Deeds: Broken Deeds MC (10 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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Broke’s anger deflates as he tilts his head. He sways a little on his feet but since he’s had a ton of tequila shots and been drinking beer all night I’m not surprised. I wonder if he’ll still be meeting me early tomorrow morning for a workout.

Broke sticks his hand out to Lynn. “Truce?”

Lynn looks at his hand and tilts her head. Grabbing it, she says. “Fine. But you’re still gonna be my bitch for a week.”

“Am not. My ass didn’t hit the ground.”

“Do you want me to make your ass hit the ground?”

He looks as if he’s seriously thinks it over, which means he’s even more drunk than I thought he was. Goffa, who’s still standing next to them shakes his head.

“All right you two, how about you’ll be her bitch for like three days, Broke? And you, Lips, you go easy on him for those three days. How’s that, huh?” Goffa’s gaze flicks from one to the other while they consider his proposition.

“I’m good with that if you are,” Broke says as Lynn nods. They shake on it and get back to the table, my woman planting her ass right where I need it, near my dick.

Mila holds her hand up as Lynn gives her a high-five. “That was awesome, girl!” Lynn has a beaming smile as she thanks her. They chat for a few more moments and even exchange phone numbers.

Another hour drags by. I’ve had enough. Sliding out of the booth, I take Lynn with me. As we both stand, I give a nod to Goffa and then we’re out the door. Finally, except we’re both tired and the moment we hit our sheets, our eyes close and sleep overtakes us.

Chapter 9




A stroke of bright sunlight hits my eyes so I turn my head into my pillow. Reaching my arms above my head, I stretch, arching my back as I yawn out loud. “Yaaaaawn” Yeah, a little extra sumthin' sumthin' right now to add drama to the effort of waking up.

I don’t have a major hangover or anything. At least, I hope not. I haven’t put my body to the test by actually sitting upright. Not feeling too bad, I swing my legs off the mattress. Sitting up, I look back at the bed. Deeds must be up already because it's empty but well rumpled. Oh wait, that’s right… he said something about working out with Broke this morning. Oh, how I hope that guy has a major hangover. Speaking of hangovers, I might not have one but I am super thirsty.

Finding the shirt that Deeds was wearing last night on the floor, I scoop it up and pull it over my head. It swallows me so I got all my good parts covered and it allows me to walk around freely without flashing anyone I might run into.

Walking into the kitchen I head straight to the fridge and grab a carton of orange juice. When I reach for a glass, I see movement through the window. I really hope it’s not Grams again; she needs to be warm and safe at her own place. Making a mental note to go see her later on, I look back out of the window and almost drop the juice.

Holy shit! Deeds is working out. Or at least that's what he thinks he's doing. He’s giving me my very own private porn show, he just doesn't realize it. Naked except for a pair of shorts, a training mask and bandages on his hands, the man is beating the shit out of a heavy bag. Covered in ink and sweat that’s dripping off his body he is a living, breathing piece of man candy, and I want a bite of that!

The bag has clearly seen better days. The massive amounts of duct tape tell me that it's seen the short side of an asskicking stick more than once. It looks like the bag seriously pissed on his last cookie too. He grabs the bag with both hands, lifts it and lets it land on his knee, kicking it back up. The bag falls to the ground and he straddles it.

He lands punch after punch combined with an elbow here and there. Then he turns to lie on his back but takes the bag along with him. One more punch and the bag flies in the air. He brings his knees to his nose and puts his hands on the ground next to his face. In one swift move, his legs kick out and he’s standing on his feet. Running a few steps at full force, he touches the ground and turns to run right back. Shuttling back and forth about four times, he sprints to the bag once more. He grabs it and kicks the shit out of it one more time.

I could seriously just stand here and watch him like this for hours. He makes my mouth even dryer than it was before I saw this porn. I bring the orange juice to my mouth knowing deep down it’s not what I need to temper my thirst. I need Deeds. Right now. Dripping with sweat and wearing that mask. He needs to keep… shit! I’m so focused on Deeds I tip the orange juice too far and it’s running down my face and onto my shirt. Or rather Deeds’ shirt.

Stepping back to set the juice on the counter, I tiptoe outside. I need sound with my very own porn movie. When I reach a perfect spot to drool over my man without him noticing me, I’m treated to the best sounds ever. The grunting reminds me of when he’s working me instead of the bag. Oh yeah, I’ve definitely lost my mind. I’m comparing myself with a bag, a punching bag no less. Not to mention I’m equating a workout to sex.

But I can’t help the moan coming from my lips when I see him kick the bag, then do a backflip and land on his hands and toes and start to do pushups.

“Great, he’s working up a sweat and getting you all stirred up.” Broke says from behind me. “Talk about fucking multitasking. Not to mention it’s disgusting to witness since that’s my brother and you’re his ol’lady.”

I look back in horror when I see Broke standing right the fuck next to me. “Why the hell are you here instead of working out with him, huh?”

“Great, now you want a threesome in that dirty mind of yours?”

I can tell he’s just yanking my chain by the cheeky grin on his face, but I can’t ignore his nasty comment. I turn my whole body so fast my head and stomach turn in slow-motion three times with me. Shit, maybe I have a slight hangover after all. Not letting that stop me, I poke him in the chest.

“What the fuck, dude? Never, ever even think about sex with me. Ever! You got me? Not even as a joke. I’m a one man kind of woman. I fucking hate cheaters. And joking around about it isn't fucking cool. You feel me?”

He just barely manages to keep his laughter in. “Mentioning that I can’t feel you is off the table then?”

“Dude! Do I need to kick you in the balls again?”

He holds up his hands in a gesture of defeat. Yeah, I thought so. Pussy.

“So, again. Why aren’t you working out too? Or do you have a hangover?”

He nods and then cringes. “Yeah, I just woke up. Fuck, I really wanted to do this. I hope he isn’t pissed since I need him to work with me. I’ve got a fight coming up in a few months and he’s the best. Besides that? I’m the only fucker who’s crazy enough to fight him. You know…”

He grabs my arm and leads me over to the lawn chairs. As I sit, I carefully cross my legs and pull my shirt lower since the shirt is the only thing I’m wearing and I sure as fuck don’t wanna flash him.

Broke drags a chair closer to me and continues. “To be honest. I still can’t figure out if you’re good for him or a destructive twister that’s gonna screw him up.”

I know he’s being protective of his brother but I’m about to get real angry and he’s gonna feel it first in the jewels between his legs. As if sensing my anger, he hurries on. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m heading towards the good thing. It’s just that… you don’t know some things. It’s not up to me to tell you about that part of him, I’m sure he will when the time is right. Shit. This is coming out all wrong. Just listen, okay?”

This guy is an idiot. I mean, I grew up with alpha bikers and every girl knows a guy’s brain functions differently. We like to dissect things because our feelings are involved. Just like we take notice of the other people’s feelings. Well, I know I’m supposed to anyway and I sure as fuck try. It’s not my fault I’m a bitch sometimes. Some people can't help that they’re stupid. But yeah, normal people, normal discussions. It truly makes me wonder if Broke has ever been in a relationship. I mean, come on, he can’t even have a normal discussion with a woman.

He talked rough and dirty at the clubhouse but now it seems like that was all show and play. Now? Him and, me… one on one? Hmmm, interesting. He’s letting out a sigh of frustration that draws me back to the discussion.

“Go on, just spit it out. I’m not gonna say or do anything. Whatever you’re gonna lay on me, is fine, okay?” I tap my hand a few times on his knee to encourage him. Yeah, I’m playing nice. Purely for my own benefit since I’m curious as fuck about what he has to say.

“It’s been a very long time since he’s pulled that bag out. I mean, he works out and punches with weights and so on but hitting shit and training as dirty as he is now?” He shakes his head. “It’s been a while. Probably years at this point. Ever since he got into that… When that fucker… it’s all screwed up. He never…”

Again I tap him on his knee. How the fuck is this guy a bad boy alpha? “Step up your game dude, finish a fucking sentence and grow some balls when you talk to a girl.”

“Grow some balls? What the hell, Lips? I know how to talk to a fucking girl.”

Shit, Blue is rubbing off on me, I just said that shit out loud. His face looks tough, but I can see right through him.

“Ya think? Try again buddy, this time try having a little more confidence. Besides, my brother told me Deeds got kicked out of MMA a few years ago. Now go on, finish your story. You’re killing me here.”

Anger flashes in his eyes as he leans back. His voice is a bit rougher this time. “With what happened… it drained him. He lost the kickass feeling and his vibe. He never got it back. Never felt the need or the longing which is bad since it’s been a part of him for as long as I can remember. I could see how it was eating him up inside. Now, with you around? Look at him! He’s on his toes. That old part of him that went missing is back. It’s like he’s complete again. You did that. So to get back to why I started this discussion. Don’t break him. You fixed the part he was missing; you can never undo that shit. You feel me?”

“Dude! We agreed, there won’t ever be any feel me shit. But yeah, I think I get the idea of what you’re trying to tell me. Would you like my answer to all of what you just said?”

He nods. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“I promise you that I’m gonna annoy the fuck out of your brother for as long as I live. And you can be damn sure you’ll be getting some of my bitchy side too. How’s that sound, huh? But right now you need to leave because I need Deeds to fuck my brains out all over that bag. So. That being said… buh-bye.”

“Christ woman, you really don’t have a filter do you? Fuck! I really could have gone the rest of my life without that whole…. fuck, I ain’t repeating that shit.” He stands up, making fake gag noises as he walks away.

Walking back to the spot where I was enjoying the view earlier, my eyes find Deeds again. He’s doing single-arm pushups. I walk slowly towards him, trying to keep focus. He’s like a pumped-up puppy, bouncing all over the place and I don’t want him to knock me down. I’m glad my face is getting back to normal as it is. It needs a little more time for black, blue, brown and green to fade.

Suddenly, he flips up and kicks the bag. It flies straight at me, and I manage to kick it away with my foot. Keeping it there, Deeds’ eyes go to my foot and slowly track up my bare leg. I’m sure my bottom set of lips are smiling back at him since my leg is up and I’m only wearing his shirt.

His chest pumps up and down, breathing heavily from what he just put his body through. He takes a few steps toward me and I feel like I’m frozen in place. I swallow hard. To see him like this, filled with power, makes me needy. He radiates strength and authority and I can’t even see half his face. It’s all in his eyes. They pull me in and demand surrender.

He doesn’t say a word as his taped-up hand slides over my knee and up my thigh. Okay, the mask might be a barrier for talking right now, but still. This feels so different. There’s an edge to him in this state and I’d be lying if I said that shit doesn’t turn me on. And the bulge in his pants clearly shows his reaction.

His other hand goes to the front of my shirt where the orange juice spilled. His thumb brushes over my nipple. Sliding over to my other nipple, he pinches it and brings his hand up into my hair. Gripping it hard with his fist, he brings my mouth to his neck.

Nipping my way up to his ear, I whisper. “I need you, right now. Dirty and raw. Like you just pulled everything you had in your workout. I need that, I want that. Let me have it, Deeds, give it to me. Show me what you’ve got.”

He growls, his hand releasing my hair and reaching for his mask.

I grab his wrist. “Don’t you fucking dare take it off. Consider it extended cardio for you, my villain warrior.”

Oh, God, I think I might have an orgasm by the sight of the heat and desire that flows through his eyes. With my foot still up on the bag, Deeds steps over it with one leg, bringing our bodies closer together. The rough tape on his hand brushes over my ass, gripping it hard while he brings me forward. From what I’m feeling pressing against me, it seems like his workout got his blood pumping in all the right places.

I feel the cold air hit my pussy as Deeds brushes his fingers over my lips, ready to dig in. My eyes fly open as realization hits that someone might see us. What if Grams tries to trim the bushes and we end up giving her a show? I groan out of frustration, Deeds pulls back to scan my face. He’s so tuned into me, he knows the difference in my moaning. Heat flashes through my body from the look in his eyes. The desire and hunger is still there, together with worry.

“I can’t flash everybody here!” I blurt out the words. “Not to mention fucking out in the open. What if Grams peeks out her window?”

Crinkles appear around his eyes. Yeah, he thinks it’s funny. Figures. Before I know what’s happening, I’m flying through the air and onto Deeds’ shoulder. Stepping over the heavy bag, he grabs it and drags it along with him. Walking into the house he throws the bag to the floor and kicks the door shut, flipping the lock. I have a perfect view of his ass when I feel him kicking. I don’t know what the hell he’s doing until he throws me off his shoulder.

I’m now lying on the bag. My head is on one side, close to the floor while my body is tilted upward, pussy in plain view and on the other end. That’s why he was kicking the bag, he was making a dent to lower one side of my body. Oh, fuck, he made a perfect fucking chair. His hands go to the edge of my shirt. With one rough pull the fabric rips in half. Silently thanking myself that I was wearing one of his shirts.

He doesn’t take the time to remove his shorts, he just pulls the front a bit down behind his balls. Within the next second, he’s deep inside me. He’s towering over me with eyes locked onto mine as his hand goes around my neck, holding me in place. My left leg is down with my foot on the ground and my other leg is tossed over his right shoulder. His hand is tightening around my neck as he keeps pumping into me at full force. His face leans in closer as he presses more weight on me.

He’s in full control taking what I surrender with all my heart. With our eyes still locked I feel my orgasm start to build. When he tilts his hips and hits me deeper with each thrust, I’m sure he feels it too. Pure pleasure washes over me, tingling through my body while my inner walls grab his dick to keep it there. He growls into the mask, clearly enjoying the treatment my pussy is giving him. Pumping a few more times before his grip tightens some more and he thrusts himself deep into my body. He’s not moving and yet he’s flexing every muscle in his body.

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