Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19) (13 page)

BOOK: Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19)
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James jerked his eyes open the next morning, Mandy’s inadvertent whimper causing his stomach to flip. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“It’s nothing,” Mandy murmured, her face pressed into James’ chest. “I just … my back.”

“It’s the accident,” James said, carefully aligning Mandy’s body on top of his and kneading his fingers into her shoulders. She moaned, this time suggesting delight, but James didn’t let his leaping heart get ahead of him. “What else hurts, Mandy?”

“I … just my back.”

James knew that wasn’t true. “Try again, wife,” he prodded. “Does your heart hurt?”

Mandy bit her lip and remained quiet.

“Well, we’re up and I’m going to spend the next hour rubbing you,” James said. “I’m going to talk until I can’t talk anymore and you’re going to listen. How does that sound?”

Mandy opted for honesty. “The massage sounds great. The talk sounds horrible.”

James chuckled, relieved. Despite being beaten down the night before, the real Mandy was still in there. James knew he made the right decision when he climbed into bed with her and demanded sleep instead of an argument. “Well, I promise you’re going to enjoy both,” he said. “So … relax.”

Mandy did as instructed, and this time when her body rested against his James felt a little give. She wasn’t ready to forgive him completely yet, but she was certainly more open to the suggestion.

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had something to tell me when you came to the guesthouse the other day,” James offered. “I saw you were excited and your eyes were sparkling, but I thought you were just being you.”

“It doesn’t matter now. Oh … right there.”

James grinned as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Baby, I’m going to rub you until my fingers fall off today. We’ve got a lot to talk about. You need to get comfortable.”

“I’m only agreeing because this is the best thing I’ve felt in almost a week,” Mandy grumbled.

The admission made James inexplicably sad. “I shouldn’t have let Jesse stay that day,” he said. “I should’ve taken you out to dinner like I promised.”

“I don’t want you forcing yourself to do something that’s not in your heart,” Mandy argued. “I need you to want to spend time with me. I don’t want to be the nag who forces it on you.”

“Baby, I always want to spend time with you,” James said. “In fact, if the zombie apocalypse hits I want to hunker down here with you for the rest of our lives. That would be my idea of Heaven.”

Mandy didn’t want to smile, but she couldn’t help herself. “You don’t have to say things like that.”

“I mean them,” James said, really digging his fingers in and causing her to moan. Sadly, the sound turned him on and he knew that kind of release wasn’t coming his way until he convinced his wife he was sorry … and didn’t want something she was incapable of providing for him. “Mandy, I love you. I’m not saying the words to make you happy. I feel them in my bones.”

“Yeah. I feel the bone.”

James snickered. “Don’t worry about that,” he said. “Your moaning triggered that. Ignore it.”

“It’s kind of hard … to ignore.”

James barked out a laugh. “God, I love you so much, wife,” he said. “I need you to know that. I’m sorry I let Jesse distract me. It wasn’t fair to you. It wasn’t fair to me either. I missed out on your big night, and I will never forgive myself for that.

“You need to take a little bit of responsibility here, though,” he continued. “You could’ve found a way to tell me what was going on. You could’ve found a way to tell me I was being a jackass. You didn’t need to go all passive aggressive.”

“I wasn’t being passive aggressive!”

Ah, there it is!
Her temper was back. That’s when James knew everything was going to be okay. “You were being a little passive aggressive,” he argued. “I was in the wrong, though. I’m so sorry. You’re what I want. You’re what I always want. Never doubt that, Mandy.”

“I can’t help but wonder if part of you wishes you hadn’t given up your bachelor life,” Mandy admitted. “Don’t get me wrong, I know you love me. Maybe you feel trapped by that love, though.”

“Is that what you’ve been thinking?” James asked, moving his hands up to cup Mandy’s head and tilt her chin in his direction so they could lock eyes. “You’ve freed me to be the man I want to be. I’m not trapped. I’m right where I want to be.”

“Are you sure?”

James hated the worry and doubt clouding her eyes. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”

Mandy pressed her lips together and nodded. “Okay,” she said. “Rub me.”

James kissed her forehead before moving his hands to her back. “Baby, this is the perfect life for me. You’re all I’m ever going to want.”

“I hope so.”

baby,” James said an hour later, studying the refrigerator. “We have nothing. I’m going to order breakfast and have it delivered from that diner down the road.”

“I’m fine with that.”

James shifted his eyes to Mandy and found her face unreadable. “What’s going on in that busy mind of yours?”

“Nothing,” Mandy replied hurriedly, grimacing as she shook her head. “You don’t have to stay here all day with me if you have other plans.”

“I have no other plans,” James stressed. “We’re sticking together like glue until I feel you’ve forgiven me. Get used to me, because I’m going to be smothering you until you give in and forgive me.”

“I do forgive you.”

“Not yet you don’t,” James argued. “You’re trying really hard to forgive me, and I appreciate it, but you’re not there yet. I can live with that. I can’t live with you lying to me … or trying to protect my feelings by sacrificing your own. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“I’m hungry.”

“I’m going to order breakfast,” James said. “While we’re waiting for it to be delivered, we’re going to discuss what’s going to happen for our anniversary tonight.”

Mandy’s eyes widened. “I thought you forgot.”

“I could never forget the best day of my life,” James said. “It’s not possible. You’re my favorite person in the world and we’re going to be together forever. That’s something to celebrate. Now go into the living room and put that heating pad I got from the bathroom on your back. I’ll be in there to rub you again in a few minutes.”

James placed the order quickly and then joined Mandy in the living room. She stretched out on the couch and held the heating pad to her lower back, but she didn’t look comfortable. James lifted her up and settled on the couch before draping her sore body over his lap, making sure to put pillows under her head before massaging her again.

“You said when we were in London that you had plans for the anniversary,” James prodded. “What were they?”

“Oh, that,” Mandy muttered. “I cancelled them yesterday because I was ticked off.”

“I figured,” James said. “Tell me what they were and I’ll make it happen.” He didn’t care if he had to beg, borrow, and steal to get it done. He would give her a day to remember.

“You can’t make it happen,” Mandy countered. “It’s okay. I talked Ally into cooking steak, lobster, and crab legs. I was going to pretend I cooked them and then laugh when you worried about getting food poisoning. It was just going to be a romantic dinner here and then some time in the hot tub.”

That sounded like the perfect night to him and James wasn’t ready to let the idea go. “Well, I’ll figure something out,” he said. “I was kind of hoping you would want to spend the entire day here with me so I can grovel appropriately. If all goes as planned you’ll be ready to forgive me by dinner.”

“I forgive you, James,” Mandy said. “I’m not angry.”

“No, you’re hurt,” James said. “That’s worse, baby. I prefer you angry and throwing shoes. When you’re wounded like you are now, well, it shreds me.”

“I’m not … wounded.”

“You are, but I refuse to argue,” James said. “So, I’m going to rub you until breakfast arrives. Then I’m going to feed you. Then I’m going to draw a bath in the big tub upstairs and rub you some more.

“When that’s done, I think we should get back in pajamas,” he continued. “I would prefer a naked day, but you’re not there yet and I don’t blame you. I’m thinking we can watch
while I rub you some more and we’ll go from there.”

“You don’t have to shower me with attention,” Mandy said. “It’s not necessary.”

necessary,” James said. “I want to be with you. That’s all I want. This is what’s going to happen, so prepare yourself. I’m going to romance the hell out of you, wife.”

in the hot tub later,” Mandy suggested three hours later, sitting next to James on the living room couch as he queued up
Jaws 2
. “You can be the shark.”

“Oh, I’m going to be the shark, baby,” James said. “I have to finish our dinner preparations first, though.”

Mandy stilled, surprised. “I just thought we would order pizza or something,” she said. “I don’t want to leave.”

“We’re not leaving,” James said. “You’re also not getting pizza on our anniversary. I handled the preparations while you were blow-drying your hair.”

Mandy pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes. She’d climbed into simple cotton shorts after their bath, opting for a nylon tank top that drove James batty because it left nothing to the imagination and he really wanted to look inside. He refrained for her benefit, though. When they got to that part of the making up process he wanted her to initiate it. He didn’t want her to give in to his demands in an effort to avoid a fight.

“What are you planning?” Mandy asked.

“It’s a surprise,” James answered. “I believe it’s going to make you happy, though. Actually, I’m desperate for it to make you happy.”

Mandy leaned forward and brushed a quick kiss against his cheek and James couldn’t stop himself from capturing her chin and pressing a lingering kiss to her lips.

“I love you, baby,” James whispered, pulling her in for a hug. “More than anything.”

“I love you, too,” Mandy said, returning the hug for a moment before moving to get up from the couch.

“Where are you going?” James asked, worry overtaking him as he grabbed Mandy around the waist. “I thought we were going to watch movies all day.”

“I just need to run upstairs,” Mandy said, gracing James with the first real smile he’d seen in days. “I’m going to get your anniversary present.”

“Oh, baby, I don’t think I deserve a gift right now,” James said. “Maybe you should hold onto it for a little bit.”

“I had it specially made,” Mandy said. “I want you to have it. I’m okay with the fact that you didn’t get me anything. I know you probably forgot with Jesse’s arrival and the other stuff.”

James brushed a strand of Mandy’s flaxen hair away from her face. “You’re okay with me not getting you an anniversary gift? Why don’t I believe that?”

Mandy shrugged. “I just want you. I don’t need anything else.”

Her heartfelt reply was enough to constrict James’ heart. “Baby, I’ve had your gift for months,” he said. “I wouldn’t ever forget our anniversary. You can’t have your gift until dinner, though.”

“You already bought my gift?” Mandy was legitimately surprised. “It’s not in your safe.”

“Ha!” James extended a finger. “I knew you were snooping. I hid it someplace else because of that.”

“I wasn’t snooping,” Mandy argued, annoyed. “I accidentally opened the safe and looked inside when I was searching for something else.”

James cocked a dubious eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? What?”

“Um … it was something to do with our London trip.”

“You’re a terrible liar,” James said, swatting her rear end. “Go get the present. I’ll pause the movie. You’re still not getting your gift until dinner.”

“Fine,” Mandy said, rolling her eyes. Despite her attitude, James was happy with the return of her playful demeanor. They still had serious things to discuss – like the car accident – but he had no intention of rocking the boat.

James watched Mandy climb the stairs, waiting until she was out of sight to text Ally. He wanted to make sure his dinner preparations would go off without a hitch. His sister was furious with him, but she wanted Mandy to have a good anniversary so she agreed to help.

James didn’t notice the dark figure lurking on the other side of the sliding glass doors until it slid open, and when he shifted his eyes and found Jesse standing there with an expectant smile his stomach lurched.

“Get out!” James lunged to his feet and grabbed Jesse’s shoulder as he pushed him toward the door. “Get out now. You’re going to ruin everything.”

“Wow, this is such a welcoming home,” Jesse deadpanned.

“I’m not joking, Jesse,” James hissed, glancing at the stairs to make sure Mandy hadn’t returned. “My wife is upstairs getting something and she’s going to be right back down. You cannot stay here. I’m sorry. I’ll explain everything later. You have to go, though.”

“She’s got you on quite the leash,” Jesse said, resisting James’ efforts to remove him from the room. “Maybe I should have a talk with your wife about being such a drag.”

James scowled. “You’re not going to have a talk with my wife about anything,” he said. “You’ve done quite enough. I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings, but … get the hell out of my house right now.”

“Oh, come on,” Jesse whined. “It’s Saturday. Let’s go down to the bar and have a few drinks. We can watch a game and check out the local female offerings.”

“I have the only female offering I want and she’s pissed off,” James snapped. “You helped do that. I can’t really blame you, though, because I’m the idiot who listened to you. You cannot stay here and I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Even though you want to, right?” Jesse prodded. “Admit it. You would rather hang out at the bar with me than spend time with Mandy. She knows it. I think you know it, too. Admit it and make everyone feel better.”

“I will not.”

“Go ahead, James,” Mandy said, causing James’ to shift quickly and find her standing on the stairs with a wrapped package in her hand and an absolutely heartbroken expression on her face. “Admit it.”

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