Deadly Hunt (Deadly #1) (4 page)

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Authors: K.L. Humphreys

BOOK: Deadly Hunt (Deadly #1)
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Chapter Five


“Bitch, I’m so excited, we haven’t had a night out in years.” Winter’s not the only one excited, both Maddie and I are as well, it’s been a long time coming. They waited for me to get better so we can drink ourselves stupid and dance the night away.

“So where are we headed?” Maddie always has to know, me? I prefer to go where the night brings me. Winter doesn’t really care, she’s happy as long as there are drinks, music and men.

“Pulse, we all look hot as fuck. I’m hoping that you two get fucked as well. Your coochies must be lonely, when was the last time you both had sex?” I roll my eyes at Winter’s response, she never stops. She’s acting weird and her eyes hold so much pain. She sees me staring and smiles, which is genuine.

Wints is wearing a gold sequined halter neck top that is tight on her stomach but loose around her boobs, I’m kind of worried if she moves too much they may just pop out; her skirt if you can call it that is a black tight fit, it barely covers her ass. Her long black hair is flowing in waves to the middle of her back and her natural golden tanned skin makes her brown eyes pop, she has heavy yet sultry makeup on.

Maddie has gone for the more sophisticated look, her black dress is more modest than my own, hers hits below her knees. It clings to her in all the right places, her blond hair is curled and a red clip is holding it to the left of her head with the ponytail hanging down in curls, her makeup is very subtle as her porcelain skin is flawless.

My dress, it’s a black and pink bodycon, I feel sexy, something I haven’t felt in a long time what with being in the army and being stuck with guys 24/7. I have scars, a lot of them, I don’t feel sexy knowing they are scattered on my body. I don’t get to be feminine very often, so going out with the girls and dressing up, I’m finally able to feel like a lady again.

My brown hair is straightened and falls mid-back. My skin is also golden tanned. Unlike Wints, who gets hers from her Hispanic background, mine is from being in Afghanistan for so long. I put minimal makeup on, knowing if I add more I’ll look like a connect the dots puzzle when I wake up, zits are not nice! We all wear fuck me heels, the Christian Louboutin, you know the ones, black and underneath is a colour? Yeah? Well, mine is pink, Maddie’s is red and Winter’s is gold, we got them on sale, score!

“Please stop talking about my lady parts.” Maddie says with a groan. Poor Maddie, still hates talking about her sex life.

“It needs to be talked about, it feels lonely, at least me talking about it makes it feel wanted.” Comes Winter’s sarcastic reply.

Ummm what? “WTF WINTS?! Seriously, you’re demented, just shut it you damn slut.” I say and I can see the pain flicker in her eyes, it makes me feel bad. I want to find out what’s happened.

Now she acts all affronted hands on her hips, “I’m not a slut, I just like spreading my joy around, and my joy is my coochie, y’all are just jealous.” She has a fake smile now. I’ll get her alone and talk to her.


We head for dinner first; we love Italian so we head to Donatello’s. Winter booked the reservation, the food here is truly amazing: it’s not overpriced, it’s great food, great atmosphere and loads of wine. We absolutely love it here. We order for the table Gnocco Fritto, then for mains Winter orders her usual Tagliolini Ai Funghi, it’s a posh way of saying pasta mixed with mushrooms; Maddie goes for the Spaghetti Schizzet, spaghetti mixed with seafood; I order the Poettole Ragu, the lamb mixed with pasta.

Our conversation flows to what the girls have been up to since the last time we met. Apparently Theo is a bad boy and has been sleeping with his father’s maid as well as with Winter. “That douchnozzle can go fuck himself the motherfucking wankshaft.” Winter says making me spit out my wine.

“Wankshaft?” I ask her because seriously like what the fuck is that?

“What? I heard a British girl on the phone say it, she was like that wankshaft is a bastard. I waited for her to get off the phone, I asked her what wankshaft meant, she told me it was like calling someone a cunt.” I burst out laughing at her poor imitation of the British accent.

“I love it, sounds so much better than douchnozzle.” Maddie says with a smile on her face however Winter looks at Maddie with so much hate. I’m confused.

“Okay, wankshaft it is.” I say and see Winter gives me one of her massive smiles, that is the Winter I know, but just as quickly I see fear and pain flash through her eyes. Something has happened and she’s hurting, I intend to find out what. Once we’re finished with dinner we pay up and head out the door and hail a cab and head to Pulse.

The club is packed but the beats are good. We head straight for the bar. Wints leans over, her boobs almost popping out, and of course the bartender zeros in on her. Typical male. She orders our drinks, we get our usual drinks and two shots each because she wants us paralytic by the time we are home.

We have three Rum and Cokes, a shot of Tequila and a shot of Jagermeister each. We down the shots quickly, drink our Rum and Coke, and head to the dance floor, just as our song starts up. Winter starts whooping and hollering

“Come on girls, let’s show them that it isn’t just Usher that’s got the moves.”

As the bass for “Love in the Club” starts pumping through the club our bodies start moving to the song, winding and grinding up against each other. This is why we come, to let loose and forget everything. As the rap part of Young Jezzy starts we turn to each other and start rapping along. We don’t care who’s watching us, we’re letting loose and having fun.

Once the song finishes we head back and find a table and I head off and get the drinks. The bartender spots me immediately. “What can I get ya?” I give him a smile.

“Can I please get three Rum and Cokes?” He nods and heads off to fix them.

“Can I buy you a drink?” I look to my left where the voice came from. He’s kind of good looking if you like that preppy look, the blond hair, blue eyed goody two shoes.

“No, thank you, but thanks for the offer.” I give him a soft smile, he nods and gives me a huge smile and turns to a woman who just arrived on his left.

Luckily the bartender is back, I pay him and tell him to keep the change and head back to the girls. I shouldn’t have been surprised that there are now five men at the table, but that’s typical Winter, she’s always had male attention, she laps it up but looking at her now, she doesn’t seem all that comfortable.

“Hey sugar, aren’t you a hot little thing?” OMG where does she get these from? I hate being called Sugar. This man looks old enough to be my dad, he’s about 6 feet, brown hair with slivers of grey running through, he’s not bad to look at if you can get over his age.

“I’m not your Sugar, Sugar!” He narrows his eyes and turns towards Maddie, who God bless her is stuck between two of them. I hand them their drinks as Maddie makes her way out from between the two men. She comes to stand next to me. She looks back at Winter and gives her the stink eye, which earns her a smirk from Winter.

The music changes to the Pussycat Dolls “Don’t cha”. I look to Maddie and she is smiling. I turn back and find Winter in deep conversation with one of the guys, the others leave the table.

We head back to the dance floor, I can feel eyes on me, they feel like I’m being seared by them. I throw my head around and almost stop.

The hottest looking male specimen I have ever seen is staring at me, his eyes zeroed in on my ass. His eyes jolt from my ass to my face, he searches it, then stops at my eyes, he’s looking directly at them, he smiles, my pussy clenches and my panties are soaked.

His face is gorgeous; there is no other way to describe it.

I shake my head and turn and carry on walking to the dance floor. We start our “whore dancing” as Maddie calls it. I’m grateful I can get myself under control. I don’t know what happened, that has never happened to me, I’m controlled, I don’t turn to mush when someone smiles at me.

I can still feel him staring at me, and for some reason that turns me on, I start dancing more provocatively.

I don’t know why, but thank fuck for Maddie, she starts doing the same. I don’t know what is happening to me.

Fuck me, I’m acting like a slut.


Chapter Six


“Come out with us tonight Nath. You need to let loose, get your dick sucked, fuck someone, do something instead of moping around the place.” Connor’s always thinking about sex. No woman will ever be able to match his sexual appetite. I think about it for a second, I haven’t had a night out in ages.

“Fine, but any skanks come near me, I’m leaving.” He smirks at me. The fucker. He knows they will, it’s like they swarm as soon as they find out my name.

We head to Pulse. It’s one of the very few clubs that I actually like. We head to the VIP section and settle into one of the booths facing down onto the bar and dance floor. I order my drink, Whiskey neat. Only Irish whiskey will do, Jamison and Paddy’s are my favourite but it’s hard to find in some clubs for some reason but this club has both, I get the Jameson. Connor goes for the same, some of the guys from work are here too, and they all go for beer.

I look down to the bar and see Dwayne trying his luck with a woman by the looks of things, she has brown hair but that’s about all I can see as Dwayne is blocking her. Whatever she says he doesn’t look too defeated, turns to the woman on his left and tries again, the kid has heart, you’ve got to give him that.

I finally see the woman Dwayne was originally talking to, Jesus, Fuck, her ass, it’s amazing. Her dress, it does wonders for her. I can’t make out her face though.

She heads over to a table, where there are five men and two women, one of the guy’s looks at her and speaks to her, next thing he turns and talks to the blonde women sitting beside him. This girl hands out the drinks and doesn’t sit, in fact she stays at the end of the table where the blonde women gets out from the table leaving the men and one woman sitting. A song starts up and the blonde looks to the brunette and smiles, they start to make their way to the dance floor.

I can’t take my eyes of this girl’s ass, suddenly I feel her looking at me, my head shoots up, I search her face. This girl is fucking beautiful. I finally make it to her eyes, they look wounded, but fuck they are amazing, I smile at her. She looks, then shakes her head and turns back and continues walking to the dance floor.

She’s torturing me, she has to be, someone is fucking torturing me. The way her body moves, it’s hypnotizing. All of a sudden her dancing changes, it turns seductive. I can see in the corner of my eye a guy heading over to her, I bunch my fists up. He walks directly over to her and puts his hands on her hips. Oh fuck no. I get up and stalk over to her, my eyes not leaving her. She looks up at me as I’m making my way down the stairs, she has defiance in her eyes and fuck if I know why, but it makes me hard as fucking steel.

I don’t know what’s going on, I never have this reaction to a woman. I make it to the dance floor and change my stare, I stare at the asshat who has his hands on her. I want to fucking rip him off her. I don’t even know her name. I’m going insane. Asshat takes the hint and starts backing away. She’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, I probably have. I need to say something, “Hi I’m Nathan, dance with me?” she’s fighting a smile, but her eyes twinkle.

“Sure. My names Sophia.” Holy shit her voice is like sin. I’m in trouble, and I don’t know if I want to get out of it.

We dance for a few more songs and my dick hurts like a motherfucker. I'm worried I'm going to embarrass myself like a 14-year-old virgin, I’m so turned on from having her grind up and down on me.

The woman can dance; her body grinds on me, we’re dancing in sync, it’s fucking hot. Her body fits mine like a fucking glove. Once the song is finished I take her hand and start walking. She pulls on my hand, I turn and look down at her. She’s about 5’8 with her fuck me heels on. Compared to my 6’6 she looks tiny. I feel protective of her, it’s those damn eyes, they are haunted and wounded, I want to be the one to take that look away, oh fuck, someone needs to take my man card away from me, I’m sounding like a pussy.

“What’s wrong Sophia?” she is looking directly into my eyes, it’s almost as if she can see directly into my soul.

“I need to get Maddie; she is coming with me.” I look around seeing who she is talking about; I’m presuming it’s the blonde she was dancing with. I look down at Sophia and smile. She rolls her eyes at me, fuck, why do I think that is sexy?

“Maddie, you okay hon?” The girl Maddie looks around, she seems shy.

“Yeah Soph, are we going back to Wints or what?” Absolutely fucking not, she is coming with me. I look at Sophia, she looks torn, I give her a slow smile and her lips turn up at the sides.

“I want to go with Nathan, come with us, I’m sure Nathan has a few friends you could talk to.” She looks at me in question, I nod, damn I’m going to have to cock block a few of the guys, well so fucking be it.

“Yeah of course, come on ladies. What can I get you both to drink?” they share a smile.

“We’ll have a shot of Tequila, a shot of Jägermeister, and a Rum and Coke.” Oh God they’re having shots, they will get along with the guys. They’re alcoholics at the best of times, get them started on shots and forget about it, they will run this place dry.

“Sure, come on ladies let me introduce you to the guys.” I introduce the two of them to the guys “This is Connor, Steve and Jamie. I do believe you met Dwayne earlier.” Sophia laughs.

“Yeah I met him earlier, though we never did get to introduce ourselves.” Sophia replies making the guys laugh.

“Dwayne got rejected again.” Tommy says with a chuckle.

Maddie sits on the outside and Dwayne sits next to her. I start talking to Sophia, I want to get to know her. “So Sophia, how old are you?”

“I’m 25, how old are you?” I thought she was older, her eyes look like she’s is. It’s the wounded look that makes her look like she’s not 25.

“I’m 28.” she looks at me and smirks, Maddie looks at Sophia and smiles while shaking her head.

“Wow you’re really old?” Damn this girl is something else.

“Funny, so what do you do for work?” I asked the wrong thing her whole body tenses, she looks to Maddie again, she swallows hard then turns back to me and pastes on a smile,

“I’m in between jobs at the moment; I’m looking into a career change. What about you?”

I don’t know why I don’t tell her I own the place; it just tumbles out, “I work in a bodyguard service.” She perks up a bit.

“That’s so cool; my brother works as a bodyguard too.” I smile at her.

“Really? That’s cool. Can I get your number?” she looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, she goes to open her mouth but I cut her off.

“Look, I like you, I want to get to know you, so to do that I need your number.” she looks at me, I give her my best puppy dog eyes, she smiles.

“Yeah sure, why not, hand me your phone.” I hand it to her trying not to fist pump, she hands it back to me and stands. “You’re leaving?”

She points down to a brown haired girl waiting downstairs and says, “Yep, it’s been fun Nathan, I’ll see you around,” then she’s gone. I look around the table at the guys staring at me, Dwayne looks like he’s hero worshipping me, the rest have smirks on their faces, then there’s Connor who’s shaking his head

“Pussy” that’s all he says.

Something about this girl, it makes me insane, she is fucking hot, but damn she caught me off guard with her looks. When she turned around and I saw her face it was like a punch straight to the gut.

We stay for a while; I actually end up having a good time. Connor and Jamie both leave with women, the rest of us stay and drink while talking about work. We leave and I grab a cab home.


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