipped from her fingers. It clanged
to the floor.

“I’m sorry,” she said so softly he almost didn’t hear. “I’m
so sorry.”

Hardness melted from his soul. He felt renewed, light, his
body relaxing. “So am I.”

His sword slipped from his fingers and joined hers.

She burst into motion, throwing herself into his arms.
Without hesitation, no longer so afraid he’d scare her away, he tunneled one
hand into her unruly hair and held her as if he’d never let her go. She tilted
her chin up, her gaze locking on his. Tears swam in her eyes, and it undid him.
Still, he hesitated. He wouldn’t kiss her. Wouldn’t frighten her away again.
Whatever it took he’d resist her until—

She cupped the back of his head and brought his mouth down
to hers.

Fire erupted within Aknada as Marc’s mouth met hers. His
taste drew her in—clean and cool and sensual as any spice or aphrodisiac. This
kiss, oh this kiss was far different than the sweet and swift brushing of lips
years ago. His intimate embrace swept her straight into bliss. His fingers
clasped the back of her head, his arm bracketing Aknada’s waist. She couldn’t
escape him, but best of all found she didn’t wish to leave. Whatever
precautions she’d felt before had swiftly dissolved under this force called

Oh Draconus. Yes.

His tongue drove deep into her mouth, and the swift taking
started a firestorm in her stomach, driving away fear and uncertainty as she
met his invasion. She parried and dueled, her tongue taking him as swiftly as
he did her. She met him on equal ground, giving as much as he took, receiving everything
sweet and exciting he gave her. And by the god, he gave and gave. Her hands
plunged into his hair, for the first time feeling the silky strands coiling
around her fingers. Marc’s hard chest teased her nipples, his cock aroused
against her belly. Oh, the fact he wanted her—it felt good. Right. As it never
could have before this moment. Arousal swept her up, a firestorm of need and
emotion that had started as a flicker and exploded into a flame. His tongue
teased her senses, his single-minded attention to her needs consuming and
fueling the firestorm building between them. She’d seen so much pain, felt so
much hate and confusion—he took it all away. Here was a man she could trust,
who put his trust in her. He’d shown her so much, asked her to step up and
understand what he’d experienced the last three years without her.

She drew away from the kiss, her breath coming quickly. His
eyes burned into hers, the ocean blue hot with need. She knew what he wanted,
and by the god, she wanted it with a ferocity that shocked her.

He stepped away and looked around. No one watched them.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

She shivered, but not from cold. Heat coiled in her belly.
“Yes. Do you trust me?”

“I do now.” Desire sparked high in his eyes. “Your kiss says
you want me.”

His self-assurance didn’t turn away her craving but made it
rise higher. Still, she couldn’t resist teasing him. “Do I?”

When his eyes met hers again, she saw a question. She knew
the answer she wanted to give, and it quivered low in her stomach, a seedling
flame ready to grow.

“Please,” she said, “we need to discuss our disagreement.
Make certain we understand each other once and for all.”

His fierce expression disappeared. “Of course. Where would
you care to talk?”

“Follow me.” She walked past him, heart in throat, pounding
as she realized what would occur next.

Chapter Eight


Marc followed as Aknada ascended the stairs. She knew it was
the only place they’d have privacy for what she had in mind. She hungered to
complete what they’d started so many years ago. Forever. For that was how long
she felt she’d known Marc Gampia.

Once she reached the landing, she headed straight for her
room. She wanted familiar things around her, a reassurance that when she
stepped over this edge, she’d have a safe place to fall. Once inside her room,
he closed the door behind him and locked it.

The finality of that action, that she was alone with a man
in a locked room, had once frightened her. Now she couldn’t wait. She wanted
him closer, her desire burning hot and low in her belly. She was damp and ached
between her legs, her nipples already tight. Oh yes. Desire was right. So

“Is this all right?” he asked, barely stepping away from the
door. He held up one hand. “I don’t want to frighten you.”

She smiled. “I am not afraid.”

He returned her smile, and just as quickly his expression
turned serious and intent. She half expected him to talk, to engage her in
conversation to make certain she didn’t regret intimacy. Maybe their kiss had
confirmed her eagerness. Their argument had stunned her, though she now felt
foolish as all the hells.

She could not think of it now. Not when her heartbeat
slammed in her chest and her body warmed with anticipation. She turned to the
bed, knowing if she didn’t do something immediately, she might freeze. She kept
her back to him and stripped. She moved with the speed of a Daryk One. Her belt
fell to the floor, her empty scabbard, her tunic next to it. She didn’t turn
toward him, but reached down to her boots. She pulled them off, tugged down the
pants and left them all in a puddle. Her garments could no longer protect her.
Instead of turning, she waited for him to approach. She closed her eyes and
heard rustling.

“Wait.” His voice rumbled softly. “Do you want to undress

He was still worried about frightening her, darling man.

Without another word he stripped. She heard clothing being
tossed here and there, the thump of boots on the floor telling of his haste.
She loved it. Loved that he could not wait to come to her.

His hands touched her shoulders, and she didn’t flinch. It
felt so exquisite and wonderful to have his skin against hers without concern
or fear. He palmed her shoulders as he pressed his body full to hers.

“What do you want?” his voice demanded of her softly. “Tell
me what would please you.”

Loving his caution, she reached up and touched his hands on
her shoulders. Heat filled her cheeks. “Kiss me everywhere. Slowly.”

A groan left his mouth. “With pleasure.”

He started with her neck, and his hot breath teased as he
flicked his tongue over the sensitive flesh at the side of her neck. She
quivered, aching deep inside. Love swelled and grew inside Aknada, and tears
filled her eyes, but this time it wasn’t terror or worry that motivated her
tears. She felt their burn, welcomed the emotion, true feelings coursing
through her as he breathed hotly into her ear before tracing the shell with his
tongue. She gasped. By the god, if he did that again, she’d go mad. Could she
wait while he kissed every sensitive inch of her body? Perhaps not this first

His skin slid warmly against hers, heating her as he dared
to press his hips to hers. Fully aroused cock touched her lower back, and more
heat erupted between her legs.

“All right?” His voice hummed low in her ears.

“Yes. So right.”

He swept his hands down to her rib cage, cupping gently,
making her feel protected and more feminine than she could have imagined.
Sweeping strokes teased her belly, but he didn’t touch her breasts or lower to
her most private area. Caution ruled him, she could tell. He wanted her sure,
wanted her aching for him so fiercely she could never doubt what she felt for
him. She didn’t doubt. It was up to her to show him. Keeping her eyes closed,
she fell into the moment, awaiting each touch with an achingly intense desire.

“Touch me.” Her words came as a whisper. She clasped his
right hand and directed him to her mons. “Here.”

One hand remained steady on her belly. Slowly he eased his
fingers into her folds, teasing between the wet lips, circling. She gasped and he
drew back.

“No, do not stop. That feels wonderful.” She grabbed his
other hand, keeping it on her belly. “By the god, please do not stop.”

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