Desert World Savages: The Complete Series (5 page)

Read Desert World Savages: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Lisa Lace

Tags: #Romance / Fantasy

BOOK: Desert World Savages: The Complete Series
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"Good," he said nonplussed by her insult.

"And don't think for a moment that when I get free I'm not going to kick your balls from here to the sun."

"That might be difficult, Tracy," said Grenta.

"Why is that, you dirt bag?"

"Well the nearest sun from our present location is about ten light years from here."

"Ten light years?"

"Yes," said Mr. Hunky. "You are on a spaceship bound for a Kerdos mining station."

"Enough, Cax. You don't need to tell them anything."

"I think you people better start explaining things."

Grenta snorted and ignored her. He touched a device and a communications monitor turned on. In the picture was another nasty looking light brown man, and the man who helped to abduct them.

"We have good news and bad news, Captain. The bad news is that we lost one piece of cargo to cellular breakdown. She was unable to adapt to the conversion. But the good news is that both of the new pieces cargo are at seventy-eight percent compatibility with the Kerdos genome. With conversion, we can bump that to ninety-eight percent, more than enough for genetic compatibility."

"So we'll have a full cargo manifest then," said the Captain.

"Yes, Jaal."

"Very good. Jaal out." The screen blinked to black.

What Tracy heard flashed through her mind.



Cellular Breakdown.

Tracy didn't understand everything she had just heard, but she understood enough to know that she was good and truly fucked. The bad kind.

Part 2: Falling


"Put them in the tanks for tonight," said Grenta. "I'm hitting the sack."

"Yes, doctor," the tall, hunky man said.

Tracy trembled involuntarily as the doctor walked away from the two tables, his footsteps ringing loud and hollow against the floor. Her hands and feet were still handcuffed to the rigid table. The only part of her body she could move was her head. Rev's head turned towards the direction of the departing doctor; he was listening intently. When the solid noise of metal clanging against metal faded to nothing, he started to relax.

The words the doctor spoke only moments before were stuck in Tracy's head.

"We have good news and bad news, Captain. The bad news is that we lost one of the cargo to cellular breakdown. She was unable to adapt to the conversion. But the good news is that both of the new cargo are at seventy-eight percent compatibility with the Kerdos genome. With conversion we can bump that to ninety-eight percent, more than enough for genetic compatibility."

The metal walls around surrounding her looked like a ship. A cold chill ran down her spine. Where were they, exactly?

Was she destined to end up a sex slave in some bordello, or part sheik's harem? She had heard news reports of things like that, and Hollywood made good money from abduction movies.

Because her life was far removed from this kind of horror show or filmmaker's fantasy, the situation Tracy found herself in was almost too much for her to process. Making things worse was the talk of genetic conversion, which she didn't understand at all - biology wasn't her best subject in high school. Combine all that with being bound like a medical specimen to a rigid table, Tracy was very frightened. As adrenaline pumped through her body from her fear, her head started to clear, and she came to understand that she and Carol were in the gravest of situations.

An inquisitive handsome face was staring down at her.

"What's going to happen now?" Tracy said. Her heart raced. She wasn't sure if it was because she was frightened, or because of the way he looked at her. This gorgeous man took in every inch of her, drinking in her appearance as if he spent too long in the desert thirsting for water.

Rev shook his head. "You really don't want to know."

There had to be a way to get to him and leverage her situation so she could free herself and Carol!

"I actually think I want to. Because that was some weird stuff the doctor was saying. A real font of humanity, that one."

"That's the first thing that might be shocking - he isn't human."

"Well, no one talking about me like that would be!"

He shrugged his shoulders and moved his hands on a panel under the view screen, contemplating whatever he saw there. Tracy didn't like him ignoring her.

"Is Carol okay?"

He looked over his shoulder at her friend, then rested his eyes on Tracy for a moment.

"Yes, for the time being."

"So, why don't you tell me what's going on here, big guy. Because I'll tell you, being knocked out and tied up is NOT my idea of a fun date. I know some women are into that sort of thing, but me, I'm as vanilla as they come."

"Vanilla?" he said cocking his head to the side.

"Yes, like the flavor?"

"You taste like vanilla?"

He moved closer to the table, staring at her body. He closed his eyes as if the sight of her was overwhelming. Cax touched her breast lightly with the tip of his finger and ran it down her side to her hips. Her skin tingled and his touch sending shivers through her. She swallowed hard. Whatever was going on with Mr. Hunky, she needed to keep her focus on getting out of this mess.

"Do you think you can unlock me?" said Tracy. "I need to use the bathroom."

"Bath...oh, the convenience. You need to relieve yourself."


"That is the least I can do for you."

Cax unlocked the restraints on her feet, and then her hands, watching her warily, like he had a lot of training or something. She pushed away from the table to sit upright and rubbed her wrists - they were red from the handcuffs. She looked him up and down. He was just as imposing when she was standing up! Not only did he stand a good six inches taller than her, he had the broad shoulders and muscled arms of a man that spent a lot of time in the weight room.

He put his hands on her waist. She breathed in sharply, head spinning with memories of what those hands did. Last night his fingers had reached deep inside her, and his thumb slid around her clit at the same time. No man had ever touched to her so well and so good. She rode his hand until she broke apart.

She shook her head to clear her mind. Focus, she told herself. This was a life and death situation. It wouldn't do to get all hot and bothered about one of her jailers, even if he was hotter than Brad Pitt and George Clooney put together.

"Whoa there buckaroo, what do you think you are doing?"

"Helping you off the table. Hurting yourself would not be in your best interest."

"I can't image why a man holding me prisoner would care about my best interest." Disdain dripped from her words. His lips, his kissable lips, formed a tight, unhappy line.

He lifted her and set her gently on the metal floor. Firmly, he spun her around to face a wall yards in front of her and gave her a gentle shove. "See that blue sign above the door? That says it's the convenience. You said you needed to use it. When you're done I have to secure you for the night."

"You won't cuff me again, right?" she said in a warning voice.

"No, go use it." He made an emphatic gesture towards the door. As she started walking to the bathroom, Tracy looked over her shoulder. He was watching every move she made.

"Damn it." she muttered. She wasn't sure if she was annoyed because she wanted him, or because she shouldn't.

The 'convenience' did not look like a regular bathroom. A depression in the wall appeared to be a sink. But when she put her hands under the faucet, instead of water coming out an electric sensation passed over her skin.

A bench ran across the back of the cubicle, with a wide circle in the center. When she stood close to it, the circle slid to the side, and a faint but unmistakable odor rose from its black depths. She pinched her nose and fanned the air with her hand.

"Whoa! They must eat a lot of fish here." For all she knew they were on a commercial fishing boat. She'd seen them on television, and they were huge. It wasn't a stretch to think that this ship was co-opted to haul a more lucrative, human cargo as a sideline.

Tracy sat and considered her options. Mr. Hunky was far to big for her to take on by herself. That was obvious. Could she find a weapon and hit him on the head with it? Once she had him distracted with pain, she'd keep swinging at him until she subdued him.

Yeah, that was a plan. A plan that sucked, but it was the only one she had.

The door leading back to the large room opened and Tracy looked around for a weapon sufficiently heavy with which to brain Mr. Hunky. All she saw around her were metal counters with machines sitting on them. There wasn't a single piece of clutter. Then she spotted a dinner tray of half eaten food, complete with utensils. A knife would work.

Her teen years of sneaking into her bedroom at night after curfew were finally going to pay off. She carefully approached the tray. Mr. Hunky was still intent on watching whatever grabbed his attention on the electronic displays before him. She reached for the knife with her back to the tray, her hand stretching to the blade. But she misjudged the distance, and the noise of metal hitting metal, unmistakable in the large cavernous room, made Mr. Hunky's head spin around.

"Tracy," he said. "What are you doing?" He advanced on her quickly, and yanked at her arms, dislodging the knife in her hands. Her heart started pounding. She twisted violently to break his grip. As soon as she freed her arms from his wrists, he had his arms clasped around her once more.

She struggled and tried to smash her fists against him, but they landed on solid muscle that felt like stone. Tracy cried out in fear and anger. She hit him again in repeated blows, screaming long and loud, cursing at him.

He just took it, all of it, not flinching. Finally he grabbed her wrists again.

"Tracy, calm yourself."

But though his arms held back her blows, she still screamed, all her frustration taken out on this rock of a man.

"You'll hurt yourself," he pleaded, which only enraged her further and powered up the force of her arms. When a final fierce blow landed, he pulled her close to his body and pushed her face into his chest. When she raised her head up, struggling in his strong arms, and letting loose another round of invectives, he crushed his mouth to her lips.

Maybe he meant just to shut her up, but soon it was more than that. Cax pushed his tongue into her mouth, meeting hers, sliding against and around it, stealing her breath. He tasted exotic, like a nameless spice. Sharp, an intriguing food from a foreign land. She leaned into the kiss and he caressed the small of her back with his fingertips, a light touch that sent tingles down her back and between her legs.

He leaned into her, the bulge in his pants broadcasting to the world how sexy he found her. She dropped her hand down there, stroking it through the fabric, groaning with thoughts of him inside her. It felt hard and as needy as she was. Tracy groaned as images filled her mind of him pumping her with his cock, filling her with every push and pull of his flesh in her.

He pulled away with a rough jerk of his arms.

"We, I mean, I shouldn't do this," he said.

"Why not?" demanded Tracy. "Damn it!" she exploded in anger born of resentment. "You seduce me, kidnap me, tie me up, scare me half to death, seduce me again, and now you're going to deny me the only pleasure I'm getting out of this mess?"

His looked at her with a sad, guilt filled expression that melted her rage.

"Tracy Walsh, I'm not allowed to do this, not now, not ever."

"Why? Why not? You were perfectly willing to a second ago. What's the matter with you?"

"This was not my doing," he said sadly.

"Well, you're part of it. And from what I heard, someone is planning to make a profit off me and my friend."

"I'm sorry about that. I couldn't stop Bris from putting you on this ship."

"Are we on a ship?" she said. Her eyes filled with tears now that her original fears were made manifest with his words. "Oh god, you're not shipping us to some brothel, are you? I read that rich men like to buy women."

The man frowned. "On your planet, males buy females?"

"My planet? You're talking like you're from outer space."

"Tracy, let me show you something."

He switched on the screen that previously held the image of the creep they called Captain Jaal and pointed to a vast expanse of stars.

"That picture comes from the forward camera of this ship, Tracy. To you, I am from outer space. And so are all of these men on this ship."

Tracy swayed with shock as she stared out into space.

"Hell no," she said in a whisper. "I've been abducted by aliens."

"Yes," he said.

Tracy woke slowly, her thoughts muddled like thick clouds of fog. She felt the hard table under her again, but this time she was not restrained. When she opened her eyes, Mr. Hunky was at her side, gazing at her hungrily like he was starving and she was going to be his last meal. It felt pretty good.

"You're here." She smiled. The thought that he kept his promise warmed her heart.

"I said I would be."

"Where's Carol?"

"In the tank."

"Oh." Tracy didn't like this, but she felt unharmed. So she assumed that hopefully Carol was too.

"Listen," he said with urgency. "We don't have much time." When he explained to her what she should do, she understood that he was trying to save her from the medical procedure the doctor intended to perform on her.

"Yes," she said. "I will follow your instructions."

"And stay 'passed out' until I give you a signal."

"Okay," she agreed. But he continued to stare at her, and then he put his finger on her nipple.

"What a pretty color," he said.

She blushed. She was not used to men making comments on her nipples! "What color would you expect it to be?"

"On my planet, they are brown."

"Are the women on your world anything like Earth women? I mean from where I am?"

He stroked her dark hair. "Not as pretty," he said. Cax rubbed his fingers along her jaw. "Your skin is so soft."

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