Deception and Lace (4 page)

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Authors: Katie Ross

BOOK: Deception and Lace
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Chapter 8

he helped Leanne out of the tub and gently wrapped her in a towel.  “Now what would you like to wear?  Mr.  Delvinci has planned a special dinner for you tonight.  How about this?”  She held up a straight black dress that was floor length.  There was a slit on the side that came to mid-thigh.  It was strapless and the back had a small train. 

“Wow.  The price of this dress would probably feed an orphanage for a year.”  She looked at the Prada tag and knew she was right.

“Mr.  Delvinci has four orphanages in the state right now that he supports completely and will soon branch out.”  Leanne looked at her dumbfounded.  That couldn’t be true.  He was a son in a major crime family.  “You really don’t know what he does do you?  He will tell you in due time my dear.  But let me say because of his work, his family has stayed off the radar.  That is why they let him continue what he does and he enjoys it.”  She smiled at her as she pointed to the dresser.  “Please pick out your underthings my dear.”

Leanne walked to the dresser and picked out a strapless black dress and a pair of lacy black panties.

“May I make an observance mam?”

“Yes what is it Maura.”

“This dress is thin.  I would find underthings that do not show panty lines if you know what I mean.”

She smiled at the blush on Maura’s face.  “Yes I do.”  She went back to the dresser and picked out a pair of black lace thongs.  Slipping them on and the bra she walked over to Maura and stepped into the dress.  Maura zipped the back up and hooked the clasp.  She walked into the closet and returned with a large velvet case. 

Leanne opened the case.  Inside laid a pair of drop earrings with black onyx and diamonds.   There was a matching choker necklace and tennis bracelet as well.  She gasped at them as she gingerly touched them with her fingers.  They were amazing.  “Wow.”  She whispered.

“I knew you would like them.  Here let me do your hair and then we will put them on.”  Leanne nodded and watched Maura walk back in the closet and return with a black Prada shoe box.  Inside the box was a pair of stilettos with two small straps that crisscrossed at the toes and the ankle.  Leanne sat down and put the heels on as Maura brushed her hair that was drying by the minute.  She had bobby pins laid out on the vanity top and a curling iron that Leanne just notices.  It took Maura 45 minutes to complete her hair.  It was all swept up on the sides and then another section was taken from the bottom half of the sides of her hair to lap over the sides.  The back laid down her back in small ringlet curls.  Maura helped her to apply just a little make up to accentuate her high cheekbones and lips.  She put the earrings on as Maura placed the choker necklace around her neck.  The tennis bracelet was placed on her wrist as well. 

Leanne walked to the floor length mirror standing on the other side of the room.  She couldn’t believe the woman that looked back at her in the mirror was herself.  She looked like a completely different person.  She met Maura’s eyes through the mirror.

“You are truly a gorgeous woman mam.”

“Thank you Maura but will you please call me Leanne?”

“Yes Ma...  Leanne.  You are going to rear him speechless.”

There was a knock at the door and Maura opened it to show Mick standing there.  His eyes got round as they looked her over and she suddenly felt very self-conscious all of a sudden.  He coughed as Maura jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow.

Regaining his composure he sputtered.  “May I be the first one to tell you Ms. Wilson you look stunning?  You are truly the jewel Mr. Delvinci said you were.  He asked me to tell you he is ready to take you to dinner anytime you are.  But please Ms.  Wilson be wise and don’t try to run away.  He is trying to help you.”

“Why does everyone keep telling me how good he is and how he is trying to save me like he is some hero.   My problem is what does he get out of the deal.”

“Why that is simple my dear.  You.”  This came from Maura and both gave her sparkling smiles.  She looked at them questioningly but knew they would never tell her what was really going on but she was determined that she was going to find out and soon.

Leanne walked out the room and stood at the top of the stairs.  Looking down her eyes locked with Demarion’s.  She took one step at a time until she stood in front of him.  His hand captured hers bringing it to his lips.  He gently brushed her knuckles with his lips softly like a whisper.  She shuddered as she felt the sparks run through her body to her clit making it swell instantly with desire.

“My dear if you keep looking at me like that I will have to take you back upstairs and ravish you.  Unfortunately we will never make our reservation.

She quickly ducked her head as she felt the blush rise in her cheeks.  She knew the look he was talking about because he was giving her the same look.  “You are the most beautiful woman I have seen.”

“Thank you.”

He held out his arm to her and she gently laid her hand on his sleeve.  He led her outside to a limo in the driveway.  He helped her inside then followed her in.  As they pulled away from the house she looked around to see lights lighting the path and scattered around the grounds.  It was beautiful.  She watched as he slowly slid the window up between them and the driver cloaking them in privacy.  He pushed a button and retrieved two champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne.  He held them out to her.  As she took them he popped the bottle.  She held out the flutes and he filled them with the bubbly liquid.  Sitting the champagne back in the icy compartment he took one from her.  He leaned forward and held his glass up.

“To beautiful company and long relationships.”

“To relationships.”

They clinked glasses together.  Leanne took a deep swallow of the liquid.  It was smooth as it slid down her throat.  He watched her carefully as she took another deep swallow.  He looked at her throat as she took the deep swallow.  “Be careful.  I don’t want you drunk before we eat.  You will enjoy where we are going.  I hope you like seafood.”  He asked although he already knew it was her favorite.

“Yes it is my favorite.”  She smiled at him and tried to take another drink realizing she had drained her glass dry.  She gave him an impish smile as she gestured her glass to him.  He laughed quietly and refilled her glass.  She sat back as she enjoyed the second glass sipping it quietly staring out the

Chapter 9

hey pulled up outside the restaurant.  Leanne knew the place.  Hell everyone within the next three states did.  It was famous.  She also knew that an appetizer there would have fed her for four days.  She let him guide her out of the limo.   As soon as she was out she was bombarded with flashes of cameras as the paparazzi stood around taking pictures.  Great now she would be in some magazine or newspaper and her sister was going to be pissed she didn’t tell her herself. 

He held out her chair for her at a round table they were led to.  She sat down and looked around.  There was a large fireplace on one side of the table and multiple tables around them but there were no other customers in the restaurant.  She knew from the newspaper that people placed reservations months ahead of time just to be able to get in.  Why weren’t there more people around?  She looked around again but all she could see were the server and the hostess.  A man in a white chef coat walked out and came to their table. 

“Mr. Delvinci.  It is so nice to see you again.  You don’t come by near enough.”

“Hello Jeff.  How are the wife and kids?” 

Leanne watched them and saw the smile he sent to the chef.  She looked between the two of them as they started to talk more exchanging pleasantries. 

“And who may this vision of loveliness be?”

“I am Mr. Delvinci’s fiancé Leanne Wilson.”  She looked over at the shocked look on Demarion’s face.

“Well Mr. Delvinci.  You didn’t tell me you were going to be married.”

“Well it was to be a surprise but it looks like my bride to be is so excited she couldn’t wait.”  He grabbed her hand inside his.

“Well where is the ring then?”

“Well.  I was waiting until dessert but?”  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

“I will give you two time alone.   Congratulations the both of you.  You know if you need a chef for the occasion I can clean my schedule.”  He said it with a large smile.  As he walked away he heard Demarion yell at him.

“I thought of maybe asking this man who makes the best lobster alfredo I know.”  The chef turned around and smiled at him.

Leanne turned to look at him.  “You were so confident I would say yes?”

“No but I hoped so I bought the ring.  It was actually bought a week ago when I came up with the new plan.  After the call you made to me.”  He grinned at her as he got down on one knee in front of her.  “We have to make this convincing you know.  My family have to think that we are really in love so look genuinely happy about it even though you are not.  Ok?”

“I hear you.” 

He gently opened the box to show a huge diamond on a platinum band.  The diamond was princess shaped.  It was amazing and the biggest diamond she had ever seen.  Her mouth fell open when she looked at the ring. 

“What do you think?  Smile for heaven’s sake please.  They are going to think I am reciting some boring poem.”

She suddenly did something he didn’t expect she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.  He wrapped his arms around her and brought her up next to him.  He broke away from her to look deep in her eyes.

She grinned at him as she answered.  “We have to make it look real.  Right?”

He grinned back at her as he whispered.  “Right now it is fake but soon it will not be.”

“If you think you can gain your way into my life with money then you have another thing coming.”

“Oh no my dear.  I will use my charm.”  He grinned at her as he slipped the ring on her finger.  He slowly stood up and sat back in his chair. 

A bottle of champagne was brought out next and she watched as it was poured into their glasses.  The soup came out next.  It was a chicken soup with vegetables and small dumplings. 

“This is wonderful.”

“Yes Jeff is a phenomenal chef.  Now that I have you maybe I will see him more if you agree.”  He smiled at her.

“Can I ask why there are no other people in the restaurant?”

“Oh yes.  I rented the whole place.”

“YOU WHAT!  Oh my god that would cost a fortune.  Why?”

“I was going to give you the ring tonight hoping that you would agree.  I knew you would want to tell your sister before she saw pictures of us on the internet.”

“So you thought you would get a yes uh?”

“I hoped.”   He smiled at her.

“This means you are going to let me go see my sister?”

“On the contrary.  I will let you go to get your sister.  Until this wedding takes place neither of you are safe.  I would feel better if you are both under my roof where I can watch you.”

“So what you are saying is that you want me to bring my sister home with me to be a prisoner for you too.  That isn’t going to happen.”

“My god you have to be the most aggravating stubborn woman ever.”

“Yes.  And you still want to marry me?  Imagine what your life will be like.  Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Positive my dear.” 

Chapter 10

e gave her a grin as he stated.  “Now I had chef prepare his specialty lobster alfredo.  I hope you approve”

“That is my favorite.  But then you knew that didn’t you?”

His smile showed his guilt.  “Tell me if you enjoy it.  If you like it then maybe we could hire him for the wedding.”

“So about this wedding.  Do you have it planned or do I get some say in the matter?”

“I just need my family to be there.  The rest is up to you.  Bear in mind you have no limit on expense.  It needs to be big to look like my family.  You know with flair.”  He rolled his eyes at the last statement.  “I have to go tell my family in the morning.  I will be taking the jet so I have gotten you first class seats to get there and return flights for you and your sister.  And Mick will be going with you.”

“You are serious about bringing her back aren’t you?”

“Yes that and Mick are not options.  They either stick or you don’t go I will send Mick by himself to retrieve your sister.  The choice is yours.”

“Fine you win.  It would be nice to have her here anyway to plan the wedding since she has a better fashion since then I do.”

“Good you leave in the morning and be careful please.”

“I will but why Mick?  Shouldn’t he be with you since he is your bodyguard.”

“No I will be fine with my family.  They are crazy but not idiots.  I keep the police off their asses.  Furthermore I trust Mick with my life.  I have to have someone I trust watch over you and Denise.”


“Ah here comes the alfredo.”

Leanne took a bite and thought she was in heaven.  IT melted in her mouth.  Closing her eyes she savored the flavor.  “This is divine.  My goodness.  We have to have him prepare the food for the wedding most definitely.”

“Then that part is settled.  I also have a designer coming in next week to fit you for a dress.  She will be designing whatever you wish as well as your sister’s dress since I am presuming she will be standing beside you.  I have also told her that your dress will be one of a kind.  I will hold the rights to the design when it is finished and it will not be able to be sold anywhere else at any other time.”

“Wow.  You went all out didn’t you?  You knew I would have no choice but say yes didn’t you?  You knew I would protect Denise from anything including your family.  That is why you scheduled the designer, bought the ring, bought plane tickets and brought me here to sample the food.  I don’t know if I should feel flattered or insulted.”

“Yes I did.  But I promise you this.  I will make it my top duty to make you happy.  I promise and to keep you safe.”

She looked at him and was imagining she would see some sort of smile.  Instead all she saw was his gaze.  She saw the sincerity in his eyes and knew he spoke the truth she just didn’t know why.

Music started drifting into the room and the lights started dimming.  She looked over at him to see him staring behind her.  She turned to see Chef Jeff giving him a thumbs up and ushering everyone out of the room.  Looking back at him she met his gaze.

“Well we can’t make his attempts at romance for us futile can we?  Ms. Wilson will you honor me with a dance?”

Cocking her head to the side she grinned at him.  “If you promise to keep your hands above my waist.”

“Deal.”  He said it with a glint in his eye and a grin and she knew something was up.  She placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the middle of the room where there was a large space between tables.  Spinning her towards him he gathered her close holding one hand and placing his other on her waist.  He started rubbing circles into her waist.  She looked up at him with raised eyebrows.  “What you said above your waist which it is.”  He smiled down at her.  She unhooked her hand from his to reach down to the train of her dress.  Slipping the circle onto her wrist the train was brought up with her hand as she placed it in his again.  He let go of her waist as he released her to spin out.  Grinning he spun her back to his arms and quickly took her mouth in a kiss.  She kissed him back passionately.  He quickly released her again.  She smiled at him as he repeated the process grabbing her lips into a kiss.  He surprised her next when he slowly traced his lips down her neck.  He lightly bit her in the crook of her shoulder. 

“I said no hanky panky.”

“No you said to keep my hands above your waist which is what I did.”  He smiled down at her.  “Come on let’s get dessert.”

“Ok.”  They sat back at the table and their dessert was brought out right away.  Again he knew what her favorites were.  She had a piece of decadent chocolate cake with strawberry sauce while he enjoyed a piece of tiramisu.  By this time she had drank way too much.  Her head was starting to swim.  “I think we should go soon.  I am not feeling too good.”

“Are you sick?  I can have the doctor come to the house.”  His face was instantly alarmed.

“No I think I have just drank more than I should have.”  She laughed at him and then conversed into a bit of giggles.

“Ok dear.  Let’s go.”  He came around to her side and when she tried to stand wobbly to her feet he swiftly swept her up into his arms.

“Wait I have to tell Jeff…hic… we need him for…hic… the wedding and tell him…hic…how good the food…hic…wassssss.”

“We will see him again.  I will bring you and your sister when she gets here.  Ok?”

“Ok but don’t you need to pay the bill?”

“I have a tab.”

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