Deception and Lace (3 page)

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Authors: Katie Ross

BOOK: Deception and Lace
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Chapter 6

eanne leaned her head back and for once just felt.  Felt the way his lips slid over her body licking and sucking over her shoulders and collar bone.  She felt him slide the straps of her bra down over her arms and unhooked it throwing it to the back of the lake.  The sun shone down on her face and she felt the rays throw heat over her face and chest.  His lips kept exploring the top of her chest.  He head went further down as he took a nipple in his mouth.  At her gasp he sucked harder finally licking it as he released it.  He slowly slid his lips to the valley between her breasts where he licked and then moved his mouth to her other nipple taking a slight bite to it.  It sent shocks and electricity to her core.  She wrapped her hands in his hair and held his head to her.  She leaned her head back again and moaned deep.  He quickly picked her up and carried her to the blanket they were supposed to eat on never breaking contact with his mouth on her skin.  Laying her down on the blanket he slowly slid her panties off and slung them to the side.  He looked down at her with need traveling over her body until he came back to meet her eyes.  She looked up at him with need.  Her mouth was parted and she was gasping. 

Leanne looked up at Demarion and wondered how it got this far.  She wanted to throw caution to the wind and give in to her need but knew she shouldn’t.  This was wrong.  Feeling the things she was feeling was wrong.  She was about to tell him to stop when he must have known what she was going to say and took the decision away from her taking her lips again.  She couldn’t think all she could do was feel and it felt real and hot and exquisite.  She couldn’t fight it anymore she kissed him back.  She kissed him with abandon finally giving in and letting the need and desire take over not caring about anything else but feeling him against her.  She delved her tongue in his mouth not caring what happened next.  She ran her hands down his back and back up again.  Demarion spread her legs as he settled himself in between them.  Looking down at her he smiled before he started to cherish her breasts again.  She felt so good against him.  She felt the tip of his penis at her entranced and moaned again.


“Please what sweetheart?  Tell me and I will give you everything you desire.”

She looked up at him as she framed his face with her hands.  She whispered it so low he had to strain to hear her words.  “I want you.  Now!”  He slowly slid inside her.  She thought she would die with the increased slowness he used to insert himself inside her.  He slowly looked down into her face as he slowly inserted himself inside her.  She covered him like a glove sucking him into her body with suction that was painfully beyond anything he had ever experienced.  He stared down at her until he was deeply inside her to the hilt. 

“You are so tight.  My god I don’t know how much I can stand it.  You are going to make me go wild.”  She just looked up at him with unabashed need as he slowly withdrew almost completely before inserted himself back inside her almost as slow as the first time.  He slowly lowered his mouth to her to kiss her deeply.  She kissed him back and they muffled their moans as he slowly started to move more rapidly. 

“Faster.”  She breathed it into his mouth but he heard her words.  He started moving faster and faster.  She wrapped her legs around his waist as he started pumping inside her faster and faster.  He lowered himself from his hands to his elbows and buried his face into her chest.  He licked the side of her breasts and nipped at her nipples sucking them deeply into his mouth.  He was starting to feel his balls get heavy and knowing he couldn’t last much longer he adjusted his angle to hit that special spot over and over.  At her increasing moans he increased his speed until they were both panting hard.  He leaned back up to kiss her again and stared in her eyes as she climaxed.  She griped his penis so tight he moaned deeply holding back still until he saw her eyes close and the long drawn out moan escape through her lips.  He finally let himself go and after a few more thrusts climaxed spilling himself inside her.  He rolled to his side and gathered her close.  They lay there quietly while they tried to catch their breath. He looked over at her when he could breathe easily again.  She looked at him and he knew that her senses had come back when she got up and started to gather her clothes putting them on.  He got up and slowly walked to the tree.  Going behind it he gently washed himself off and slid on his clothes.  When he came back around to the blanket she was sitting down on the other side of the blanket they had just occupied and had unloaded the basket onto the blanket.  He sat down on the blanket beside her.  He opened the bottle of wine and filled both glasses.  She had opened the containers and he looked at the food.  They had fried chicken, potato wedges and sliced fruit as well as bread and cheese.  They sat silently and ate.  He gestured the glass to her and she took it from his hand.  She gasped at the shock of electricity that went through her at the brief contact when their hands grazed each other’s.  She looked up to him and then quickly averted her gaze away from him. 

“Look I understand that should not have happened but I do not regret it.  I would do it all over again if I was given the chance.”

She looked at him and smiled.  “I know.  I don’t regret it either.  It is just a little much to take in right now.  I need time Demarion.  Can you please give me that?”

His food was forgotten as he stood and ran his hands through his hair.  He started pacing back and forth as he started getting louder and louder.  “You think I wouldn’t if I could.  Let me make this quite simple for you Leanne.  If you do not marry me within the next two months then my brother is going to send his Neanderthals after you and your sister.  Unfortunately you will not make it through the evening.  They will kill you.  Do you understand this?  Not to mention the other things they would do beforehand.  I don’t want to see you hurt or your sister.  I may have the name but I am NOT my brother.  The little bit of payments that you have been sending aren’t enough anymore.”  He was getting mad.  She could tell by the jerky movements he was making and the face he gave her.

“I understand completely!  I also understand that my whole life will be turned upside down.  The wife of a crime boss?  What kind of life would I have? I have standards you know.  I don’t care how much you say you are not like your brother, your last name SAY DIFFERENT!”

“Fine.  You want to be a stubborn pain in my ass fine.  But you will stay here and you will look into being my wife.  YOU WILL GIVE IT A CHANCE!  Do you understand ME?”

Chapter 7

he rose to stand in front of him.  They were soon eye to eye.  She could feel his breath against her nose as she leveled him with an angry stare.  “FINE!  You can keep me here all you want but it will NEVER change my mind.  You will not own me like you did my father.”

He stared back at her as determined as she was.  “Is that what you think?  That I want to own you.  That right there shows that you don’t know me at all.  You prance around here like you are so much better but you don’t even know what you are being offered.”

“What money.  Haven’t you ever heard of the saying that money can’t buy happiness?”

“Yes but haven’t you ever heard don’t judge a book by its cover.  All I asked is that you get to know me before you make your decision but I see you are too hypocritical to even try.”

“Hypocrite?  You call me a hypocrite and you walk around here living in all the riches that have come from other people.  Tell me how good you feel about yourself knowing that everything you have come from the sweat and tears of other people down on their luck?”  She waved her hands around as she said the last part.

“Wow!  You really don’t know do you?  For your information Ms. Wilson I have not used a dime of family money since I was 18.  Everything I have, I earned myself.  And it wasn’t from anyone else’s tears and sweat but my own.  If you don’t believe me ask anyone of my employees.”

“Like they wouldn’t be scared of you enough to tell me whatever you want them to.”

“Stubborn woman.”  He gripped her arms and they stared for what seemed like hours angrily into the other’s eyes.  HE suddenly slammed his lips down on hers.  They stood there in each other’s arms devouring the other until he finally broke away.  His eyes were still furious as he looked down but his voice became softer as he whispered to her.  “If not for yourself then think about your sister.  Are you that stubborn that you would allow something to happen to her?”

“Don’t you dare bring her into this.”

“I didn’t.  You did when you refused me.”

He suddenly let her go as he walked back over to the blanket.  He started collecting the containers and putting them back in the basket.  She stood there and watched him silently.  He finally packed everything back into the back of the cart and strapped it down.  He gestured towards the cart and sat down in the driver’s seat.  She quietly got into the passenger’s seat and looked straight forward.  There was nothing else to be said.  They had both spoken their mind and were so upset they couldn’t even think straight.

The ride back to the house strung out in silence.  She looked out across the hills and thought on her situation.  She knew he was right.  There was no other way to keep her sister safe.  She would have to marry him and make the most of it.  Yes she had money but she had vowed a long time ago that she would only marry for love.  She would never marry into something that she didn’t think would last.  After her mother had left she had watched her father deteriorate into nothing.  Yes he had been a bad gambler before but he had went downhill not caring who he bet against or how much he bet.  She had vowed never to end up like that no matter how bad her life became.

“I vowed a long time ago if I ever got married it would be for love only.  I said I wouldn’t end up like my father.  Loving someone who couldn’t stick around for the bad times as well as the good.”

“I understand.  I am trying to help you but it is your decision.  Know thought that there is no way I can help you but this.”

“I know.”

Nothing else was said as he pulled up to the house.   She got out of the cart and walked up the steps.  She quietly made her way up the stairs to her room.  Shutting the door she sat on the bed.  She couldn’t help the tears that traced their way down her cheeks.  She needed to talk to her sister.  She would give him the couple of days he wanted then she would go see Denise.  She would make the most of her time here and would make a decision after talking to Denise.  She spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the window seat looking out over the garden on the west side of the grounds.  She could see the array of colors that sprouted out in all directions.  There were different hues of red, purple, pink and blue in a rainbow of colors.  She knew it would be nice to have money never having to worry about where her next meal would be coming from but could she trade her integrity for a life of luxury?  She sighed deep as she thought of Denise.

Denise was starting her life.  She spoke to her at least three times a week.  It had been a couple days and she knew that Denise would start to worry.  She needed to call her and let her know she was ok.  She didn’t need anything else on top of the fiasco that was already brewing.  She knew that marrying Demarion was the only way to keep her sister safe.  She knew that Denise was trying to get herself out of the hole that their father had dug them into.  There was no way she would let Denise take the fall for this.  She would protect her against all odds.  That meant the Delvinci family as well. 

There was a small knock at the door.  “Ms.  Wilson?  Can I come in please?”

“Oh yes Maura please come in.”  She knew she looked a mess when the lady came through the door and turned sad eyes towards her.  Her eyes felt puffy and she knew they were red from crying.  There were probably streaks of mascara down her cheeks and her dress and shoes dirty from the rendezvous they had experienced today. 

“Come on my dear.  Let’s get you cleaned up.”  She guided her to the bed and Leanne sat on the bed.  She walked into the bathroom and Leanne heard the water turn on.  Soon the room smelt like honeysuckle.  Nothing was said as she led Leanne into the bathroom and helped her out of her clothes.  Leanne eased herself into the tub filled with bubbles.  She sighed and dipped under the water rinsing her hair.  “I hope you don’t mind me saying so mam but you really should give him a chance.  He is not who you think he is.  He is a very good man.  Don’t tell him I said so but his money comes from the casinos he owns not from his family.  He disowned anything to do with the family business a long time ago except where your father’s debts are concerned.  I don’t know the details but I have heard him and Mick talking and know they have watched you two girls and kept you safe from his family.  I also know that he donates millions a year to multiple foundations in the country including St. Jude’s, aids research and the gamblers addiction association.  It is not many casino owners who would help promote help for gambling addiction.  You should really get to know him before you make your decision.”

“My decision is already made Maura although I thank you for trying to make it easier on me.  You are a good person.”  She smiled weakly up at her as Maura squirted shampoo in her hand and began to massage it into her scalp.  It felt heavenly as she leaned back and let Maura’s fingers work magic.  She sighed and leaned her head back as Maura rinsed her hair.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what have you decided?”

“I will marry him.  It is the only way to make sure my sister is safe.  Just because I have to suffer the consequences of our father’s addiction, I refuse to have her.  She is doing good.  She is in medical school and making a life for herself.  I will not jeopardize her future.’

“I hope your sister understands how lucky she is to have you.  You are an incredible woman but you will soon see that you are not settling my dear.  I think you will be very happy here.”

“Thank you Maura.  I believe we will become fast friends.  You have already helped me more than you know.  But please do not say anything.  I need to talk to my sister before I say anything.”

“Yes mam.  Now come on silly.  You are getting all wrinkly in this water.  Let us get you dressed for dinner.”

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