Deeds: Broken Deeds MC (8 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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“Don’t forget they might try to test your ass a few times.”

Of course they will. “Great, can’t wait.”





When I check on Grams, I’m happy to see she’s waking up. She looks around the room and her face relaxes once recognition settles in. "Hey Grams, I came to check on you. Did you have a nice nap?"

She beams at me. "Sure did, pumpkin."

I hope she calls me pumpkin because it's me, not because she calls all females she meets pumpkin. "Deeds just went out to buy groceries. He'll be back in a little while. Goffa is in the living room. Do you remember I asked you to help me with dinner later on?"

She nods, but I know it's not fully settled yet. She moves slowly so I know she's having trouble with her body. Which reminds me, I haven't asked Deeds if she’s on any medication. She doesn’t appear to be sick, just old and the stuff that goes along with it. My Grams used to forget a lot of things and her body didn’t always worked the way she wanted it to either.

It’s rewarding to take care of a person who needs it, that shit works both ways. My Grams used to take care of me when I was a little kid. So returning the favor was just my way of saying thanks. And, when you love someone, that’s just what you do.

"Do you have a favorite show you like to watch on television? I could see if it's on so we could watch together. Hey, maybe Goffa can watch with us, huh?"

The adorable old woman's laughter fills the room. I smile because I’m pretty sure she’s picturing Goffa watching wheel of fortune or maybe a soap opera.

"Oh, dear old me, I like you, pumpkin. You have my kind of humor."

She attempts to stand a few times but can’t quite make it and lands back on the bed each time.

"Hang on, Grams. Lemme help you."

Holding out my hands, she takes them and I guide her up.

"Thanks, pumpkin. This old body isn’t what it used to be anymore."

Giving her a sad smile, I nod. "I know exactly what you mean. My Grams lived with me for years. I loved taking care of her so if there’s anything, and I mean anything, I can do for you just let me know. I’ll be there for you. Consider me your new friend, okay?"

"Not just a friend, pumpkin. Family. You’re Deeds’ ol'lady right?"

Well fuck me, sneaky old woman. I smile and nod my head while I guide her out of the room.

With Grams occupied watching her shows, I’ve been looking through the file Deeds gave me. I jot down a few notes and set it aside to let the information stew in my head. We’ve been bugging Goffa for a few hours now. Apparently romantic comedies are torture for him.

I’ve noticed Goffa has a tic. When he’s annoyed he starts to twiddle his thumbs and not just slow, but very fast too.

Thinking about being annoyed, my mind slips to Deeds. It bugs me that he isn’t back yet. He’s never been gone this long. Well, shit. Look at me all worried and missing him there must be something seriously wrong with me. No, I just miss annoying him. That’s it. Reaching for my phone, I shoot him a quick text.

Me: Goffa is really good with his thumbs.

Dropping the phone next to me on the couch, I’m thinking that his reply could take a while. Before it hits the couch my phone gives a buzz indicating there’s a message.

Deeds: Thumbs?

Me: Up!

I laugh out loud, because let’s face it, he walked right into that one. I let out a little squeak when the phone starts ringing. Shit, do I dare to pick up? Oh, hell, I might as well.


“Don’t hello me, Hotlips.”

“Oh hey, why are you calling?” I put a little extra attitude into my voice.

I hear a loud breath leaving his lips and I can’t help but fucking smile at his frustration.

“I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”


“Yeah, it’s gonna take a while longer.”

“Could you get me the info of who’s living next to Lepack? Or shall I call Nerd for the info?”

“Why you need to know?”

“Just a little curious, that’s all.” No way am I telling him the reason. I want this all worked out in my head before I share. Besides, I want to be the one to fucking end this guy.

“They have one neighbor a few miles away. Brooks and Buster. Two brothers, they have a huge junkyard that goes by the same name.”

“Did you have them checked out?”

“Don’t think there was any need to. Again, why?”

“Could you run a check for me? Oh, never mind I’ll get Nerd on it. She owes me a few so I’ll let her dig deep.”

“Keep her out of club business, Lips. You’re not Areion Fury anymore. You’re Broken Deeds and we handle our own shit. I’ll have the info for you as soon as it lands in my lap. Now, behave and stay away from Goffa’s thumbs. I’ll be over in a few.”

“But he’s good with his thumbs!”

Before he can reply I hang up. Yeah, he thought I’d let that
you’re not Areion Fury
shit slide. Fuck no. My phone vibrates in my hand. My lips twitch because it’s a text from Deeds.

Deeds: Don’t fuck with me, Hotlips. You better not be pissed again and not speak to me. If you’re not using your mouth for talking, I sure as hell will use it to keep my dick warm and wet.

Me: You keep forgetting I have teeth.

Deeds: Remember what you told Blue the first time you saw me? Swallow, Hotlips. When my dick hits your mouth, you’ll swallow it whole.

Me: Being cocky about your cock won’t grant you access.

Deeds: We’ll see about that when I get home.

I throw my phone on the table. My mind goes back to the conversation I had with Blue a while back and I laugh at the memory.

Shit. I miss her and our conversations. I should have never told her about the burping and gagging, though. I just knew she’d use it against me some time. Actually, she did. Not that she did it on purpose. That girl is such a slip up. Half the things she thinks don’t stay in her head but slip out of her mouth the moment the thought hits her brain.

But seriously, this memory? Deeds bringing it up? Thinking about it makes me wonder. What would it be like to taste him? Will I be able to swallow? A tingle starts to light up and burn in my belly. Shit. Am I seriously curious about how he will taste and do I want him in my mouth?

Oh, shit, I am so fucked. What if I do burp or gag? Yeah, not going there. We’ll just leave the mouthfucking in the never gonna fucking happen column.

Chapter 7


It's been hours since I spoke with Deeds. Hours! Goffa had a prospect take Grams home so she could sleep in her own bed and feed her cats. Apparently, she has three cats. Yeah, three. I get to meet them tomorrow since she all but ordered me to come over for tea. She wants to show me her photo albums. Yeah, so that's gonna be fun.

I've asked Goffa a few times if something was wrong and the only reply he gave was “Club business”. Well, that and a scowl. I'm sure he's pissed being stuck on babysitting duty. Since Deeds won't allow a prospect or even another brother with me, that leaves only him or Broke. And I'm not quite sure if it's safe for Broke to be around me yet, so Goffa it is.

I'm still pissed at Broke, and Deeds won't reply to any of my texts. Yet again, I'm fucking bored. And worried. That asshole has me worried. About him. Fuck, I hate this. Taking a deep breath, I stand up and grab the file and my ipad from the table. 

"I'm going to bed. You can leave for all I care. We have a security system, as you probably know and I promise to keep my Luger close. Okay?"

He shakes his head. "No can do, Lips."

"Suit yourself."

Walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, my eyes go to the fridge. Fuck Deeds, I'm eating his stash. Popping open the freezer, I am happy to see he made a bucket of chocolate ice cream. I snatch the container and a spoon and find my way to the bedroom, juggling everything in my arms.

I drop everything on the bed and undress and head to the bathroom. After a quick  shower, I pull on my oversized t-shirt, and jump into bed, all fresh but wide awake. I flip on the television and find a nice documentary for background noise while I pick up the file and the bucket of ice cream. I scoop the first bite and open the file. 

Man, this case is bad. The pictures of those little boys who were abducted makes my chest hurt. Placing them on the bed beside me I sit back and stare. I don't see a connection aside from their age. Yet I get the feeling there's more to it than that. Different hair color, eyes. Build. It’s like they don’t care what they look like.

Dammit, even when people shop for clothes they want to keep their own style going, so why not in this case? Fuck! What if they’re taking orders? Like shopping for kids? Blonde hair blue eyes?  Done! Brown hair brown eyes?  No Problem.

An eerie feeling creeps over me. Would they sell them? Human trafficking? It certainly would explain why they’ve take so many and only one has turned up dead. I mean how can they hold that many little boys?

They searched the place and turned up empty. Little kids won’t stay quiet. Well, not unless you beat the shit out of them. But you can’t sell something if you bash it around. Shit! Where the fuck are they hiding them?

Fuck. I want that neighbor’s information. I know I’m missing something. Frustration hits me as I jerk the spoon with the last of the ice cream, toward my mouth. Apparently, I wasn’t smooth enough because a huge chunk of ice cream falls off and lands on my chest.

Shit, I was clean. I can feel it sliding down my breastbone and creeping beneath my tits. Just fucking great. I toss the spoon into the empty ice cream bucket and set it on the ground. Moving the file with the papers off me, I try to grab the ice cream with my fingers and lick it off.

“You couldn't wait for me, now could you?”

I practically jump out of my skin as my gaze darts to the door. I see Deeds leaning against the doorway and my heart skips a beat by the sight of him. He’s got his hands behind his back. Just watching. He scared the shit out of me, again. I’m getting too fucking old. How the hell does he keep sneaking up on me? Still a little pissed off at him, I reply.

“It’s your own fucking fault for keeping me waiting."

He pushes off the doorjamb and walks inside the bedroom and tosses a new file on my lap. "I've been kinda busy. Sorry to say, this had more priority. I'm hitting the showers and then I need some sleep. It's been a hell of a day and I'm beat."

He kisses my head and then strips down naked before disappearing into the bathroom. When his ass leaves my line of sight, I shift my attention to the file on my lap. The first picture has me sitting up straight. Oh, shit, they took another boy. So fucking soon after the other? Riffling through the information, I see that this kid was taken straight from his bed.

That's a first. All of the others were either taken from a playground, park or shop. One from a gas station. It's like they knew what they needed and knew where to go to pick it right up. It’s like wanting to order something from a catalog, but run to the store so you can get it the very same day. Oh, no. What if, in a sick and twisted way, this is exactly that?

Those Lepack bastards are selling the boys off but take personal special orders on the side. My mind starts to spin. It's like when I thought about the clothes. Staying in the same style of things. Then they would need some kind of shop, right? But what? The boys are all the same age. What else do they have in common? School? No, Right? If it was that easy the fucking boys in blue or Deeds and his guys would have figured it out.

Picking up the personal information on each boy I look through it, searching for answers. Just two boys went to the same school. So that's not it. What else? Sports maybe? Shit. Some of that stuff must not be in the personal files, since I can't seem to find it. Do they play at the same playground? There must be interviews with the parents somewhere in the file, right? I'm on my knees, furiously searching through all of the papers, when I hear Deeds cough to clear his throat.

"Taking the digging through information concept to a new level there, Hotlips?" I flash him an evil look and he holds up his hands in surrender.

"No, you ass. I'm looking for the interviews with the parents of each boy. Do you have them? I can't seem to find it."

He gives me a weird look. "Why do you need them?"

"I just fucking do, okay?"

"Hey, I'm on your side and did most of the interviews myself. So I ask again, what are you looking for?"

"A connection of some kind. I think they are snatching them up as a request. Just like shopping for clothes, but for little boys. Someone places an order and these fuckers go and get it, or rather him. They train the boy to submit and then sell him."

Deeds’ eyes stay on me. The only thing moving is his chest, rising and falling. It feels like an eternity passes before he moves closer to the bed, sits down and drops his head in his hands. "I can't believe you just said that. Somewhere deep down I had a feeling. Fuck! You saying it out loud. I can't. It's just. We never found a connection. They aren't in the same school, playground, sports or other activities. Nothing."

"Well, there is something. Something that connects them. I mean, they took this kid from his home, Deeds. It's like they know where they are and what moment to take them. Seriously, I need all the information. It's there, I just know it!"

"I'll get you the tapes tomorrow, Hotlips. You can go through the interviews. I hope to God you find what you’re looking for."

Thankful for his support, I lean over to place a soft kiss on his back and whisper thanks. Picking up all the papers and placing them in the file, I stand and walk out of the bedroom. I set the file on the kitchen counter and grab another bottle of water before I return to the bedroom.

Deeds is lying on the bed, naked. One of his arms is flung over his face so he can't see me enjoying the view. I know he's beat and by the movement of his chest I can tell he's almost asleep. His dick is resting on the inside of his leg. I swear it's calling out to me. Grabbing my bottom lip with my thumb and finger, rolling one of my snakebite piercings between it, I contemplate. I'm fucking itching to take him into my mouth and it's driving me insane. Fuck it.

Slowly, I place one knee on the bed. It dips slightly under my weight. Deeds doesn't move, and I'm sure he's already sleeping. This gives me some strength for what I'm about to do. Moving my other leg to the bed, I bringing my knees together and lean forward. Putting one hand between his legs for balance as I let my tongue slide from base to tip. Oh, shit. Feeling every vein under his smooth skin excites me and I feel the need to repeat myself. Grabbing hold of his dick with one hand while I still balance on the other, I take him into my mouth.

My eyes close at the sheer joy of his taste. Either I'm very turned on by what I’m doing, or he just tastes fucking perfect. I take him a bit deeper and suck hard when I pull up. I let my tongue piercing slide along the sensitive part, right near the tip. A hand goes into my hair and I feel his grip tighten. Deeds pushes his hips up while his hand in my hair is guiding my head down.

"Fucking hell, Hotlips. Yeah. Oh, Fuck. I knew you would live up to your name. Damn woman, you know how to fucking use that mouth of yours. Sweet fucking, tight little hot lips swallowing me whole."

He pushes down deeper. My minds starts to panic while I try not to gag since he's huge and pushing himself down as far as he can go. When he pulls out, I block the back of my throat with my tongue, and the tip of his dick hits my piercing. Sucking hard, I hollow my cheeks while I tighten my lips around his dick. Making it hard for him to pull out, the mushroom head of his dick almost gets stuck by the tightness of my lips as he trusts back into my mouth. He growls out loud.

"Dammit, I won't last long. That mouth of yours has more special effects than I could ever dream of. Do that shit again, love."

His hand slides down my back, leaving my body for a moment before it lands down hard on my ass. Shocked by the fact he just smacked my ass, and thinking he's fucking lucky I didn't bit off his dick, he rubs away the sting and I can't help but moan. The vibration in my mouth shoots through his dick and has him sharing my moan while he keeps thrusting into my mouth. He pumps his hips two more times before lowering his hand between my legs.

My pussy is begging for his touch. With one finger, he slides through my folds, stroking a few times before he focusses on my clit. Rubbing tight circles while pressing down, I feel my orgasm starting to build up. While his thumb is giving all its attention to my clit, I feel one of his fingers spreading my wetness onto my ass. Pushing a little bit, while making circles, his finger keeps sliding through my juices.

Well, this is new and different. I haven't let a guy near my ass before but right now, even if I wanted him to keep his fingers away from my ass, I couldn't even tell him. He pumps his dick deeper into my mouth while he presses down hard on my clit. I feel a slight burn when he pushes his finger inside my ass in small gentle thrusts but it fades quickly when a jolt of pleasure shoots through my body. Oh fuck, I'm so close to coming.

I can't help but to push back against his hand, causing his finger to slide deeper. My clit is throbbing from all the attention Deeds is giving it. Pulling on my hair, he guides my head to where he wants it and then thrusts his hips off the bed, shoving his dick deeper down my throat. My tongue slides to the side, causing his dick to slide in deeper.

I don't even care anymore when it hit the back of my throat. I want him deep, everywhere. In every opening that I have in my body. I feel deliciously used. He's controlling every part of me. And I am willingly giving it all to him.

I don't know how he's multitasking every fucking thing right now but he makes me want to suck him dry. My mouth closes harder around his dick, my lips curling around my teeth so I can add more pressure without biting down. He's groaning with pleasure and thrusting harder while working his fingers faster, harder and deeper in me.

The hand that's wrapped in my hair tightens as he thrusts up from the bed again. Feeling his dick pulse, waves of warm saltiness hit the back of my throat. Fire shoots through my body when my own orgasm overtakes me as I swallow every last drop I can suck from his cock. Even that’s not enough when he pulls out of me from all sides. I let my tongue slide from his balls to his tip, opening my eyes to find him staring at me in awe.

"How the fuck did I ever live without you for so long, Hotlips? You just gave the fucking holy grail of blowjobs. Gonna need to award you the presidential medal for this one. Fucking hell."

Pushing himself up, he takes my mouth in a hard kiss. When his lips leave mine, he gets off the bed and heads to the bathroom. My mind goes back to what just happened. Holy fuck, I swallowed. Without burping or gagging. Just. Like. That.

Deeds walks back into the room and stretches out beside me. His arm goes around my waist as he pulls me to him. He kisses my back as I hear him mumble he loves me. My body freezes but he doesn't feel it. He's out cold. So exhausted, like I sucked all the energy out of him along with his cum.

Slipping out of his solid grip, I walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and kill the lights when I get back into the bed. This time I curl into Deeds, and finding his warmth, I snuggle against his body.

Fuck! I don't even like to cuddle and yet here I am. Enjoying fucking cuddles from a man who with one look can make you wanna run away from him instead of into his arms. But he's fucking mine. My dream man. Who I can apparently suck off without burping or gagging. Fuck, I can't wait to do it again. How messed up is that?

Turning to look at his sleeping face, I gently place a soft kiss on his lips while I whisper. "Love you too, you big alpha caveman. Clearly, I lost my mind the day you stepped into my life. Either that or I hadn’t been living until I met you. You drive me insane and yet you make me feel so complete. Damn you Deeds. Damn you."

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