Deeds: Broken Deeds MC (11 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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The way his body towers over me, he oozes pure strength. I feel safe, loved. I feel like I'm on top of the mountain with him right next to me as an equal. He doesn’t dominate me, he treasures me. We complete each other. We’re a perfect fucking match in every way.

I need his mouth on me. Reaching for his mask, I manage to remove it and let it fall to the ground. Gripping his face with both hands, I guide his lips to mine. His tongue finds mine and he plays with my piercing. Pulling back, he nips my lip and growls. “You consume me.”

I can’t help but smile, because that’s the same way I’m feeling. “As you consume me.”

The hard look in his eyes is filled with desire. That’s not the only thing that’s hard. It’s like his blood is still surging through his body at full speed and his dick just got fueled back up.

He’s pumping slowly in and out and my head falls back from the intense friction. He pulls out and throws my leg to the side, flipping me over so my belly is resting on the bag. Kicking out of his shorts, he puts one foot on the heavy bag and one between my legs as I’m kneeling over. He guides his dick back inside of me while his hands go to my hips. I want to push back to meet every thrust. Knowing Deeds wants to be in control, I decide to throw him off his game. Arching my back, I bring my ass up and slam back, tightening my inner walls at the same time.

“Fuuuuuck! Again,
!” Releasing one side of my hips, his hand lands down hard on my ass. Another smack quickly follows, and then he’s back to gripping my hip.

The tingly feeling of another orgasm building, I replay my technique a few more times. Deeds’ hand reaches for my clit and with the third stroke my body embraces the orgasm in full force. While screaming his name, I feel him coating the inside of my body with hot strokes of cum.

Completely spent, his body collapses onto mine. His arm around my neck hugs me close while his body covers mine. I don’t mind the weight. It feels fucking phenomenal.

Someone tapping on a window grabs our attention, and we both turn towards the sound. Puk and Mila are standing just on the other side of the glass and Puk is covering his ol’lady’s eyes. I can’t help the laugh that spills from my mouth. From the position we’re in, Puk is getting a full ass shot from Deeds.

“I remember to lock the fucking door but forget to shut the curtains? Stop laughing, Hotlips.”

Getting my laughter under control I give him a soft kiss on his arm. “You’re just cranky that it’s your ass on show.”

Anger and frustration seeps into his voice. “Believe me, if your ass was on show, Mila wouldn’t be the one with closed eyes, and by that I mean closed shut due to my fist hitting both Puk’s eyes.”

Wiggling my ass, I say playfully, “Yeah, yeah. My villain warrior is back full force, are you now?”

He brings his lips close to my ear and breathes out the words, “Watch it, or I might treat them to round three.”


Chapter 10



Puk and Mila disappear from the window and walk around to the front door. I  yank up my shorts while I watch Lynn’s tight ass disappears down the hall. I assume she’s heading for the bedroom to clean up and put some clothes on. I chuckle a bit at the knock on the front door, like I don’t know who’s standing out there.

I flip the lock and crack the door before turning to walk into the living room. They both walk in and Mila shuts the door then takes a seat on the couch next to Puk. I sit down in my favorite chair and look to Puk for an explanation for the home visit. “What’s up?”

Puk places some disks on the table in front of him. “Here are the interviews with the parents you asked for. They’re all there.” When I give him a nod, he continues. “Also, Depay’s got a lead on where that fucker might be. You know, the one from the abuse case he’s working on. Anyway, Depay wants to go after him to bring that fucker in. Except…”

Lynn walks back in and Puk stops talking. It’s club business. I know he’s right to shut up since she isn’t inked yet. I’ve been biting my tongue for quite a while now, but I know that if I start to push on getting her ink, she’s gonna resist even more. But I’m fucking tired of this shit, she’s as fucking loyal as they come. When I wrap my arm around Lynn’s waist and bring her down to sit on my lap, I can barely contain my anger. “Keep talking, she’s my fucking ol’lady, ink or no ink. Loyalty runs in her blood. You get me?”

His gaze shifts from me to his ol’lady. Mila gives him a bright smile before he goes on. “Depay’s got his custody hearing coming up and the judge won’t let him reschedule. He’s got a good chance to get full custody of Hadley with the paternity test clearly proving he’s the daddy. Anyway, my point is he can’t go after the fucker. Not right now. So if it’s okay with you, Mila and I will take care of it.”

My hand strokes up and down Lynn’s back while I let the information slide through my mind. It’s nothing they can’t handle. We need to make sure the intel is correct and if it is, bring this guy in. It’s a one-man job, so it’s more than okay for the both of them to handle. Mila and Puk have worked together for years. It’s perfect.

“Get it done. If you run into any problems along the way, call it in and we’ll send backup.”

Puk stands up and so does Mila. “Okay. Intel says he’ll be at the address we got within the next four days. We’ll leave in three so we’re on time to catch that fucker.”

They’re about to leave when Mila turns and looks at Lynn. “Oh, I almost forgot! My little sister’s birthday is in two days and I want to have a bit of a girls day. You know, meet early in the day, hang out and chat. Also, we’re going to the diner where she works for their famous hamburgers. It’s only me and her, but I’d love for you to join us.”

Fuck, that’s a bad idea. My hand stops stroking Lynn’s back. A diner, a public place. A girls’ day. That’s kinda hard since I need a brother with Lynn at all times. I’m about to ruin it when Lynn says. “I’d love to! But I need to take Goffa or Broke with me, is that okay? Oh, and can I invite my friend Blue?”

Mila has a huge smile on her face and looks back at Puk. Damn, I bet that was another fucking test. With Lynn, there’s no telling. She doesn’t give a shit if she goes against my fucking word or not. I could have spoken first and she would have stood up against me. She just beat me to it and solved it in one sentence. Pulling herself through another test with flying colors. My hand start to stroke her and my mouth finds her neck.

Mila raises her hands and gives Lynn a thumbs-up. “Great! I’ll set it up and send you a text, okay?”

Lynn smiles. “Perfect!”

When the door closes my mouth is near her ear. “Did you know that was a fucking test?”

She swivels around in my lap with a surprised look on her face. “The fuck it was!” My eyes close and I give her a slight nod with my head.

“Those sneaky little fuckers.” She mumbles to herself.

Laughter bubbles from my throat.

“Don’t laugh you dick! That could have gone wrong in so many ways. You realize that, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but it didn’t. You did great. You are great.” Her mouth covers mine and the feel of her tongue between my lips make me moan and open up for her. With both of her hands caging my face, she pulls back and looks at me.

“You’re not gonna question the ink?”

The corner of my mouth comes up. However worried I might have been in the beginning, that’s how fucking sure I am now. Her eyes narrow into tiny slits and I know she’s getting angry. “No, Hotlips. Inked or not, you’re mine. It’s all fun and games for them. Although you need to keep in mind it’s not a fucking game and rules are rules. When the time comes, if need be, I’ll kill every last one of those fuckers if they lay a hand on you. You’re perfect and they know it too. We’re called Broken Deeds for a reason.”

Her thumbs stroke the side of my face. Her eyes still glued to mine. “Can I ask you a question? One you’ll answer truthfully?”

Sucking in a deep breath, I’m not sure I can answer truthfully. I just know she’s gonna ask about the club since I’ve just mentioned that shit. “Why don’t you just spit out the question and I’ll decide if I can give you honesty or be honest enough to shut up.”

My lips touch hers to delay the question and to soften her up for the argument she might throw at me.

She pulls back. “Okay… So. What’s your real name?”

Wait, what? That’s her fucking honesty question? “That’s it?”

She nods and looks at me with curious eyes.

“My real name?”

I can tell she’s nervous and fuck, even a bit shy or feels foolish for asking. And I’m the dick who’s making her feel this way by acting like an idiot. Leaning in, I brush my lips against hers. Once. Twice. Three times for good measure.

“My name, love? My name is Deeds. My old man was fucked up. He’s the one who founded Broken Deeds MC. His nickname wasn’t Dog for nothing. As mean as they come, not a good bone in him. Treated my mother like shit. Treated his own mom like shit. Yeah…. He was an asshole…. but Grams could handle him. Better than my mom could. She lost that battle, just like she lost the battle with cancer when I was 16.”

I take a breath before I continue. “Seems like in the end, he really did care but never showed it and then he turned to stone after she died. The shit he put the MC through? He broke every fucking contract he made for the club. Yeah, Broken Deeds really lived up to its name by then.”

Shaking my head at the memory. “Anyway… back to my name. He put his foot down and Ma didn’t have a say in it. Named both of his sons after his fucking club. Broke’s name is actually Broken. He got into some shit growing up, so I guess he lived up to his name. He’s called himself Broke ever since. Does that answer your question?”

The smile on her face gives me the answer I’m looking for, but the words she adds almost make me spill everything about the club. “Ever since Dog died and you became Prez, you’ve turned it around. Or so I’ve heard.”

Keeping my mouth shut, my eyes drop to her lips. I watch as she pulls her piercing between her lips and then leans in and brushes them over mine. Dominating her mouth brings us right back to where we were an hour ago.

Except I have a ton of work to do and Grams already called three times this morning asking when Lynn would come see her. Dammit.

“Hotlips.” I manage to murmer against her mouth. She pulls back a bit and looks at my lips like she isn’t sure why they were doing something other than kissing her back.

“I got you something. Actually, Puk and Mila stopped by to drop off the interviews with the parents. They’re on the table. Also…” My next words dissolve as Lynn licks into my mouth.

“Hmmm… what else, Deeds?”

Well fuck, how does she expect me to throw out words when all I want is that pierced tongue back in my mouth? “Grams can wait. Put your tongue to good use before I take what’s mine.”

Loud knocking on the door makes us both growl. Lynn stands up and crosses to the door. No need to protect her, since I know it’s my VP and brother. We’ve got church in fifteen minutes and after that I need to check in with the suits. I fucking hate those meetings but there is no way around them since they are in charge of the missing boys’ case.

I smack Lynn’s ass. She gives a little scream and turns to face me, giving me an opportunity to open the door. My VP and Broke step inside. Fuck! I totally forgot about leaving a brother with Lynn since I need to be in church and the meeting after that. But I need Broke and Goffa with me today as well. I turn to face my VP while I think things over.

“Gonna need a brother on Lynn. Any idea who’s up for the task? No fucking prospect, so don’t even talk shit.”

Goffa stares at the ground for a few seconds before meeting my gaze. “That’s either Muffler, Depay, or Chopper. Muffler and Chopper will be here within twenty minutes. Depay is already in church.”

Shit, Lynn hasn’t been around any of them yet and that makes me kinda nervous. Taking a glance in her direction, she gives me a huge smile.

“What’s up, Lips?”

She smacks her lips together, it’s fucking adorable. “Could you send Depay first? I need to get to know all those guys, so it doesn’t really matter. But the other names sound kinda yucky. Besides, I need to go to Grams in like ten minutes or so.”

Yeah, she’s right. Depay is a good choice but I also think her curiosity is spiked with what little information she heard from Puk’s talk. “Get it done. Get Depay here and tell him he needs to stay with her.”

Turning my attention back to my ol’lady, I take her mouth in a hard and dominating kiss and as I pull back I give her a hard look. “Behave, Hotlips. I’ll be gone a few hours. If something comes up, text me or have Depay contact me or Goffa. I gotta go. Broke will stay here until Depay gets here. I need to pick something up before I head to church, yeah?”

She grabs my face and pulls me down to her and reciprocates with her version of dominating my mouth. I fucking love this woman. Gripping her ass, I pull her into my body while I breathe out the words that she’s trying to swallow. “Gotta go, love.”

“Mmmhmm.” When I smack her ass, she pulls back. “Alright already, go!”

I walk out of the house with Goffa trailing behind, not giving a shit that my face is covered with a huge smile.





Broke closes the door behind Deeds and Goffa. He turns and looks at me and it’s written all over his face that he wants to ask me a question. “Go on, spit it out. What’s bugging you now?”

His face scrunches up. “You’re annoying, you know that right?”

“Yeah, yeah. So I’ve been told more than once. See if I fucking care. Now I’m not asking you again. Spit. It. Out.”

His hand rubs at his chin a few times. “Well, I’ve been wondering…”

“What? How pigs fly? How to get into a woman’s panties? How to use your dick? Come on! Talk!”

“We’re fucking back to annoying, Lips. Shut it so I can fucking make myself clear and
you can fucking talk, okay?”

That’s the attitude, bad boy biker. I just need to kick him in the balls with words so he’s more at ease with me. Not sure that shit would work when he needs to talk his way into a woman’s panties when the time comes to claim himself an ol’lady, but…

“Can I at least have your fucking attention?”

Shit. I nod and motion with my hand for him to continue.

“Where the hell did you learn to throw so damn good? You know, with the throwing stars last night.”

“You mean when I kicked your ass last night? Yeah, that was fun. Still thinking about that huh? Well, that’s easy to explain. Since my dad was the Prez of Areion Fury, I was practically raised at the clubhouse. Instead of playing with a ball outside the brothers taught me all kinds of different things. Useful things like knife throwing, shooting a gun, riding a bike, punching in the right place to run the hell away. Cheating at cards, dice games…. You name it, I learned it. Every dirty rotten trick in the book.”

His face fills with skepticism. “So you can do anything, huh?”

“Nah, but I can do a lot, that’s for sure. Oh! But don’t ever fucking throw things at me. I can never fucking catch anything.”

The fucker chuckles. “I’ll do my best to remember that.” There’s a knock on the door, Broke opens it and gives me a wink as a goodbye.

Depay is standing in the living room and daaaamn he is one huge fucking piece of man hunk. If it wasn’t for his full beard I’d call him a baby face but what catches my attention are his bright blue eyes. It’s almost creepy how pretty they are, crystal blue like the sky on a summer’s day. As I stand there staring, his hand slides to the waistband of his pants to pull them up.

My eyes follow the movement and I see a gun tucked in a holster, strapped to his side. The tight white shirt shows me... “You have your nipple pierced?”

His rough laughter brings my eyes back to his face.

“Whoops, sorry. Didn’t mean to throw it out there. I’m Lynn by the way. I pierce and ink for a living. Which I’m very happy with right now to use as an excuse in this fucking awkward moment.”

He’s having a hard time containing his laughter. “It’s all in the details, right Lips?”

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