Deeds: Broken Deeds MC (4 page)

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

BOOK: Deeds: Broken Deeds MC
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"No, I don’t. As a matter of fact, I think you're one of those guys who dials the phone, gets cash, and opens the door instead of actually making a meal. Besides, you said you have an ol’lady, so she probably cooks for you. Where is she by the way? Run off because of the cheating dick that you are?"

She's in for a surprise, judging me like that. On all of those things.

"She’s currently got her ass on our bed and she doesn’t have to cook for me today. So what am I calling out for?"

Annoyed by my response she answers. "Pizza. I don't fucking care what's on it. No anchovies or olives, though. And if that's you trying to say I’m your ol’lady, you might wanna go back to the hospital because dude… you’ve lost your mind, and maybe you left it there."

I give her a nod as I walk out of the room because I really don’t want to get into that discussion right now. Fuck me and her gritty remarks.

"Oh wait!” She calls out, and I stop in my tracks. “Ice cream, I want ice cream. But, fuck it all, I want my own freaking ice cream. Never mind. I don't want any ice cream.

Turning to face her I wonder what's so special about her ice cream. "What brand of ice cream do you need? I can have a prospect get it for you."

She glares at me like I’m stuck on stupid. "No, you can't have anyone just get it for me. I make my own, so if it's not coming from my fridge, I don’t want it. So unless you got some healthy shit with chocolate whey and Greek yogurt I'm not interested. It’s gotta fit into my clean eating so never mind."

"Shit, should we skip the Pizza too, Hotlips? That sure as fuck doesn't fit into the whole clean eating thing."

"No, you dick. I'm allowed a cheat meal. I just pick and choose when to eat healthier instead of adding another food bomb into my body, you little shit for brains."

Turning away, I leave her on the bed and go to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab two buckets from my own stash to see if she might like the ice cream I make. Apparently we're a lot alike in that area. Swiping a spoon out of the drawer, I tuck it in my back pocket and head back towards the bedroom. I hope she isn't stuck on chocolate since I ate that one already but I have two other flavors to choose from.

When I enter the room she's still in the same position I left her, only now her arms are folded in front of her chest and her head is tipped back staring up at my ceiling.

"Why add mirrors to a bedroom you don't have sex in?"

"I like to look at myself when I jerk off." The mattress dips under my weight when I sit. Holding up the white buckets I add, "Banana or pistachio?"

"I told you I don't want normal freaking ice cream!”

"Who said it’s normal? You think you're the only one who eats ice cream that way? Now, do you want some of
private stash or don't you?"

She’s staring with a hint of shock on her face at the buckets like they’re full of cyanide or something. Bet she’s shocked I also make my own stash of ice cream.


"Did you hear me mention chocolate?"

A tiny smile appears on her face and I hear her voice soften. "Yeah well, a girl could hope you were that stupid. Not mentioning it but have it in your hands anyway. Wouldn't be the first time. Now give me the spoon and those buckets."

Placing the buckets on the bed, I grab the spoon out of my pocket and toss it to her. She practically attacks the ice cream. Apparently, I make good ice cream judging from all of the moaning  and watching her tongue flick over that spoon. Dammit, I need to leave the room. Standing up fast, I adjust my cock in my pants and make a quick exit. 

I walk into the kitchen to order pizza and make a quick call to my VP to catch up. A few minutes later I walk back in to see her rubbing her belly.

"Is it safe to take them away now?"

She smiles and nods.

"Can you fit pizza in there or do you need to make room first?"

"Oh shush, you just called so it'll be a good forty minutes before they get here, right?"

Shaking my head, I return the buckets to the fridge. I take off my shirt and shoes. Before I know it, the doorbell rings and I grab my wallet for some cash. When I get back to the bedroom I see her with one leg on the ground, trying to get up. "Don't you dare fucking move, get that leg back into bed."

"Gimme my pizza and I will."

"That easy, huh?"

"Don't be a dick. Hand over the pizza and let me eat."

I flip on the fifty-six-inch wall-mounted television and see that a documentary about World War II has just started. I’m not sure if she’ll enjoy it but when I’m alone I like to watch those things so I leave it on and turn the volume down. Lynn grabs the remote, gives me an angry look, and cranks the volume up. I can’t help but laugh. She seems to like documentaries too and the similarities keep adding up. We both eat in silence as we sit back and watch the show.

Pretty soon, there’s only one slice left. We both keep an eye on each other, while we finish the one we’re eating. Who’s gonna be fast enough to grab that last piece. It’s a silent competition and whoever takes it wins. Wins what? Who knows, but with what Zack said, I have to own that last slice. Even if I’m not hungry, I’ll swallow that sucker whole. Forcing down a huge chunk, I grab the last piece.

“Don’t you fucking dare!”

My lip curls into a smile as I bring the slice to my mouth slowly.

Her eyebrows scrunch together in annoyance. “You owe me, dick!”

“I don’t owe you anything, Hotlips.”

Right before I try to take a bite she says, “By the way, Lepack says game on. If you think you can keep digging into their business, they will fight back. Game. Fucking. On. Now hand me that slice."

My face falls and all I can do is hand over the slice of pizza. Well, fuck me. She gives the brightest of smiles as if she’d just won the fucking lottery. That motherfucker. Lepack is in for a fucking surprise if he thinks we’ll back off. 

My eyes are still on Lynn. She’s one hell of a tough woman who could deal with anything you throw at her. Zack’s right. If she had a dick, she’d be wearing a cut with the president patch on it. She’d be the head of Areion Fury instead of Zack.

She’s fucking perfect and she’s all mine. I need to get my property-of-patch inked on her skin as soon as possible. I need to keep her locked in here since rules of the club state I’ve only got three weeks between verbally claiming and patch in as an ol’lady.

Fucking bull shit ridiculous timeframe. That doesn’t give me much time to get this hard-headed woman to ink her skin with my name. Not even mentioning the fact that my brothers are gonna test her these upcoming three weeks. Until she gets her ink, her loyalty will be questioned.

Well, for the next three days, I have her in bed. I need to talk her through the shit that my brothers might come up with to test her loyalty. So she’s at least a bit on her toes for when a brother ties to trick or confront her. Or hell, one might even try to see if she’d put her balls on the line for the club. Moaning draws me out of my mind rant.

“That was sooooo freaking good. Me and my belly need a nap now. Could you leave so I can shower and sleep?”

“And leave my own bed?” I let out a low laugh. “Not happening, Hotlips. Besides, my dick has seen the inside of your cunt. No need to be all shy now. We’re sleeping in this bed. Together. Now listen up, I’m gonna carry you into the shower. You’ll clean up and after that I’ll carry you back. No fucking around, Lynn. Your ankle is fucked and you can’t use it right now. Before you slip and fall on those hot lips of yours, top or bottom. So, while it heals, I’m taking care of you.”

She tries to look annoyed but I can clearly read the amusement on her face. “In that case, what are you waiting for? Move that ass and get me in the fucking shower!”

I chuckle. Damn this woman, and the way she managed to claim my heart in such a short fucking time.

Chapter 3



I need to get the hell out of here. It's been two freaking days and all I've done is lie in this goddamn bed. Every time I place one foot on the ground, Deeds is there to put it back under the blankets. I'm so fucking annoyed and bored out of my mind. I need to do something, anything, other than watch television and stare at the fucking ceiling. I know Lee is covering for me back at the shop, but I want to get back to work, or at least make myself useful.

Glancing over to the alarm clock, I notice it´s just before six in the morning. Deeds left for two hours last night. Apparently, something needed his attention in the clubhouse, or so he claimed. He left his vice president in the room with me to make sure my ass stayed in bed. That creepy tiny guy with all the tats, Deeds called him Goffa. Whatever, it doesn’t matter, I kept my mouth shut and my eyes glued to the television and ignored his creepy ass.

Looking over at Deeds, I see him sleeping on his belly. Naked. Not that him being nakey is doing me any good, especially since he hasn´t touched me since that time at the gym. Enter the annoying aspect of being stuck here for two days. He won't touch me but he can go over to the clubhouse and stick his dick in a ho? He’s not giving it to me so that means someone else has to be getting it, right? Motherfucker. Well, I guess it could be good in a way. I need to get him the fuck out of my life.

He might think I’m gonna be his ol´lady, but I´m not going to be some guy´s bitch. All these alpha-cavemen bike-riding manwhores think about is being on top. On top of a woman. On top of their bikes. On top of every fucking dickhead that needs his head smashed in. Always on top. Well, fuck that! It´s lonely at the top. I should know, I kicked everyone out of my way, to be where I am now. Fuck! And now I’m in bed with a fucking alpha caveman manwhore. That’s where the fuck I am now. Dammit, I need to get out of here.

I slide out of bed and try to balance on one foot while gently putting weight on my ankle. Thankfully it´s not too bad and I limp to the bathroom. I grab the bag Blue brought for me in the hospital on my way.

I change into yoga pants and a tank with a built-in bra and then slide into my sneakers. I open the small window and throw out my bag. When I hear it hit the ground I lift my leg to crawl out. My good leg goes through first. Thank fuck the bathroom is on the first floor. Stepping out easily through the window I turn, smacking right into a hard chest.

"Where the fuck do you think you´re going?"

"Where the fuck did you come from? And why the hell are you naked?"

His face is angry and so is his body language. Legs spread, arms crossed over his muscular chest. Yeah, he's definitely pissed.

"My woman decided to sneak off, while she's in danger I might add. Through a bathroom window no less. While she’s still injured.” He moves in so close I can feel the heat from his body. “
have a security system, one that sends an alarm straight through an app on my phone when there is a breach. The alarm also says where and what time. So, since I was sleeping and I thought I was with my woman, I freaked the
out when she wasn't in bed when the alarm went off."

"Well, I'm glad the alarm works. Everything needs to be tested from time to time. Now, could we go get some breakfast? Although I would suggest maybe finding some clothes first if you don't want people looking at you all weird."

The fucker dares to glare at me as if I’ve lost my mind. "Why the fuck should people look at me weird? Especially when there are no people in our kitchen!"

"Um, because we're going
. Duh."

"No we're not, we're staying right here and you're going back to bed."

Fuck no! That's not gonna happen. I'm done with mister alpha cavefucker. Grabbing my bag off the ground, I reach in. Finding what I was looking for, I pull out my gun and I point right at him.

"Move, dick. I'm not staying here one freaking second longer."

"Safety is on, sweetheart."

"Fuck off with the sweetheart, you ass. I said move!"

Flipping the safety off, I step towards him while he takes a step back. We continue this for a few steps more, until I feel movement at my back. I say feel, but it's more like a six sense kind of thing. That and I saw Deeds’ gaze flick over my shoulder for an instant. Bracing myself for the pain that might come I balance all my weight on my bad ankle as I kick back hard with my good foot. Hearing a grunt and a thud, I know I struck gold.

God, how I love having a best friend who kicks ass. Blue and I used to workout together back when she was kickboxing and I loved having her teach me things. Pointing the gun down, flipping the safety back on and stashing it back in my backpack I throw the backpack at Deeds.

"I want breakfast in a normal diner. I haven't been out in days and I'm fucking bored. Are we clear?"

He looks pissed that I shoved a gun in his face and yet understanding is flowing through his eyes. "Crystal, Hotlips. Now get that tight ass back inside so I can put on some clothes before we leave."

I turn and now see a guy on the ground, grunting and holding on to his dick. It’s the creepy inked up guy, Goffa. I bend over and get close to his face.

"Don't ever fucking sneak up on me again, yeah?"

I get a grunt in return and move to step over him as I head back to the house. I'm limping a little more than before and Deeds must have noticed because he comes up behind and tries to grab me by the waist to relieve some of the weight.

"Don't freaking touch me, naked man."

Needing space, I put my hand on his chest and try to push him away. I look down and  gasp. I honestly might have let out a high-pitched scream but I will deny that. I pull my hand away and place it over my mouth as I stare at his bare chest. Holy fucking shitballs! My name is inked in huge bright red across his heart.
Property of
sits right above it in hard black permanent ink. Since he was already inked there with shadow lines it’s tangled up but with the red, holy fuck it stands out.

Goddamn it.  Each club has different rules but I'm pretty sure it’s a dual ink patch with Broken Deeds. He fucking claimed me in ink! Oh, shit. There are usually strings attached to inked patches. Ol'ladies are supposed to get inked right away when they’re claimed. It’s all about doubt and loyalty. All men within the MC get to test the ol’lady’s loyalty until the claimed woman is either inked or not fucking breathing.




From every bit of information I’ve researched over the years, this was one major hardcore MC rule that intrigued me. I’ve researched every last book, article, and online page I could find to be sure I had as much of the truth about this rule that I could. Even though I grew up in a club, I was the only girl around and none of the guys would tell me shit about it.  None of the clubs I’ve encountered use the patch rule. Well, until now. Oh

“What did you do? Oh fuck, what did you do, what did you do!” My pulse is pounding in my ears as I stumble back a step. “No, no, no, no. This is sooooo not happening.”

“I gather you like my new ink, Hotlips? That’s what I was doing last night instead of whatever else you think I might have been doing. Seeing as you slipped out of my bed this morning, pissed and all.”

“You don’t know shit, asshole! Now go and get inked over it! Fuck, what the hell were you thinking?”

“Not happening, and we need to talk about this so you know what to expect.”

“Fuck no. But I’ll tell you what to expect. My foot up your ass. Maybe I’ll twist it around, pull back and do it all over again a few times.”

“You like my ass that much, Hotlips? Maybe I should take your ass instead of your cunt next time. You still owe me that mouth of yours. Remember the picture you texted me weeks ago? The one showing only your finger in your mouth while you suck it and have your tongue wrapped around? I need to feel that piercing on my cock and those hot lips around it. Or do I need to bend you over this lawn chair and take that tight little ass of yours right now, for you to listen to me?”

Oh, shit. How can he get me from pissed off to fueled with desire in just a few seconds with that dirty talk? “Did you say something? I swear all I hear is static. I’m pretty sure I saw your lips move and yet I’m not hearing anything that makes sense. I am hungry though. So, we’re going out to eat while you try to practice some more of the talking thing.”

“Fuck. You really are something, Hotlips. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, keep practicing that talking of yours, you’re getting the hang of it now, dick.”




Leaning against the tiled wall in the diner’s bathroom I riffle through my purse. Why is my purse a black hole? Everything fits in there, yet when I need something I can’t fucking find shit. Ah! There’s my phone. Calling the first number on speed dial, it takes only two rings for Blue to pick up.

“Oh, thank fuck! I’m across the street at the diner. In the bathroom to be exact. I need for you to create a distraction so I can sneak out or come get me beneath the window out back.”

Blue barks out a laugh. “Ha! Poor thing. Is it really that bad? Here, I thought Mr. DreamMan took great care of you.”

“Shut it, Blue! Just… Just shut it. He got my fucking name inked on his chest. That’s Property Of, Blue! You know what that means, right? I. Am. Fucked. That’s what.”

“Holy shit!”

“Yeah. Repeat that a few times, then pull out your hair and bang your head a few times against the wall. You’ll be where I am now. This is bad, Blue. Very bad. I need out.”

“But he’ll find you for sure! Even if Zack or I hide you, he’ll come for you.”

“I’ll disappear, I just need a few hours to set things up. Oh, and maybe your bike.”

“The fuck you say. You ain’t getting my bike, bitch.”

“Oh come on, you can buy a truckload of bikes. Stop with the whining already. I need.”

Loud knocking on the bathroom door interrupts our conversation, and then I hear Deeds’ annoying voice.

“You’ve got one minute to get out here or I’m coming in, Hotlips.”

Shit! Why doesn’t that dick just leave me alone. I drop my voice to a whisper so Deeds can’t hear me.

“Fucked, Blue! Fucked. I need you. Come around back. Right now!”

Tucking away my phone in the black hole, I throw my purse around my shoulder and push the window open. Throwing out my legs first, I hold on to the window with both hands. I brace myself for the drop I’m about to make when all of a sudden I feel hands sliding up my hips. Shit, that can’t be good. I look back and see Deeds standing below me.

“You do know why there are doors in buildings, right? Gotta stop going out the fucking window, Hotlips. Now, let go so I can catch that tight ass of yours.”

Fuck that! Pulling myself up through the window, I feel his hands tighten around my hips and give a rough little pull. My hands slip from the window and we both fall back. Landing right on top of him, I hear him curse. I hope he’s hurt himself, fucking idiot! I can’t even throw out a curse, that’s how fast I’m on my back in the dirt. Deeds is towering over me.

His lower body pressing into mine, while at the same time his scent washes over me. My body reacts instantly and I could curse myself right now for the emotions flashing through my body. I’m pissed off and turned on all at the same.

His face is filled with frustration while his voice is laced with disappointment. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that right? You’ve got to start trusting me at some point, Lynn.”

Well, shit. The look in his eyes, combined with him not using my nickname lets me know that he's serious. It seriously creeps me the fuck out how he’s staring at me like he cares about me. Maybe even loves me? The idiot has my fucking name over his heart. What’s to trust when he’s not even giving me any options? Fuck him.

“Trust is earned, not demanded. Besides, who knows? Maybe you’ll be the death of me with your fucking property patch. There’s a time limit, right? I need to get one within what? Two weeks? One? What if I don’t get it, huh? Will they off me then? You’re the one who’s gonna be the death of me Mr. StartTrustingMeWhileIFuckYouOver.”

“What the hell? No one is going to off you. You’re mine. The property patch, yeah, I get it. But that’s three weeks and the reason I wanted to talk to you. Like normal people, sitting down and sharing a meal. The patch is also a trust thing. When an ol’lady doesn’t get it the same day as her ol’man, she’s gonna be tested for loyalty. That’s what it’s all about. When you’re not fully in it, you create doubt. Do you understand?”

“What the fuck happens after those three weeks, huh? What then?”

Deeds’ face turns grim. He takes a minute to breathe before throwing it out in one sentence.

“They hold you down while they pick a spot and ink the property patch on.”

What the actual fuck? If I could turn green, I’d be the Hulk in just a second. That’s how mad I am right now.

“The fuck they will!”

Both me and Blue scream. Thank fuck the diner is across the shop so she got here just in time. While I struggle against his hold, Blue kicks him in the stomach. Even though Blue doesn’t fight professionally anymore, she still packs a mean punch. Or in this case, a mean kick. Deeds doubles over and hits the dirt. I scramble to my feet and hide behind Blue’s back. Deeds is staggering to his feet, recovering way too fast. My brother told me Deeds used to be an MMA fighter. Honestly, I don’t fucking care. Between me and Blue, he’s going down. Or let’s just say I’m running off and Blue will slow him down.

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