Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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, did Cane leave already?” she asked.

Duncan nodded his head yes and asked, “Are you ready to go, squirt?”

“I have told you guys not to call me that,” she said frowning as she went to clear the bowl and glass that Cane used. After locking up, they jumped into Duncan’s truck and headed home. They drove in silence for a little while before Duncan cleared his throat
e wanted to know what his sister knew about Cane, but he didn’t know how to ask without letting his sister know that he was interested in her.

“So,” he said clearing his throat again, “what did you and Cane talk about?” He saw a huge grin
across his sister’s face and couldn’t help when his grin matched hers. It was rare thing this past year to see his sister smile, and he was glad to see it.

She turned in her seat a little to face him and said, “I really like her. We didn’t talk much, and I mainly did all the talking, but there was something about her that made me want to sit down and talk to her. She made me feel comfortable just being around her, like we could have been best friends if she was my age.” Ali smiled again and sat quietly.

After a couple more minutes when Duncan realized that his sister wasn’t going to say any
more, he asked, “Did Cane say how long she was going to be in town?”

“A week,” was all Ali said, and he knew that he wasn’t going to get any more information from her. Okay, so he had a week to get to know Cane. Duncan smiled and thought about his best friend Logan
e couldn’t wait for him to get back in town tomorrow so he could see Cane. Duncan knew that Logan would be just as speechless as he was when he saw her. Hopefully, he, Cane, and Logan would be having a lot of fun together this week.

Chapter 2

How had he found her so quickly? Cane was gasping for breath as she ran through the forest. She felt like she had been running for hours. Her lungs were on fire, but even with the pain in her legs and side, she had to keep going. If he caught her this time, she knew he would kill her. Cane kept running afraid to look back. She was barefoot, and with each step she took, she could feel sticks and leaves jabbing into the soles of her feet leaving them bloody and raw. She could hardly see where she was going
he forest was so dense and there was a thick layer of fog coating everything. Suddenly Cane could see what looked like a light coming from a small cabin up ahead. She turned and began running for it. Somehow she knew if she could just make it there she would be safe. Even though her legs felt like they had tuned to jelly hours ago, Cane began to run faster. She was covered in sweat and her heart beat against her ribs. She could see the front porch of the cabin now
he light she saw was coming from the open front door. She could also see someone standing in the door but couldn’t tell who it was because they were silhouetted
the light coming from behind. Just a few more steps, she thought as she closed in on the cabin. Just as she began to leap onto the porch with her arm stretched out in front of her, she felt an arm snake around her waist from behind and snatch her out of the air. The
was forced out of her lungs and she couldn’t scream. She reached again for the figure standing in the doorway just as he stepped out onto the porch reaching for her. All at once she recognized him as the man she met in the diner, Duncan, just as she also heard Sam whisper in her ear, “Caught you.”

Suddenly, Cane was jolted from her sleep. She was covered in sweat and the covers were tangled around her legs. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest, and she was out of breath like she had truly been running in the forest. She felt tears running down her cheeks and didn’t even realize she was crying. Taking a deep breath, she untangled the covers and stood.

“It was just a dream,” she told herself, “just a really scary dream.” Cane glanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was 7:15 a.m. Knowing that she would never get back to sleep, she decided to take a hot bath to try and relax. She could feel the tension rolling through her body and knew that she needed the bath, if only to relax her muscles. Her body was one big ball of stress and had been for the past six months ever since she decided it was time to put her plan into action. Walking into the bathroom, she turned on the faucets. The bed and breakfast she was staying at was an old Victorian
style house that looked like it hadn’t been remodeled or changed since it had been built, including the old claw
foot tub that sat in the middle of the room. Cane actually couldn’t wait to sink down into it. The room quickly began to fill with steam, and Cane removed the T-shirt she slept in and frowned at it. She had no choice but to sleep in the shirt because she didn’t own any nightclothes. Sam never allowed her to wear anything to bed
e always said that any woman of his should always be ready and available whenever he decided that he was ready for sex.

Shaking her head to clear unwanted memories, Cane looked around the room and saw a basket sitting on the counter that held small soaps and shampoo bottles. Walking over to it, she saw that it also held a small bottle of lavender bubble bath. Quickly taking the top off, she poured the entire bottle into the tub. She brushed her teeth while she waited for the tub to fill. When she was done, she turned the water off
slowly slid into the scalding water. She knew that the water was a little too hot and that her skin would be a nice shade of red when she got out, but she didn’t care
he needed this really bad. After rolling up a towel and tucking it behind her neck, Cane lay back and closed her eyes, with a deep sigh
he could slowly feel her body begin to relax. She couldn’t help but to think about the dream she had. She understood why she would be dreaming about Sam
all, the man had done nothing but torture her for the past eight years. “That’s not completely true,” she mumbled. The first year she met him was one of the best years of her life
he was a freshman in college and he was a junior. It was the first time in her life that she felt accepted and loved. He made her feel like she was the most precious thing in the world. It wasn’t until her sophomore year that everything began to change.

Cane lay in the tub and tried to will herself not to think about Sam and that night seven years ago. Trying to focus her mind on something else, with a smile she thought about Duncan. Remembering her reaction to him the night before, she realized that she had never had that kind of reaction to anyone before, not even Sam. He was absolutely gorgeous, and he had literally taken her breath away. Cane wondered why she dreamed about him and why in her dream she knew that there would not have been a safer place in the world at that moment than in his arms. Wishful thinking, she thought
till, there was something about him. Lying in the tub she thought about Duncan’s eyes and his very muscular body. She couldn’t help but to notice that her nipples were standing at attention and she was beginning to feel that familiar tingle that started in the pit of her stomach and worked its way down between her thighs. It had been so long since she felt any kind of arousal that she was kind of shocked that a man that she had only seen once and knew nothing about could do this to her.

“You have completely lost it,” she said. “The last thing you need right now is a distraction.” Knowing that Sam would do everything in his power to find her, Cane decided that the best thing to do was to keep to herself so that she could focus on staying hidden still, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t think about Duncan. Soaping her hand up, she slowly traced a finger around one of her nipples. She sucked in a breath of air as her nipple tightened and went rock hard, sending tingling sensations down between her legs. What would it be like to make love to someone who was gentle and actually cared about her? Someone who would put her needs first and make sure that she enjoyed herself instead of getting themselves off as fast as possible and the
rolling over to go to sleep? Another picture of Duncan popped into her head. She bet that Duncan would be a wonderful lover. Keeping a picture of Duncan in her mind, she imagined that it was his fingers instead of hers circling her nipples, pinching, and pulling on them. Moaning, Cane continued to play with one nipple while the other hand slowly slid down her stomach to the smooth skin between her legs. She imagined Duncan whispering all kinds of erotic things in her ear as his fingers slowly penetrated her and stoked in and out while his thumb slowly circled her button. Lifting her hips, Cane ground against her hand and quickly brought herself to a shattering climax. Breathlessly, she sank back down into the tub and laughed. She thought she needed a hot bath to help her relax, but the way she was laying limp in the tub, she realized that a nice strong orgasm did the job even better. Quickly washing, she got out of the tub and dried herself off. She used her favorite lotion that smelled like vanilla and honey and threw on a pair of old comfortable jeans and a T-shirt. Her breasts were small and perky enough to go without a bra, so she didn’t put one on. With nothing else to do, she flopped on the bed, grabbed the remote, and began flipping channels.

Chapter 3

“What do you mean you still have no idea where she is?” Sam
said with a
growl into the phone. He was beyond irritated
e had no sleep last night, and it was all Cane’s fault. How could she do this to him? To be honest the thought that she would ever leave him never crossed his mind. After all, he was the only person in her life that ever accepted her, and that was not an easy thing to do. It took him a while to get past the freaky eyes and hair, but when he did, he was able to see that she could be the perfect woman with a little help and training. He spent eight damn years training her to be what he wanted, and this
how she repaid him. Sam slammed his fist on his desk
drawing looks from several guys in the precinct. He didn’t care. He just wanted her back, and her wanted her to pay. By the time he was done with her, the bitch would never think of leaving him again. He realized that Kevin was still talking and started to listen again. “I was able to track her to the bus station, but after that it’s like she just disappeared,” he said.

“I am paying you good money to find her
I don’t want to hear she just disappeared. Find her,” Sam snapped. After giving a few more details about his search, Kevin agreed to check back in later and hung up. Sam smiled to himself
here is no way she could have gotten far. It was only a matter of time before Kevin found her, and then she would be right back where she belonged. This time he would not make the same mistake twice
e would make sure that there was no escape.

* * * *

By noon, Cane was bored out of her mind. She had flipped channels for about an hour until she lost interest and noticed a bookshelf in the corner. After picking out a book, she sat in the chair and tried to read. Realizing she had been staring at the same page for about twenty minutes, she lay on the bed and took a quick nap. Now she had nothing to do
f she was at home right now, she would be cleaning and cooking. Listening to her stomach growl, she decided she would go down to the diner and grab lunch. Maybe Ali would be there again
t least she would be able to talk to someone other than herself, which was a weird habit that she suddenly picked up. Slipping on her shoes and grabbing her backpack, she left the room.

Again she suffered through the stares as she walked to the diner. Looking around the town, she noticed that even in the middle of the day there weren’t many people about.
As she walked
into the diner, it seemed that all conversation stopped and all eyes turned in her direction. Cane saw that the table in the back that she sat at last night was empty, so she quickly walked over and sat facing the door again. She felt as if all the eyes in the room followed her to the table. After what seemed like an eternity, conversation began to pick up and people turned away from her.
he diner looked like
she had
on TV. Red booths lined the windows with a few tables in the middle. There was a long counter with stools along the edge. The appliances behind the counter where made of stainless steel and chrome. The floors were black and white tile. There was no sign of Ali anywhere, so Cane just sat patiently waiting on someone to come over and take her order.

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