Death of the Liberal Class (43 page)

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Authors: Chris Hedges

Tags: #Political Culture, #Political Ideologies, #General, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science, #Liberalism

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ideology of
and liberal class
and poor
touted benefits of
Gold, Mike
Goldman, Emma
Goldstone, Richard
Gombrich, Ernst
Gompers, Samuel
Goodman, Amy
Goodman, Paul
Goodman, Percival
Gore, Al
Grant, Lee
Gray, John
Green Party
Greenhouse gases
Greenspan, Alan
Greer, Germaine
Grinker, Lori
Guantánamo Bay
Gulf War
See also
Iraq war
Hagee, John
Hamill, Pete
Hamilton, Clive
Hammett, Dashiell
Harding, Warren
Hartnett, Vincent
Havel, Václav
Hayward, Tony
Haywood, Bill
Health care
and Bell
“Cadillac” plans
and Democratic Party
and old communist unions
reform bill
and unemployment
Hedonism and cult of self
Hellman, Lillian
Henderson, Dean
Hennessy, Martha
Heritage Foundation
Herman, Edward
Herzen, Aleksandr
Heschel, Abraham
Hesse, Herman
Hibben, John Grier
Hindman, Matthew
Hitchens, Christopher
Hobbes, Thomas
Hoffman, Abbie
Hoffman, Stanley
Hoh, Matthew
Hold, Hamilton
Homeland Security, U.S. Department of
Hoover, J. Edgar
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Houseman, John
Howe, Irving
Human Rights Watch
Huntington, Samuel
Hussein, Saddam,
Ignatieff, Michael
Im Tirtzu
Image-based culture
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
and Beats
Chomsky and Finkelstein on
and consumer culture
and corporations
Howe on
Judt on
last generation of independent public
and left
and mass propaganda
and multiculturalism
and objectivity
and popular and political passions
and power
and practical aims and material advantages
and self-imposed exile
and Soviet Union
and World War I,
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Iraq war
and church
and Democrats
and Friedman
and helicopter attack on Iraqi civilians
and hypermasculinity
and Kerry
and liberals
and mass propaganda
and media
and Obama
and private contractors
theater against
and U.N.
and veterans
hatred for radical
and militancy
Nation of
and racism
and terrorism
Jacobs, Jane
Jacoby, Russell
Jameson, Frederic
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnston, David Cay
Jones, LeRoi (Amiri Baraka)
Jones, Mary “Mother,”
Jordan, David Starr
Journalism and journalists
and blacklisting
and corporations, power, and the powerful
and impartiality and objectivity
and Internet
and Iraq
and loss of newspapers
and mass culture
monitoring and controlling
and newcomers and immigrants
and schools
and Steinbeck
and Stone
and World War I,
See also
Media; specific publications
Joya, Malalai
Judt, Tony
Kahn, Otto
Karzai, Ahmed Wali
Karzai, Hamid
Kennedy, Edward
Kentridge, William
Kerouac, Jack
Kerry, John
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, William
Komunyakaa, Yusef
Korean War
Kozloff, Max
Kucinich, Dennis
Kurlansky, Mark
Lacan, Jacques
Lanier, Jaron
Lardner, Ring, Jr.
Lasswell, Harold
Lawson, John Howard
Le Bon, Gustave
League of Nations
Leary, Timothy
Lee, Ching Kwan
Left wing
Berrigan on
and identity politics and multiculturalism
ideological vacuum on
insignificance of
and radical current in theater
See also
Communists; Marxists; New Left; Radicals; Socialism and socialists
Leno, Jay
Lewis, Anthony, 1565
Lewis, Sinclair
Liberal class
abandonment, purging, and death of
and anger and sense of betrayal of people
and anticommunism
and capitalism
and children and education
and Chomsky
as conscience of nation
and corporate power
and decline of religious institutions
and Democratic Party
and economic mobility and careerism
and environment
and expelling apostates from liberal institutions
and fear
and globalization
and hollow political theater
and hypermasculinity
and imperialism
and indifference to economic despair
and inverted totalitarianism
and Iraq and Afghanistan wars
and Islamic militancy
and King
and mass propaganda
and material comfort
moral bankruptcy of
and mythic narrative of America
and Nader
and New Deal
and Nixon’s illegalities
and objectivity
and permanent war
and power and the state
and progress and utopia
and racial difference and racism
and radicals
and reform and law
and resistance, revolt, and rebels
and self-expression and paganism
and sound bites and popular appeal
and Vietnam War
and war’s brutal reality
and World War I,
See also
Arts and artists; Church; Liberals; Mass culture; Media; Power elite; Unions, labor; Universities
Liberal institutions
See also
specific institutions
collapse of
and communism
discarding principle tenets of

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